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    Disappearing Person Alerts短视频,APP广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 在澳大利亚,每 20 分钟就有一名青少年失踪。在寻找这些失踪人员时,警察只能做这么多 -- 他们严重依赖公众的信息。知道一个人失踪的人越多,被发现的机会就越大。但是传统的警报未能在最重要的前 24 小时内送达公众,尤其是青少年,他们最有可能失踪。我们的任务是使失踪人员信息向公众传播的方式现代化,从而招募更多的年轻澳大利亚人来帮助寻找失踪人员。 战略 在澳大利亚,每 20 分钟就有一名青少年失踪。在寻找这些失踪人员时,警察只能做这么多 -- 他们严重依赖公众的信息。我们的战略是基于大规模、即时性和针对性。在正确的区域,知道一个人失踪的人越多,被发现的机会就越大。利用 Snapchat -- 澳大利亚年轻人中增长最快的社交媒体平台 -- 可以接触到最有可能失踪的人群 -- 青少年。知道 77% 的澳大利亚青少年每天使用 Snapchat (平均每周 42 次),消失的人警报旨在接触以前脱离的人群, 激活它们成为帮助警察获取重要信息的眼睛和耳朵。前 24 小时是最重要的,我们试图找到一种方法来计算每一秒。 相关性 通过采用 Snapchat (澳大利亚青少年中增长最快的社交媒体) 作为警报渠道,警方现在能够接触到以前脱离接触的人群,青少年 -- 最有可能失踪的群体。为昆士兰州警方开发了失踪人员警报,通过创建更直接、更高效和更有针对性的警报形式,创新了寻找失踪人员的工作。利用 Snapchat 的本地功能不仅为警察提供了直接、实时和有针对性的工具, 但是媒体的消失本质通过展示利害攸关的东西帮助建立了即时的情感联系。 结果 这些警报从 0 美元的预算中获得了超过 800万的全国认可,激活了一个平台,该平台吸引了 90% 最有可能失踪的青少年。第一个警报是在竞选活动开始的那一天发出的 -- 这名少女在 24 小时内被发现。自发射以来,87% 的消失的人警报帮助了被发现的人,据报道是 “寻找人的战斗中的最新武器”。昆士兰州警方继续使用这些警报,使他们能够接触到以前没有参与搜索失踪青少年的人群。作为一个探索性项目 -- 警方没有目标或期望,但希望通过采用新技术,发出强有力的信息,积极的变化会产生。目前的结果继续超过昆士兰警方的预期,产生了扩大州际和海外倡议的兴趣。 执行 我们创建了一个新工具来帮助昆士兰警方进行失踪人员调查。通过 Snapchat 直接发送,消失的人警报是实时的、有地理针对性的信息,有助于找到失踪的青少年。使用 Snapchat 的本地功能,警报 (10 秒后消失) 传达了一个高度情绪化的信息,“在约翰 · 西铁城消失之前帮助他找到他。每个警报都有一张最近的照片、姓名和最后一次看到的位置,警察可以直接通知所有 Snapchat 用户,一旦有人在他们附近的一个地方被报告失踪。与全国失踪人员周一起,发起了一项综合运动 (新闻、户外、 TVC 、电影和在线),激活了澳大利亚最大的青少年搜索派对。现在,每个有手机的人都可以成为帮助失踪人员调查的眼睛和耳朵。 活动描述 利用澳大利亚青少年中增长最快的社交媒体 Snapchat,我们创建了一个新工具来帮助昆士兰警方调查失踪人员。通过 Snapchat 发送的 “消失的人” 警报是实时的、有地理针对性的信息,有助于找到失踪的青少年。使用 Snapchat 的本地功能,警报 (10 秒钟后消失) 具有最近的照片、最后一次看到的姓名和位置,同时传达高度情绪化的信息,“在约翰 · 西铁城消失之前帮助他找到他。” 现在,一旦有人在附近的某个地方被报告失踪,每个有手机的人都可以得到通知。


    案例简介:Synopsis In Australia, one teenager is reported missing every 20 minutes. In the search for these missing persons, police can only do so much - they rely heavily on information from the general public. The more people who know of a person's disappearance, the greater the chance of them being found. But traditional alerts were failing to reach the public within the all-important first 24 hours - particularly teenagers, the group most at risk of going missing. Our task was to modernise the way missing persons information is distributed to the public, thereby recruiting more young Australians to help find missing persons. Strategy In Australia, a teenager is reported missing every 20 minutes. In the search for these missing persons, police can only do so much - they heavily rely on information from the public. Our strategy was based on mass, immediacy and targeting. The more people, in the right area, who know of a person's disappearance - the greater chance of them being found. Utilising Snapchat - the fastest growing social media platform among young Australians - gave access to the demographic most at risk of going missing - teenagers. Knowing that 77% of Australian teens use Snapchat daily (42 times on average per week), Disappearing Person Alerts aimed to reach a previously disengaged demographic, activating them to become the eyes and ears in assisting the police with vital information. With the first 24 hours being the most vital, we sought to find a way to make every second count. Relevancy Through the adoption of Snapchat (the fastest growing social media amongst Australian teens) as an alert channel, police are now able to reach a previously disengaged demographic, teenagers - the group most likely of going missing.Disappearing Person Alerts were developed for the Queensland Police to innovate the search for missing persons by creating a more direct, more efficient and more targeted form of alert. Harnessing the native functionality of Snapchat not only provided a direct, real-time, and targeted tool for police, but the disappearing nature of the medium helped build an immediate emotional connection by demonstrating what is at stake. Outcome The alerts gained national recognition with a reach of over 8 million from a $0 budget, activating the platform that engages 90% of the group most at risk of going missing - teenagers. The first alert was sent the day the campaign went live - the teenage girl was found within 24 hours. Since the launch, 87% of Disappearing Person Alerts have assisted in the person being found, and is reported as being the 'latest weapon in the fight to find people'. The Queensland Police continue to use the alerts, enabling them to reach a previously disengaged demographic in the search for missing teenagers. As an exploratory project - the police had no targets or expectations, but hoped by adopting new technology, with a powerful message, that positive change would result. The ongoing results continue to surpass Queensland Police's expectations, generating interest to expand the initiative interstate and overseas. Execution We created a new tool to assist Queensland Police with missing person investigations. Sent directly through Snapchat, Disappearing Person Alerts are real-time, geo-targeted messages that help find missing teenagers. Using the native functionality of Snapchat, the alert (disappearing after 10 seconds) communicates a highly emotive message, 'Help find John Citizen before he disappears.' With each alert featuring a recent photo, name, and location last seen, the police can directly inform all Snapchat users, as soon as someone is reported missing in a location near them. In conjunction with National Missing Persons Week, the initiative was launched with an integrated campaign (press, OOH, TVC, cinema and online) activating Australia's biggest teenage search party. Now everyone with a mobile phone can help be the eyes and ears in assisting with missing person investigations. CampaignDescription Using Snapchat, the fastest growing social media amongst Australian teenagers, we created a new tool to assist Queensland Police with missing person investigations. Sent through Snapchat, Disappearing Person Alerts are real-time, geo-targeted messages that help find missing teenagers. Using the native functionality of Snapchat, the alert (disappearing after 10 seconds) features a recent photo, name and location last seen, while communicating a highly emotive message, 'Help find John Citizen before he disappears.' Now every person with a mobile phone can be notified as soon as someone is reported missing in a location near them.

    Disappearing Person Alerts

    案例简介:概要 在澳大利亚,每 20 分钟就有一名青少年失踪。在寻找这些失踪人员时,警察只能做这么多 -- 他们严重依赖公众的信息。知道一个人失踪的人越多,被发现的机会就越大。但是传统的警报未能在最重要的前 24 小时内送达公众,尤其是青少年,他们最有可能失踪。我们的任务是使失踪人员信息向公众传播的方式现代化,从而招募更多的年轻澳大利亚人来帮助寻找失踪人员。 战略 在澳大利亚,每 20 分钟就有一名青少年失踪。在寻找这些失踪人员时,警察只能做这么多 -- 他们严重依赖公众的信息。我们的战略是基于大规模、即时性和针对性。在正确的区域,知道一个人失踪的人越多,被发现的机会就越大。利用 Snapchat -- 澳大利亚年轻人中增长最快的社交媒体平台 -- 可以接触到最有可能失踪的人群 -- 青少年。知道 77% 的澳大利亚青少年每天使用 Snapchat (平均每周 42 次),消失的人警报旨在接触以前脱离的人群, 激活它们成为帮助警察获取重要信息的眼睛和耳朵。前 24 小时是最重要的,我们试图找到一种方法来计算每一秒。 相关性 通过采用 Snapchat (澳大利亚青少年中增长最快的社交媒体) 作为警报渠道,警方现在能够接触到以前脱离接触的人群,青少年 -- 最有可能失踪的群体。为昆士兰州警方开发了失踪人员警报,通过创建更直接、更高效和更有针对性的警报形式,创新了寻找失踪人员的工作。利用 Snapchat 的本地功能不仅为警察提供了直接、实时和有针对性的工具, 但是媒体的消失本质通过展示利害攸关的东西帮助建立了即时的情感联系。 结果 这些警报从 0 美元的预算中获得了超过 800万的全国认可,激活了一个平台,该平台吸引了 90% 最有可能失踪的青少年。第一个警报是在竞选活动开始的那一天发出的 -- 这名少女在 24 小时内被发现。自发射以来,87% 的消失的人警报帮助了被发现的人,据报道是 “寻找人的战斗中的最新武器”。昆士兰州警方继续使用这些警报,使他们能够接触到以前没有参与搜索失踪青少年的人群。作为一个探索性项目 -- 警方没有目标或期望,但希望通过采用新技术,发出强有力的信息,积极的变化会产生。目前的结果继续超过昆士兰警方的预期,产生了扩大州际和海外倡议的兴趣。 执行 我们创建了一个新工具来帮助昆士兰警方进行失踪人员调查。通过 Snapchat 直接发送,消失的人警报是实时的、有地理针对性的信息,有助于找到失踪的青少年。使用 Snapchat 的本地功能,警报 (10 秒后消失) 传达了一个高度情绪化的信息,“在约翰 · 西铁城消失之前帮助他找到他。每个警报都有一张最近的照片、姓名和最后一次看到的位置,警察可以直接通知所有 Snapchat 用户,一旦有人在他们附近的一个地方被报告失踪。与全国失踪人员周一起,发起了一项综合运动 (新闻、户外、 TVC 、电影和在线),激活了澳大利亚最大的青少年搜索派对。现在,每个有手机的人都可以成为帮助失踪人员调查的眼睛和耳朵。 活动描述 利用澳大利亚青少年中增长最快的社交媒体 Snapchat,我们创建了一个新工具来帮助昆士兰警方调查失踪人员。通过 Snapchat 发送的 “消失的人” 警报是实时的、有地理针对性的信息,有助于找到失踪的青少年。使用 Snapchat 的本地功能,警报 (10 秒钟后消失) 具有最近的照片、最后一次看到的姓名和位置,同时传达高度情绪化的信息,“在约翰 · 西铁城消失之前帮助他找到他。” 现在,一旦有人在附近的某个地方被报告失踪,每个有手机的人都可以得到通知。

    Disappearing Person Alerts

    案例简介:Synopsis In Australia, one teenager is reported missing every 20 minutes. In the search for these missing persons, police can only do so much - they rely heavily on information from the general public. The more people who know of a person's disappearance, the greater the chance of them being found. But traditional alerts were failing to reach the public within the all-important first 24 hours - particularly teenagers, the group most at risk of going missing. Our task was to modernise the way missing persons information is distributed to the public, thereby recruiting more young Australians to help find missing persons. Strategy In Australia, a teenager is reported missing every 20 minutes. In the search for these missing persons, police can only do so much - they heavily rely on information from the public. Our strategy was based on mass, immediacy and targeting. The more people, in the right area, who know of a person's disappearance - the greater chance of them being found. Utilising Snapchat - the fastest growing social media platform among young Australians - gave access to the demographic most at risk of going missing - teenagers. Knowing that 77% of Australian teens use Snapchat daily (42 times on average per week), Disappearing Person Alerts aimed to reach a previously disengaged demographic, activating them to become the eyes and ears in assisting the police with vital information. With the first 24 hours being the most vital, we sought to find a way to make every second count. Relevancy Through the adoption of Snapchat (the fastest growing social media amongst Australian teens) as an alert channel, police are now able to reach a previously disengaged demographic, teenagers - the group most likely of going missing.Disappearing Person Alerts were developed for the Queensland Police to innovate the search for missing persons by creating a more direct, more efficient and more targeted form of alert. Harnessing the native functionality of Snapchat not only provided a direct, real-time, and targeted tool for police, but the disappearing nature of the medium helped build an immediate emotional connection by demonstrating what is at stake. Outcome The alerts gained national recognition with a reach of over 8 million from a $0 budget, activating the platform that engages 90% of the group most at risk of going missing - teenagers. The first alert was sent the day the campaign went live - the teenage girl was found within 24 hours. Since the launch, 87% of Disappearing Person Alerts have assisted in the person being found, and is reported as being the 'latest weapon in the fight to find people'. The Queensland Police continue to use the alerts, enabling them to reach a previously disengaged demographic in the search for missing teenagers. As an exploratory project - the police had no targets or expectations, but hoped by adopting new technology, with a powerful message, that positive change would result. The ongoing results continue to surpass Queensland Police's expectations, generating interest to expand the initiative interstate and overseas. Execution We created a new tool to assist Queensland Police with missing person investigations. Sent directly through Snapchat, Disappearing Person Alerts are real-time, geo-targeted messages that help find missing teenagers. Using the native functionality of Snapchat, the alert (disappearing after 10 seconds) communicates a highly emotive message, 'Help find John Citizen before he disappears.' With each alert featuring a recent photo, name, and location last seen, the police can directly inform all Snapchat users, as soon as someone is reported missing in a location near them. In conjunction with National Missing Persons Week, the initiative was launched with an integrated campaign (press, OOH, TVC, cinema and online) activating Australia's biggest teenage search party. Now everyone with a mobile phone can help be the eyes and ears in assisting with missing person investigations. CampaignDescription Using Snapchat, the fastest growing social media amongst Australian teenagers, we created a new tool to assist Queensland Police with missing person investigations. Sent through Snapchat, Disappearing Person Alerts are real-time, geo-targeted messages that help find missing teenagers. Using the native functionality of Snapchat, the alert (disappearing after 10 seconds) features a recent photo, name and location last seen, while communicating a highly emotive message, 'Help find John Citizen before he disappears.' Now every person with a mobile phone can be notified as soon as someone is reported missing in a location near them.



    Disappearing Person Alerts





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