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    Amateur Replay短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:结果 AAR 是业余足球社区的一大热门。在 3 个月的试点阶段: 接近 13,500 个视频剪辑 (与安联品牌)已经在流行的社交媒体渠道上分享 -- 这是 75 小时的品牌用户生成内容 -- 世界足球中的一些大牌在推特上发布了关于 AAR 的消息 -- 总共有 280万个在线印象来自 8 个不同国家的球场所有者询问 AAR,AAR 被证明很受欢迎,并将于 2016年7月在安联 37 个国家的青少年足球训练营实施 概要 足球对安联来说是一件大事。他们赞助了一些世界上最大的体育场 -- 慕尼黑的安联体育场、伦敦的安联公园和尼斯的安联里维埃拉。多年来,安联不仅仅是一家保险公司; 他们已经成为职业足球中家喻户晓的名字。作为他们对比赛承诺的一部分,安联还为来自各个大陆的年轻业余球员提供了一起训练的机会,并在他们一年一度的安联青少年足球训练营中认识他们的偶像。但与他们在职业足球中的巨大受欢迎程度不同,他们还没有在不太被谈论的业余足球世界中建立这种立足点。任务是想出一个创新的解决方案,帮助安联提升他们在业余足球领域的声誉,并在世界最受欢迎的运动中扩大其整体品牌资产。 活动描述 我们创建了安联业余重播 (AAR) -- 有史以来第一个业余足球运动员的自动记录系统,它在镜头中捕捉到了他们最好的进球, 把它发给他们,并给这些玩家一些在社交媒体上吹嘘的东西。他们分享的每一个视频都是安联用户生成的内容。安装在球场上的 AAR 包括两个摄像机,它们不断记录现场的两部分,以及安装在网上的加速度计嵌入式传感器。玩家只需要在比赛前注册/登录 AAR 网络应用程序。每次进球时,网络上的传感器都会检测到独特的运动,并 ping 相应的摄像头来记录最后 20 秒的镜头,这些镜头直接发送到玩家注册的电子邮件地址。然后,他们可以选择在社交媒体上分享这些视频。YouTube 频道容纳了这些用户生成的内容,我们用来创建每周前五名的编辑。 执行 AAR 需要在任何地点轻松部署。它被设计成模块化的,这样它就可以位于一个包含的空间之外,而不影响游戏,还可以通过这些空间周围的网进行无障碍的录音。品牌展示板确保所有创建和共享的镜头都有安联品牌。在为期 3 个月的试点阶段,总共在慕尼黑、曼谷、新加坡、台北和首尔等主要城市的热门球场部署了 20 个 AAR 录音系统 (每个城市 4 个)。这让我们能够衡量公众的兴趣,并做出任何改进,以改善用户对这项技术的体验。到 2016年7月,AAR 的生产将扩大,并在全球 37 个国家举行的几个安联青少年足球营提供。由拆卸的 AAR 组成的工具包以及一个教学视频已经分发给 allianz 的全球办事处执行。 战略 我们的目标观众是业余足球运动员,他们每周至少在当地球场比赛一次。他们是年轻、活跃、懂数字的人,他们在社交媒体和手机上花费大量时间。我们的次要观众是他们的父母,他们在一旁观看。在八周的时间里,我们对大约 30 支业余足球队进行了定性研究。750 名青年球员) 遍布亚洲,并发现了令人震惊的洞察力 -- 87% 的球员的动机是有机会给观看他们的人留下深刻印象。我们设法采访的 92% 的父母试图捕捉他们孩子在球场上的最佳时刻,但承认很难预测这些短暂的时刻。这些发现帮助塑造了这个想法 -- 一个自动记录系统,可以捕捉视频中的每一个目标,给玩家一些他们想在球场外分享和吹嘘的东西。


    案例简介:Outcome The AAR was a big hit with the amateur footballing community. During the 3 month pilot phase:•Close to 13,500 video clips (with Allianz branding) have been shared across popular social media channels - that’s 75 hours of branded user-generated content•Some of the biggest names in world football tweeted about the AAR•A total of 2.8 million online impressions were earned for the brand•Pitch owners from 8 different countries enquired about the AAR•The AAR proved popular, and will be implemented at Allianz Junior Football Camps across 37 countries come July 2016 Synopsis Football is a pretty big deal for Allianz. They sponsor some of the biggest stadiums in the world – the Allianz Arena in Munich, the Allianz Park in London and the Allianz Riviera in Nice to name a few. Over the years, Allianz has become more than just an insurance company; they’ve become a household name in professional football. As part of their commitment to the game, Allianz also gives young amateur players from every continent the opportunity to train together and meet their idols at their yearly Allianz Junior Football Camp. But unlike their massive popularity in professional football, they have yet to establish that kind of foothold in the less talked-about world of amateur football.The task was to come up with an innovative solution that would help Allianz elevate their reputation in the space of amateur football and grow its overall brand equity in the world’s favorite sport. Campaign Description We created the Allianz Amateur Replay (AAR) – the first-ever automated recording system for amateur footballers, which captured their best goals on footage, sent it to them and gave these players something to brag about on social media. Every video they shared was user-generated content for Allianz.The AAR installed in a pitch comprises twin-cameras that constantly record both halves of the field and accelerometer-embedded sensors that are fitted onto nets. Players just have to register/login on the AAR web app before their match. Every time a goal is scored, the sensor on the net detects unique motion and pings the corresponding camera to log the last 20 seconds of footage, which is sent directly to the players’ registered email addresses. They could then choose to share these videos on their social media. A YouTube channel housed these user-generated content, which we used to create weekly top-5 compilations. Execution The AAR needed to be easily deployed at any location. It was designed to be modular so it could be situated outside of a contained space without affecting gameplay, yet be able to fit through nets surrounding these spaces for unobstructed recordings. Branded display boards ensured all footage created and shared had the Allianz branding.In the 3-month pilot phase, a total of 20 AAR recording systems were deployed in popular pitches in major cities including Munich, Bangkok, Singapore, Taipei and Seoul (4 in each city). This allowed us to gauge public interest and make any enhancements to improve user experience of the technology.Come July 2016, production of the AAR will be expanded and made available at the several Allianz Junior Football Camps held in 37 countries worldwide. Toolkits comprising the disassembled AAR as well as an instructional video have been distributed to Allianz’ global offices for implementation. Strategy Our target audience was amateur footballers who play at least once a week at their local pitch. They are young, active and digitally savvy folks who spend huge amounts of time on social media and on their phones. Our secondary audience was their parents who watch them on the sidelines.Over eight weeks, we conducted a qualitative study with some 30 amateur football teams (approx. 750 youth players) across Asia and discovered an alarming insight - 87% of players were motivated by the opportunity to impress the people who are watching them. 92% of parents we managed to interview have tried capturing their child’s best moments on the pitch but admitted to the difficulty of predicting these fleeting moments.The findings helped shape the idea - an automated recording system that captures every goal on video, giving players something they want to share and brag about outside of the pitch.

    Amateur Replay

    案例简介:结果 AAR 是业余足球社区的一大热门。在 3 个月的试点阶段: 接近 13,500 个视频剪辑 (与安联品牌)已经在流行的社交媒体渠道上分享 -- 这是 75 小时的品牌用户生成内容 -- 世界足球中的一些大牌在推特上发布了关于 AAR 的消息 -- 总共有 280万个在线印象来自 8 个不同国家的球场所有者询问 AAR,AAR 被证明很受欢迎,并将于 2016年7月在安联 37 个国家的青少年足球训练营实施 概要 足球对安联来说是一件大事。他们赞助了一些世界上最大的体育场 -- 慕尼黑的安联体育场、伦敦的安联公园和尼斯的安联里维埃拉。多年来,安联不仅仅是一家保险公司; 他们已经成为职业足球中家喻户晓的名字。作为他们对比赛承诺的一部分,安联还为来自各个大陆的年轻业余球员提供了一起训练的机会,并在他们一年一度的安联青少年足球训练营中认识他们的偶像。但与他们在职业足球中的巨大受欢迎程度不同,他们还没有在不太被谈论的业余足球世界中建立这种立足点。任务是想出一个创新的解决方案,帮助安联提升他们在业余足球领域的声誉,并在世界最受欢迎的运动中扩大其整体品牌资产。 活动描述 我们创建了安联业余重播 (AAR) -- 有史以来第一个业余足球运动员的自动记录系统,它在镜头中捕捉到了他们最好的进球, 把它发给他们,并给这些玩家一些在社交媒体上吹嘘的东西。他们分享的每一个视频都是安联用户生成的内容。安装在球场上的 AAR 包括两个摄像机,它们不断记录现场的两部分,以及安装在网上的加速度计嵌入式传感器。玩家只需要在比赛前注册/登录 AAR 网络应用程序。每次进球时,网络上的传感器都会检测到独特的运动,并 ping 相应的摄像头来记录最后 20 秒的镜头,这些镜头直接发送到玩家注册的电子邮件地址。然后,他们可以选择在社交媒体上分享这些视频。YouTube 频道容纳了这些用户生成的内容,我们用来创建每周前五名的编辑。 执行 AAR 需要在任何地点轻松部署。它被设计成模块化的,这样它就可以位于一个包含的空间之外,而不影响游戏,还可以通过这些空间周围的网进行无障碍的录音。品牌展示板确保所有创建和共享的镜头都有安联品牌。在为期 3 个月的试点阶段,总共在慕尼黑、曼谷、新加坡、台北和首尔等主要城市的热门球场部署了 20 个 AAR 录音系统 (每个城市 4 个)。这让我们能够衡量公众的兴趣,并做出任何改进,以改善用户对这项技术的体验。到 2016年7月,AAR 的生产将扩大,并在全球 37 个国家举行的几个安联青少年足球营提供。由拆卸的 AAR 组成的工具包以及一个教学视频已经分发给 allianz 的全球办事处执行。 战略 我们的目标观众是业余足球运动员,他们每周至少在当地球场比赛一次。他们是年轻、活跃、懂数字的人,他们在社交媒体和手机上花费大量时间。我们的次要观众是他们的父母,他们在一旁观看。在八周的时间里,我们对大约 30 支业余足球队进行了定性研究。750 名青年球员) 遍布亚洲,并发现了令人震惊的洞察力 -- 87% 的球员的动机是有机会给观看他们的人留下深刻印象。我们设法采访的 92% 的父母试图捕捉他们孩子在球场上的最佳时刻,但承认很难预测这些短暂的时刻。这些发现帮助塑造了这个想法 -- 一个自动记录系统,可以捕捉视频中的每一个目标,给玩家一些他们想在球场外分享和吹嘘的东西。

    Amateur Replay

    案例简介:Outcome The AAR was a big hit with the amateur footballing community. During the 3 month pilot phase:•Close to 13,500 video clips (with Allianz branding) have been shared across popular social media channels - that’s 75 hours of branded user-generated content•Some of the biggest names in world football tweeted about the AAR•A total of 2.8 million online impressions were earned for the brand•Pitch owners from 8 different countries enquired about the AAR•The AAR proved popular, and will be implemented at Allianz Junior Football Camps across 37 countries come July 2016 Synopsis Football is a pretty big deal for Allianz. They sponsor some of the biggest stadiums in the world – the Allianz Arena in Munich, the Allianz Park in London and the Allianz Riviera in Nice to name a few. Over the years, Allianz has become more than just an insurance company; they’ve become a household name in professional football. As part of their commitment to the game, Allianz also gives young amateur players from every continent the opportunity to train together and meet their idols at their yearly Allianz Junior Football Camp. But unlike their massive popularity in professional football, they have yet to establish that kind of foothold in the less talked-about world of amateur football.The task was to come up with an innovative solution that would help Allianz elevate their reputation in the space of amateur football and grow its overall brand equity in the world’s favorite sport. Campaign Description We created the Allianz Amateur Replay (AAR) – the first-ever automated recording system for amateur footballers, which captured their best goals on footage, sent it to them and gave these players something to brag about on social media. Every video they shared was user-generated content for Allianz.The AAR installed in a pitch comprises twin-cameras that constantly record both halves of the field and accelerometer-embedded sensors that are fitted onto nets. Players just have to register/login on the AAR web app before their match. Every time a goal is scored, the sensor on the net detects unique motion and pings the corresponding camera to log the last 20 seconds of footage, which is sent directly to the players’ registered email addresses. They could then choose to share these videos on their social media. A YouTube channel housed these user-generated content, which we used to create weekly top-5 compilations. Execution The AAR needed to be easily deployed at any location. It was designed to be modular so it could be situated outside of a contained space without affecting gameplay, yet be able to fit through nets surrounding these spaces for unobstructed recordings. Branded display boards ensured all footage created and shared had the Allianz branding.In the 3-month pilot phase, a total of 20 AAR recording systems were deployed in popular pitches in major cities including Munich, Bangkok, Singapore, Taipei and Seoul (4 in each city). This allowed us to gauge public interest and make any enhancements to improve user experience of the technology.Come July 2016, production of the AAR will be expanded and made available at the several Allianz Junior Football Camps held in 37 countries worldwide. Toolkits comprising the disassembled AAR as well as an instructional video have been distributed to Allianz’ global offices for implementation. Strategy Our target audience was amateur footballers who play at least once a week at their local pitch. They are young, active and digitally savvy folks who spend huge amounts of time on social media and on their phones. Our secondary audience was their parents who watch them on the sidelines.Over eight weeks, we conducted a qualitative study with some 30 amateur football teams (approx. 750 youth players) across Asia and discovered an alarming insight - 87% of players were motivated by the opportunity to impress the people who are watching them. 92% of parents we managed to interview have tried capturing their child’s best moments on the pitch but admitted to the difficulty of predicting these fleeting moments.The findings helped shape the idea - an automated recording system that captures every goal on video, giving players something they want to share and brag about outside of the pitch.



    Amateur Replay










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