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    案例简介:描述活动/条目 每年春天,上升的自行车被盗自行车也大幅提高的文化在里加。以军从月警察是无能为力的情况方面的有效行动,使真正的逮捕。我们决定将影响这个问题,所以我们做了一个实验称为 “Velofenders” (自行车大盗) 与周刊红外和伙伴。 它包括五个装备 GPS 追踪器,多个网络摄像机,月 000 犯罪证人,自行车大盗在拉脱维亚和国家警察。 骑自行车的报道,去年超过 1000 位的自行车被偷走。根据地图,我们位于五自行车和月 000 人通过网络直播看会发生什么。 两天后,一个小偷被逮捕,在年后的第一个周末没有自行车被偷了, 巨大的轰动效应的 Twitter 和 Facebook 的最为重要的投资者关系提出的专题问题抓偷自行车与国家警察目前正在为更好的法律,不久将提交议会。 描述客户的简报 主要目标是提高认识,不断提高自行车盗窃。 目标: -创建一个地图里的地方的自行车盗窃事件表示, -减少自行车盗窃在 5-35 天的竞选 -鼓励其他骑车人小心照顾其他自行车 -捉贼 -促进投资者关系问题。 观众被定义--活跃的社交媒体用户,自行车爱好者,媒体和盗贼。我们希望,通过 Twitter 和 Facebook 的嗡嗡声的活动将在大街上潜在的小偷。 结果 输出/宣传 -除了第一个自行车防盗周五这是在年后的第一个周末没有自行车被偷了 -不幸的是,小偷被宣布无罪,缺乏证据 -人们照顾其他街上自行车更认真和报警时有点可疑 知识考虑的问题 -月 000 人观看在线在自行车的街道 -巨大的轰动效应的 Twitter 和 Facebook -超过 1000 个地方在里加表示的犯罪现场 动作/业务的影响 -周刊红外销售升 10% -拟议的立法被警察 执行 天月 -启动网页第1 阶段,都欢迎在地图上的点的地方在他/她的自行车被偷了,Facebook 和 Twitter 的朋友一起分享。 天月 -第2 相的网页地图与大致地点的自行车,他们的照片和视频直播流从自行车被锁定。 -每个人都可以监控网络,如果自行车被偷的确切位置在地图上出现。 天月 -月自行车被偷了,警方称,被捕时被捕。 天月-军 -剩下的四个自行车隐藏的 GPS 发射器是每 24 h。 形势 骑自行车是越来越流行在拉脱维亚。青少年学生、商人、老年人和名人现在喜欢自行车从春到深秋。不幸的是,这样做的自行车窃贼。每一天我们的朋友和熟人把偷来的车在社交媒体上报道,国家新闻媒体关注这个问题。但是,国家警察无力上升的偷窃。 同时周刊红外正在计划一个封面故事的自行车季开幕,自行车城市道路的问题,当然,增加偷窃问题。 战略 不幸的是,我们有两个星期和月份拉特预算提出行动计划。策略很简单--想出了这样一个强烈的想法,不需要支付的媒体报道和真正在乎的人。 首先,我们想出了一个创造性的想法在 Velofenders (自行车大盗)。其次,我们相信三个公司给我们的 GPS 发射器,自行车,走在大街上锁与普通的锁。所有合作伙伴公司知道的几率拿回公司中出现故障的情况下。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry Every spring with the rise of bicycle culture in Riga dramatically raises amount of stolen bicycles also. In 7 from 10 situations police is powerless in the terms of effective action and making real arrests. We decided to influence this problem, so we made an experiment called “Velofenders” (Bike Thief) together with weekly magazine IR and partners. It involved five bicycles equipped with GPS trackers, multiple online cameras, 16 000 crime witnesses, every bike thief in Latvia and state police. Bicyclists reported more than 1000 places were bicycles were stolen last year. According the map, we located five bicycles and 16 000 people through live stream watched what will happen. After two days one thief was arrested, the first weekend in years when none bicycle was stolen, huge buzz in Twitter and Facebook and most important – IR magazine raised the topic of problem arresting bicycle thieves and state police at the moment is working for a better law that soon will be submitted to parliament. Describe the brief from the client Primary goal was to raise awareness about the rising bicycle thievery. Objectives: - To create a map of Riga with places of bicycle thievery indicated - To decrease bicycle thievery during the 5 days of campaign - To encourage others bicyclists to be more careful and look after other bicycles - To catch a thief - To promote IR magazine issue. Audience was defined - active social media users, bicycle fans, media and thieves themselves. We hoped that buzz through Twitter and Facebook in the beginning of campaign will reach the potential thieves on the streets. Results Output/Awareness - Besides the first bicycle theft on Friday this was the first weekend in years when no bicycles were stolen - Unfortunately, the thief was acquitted considering the lack of evidence - People look after other bicycles on the streets more carefully and report to police in case of something suspicious Knowledge / Consideration - 16 000 people watched online after bicycles on a streets - Huge buzz in Twitter and Facebook - More than 1000 places in Riga indicated as crime scenes Action / Business Impact - Weekly magazine IR sale rise for 10% - Proposed changes in legislation by the State Police Execution DAY 1 - Launched web page 1st phase where everyone was welcomed to point the place in the map where his/her bike has been stolen and to share it with Facebook and Twitter friends. DAY 2 - 2nd phase of web page – map with approximate locations of five bicycles, photos of them and live video streams from places bicycles were locked. - Everyone could monitor web and if the bicycle was being stolen exact location on the map appear. DAY 2 - 1 bicycle was stolen, police called, the moment of arrest captured. DAY 3-5 - For the rest of four bicycles hidden GPS transmitters were changed every 24h. The Situation Cycling is getting more and more popular in Latvia. Youngsters, students, businessmen, elderly people and celebrities now prefer bikes starting from spring till late autumn. Unfortunately, so do the bike thieves. Every day our friends and acquaintances reported on stolen bikes in their social media accounts, national media made headlines on this problem. However, state police was powerless towards the rising thievery problem. Meanwhile weekly magazine IR was planning a cover story on cycling season opening, bicycle path problems in city and of course – the growing thievery issue. The Strategy Sadly, we had two weeks and 0 LVL budget to come up with a campaign plan. Strategy was simple – to come up with such a strong idea that does not need paid media coverage and really matters to people. Firstly, we came up with a creative idea on Velofenders (Bike Thief). Secondly, we persuaded three companies to give us GPS transmitters and five bicycles that we would leave on the streets locked with ordinary locks. All partner companies knew that there is a small chance of getting their belongings back in case of failure.


    案例简介:描述活动/条目 每年春天,上升的自行车被盗自行车也大幅提高的文化在里加。以军从月警察是无能为力的情况方面的有效行动,使真正的逮捕。我们决定将影响这个问题,所以我们做了一个实验称为 “Velofenders” (自行车大盗) 与周刊红外和伙伴。 它包括五个装备 GPS 追踪器,多个网络摄像机,月 000 犯罪证人,自行车大盗在拉脱维亚和国家警察。 骑自行车的报道,去年超过 1000 位的自行车被偷走。根据地图,我们位于五自行车和月 000 人通过网络直播看会发生什么。 两天后,一个小偷被逮捕,在年后的第一个周末没有自行车被偷了, 巨大的轰动效应的 Twitter 和 Facebook 的最为重要的投资者关系提出的专题问题抓偷自行车与国家警察目前正在为更好的法律,不久将提交议会。 描述客户的简报 主要目标是提高认识,不断提高自行车盗窃。 目标: -创建一个地图里的地方的自行车盗窃事件表示, -减少自行车盗窃在 5-35 天的竞选 -鼓励其他骑车人小心照顾其他自行车 -捉贼 -促进投资者关系问题。 观众被定义--活跃的社交媒体用户,自行车爱好者,媒体和盗贼。我们希望,通过 Twitter 和 Facebook 的嗡嗡声的活动将在大街上潜在的小偷。 结果 输出/宣传 -除了第一个自行车防盗周五这是在年后的第一个周末没有自行车被偷了 -不幸的是,小偷被宣布无罪,缺乏证据 -人们照顾其他街上自行车更认真和报警时有点可疑 知识考虑的问题 -月 000 人观看在线在自行车的街道 -巨大的轰动效应的 Twitter 和 Facebook -超过 1000 个地方在里加表示的犯罪现场 动作/业务的影响 -周刊红外销售升 10% -拟议的立法被警察 执行 天月 -启动网页第1 阶段,都欢迎在地图上的点的地方在他/她的自行车被偷了,Facebook 和 Twitter 的朋友一起分享。 天月 -第2 相的网页地图与大致地点的自行车,他们的照片和视频直播流从自行车被锁定。 -每个人都可以监控网络,如果自行车被偷的确切位置在地图上出现。 天月 -月自行车被偷了,警方称,被捕时被捕。 天月-军 -剩下的四个自行车隐藏的 GPS 发射器是每 24 h。 形势 骑自行车是越来越流行在拉脱维亚。青少年学生、商人、老年人和名人现在喜欢自行车从春到深秋。不幸的是,这样做的自行车窃贼。每一天我们的朋友和熟人把偷来的车在社交媒体上报道,国家新闻媒体关注这个问题。但是,国家警察无力上升的偷窃。 同时周刊红外正在计划一个封面故事的自行车季开幕,自行车城市道路的问题,当然,增加偷窃问题。 战略 不幸的是,我们有两个星期和月份拉特预算提出行动计划。策略很简单--想出了这样一个强烈的想法,不需要支付的媒体报道和真正在乎的人。 首先,我们想出了一个创造性的想法在 Velofenders (自行车大盗)。其次,我们相信三个公司给我们的 GPS 发射器,自行车,走在大街上锁与普通的锁。所有合作伙伴公司知道的几率拿回公司中出现故障的情况下。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry Every spring with the rise of bicycle culture in Riga dramatically raises amount of stolen bicycles also. In 7 from 10 situations police is powerless in the terms of effective action and making real arrests. We decided to influence this problem, so we made an experiment called “Velofenders” (Bike Thief) together with weekly magazine IR and partners. It involved five bicycles equipped with GPS trackers, multiple online cameras, 16 000 crime witnesses, every bike thief in Latvia and state police. Bicyclists reported more than 1000 places were bicycles were stolen last year. According the map, we located five bicycles and 16 000 people through live stream watched what will happen. After two days one thief was arrested, the first weekend in years when none bicycle was stolen, huge buzz in Twitter and Facebook and most important – IR magazine raised the topic of problem arresting bicycle thieves and state police at the moment is working for a better law that soon will be submitted to parliament. Describe the brief from the client Primary goal was to raise awareness about the rising bicycle thievery. Objectives: - To create a map of Riga with places of bicycle thievery indicated - To decrease bicycle thievery during the 5 days of campaign - To encourage others bicyclists to be more careful and look after other bicycles - To catch a thief - To promote IR magazine issue. Audience was defined - active social media users, bicycle fans, media and thieves themselves. We hoped that buzz through Twitter and Facebook in the beginning of campaign will reach the potential thieves on the streets. Results Output/Awareness - Besides the first bicycle theft on Friday this was the first weekend in years when no bicycles were stolen - Unfortunately, the thief was acquitted considering the lack of evidence - People look after other bicycles on the streets more carefully and report to police in case of something suspicious Knowledge / Consideration - 16 000 people watched online after bicycles on a streets - Huge buzz in Twitter and Facebook - More than 1000 places in Riga indicated as crime scenes Action / Business Impact - Weekly magazine IR sale rise for 10% - Proposed changes in legislation by the State Police Execution DAY 1 - Launched web page 1st phase where everyone was welcomed to point the place in the map where his/her bike has been stolen and to share it with Facebook and Twitter friends. DAY 2 - 2nd phase of web page – map with approximate locations of five bicycles, photos of them and live video streams from places bicycles were locked. - Everyone could monitor web and if the bicycle was being stolen exact location on the map appear. DAY 2 - 1 bicycle was stolen, police called, the moment of arrest captured. DAY 3-5 - For the rest of four bicycles hidden GPS transmitters were changed every 24h. The Situation Cycling is getting more and more popular in Latvia. Youngsters, students, businessmen, elderly people and celebrities now prefer bikes starting from spring till late autumn. Unfortunately, so do the bike thieves. Every day our friends and acquaintances reported on stolen bikes in their social media accounts, national media made headlines on this problem. However, state police was powerless towards the rising thievery problem. Meanwhile weekly magazine IR was planning a cover story on cycling season opening, bicycle path problems in city and of course – the growing thievery issue. The Strategy Sadly, we had two weeks and 0 LVL budget to come up with a campaign plan. Strategy was simple – to come up with such a strong idea that does not need paid media coverage and really matters to people. Firstly, we came up with a creative idea on Velofenders (Bike Thief). Secondly, we persuaded three companies to give us GPS transmitters and five bicycles that we would leave on the streets locked with ordinary locks. All partner companies knew that there is a small chance of getting their belongings back in case of failure.









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