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    Hitler Hashtag活动广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 我们的竞选活动遍及各地,年轻的有影响力的人加入了反对种族主义的斗争。希特勒标签成为一个相关的话题,有850,000多个喜欢和7600万的联系人。通过赚取媒体产生了相当于490万欧元的收入。甚至右翼极端分子也谈到了我们。但更重要的是: 想要反对种族主义的人也是如此。每月吸引550% 多个新成员加入 “Gesicht Zeigen” 比平时多。运动4周后,该比率有所下降,但仍80% 高于运动前几个月。 战略 右翼民粹主义在德国街头再次变得强大,但在互联网上甚至更强大。民粹主义者和鼓动者正在滥用网络,并使用社交网络通过宣传吸引人们。他们的目标是: 将社会转向右翼。随着世界进一步向右移动,小型反种族主义组织 “Gesicht Zeigen!” (从他们的 “反对种族主义的奋斗” 项目中广为人知) 努力通过招募新的支持成员进行反击。我们在柏林政治区的中心地带用巨大的旗帜拉开了竞选活动的序幕,就像纳粹在建筑物前用十字记号旗帜一样。我们让媒体参与进来,并通过300,000影响者网络在网上和线下传播主题。 结果 我们的竞选活动席卷了世界各地,年轻的有影响力的人加入了反对种族主义的斗争。希特勒标签成为一个相关的话题,有850,000多个喜欢和7600万的联系人。通过赚取媒体产生了相当于490万欧元的收入。甚至右翼极端分子也谈到了我们。但更重要的是: 想要反对种族主义的人也是如此。每月吸引550% 多个新成员加入 “Gesicht Zeigen” 比平时多。运动4周后,该比率有所下降,但仍80% 高于运动前几个月。 执行 为了显示社交媒体在错误手中迫在眉睫的危险,我们创建了一个图标。从互联网上至高无上的符号开始: 标签。通过简单地在符号中添加特定的背景,我们完全改变了它的含义,直接指的是纳粹十字记号。我们在柏林政治区的中心地带以巨大的旗帜开始了这场运动,让媒体参与进来,并通过300,000影响者网络在网上和线下传播主题。 运动描述 为了显示社交媒体在错误手中迫在眉睫的危险,我们创建了一个符号。从一个在互联网上占主导地位的图标开始: 标签。通过简单地在符号中添加特定的背景,我们完全改变了它的含义,直接指的是纳粹十字记号。希特勒标签诞生了。


    案例简介:Synopsis Our campaign hit hearts everywhere and young influencers joined the fight against racism. The Hitler Hashtag became a relevant topic with more than 850,000 likes and 76 million contacts. Via earned media an equivalent of € 4.9 million was generated. Even right-wing extremists spoke about us. But more important: so did the people who wanted to take a stand against racism. Attracting 550% more new members per month to “Gesicht Zeigen” than usual. After the campaign period of 4 weeks the rate decreased, but is still 80% higher than in the months before the campaign. Strategy Right wing populism is getting strong once again on German streets, but even stronger in the internet. Populists and agitators are abusing the web and using social networks to attract people through propaganda. Their aim: to shift society to the right-wing. As the world drifts further to the right, the small anti-racism organization “Gesicht Zeigen!” (well known from their project “Mein Kampf against racism”) strives to fight back by recruiting new supporting members. We kicked off the campaign with huge flags in the heart of Berlin’s political district, like the Nazis did with their swastika flags in front of their buildings. We involved the press and spread the motifs on- and offline by involving a network of 300,000 influencers. Outcome Our campaign hit hearts everywhere and young influencers joined the fight against racism. The Hitler Hashtag became a relevant topic with more than 850,000 likes and 76 million contacts. Via earned media an equivalent of € 4.9 million was generated. Even right-wing extremists spoke about us. But more important: so did the people who wanted to take a stand against racism. Attracting 550% more new members per month to “Gesicht Zeigen” than usual. After the campaign period of 4 weeks the rate decreased, but is still 80% higher than in the months before the campaign. Execution To show the imminent danger of social media in the wrong hands, we created an icon. Starting with the symbol that reigns supreme on the internet: the hashtag. By simply adding a specific background to the symbol we completely changed its meaning, directly referring to the Nazi swastika. We kicked off the campaign with huge flags in the heart of Berlin’s political district, involved the press and spread the motifs on- and offline by involving a network of 300,000 influencers. CampaignDescription To show the imminent danger of social media in the wrong hands, we created a symbol. Starting with an icon that reigns supreme on the internet: the hashtag. By simply adding a specific background to the symbol we completely changed its meaning, directly referring to the Nazi swastika. The Hitler Hashtag was born.

    Hitler Hashtag

    案例简介:概要 我们的竞选活动遍及各地,年轻的有影响力的人加入了反对种族主义的斗争。希特勒标签成为一个相关的话题,有850,000多个喜欢和7600万的联系人。通过赚取媒体产生了相当于490万欧元的收入。甚至右翼极端分子也谈到了我们。但更重要的是: 想要反对种族主义的人也是如此。每月吸引550% 多个新成员加入 “Gesicht Zeigen” 比平时多。运动4周后,该比率有所下降,但仍80% 高于运动前几个月。 战略 右翼民粹主义在德国街头再次变得强大,但在互联网上甚至更强大。民粹主义者和鼓动者正在滥用网络,并使用社交网络通过宣传吸引人们。他们的目标是: 将社会转向右翼。随着世界进一步向右移动,小型反种族主义组织 “Gesicht Zeigen!” (从他们的 “反对种族主义的奋斗” 项目中广为人知) 努力通过招募新的支持成员进行反击。我们在柏林政治区的中心地带用巨大的旗帜拉开了竞选活动的序幕,就像纳粹在建筑物前用十字记号旗帜一样。我们让媒体参与进来,并通过300,000影响者网络在网上和线下传播主题。 结果 我们的竞选活动席卷了世界各地,年轻的有影响力的人加入了反对种族主义的斗争。希特勒标签成为一个相关的话题,有850,000多个喜欢和7600万的联系人。通过赚取媒体产生了相当于490万欧元的收入。甚至右翼极端分子也谈到了我们。但更重要的是: 想要反对种族主义的人也是如此。每月吸引550% 多个新成员加入 “Gesicht Zeigen” 比平时多。运动4周后,该比率有所下降,但仍80% 高于运动前几个月。 执行 为了显示社交媒体在错误手中迫在眉睫的危险,我们创建了一个图标。从互联网上至高无上的符号开始: 标签。通过简单地在符号中添加特定的背景,我们完全改变了它的含义,直接指的是纳粹十字记号。我们在柏林政治区的中心地带以巨大的旗帜开始了这场运动,让媒体参与进来,并通过300,000影响者网络在网上和线下传播主题。 运动描述 为了显示社交媒体在错误手中迫在眉睫的危险,我们创建了一个符号。从一个在互联网上占主导地位的图标开始: 标签。通过简单地在符号中添加特定的背景,我们完全改变了它的含义,直接指的是纳粹十字记号。希特勒标签诞生了。

    Hitler Hashtag

    案例简介:Synopsis Our campaign hit hearts everywhere and young influencers joined the fight against racism. The Hitler Hashtag became a relevant topic with more than 850,000 likes and 76 million contacts. Via earned media an equivalent of € 4.9 million was generated. Even right-wing extremists spoke about us. But more important: so did the people who wanted to take a stand against racism. Attracting 550% more new members per month to “Gesicht Zeigen” than usual. After the campaign period of 4 weeks the rate decreased, but is still 80% higher than in the months before the campaign. Strategy Right wing populism is getting strong once again on German streets, but even stronger in the internet. Populists and agitators are abusing the web and using social networks to attract people through propaganda. Their aim: to shift society to the right-wing. As the world drifts further to the right, the small anti-racism organization “Gesicht Zeigen!” (well known from their project “Mein Kampf against racism”) strives to fight back by recruiting new supporting members. We kicked off the campaign with huge flags in the heart of Berlin’s political district, like the Nazis did with their swastika flags in front of their buildings. We involved the press and spread the motifs on- and offline by involving a network of 300,000 influencers. Outcome Our campaign hit hearts everywhere and young influencers joined the fight against racism. The Hitler Hashtag became a relevant topic with more than 850,000 likes and 76 million contacts. Via earned media an equivalent of € 4.9 million was generated. Even right-wing extremists spoke about us. But more important: so did the people who wanted to take a stand against racism. Attracting 550% more new members per month to “Gesicht Zeigen” than usual. After the campaign period of 4 weeks the rate decreased, but is still 80% higher than in the months before the campaign. Execution To show the imminent danger of social media in the wrong hands, we created an icon. Starting with the symbol that reigns supreme on the internet: the hashtag. By simply adding a specific background to the symbol we completely changed its meaning, directly referring to the Nazi swastika. We kicked off the campaign with huge flags in the heart of Berlin’s political district, involved the press and spread the motifs on- and offline by involving a network of 300,000 influencers. CampaignDescription To show the imminent danger of social media in the wrong hands, we created a symbol. Starting with an icon that reigns supreme on the internet: the hashtag. By simply adding a specific background to the symbol we completely changed its meaning, directly referring to the Nazi swastika. The Hitler Hashtag was born.



    Hitler Hashtag










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