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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与娱乐有关? 这部作品以6位互联网上最快的艺人为特色,以娱乐为核心目标。我们制作视频,创作音乐,挑战人们, 但没有做广告。人们讨厌广告。我们爱的人。 背景 2018年,StarHub成为新加坡最快的4g网络。 但在内心深处,我们知道人们不会给s ** t。 因此,当客户要求我们宣布成就时, 与其浪费我们的时间做一个没人会记得的胸脯广告, 我们专注于尽可能地娱乐人们。 描述创造性的想法 我们组成了世界上最快的乐队。一支由6位世界上最快的互联网明星组成的乐队,其中包括吉尼斯世界纪录保持者,如世界上最快的手指笛手 世界上最快的 “流浪汉”,以及 “牙线” 的创造者背包小子: 2018最快,最具病毒的舞蹈动作。 然后,我们在互联网上娱乐了地狱。 从音乐录影带中,将我们明星的动作声音融入了增压交响乐中, Facebook视频挑战人们打破我们明星疯狂的速度记录, 我们创建了一系列内容,在社交媒体上大肆宣传人们。 一条线将每一条内容与我们的产品和品牌联系在一起。 “喜欢快速的东西吗?切换到新加坡最快的4g网络。” 描述策略 我们采取了社会优先的方法-我们认为这一策略反映了消费者品味和行为的转变。 我们不是创建一个大电影并将其下拉到多个缩减,而是创建了多个内容,这些内容被拉到一个大电影中。 我们选择以互联网名人为特色,而不是传统的名人: 我们的明星都是Youtube或Instagram的名人。这使我们能够聚焦于我们明星的非凡才华,并讲述一个更加引人注目的故事。此外,它还为我们的产品-我们的4g网络提供了更强大,更自然的纽带。 描述执行 我们的活动以介绍乐队的多个内容开始,导致音乐视频在2018年8月10日上发布-它在接下来的两个月内在全国范围内通过电视,在线,电影院和一系列户外数字媒体播放。 除了音乐视频之外,该活动还包括一系列内容,包括6秒和15秒的YouTube预演,展示我们明星之间的二重唱,Facebook视频挑战人们击败我们明星的记录,以及Instagram民意调查,让人们选择我们的明星接下来会设定的世界速度记录。 描述结果 13.1% 增加对品牌的考虑。 97% 积极的反应。 在不到1个月的时间内,共有370万多个在线观看次数。 在一个只有500万人的国家。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Entertainment? Featuring 6 of the fastest entertainers on the Internet, this work was created with entertainment as its core objective. We made videos, composed music, challenged people, but didn't do advertising. People hate advertising. We love people. Background In 2018, StarHub was crowned Singapore's fastest 4G network. But deep down, we knew people didn't give a s**t. So, when we were tasked by our clients to announce the achievement, instead of wasting our time making a chest-beating ad that no one would remember, we focused on entertaining people as best as we could. Describe the creative idea We formed The World's Fastest Band. A band comprising 6 of the world's fastest Internet stars, including Guinness World Record holders like the world's fastest finger snapper and the world's fastest 'bum skipper', as well as The Backpack Kid, creator of "The Floss": 2018's fastest and most viral dance move. Then, we entertained the hell out of the Internet. From a music video that meshed the sounds of our stars' actions into a supercharged symphony, to Facebook videos challenging people to beat our stars' insane speed records, we created a series of content that hyped people up all over social media. One line tied every piece of content to our product and brand. "Like things fast? Switch to Singapore's fastest 4G network." Describe the strategy We took a social-first approach – a strategy that we believe reflects the shifts in consumer tastes and behaviour. Instead of creating one big film and pulling it down to multiple cutdowns, we created multiple pieces of content that pulled up to one big film. And instead of traditional celebrities, we chose to feature the Internet famous: our stars were all Youtube or Instagram famous in their own right. This allowed us to shine the spotlight on the remarkable talents of our stars and tell an even more compelling story. Also, it allowed for a stronger and more natural tie-in to our product – our 4G network. Describe the execution Our campaign kicked off with multiple pieces of content introducing the band, leading up to the music video launching on 10 August 2018 – it ran nationwide over the next 2 months on TV, online, in cinemas, and across a range of outdoor digital media. In addition to the music video, the campaign featured a series of content including 6- and 15-second YouTube pre-rolls showing duets between our stars, Facebook videos challenging people to beat our stars' records, and Instagram polls letting people choose what world speed records our stars would set next. Describe the outcome 13.1% increase in brand consideration. 97% positive reactions. Over 3.7 million online views altogether in less than 1 month. In a country of just 5 million people.

    The World's Fastest Band

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与娱乐有关? 这部作品以6位互联网上最快的艺人为特色,以娱乐为核心目标。我们制作视频,创作音乐,挑战人们, 但没有做广告。人们讨厌广告。我们爱的人。 背景 2018年,StarHub成为新加坡最快的4g网络。 但在内心深处,我们知道人们不会给s ** t。 因此,当客户要求我们宣布成就时, 与其浪费我们的时间做一个没人会记得的胸脯广告, 我们专注于尽可能地娱乐人们。 描述创造性的想法 我们组成了世界上最快的乐队。一支由6位世界上最快的互联网明星组成的乐队,其中包括吉尼斯世界纪录保持者,如世界上最快的手指笛手 世界上最快的 “流浪汉”,以及 “牙线” 的创造者背包小子: 2018最快,最具病毒的舞蹈动作。 然后,我们在互联网上娱乐了地狱。 从音乐录影带中,将我们明星的动作声音融入了增压交响乐中, Facebook视频挑战人们打破我们明星疯狂的速度记录, 我们创建了一系列内容,在社交媒体上大肆宣传人们。 一条线将每一条内容与我们的产品和品牌联系在一起。 “喜欢快速的东西吗?切换到新加坡最快的4g网络。” 描述策略 我们采取了社会优先的方法-我们认为这一策略反映了消费者品味和行为的转变。 我们不是创建一个大电影并将其下拉到多个缩减,而是创建了多个内容,这些内容被拉到一个大电影中。 我们选择以互联网名人为特色,而不是传统的名人: 我们的明星都是Youtube或Instagram的名人。这使我们能够聚焦于我们明星的非凡才华,并讲述一个更加引人注目的故事。此外,它还为我们的产品-我们的4g网络提供了更强大,更自然的纽带。 描述执行 我们的活动以介绍乐队的多个内容开始,导致音乐视频在2018年8月10日上发布-它在接下来的两个月内在全国范围内通过电视,在线,电影院和一系列户外数字媒体播放。 除了音乐视频之外,该活动还包括一系列内容,包括6秒和15秒的YouTube预演,展示我们明星之间的二重唱,Facebook视频挑战人们击败我们明星的记录,以及Instagram民意调查,让人们选择我们的明星接下来会设定的世界速度记录。 描述结果 13.1% 增加对品牌的考虑。 97% 积极的反应。 在不到1个月的时间内,共有370万多个在线观看次数。 在一个只有500万人的国家。

    The World's Fastest Band

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Entertainment? Featuring 6 of the fastest entertainers on the Internet, this work was created with entertainment as its core objective. We made videos, composed music, challenged people, but didn't do advertising. People hate advertising. We love people. Background In 2018, StarHub was crowned Singapore's fastest 4G network. But deep down, we knew people didn't give a s**t. So, when we were tasked by our clients to announce the achievement, instead of wasting our time making a chest-beating ad that no one would remember, we focused on entertaining people as best as we could. Describe the creative idea We formed The World's Fastest Band. A band comprising 6 of the world's fastest Internet stars, including Guinness World Record holders like the world's fastest finger snapper and the world's fastest 'bum skipper', as well as The Backpack Kid, creator of "The Floss": 2018's fastest and most viral dance move. Then, we entertained the hell out of the Internet. From a music video that meshed the sounds of our stars' actions into a supercharged symphony, to Facebook videos challenging people to beat our stars' insane speed records, we created a series of content that hyped people up all over social media. One line tied every piece of content to our product and brand. "Like things fast? Switch to Singapore's fastest 4G network." Describe the strategy We took a social-first approach – a strategy that we believe reflects the shifts in consumer tastes and behaviour. Instead of creating one big film and pulling it down to multiple cutdowns, we created multiple pieces of content that pulled up to one big film. And instead of traditional celebrities, we chose to feature the Internet famous: our stars were all Youtube or Instagram famous in their own right. This allowed us to shine the spotlight on the remarkable talents of our stars and tell an even more compelling story. Also, it allowed for a stronger and more natural tie-in to our product – our 4G network. Describe the execution Our campaign kicked off with multiple pieces of content introducing the band, leading up to the music video launching on 10 August 2018 – it ran nationwide over the next 2 months on TV, online, in cinemas, and across a range of outdoor digital media. In addition to the music video, the campaign featured a series of content including 6- and 15-second YouTube pre-rolls showing duets between our stars, Facebook videos challenging people to beat our stars' records, and Instagram polls letting people choose what world speed records our stars would set next. Describe the outcome 13.1% increase in brand consideration. 97% positive reactions. Over 3.7 million online views altogether in less than 1 month. In a country of just 5 million people.



    The World's Fastest Band










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