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    Grandma-Tested Goodness短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:执行 从 10月21日到 2016年12月2日,爷爷的冒险被发布在 Kinder 网站和社交媒体频道 (Facebook 和 YouTube) 上。从他们被要求在意大利各地采取行动开始,继续他们去金德工厂的旅程,他们的仔细检查和最终判断。他们的冒险经历也以视频横幅和编辑项目的形式播出,报纸、美食博客和影响者广泛报道了这些内容,邀请他们在经历完祖母后会见和采访他们。 战略 所有的孩子都喜欢预先包装的甜食,但是意大利的父母和亲戚呢?社交和数字倾听表明,家庭变得越来越可疑。为了让他们放心,更好的甜食是真正的,我们不能这么说,我们需要证明这一点。这就是为什么我们决定向有史以来最专业、最苛刻的食品创造者 -- 意大利祖母 -- 打开金德工厂的大门。访问后,博客作者、影响者和日报报道了他们的观点,他们经历的共鸣让我们几乎为所有意大利家庭打开了金德工厂的大门。 活动描述 奶奶考验的善良。关于真实性问题的最高当局被要求在意大利各地采取行动。因此,一个由真正的意大利祖母组成的坚定的特遣部队出发去检查他们制作更好甜小吃的工厂。他们搜查了每一个角落,检查了配料,问了最不方便的问题。他们也发表了评论,给出了一些建议,也做了一些品尝。在做出最后判决之前。 结果 超过 600万的视图,+ 40% 的网站流量,30% 的意识。可爱 82% (资料来源: 益普索连接 2016年12月)。11m 总到达。30.000 的总互动。超过 7000万的媒体印象。对产品质量的感知 + 21%,对整体真实性的感知 + 25%,品牌差异化 + 26%,购买意向 + 25%。(与 Ipsos 连接参数相比,来源: Ipsos 连接 2016年12月)。考虑: 行业一流。(来源: 谷歌品牌调查)。 相关性 通过一群祖母的经验和意见,我们达成了一个更广泛的目标:所有已经使用这种产品的意大利家庭,最重要的是那些持怀疑态度的家庭。祖母比网上和网上雇佣的任何名人或推荐人都更受欢迎。他们的经历不仅引起了公众的关注,也引起了食品网站、博客甚至新闻媒体的关注。 概要 近年来,意大利家庭对健康饮食和良好饮食的关注显著增加,许多人开始做出更健康的决定。这一趋势对工业食品消费和人们对预先包装甜食的看法产生了负面影响。必须以最直接和最公开的方式处理真诚的问题。


    案例简介:Execution The grandmas’ adventures were posted on the Kinder website and social media channels (Facebook and YouTube) from October 21 to December 2, 2016. Starting with their being called into action across Italy and continuing with their journey to Kinder’s factory, their careful inspection and their final judgment. Their adventures were also aired as video banners and editorial projects, which were widely reported on by newspapers, food bloggers and influencers invited to meet and interview the grandmas right after their experience. Strategy All kids love prepackaged sweet snacks, but what about Italian parents and relatives? Social and digital listening showed that families were becoming more and more suspicious. To reassure them that Kinder sweet snacks were genuine, we couldn’t just say so, we needed to prove it. That’s why we decided to open Kinder’s factory doors to the most expert and demanding food creators ever: Italian grandmothers.Their opinion after the visit was reported by bloggers, influencers and daily newspapers, and the resonance of their experience allowed us to open the Kinder factory’s doors virtually for all Italian families. CampaignDescription Grandma-tested goodness. The top authorities on the subject of genuineness were called into action across Italy. So, a determined task force of real italian grandmas set off to inspect the factory where they make Kinder sweet snacks. They scoured every corner, checked the ingredients and asked the most inconvenient questions. They also made their remarks, gave a few tips and did some tasting too. Before handing down their final judgement. Outcome More than 6 million views, +40% Site traffic, 30% of Awareness. Likeability 82% (Source: Ipsos Connect Dec 2016). 11M Total Reach. 30.000 Total interactions.Over 70 million Media impressions.Perception of product quality +21%, Perception of overall genuineness +25%, Brand differentiation +26%, Intention to buy + 25%. (Compared to Ipsos Connect parameter, source: Ipsos Connect Dec 2016). Consideration: industry best in class. (Source: Google Brand Survey). Relevancy Through the experience and opinions of a group of grandmas, the top authorities on the subject of sweet snacks and genuineness, we reached and reassured a much broader target: all Italian families that already use the product and most importantly the sceptical ones too.The grandmas were better loved and more popular than any celebrity or testimonial Kinder has ever hired on and off line. Their experience gained the attention not only of our public, but also of food websites and blogs and even of news outlets. Synopsis In recent years, the attention paid by Italian families to a healthy diet and eating well has grown significantly and many have started to make healthier decisions. This trend has reflected negatively on industrial food consumption and on what people think about prepackaged sweet snacks. The subject of genuineness had to be approached in the most direct and open way possible.

    Grandma-Tested Goodness

    案例简介:执行 从 10月21日到 2016年12月2日,爷爷的冒险被发布在 Kinder 网站和社交媒体频道 (Facebook 和 YouTube) 上。从他们被要求在意大利各地采取行动开始,继续他们去金德工厂的旅程,他们的仔细检查和最终判断。他们的冒险经历也以视频横幅和编辑项目的形式播出,报纸、美食博客和影响者广泛报道了这些内容,邀请他们在经历完祖母后会见和采访他们。 战略 所有的孩子都喜欢预先包装的甜食,但是意大利的父母和亲戚呢?社交和数字倾听表明,家庭变得越来越可疑。为了让他们放心,更好的甜食是真正的,我们不能这么说,我们需要证明这一点。这就是为什么我们决定向有史以来最专业、最苛刻的食品创造者 -- 意大利祖母 -- 打开金德工厂的大门。访问后,博客作者、影响者和日报报道了他们的观点,他们经历的共鸣让我们几乎为所有意大利家庭打开了金德工厂的大门。 活动描述 奶奶考验的善良。关于真实性问题的最高当局被要求在意大利各地采取行动。因此,一个由真正的意大利祖母组成的坚定的特遣部队出发去检查他们制作更好甜小吃的工厂。他们搜查了每一个角落,检查了配料,问了最不方便的问题。他们也发表了评论,给出了一些建议,也做了一些品尝。在做出最后判决之前。 结果 超过 600万的视图,+ 40% 的网站流量,30% 的意识。可爱 82% (资料来源: 益普索连接 2016年12月)。11m 总到达。30.000 的总互动。超过 7000万的媒体印象。对产品质量的感知 + 21%,对整体真实性的感知 + 25%,品牌差异化 + 26%,购买意向 + 25%。(与 Ipsos 连接参数相比,来源: Ipsos 连接 2016年12月)。考虑: 行业一流。(来源: 谷歌品牌调查)。 相关性 通过一群祖母的经验和意见,我们达成了一个更广泛的目标:所有已经使用这种产品的意大利家庭,最重要的是那些持怀疑态度的家庭。祖母比网上和网上雇佣的任何名人或推荐人都更受欢迎。他们的经历不仅引起了公众的关注,也引起了食品网站、博客甚至新闻媒体的关注。 概要 近年来,意大利家庭对健康饮食和良好饮食的关注显著增加,许多人开始做出更健康的决定。这一趋势对工业食品消费和人们对预先包装甜食的看法产生了负面影响。必须以最直接和最公开的方式处理真诚的问题。

    Grandma-Tested Goodness

    案例简介:Execution The grandmas’ adventures were posted on the Kinder website and social media channels (Facebook and YouTube) from October 21 to December 2, 2016. Starting with their being called into action across Italy and continuing with their journey to Kinder’s factory, their careful inspection and their final judgment. Their adventures were also aired as video banners and editorial projects, which were widely reported on by newspapers, food bloggers and influencers invited to meet and interview the grandmas right after their experience. Strategy All kids love prepackaged sweet snacks, but what about Italian parents and relatives? Social and digital listening showed that families were becoming more and more suspicious. To reassure them that Kinder sweet snacks were genuine, we couldn’t just say so, we needed to prove it. That’s why we decided to open Kinder’s factory doors to the most expert and demanding food creators ever: Italian grandmothers.Their opinion after the visit was reported by bloggers, influencers and daily newspapers, and the resonance of their experience allowed us to open the Kinder factory’s doors virtually for all Italian families. CampaignDescription Grandma-tested goodness. The top authorities on the subject of genuineness were called into action across Italy. So, a determined task force of real italian grandmas set off to inspect the factory where they make Kinder sweet snacks. They scoured every corner, checked the ingredients and asked the most inconvenient questions. They also made their remarks, gave a few tips and did some tasting too. Before handing down their final judgement. Outcome More than 6 million views, +40% Site traffic, 30% of Awareness. Likeability 82% (Source: Ipsos Connect Dec 2016). 11M Total Reach. 30.000 Total interactions.Over 70 million Media impressions.Perception of product quality +21%, Perception of overall genuineness +25%, Brand differentiation +26%, Intention to buy + 25%. (Compared to Ipsos Connect parameter, source: Ipsos Connect Dec 2016). Consideration: industry best in class. (Source: Google Brand Survey). Relevancy Through the experience and opinions of a group of grandmas, the top authorities on the subject of sweet snacks and genuineness, we reached and reassured a much broader target: all Italian families that already use the product and most importantly the sceptical ones too.The grandmas were better loved and more popular than any celebrity or testimonial Kinder has ever hired on and off line. Their experience gained the attention not only of our public, but also of food websites and blogs and even of news outlets. Synopsis In recent years, the attention paid by Italian families to a healthy diet and eating well has grown significantly and many have started to make healthier decisions. This trend has reflected negatively on industrial food consumption and on what people think about prepackaged sweet snacks. The subject of genuineness had to be approached in the most direct and open way possible.



    Grandma-Tested Goodness










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