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    案例简介:概要 社交媒体太棒了。太棒了,它可以让人们生病 -- 让我们相信别人的生活是完全伟大的,而我们自己的生活是悲伤和无聊的。这可能会增加抑郁的风险,甚至导致自杀。“研究将 facebook 和社交媒体的大量使用与抑郁症联系起来。 (Forbes.com; Amit Chowdhry,2016) 当德国大萧条援助 “弗劳德 · 弗里斯 · 勒本 · e。五。 “要求我们开展一项在线活动,我们决定将萧条和社交媒体机制联系起来: 为一个问题创造意识,到目前为止,只有少数媒体提到。我们想树立一个反对所有上演的在线令人敬畏的榜样: 明确指出没有任何生活是完全令人敬畏的,但每一个都很重要。 战略 社交媒体令人敬畏会让人生病。我们想表明,它是完全可以不令人难以置信的真棒。特别是,我们想与抑郁症患者交流。基于心理分析,我们创建了一个聚类算法来解决 Facebook 上潜在的抑郁人群。然后,我们的社交媒体活动让他们超越了所有令人敬畏的东西。360 ° 后,也显示了超越可怕的陈词滥调的现实。我们联系了实际上抑郁的人 (Facebook 相关性得分 10/10),让他们分享和评论 -- 并表明没有人必须参与到令人敬畏的斗争中。 活动描述 社交媒体上太多令人敬畏的东西会让我们生病。为了提高对这个问题的认识,我们超越了所有舞台上的令人敬畏: 通过社交媒体活动,利用 Facebook 上的 360 帖子不仅展示了在线上的令人敬畏, 还有它周围的现实。360 头条充斥着社交媒体的陈词滥调,让人们分享和评论。例如,一张令人敬畏的自拍成为一种强有力的声明,一个令人敬畏的汉堡变成了一顿诚实的饭。为了确保我们真正解决 Facebook 上潜在的抑郁人群,我们使用了一种基于心理分析的特殊聚类算法。标有 # awesomemakesmesick 的标签,越来越多诚实的帖子出现了,表明没有生活是 360 可怕的,但是每一个都很重要。 结果 我们不仅获得了 120万的媒体印象 -- 我们接触到了实际上抑郁的人,Facebook 的相关性得分为 10 分中的 10 分。互动率比平均水平高 3 倍,每个帖子,与抑郁援助组织的互动增加了 14%。 执行 对于德国抑郁症援助机构 “Freunde f ü rs Leben e.V.”,我们在 25/11/2016 至 13/01/2017 期间在 Facebook 上发布了 360 条特别帖子。乍一看,他们展示了典型的社交媒体陈词滥调,但当水平滚动时,他们揭示了上演的在线令人敬畏背后的真实故事。每一篇文章都利用 360 的标题来吸引用户。


    案例简介:Synopsis Social media is awesome. So awesome that it can make people sick – by making us believe that other people’s lives are totally great while our own is sad and boring. This can increase the risk of depression and even result in suicide. "Research links heavy facebook & social media usage to depression." (Forbes.com; Amit Chowdhry, 2016) When the German depression aid "Freunde fürs Leben e.V." asked us to develop an online campaign, we decided to connect depressions and social media mechanisms: to create awareness for a problem that, so far, only has been mentioned by few media stations. We wanted to set an example against all the staged online awesomeness: By making clear that no life is completely awesome, but each one is important. Strategy Social media awesomeness can make people sick. We wanted to make clear that it is totally okay to be not incredibly awesome. In particular, we wanted to communicate with depressive people. Based on psychological analyses, we created a clustering algorithm to address potentially depressed people on Facebook. Then, our social media campaign let them look beyond all the awesomeness. With 360° post that also show the reality beyond the awesome clichés. And we reached actually depressive people (Facebook Relevance Score 10/10), made them share and comment – and showed that no one has to participate in the struggle for awesomeness. CampaignDescription Too much awesomeness on social media can make us sick. To create awareness for this problem, we looked beyond all the staged awesomeness: With a social media campaign that makes use of 360° posts on Facebook to show not only the online awesomeness, but also the reality around it. 360° headlines played with social media clichés and made people share and comment. For example, an awesome selfie became a strong statement and an awesome burger turned into an honest meal. To ensure that we really address potentially depressed people on Facebook, we used a special clustering algorithm that was based on psychological analyses. Marked with the hashtag #awesomemakesmesick, more and more honest posts have appeared, making clear no life is 360° awesome, but each one is important. Outcome Not only did we achieve 1.2 million media impressions – we reached actually depressive people and a Facebook Relevance Score of 10 out of 10. The interaction rate was 3 times higher than average and with every post, engagement with depression aid organization increased by 14%. Execution For "Freunde fürs Leben e.V.", a German depression aid, we published special 360° posts on Facebook between 25/11/2016 and 13/01/2017. On first sight, they displayed typical social media clichés, but when scrolled horizontally, they revealed the true story behind the staged online awesomeness. Every post made use of 360° headlines to draw the users into its story.


    案例简介:概要 社交媒体太棒了。太棒了,它可以让人们生病 -- 让我们相信别人的生活是完全伟大的,而我们自己的生活是悲伤和无聊的。这可能会增加抑郁的风险,甚至导致自杀。“研究将 facebook 和社交媒体的大量使用与抑郁症联系起来。 (Forbes.com; Amit Chowdhry,2016) 当德国大萧条援助 “弗劳德 · 弗里斯 · 勒本 · e。五。 “要求我们开展一项在线活动,我们决定将萧条和社交媒体机制联系起来: 为一个问题创造意识,到目前为止,只有少数媒体提到。我们想树立一个反对所有上演的在线令人敬畏的榜样: 明确指出没有任何生活是完全令人敬畏的,但每一个都很重要。 战略 社交媒体令人敬畏会让人生病。我们想表明,它是完全可以不令人难以置信的真棒。特别是,我们想与抑郁症患者交流。基于心理分析,我们创建了一个聚类算法来解决 Facebook 上潜在的抑郁人群。然后,我们的社交媒体活动让他们超越了所有令人敬畏的东西。360 ° 后,也显示了超越可怕的陈词滥调的现实。我们联系了实际上抑郁的人 (Facebook 相关性得分 10/10),让他们分享和评论 -- 并表明没有人必须参与到令人敬畏的斗争中。 活动描述 社交媒体上太多令人敬畏的东西会让我们生病。为了提高对这个问题的认识,我们超越了所有舞台上的令人敬畏: 通过社交媒体活动,利用 Facebook 上的 360 帖子不仅展示了在线上的令人敬畏, 还有它周围的现实。360 头条充斥着社交媒体的陈词滥调,让人们分享和评论。例如,一张令人敬畏的自拍成为一种强有力的声明,一个令人敬畏的汉堡变成了一顿诚实的饭。为了确保我们真正解决 Facebook 上潜在的抑郁人群,我们使用了一种基于心理分析的特殊聚类算法。标有 # awesomemakesmesick 的标签,越来越多诚实的帖子出现了,表明没有生活是 360 可怕的,但是每一个都很重要。 结果 我们不仅获得了 120万的媒体印象 -- 我们接触到了实际上抑郁的人,Facebook 的相关性得分为 10 分中的 10 分。互动率比平均水平高 3 倍,每个帖子,与抑郁援助组织的互动增加了 14%。 执行 对于德国抑郁症援助机构 “Freunde f ü rs Leben e.V.”,我们在 25/11/2016 至 13/01/2017 期间在 Facebook 上发布了 360 条特别帖子。乍一看,他们展示了典型的社交媒体陈词滥调,但当水平滚动时,他们揭示了上演的在线令人敬畏背后的真实故事。每一篇文章都利用 360 的标题来吸引用户。


    案例简介:Synopsis Social media is awesome. So awesome that it can make people sick – by making us believe that other people’s lives are totally great while our own is sad and boring. This can increase the risk of depression and even result in suicide. "Research links heavy facebook & social media usage to depression." (Forbes.com; Amit Chowdhry, 2016) When the German depression aid "Freunde fürs Leben e.V." asked us to develop an online campaign, we decided to connect depressions and social media mechanisms: to create awareness for a problem that, so far, only has been mentioned by few media stations. We wanted to set an example against all the staged online awesomeness: By making clear that no life is completely awesome, but each one is important. Strategy Social media awesomeness can make people sick. We wanted to make clear that it is totally okay to be not incredibly awesome. In particular, we wanted to communicate with depressive people. Based on psychological analyses, we created a clustering algorithm to address potentially depressed people on Facebook. Then, our social media campaign let them look beyond all the awesomeness. With 360° post that also show the reality beyond the awesome clichés. And we reached actually depressive people (Facebook Relevance Score 10/10), made them share and comment – and showed that no one has to participate in the struggle for awesomeness. CampaignDescription Too much awesomeness on social media can make us sick. To create awareness for this problem, we looked beyond all the staged awesomeness: With a social media campaign that makes use of 360° posts on Facebook to show not only the online awesomeness, but also the reality around it. 360° headlines played with social media clichés and made people share and comment. For example, an awesome selfie became a strong statement and an awesome burger turned into an honest meal. To ensure that we really address potentially depressed people on Facebook, we used a special clustering algorithm that was based on psychological analyses. Marked with the hashtag #awesomemakesmesick, more and more honest posts have appeared, making clear no life is 360° awesome, but each one is important. Outcome Not only did we achieve 1.2 million media impressions – we reached actually depressive people and a Facebook Relevance Score of 10 out of 10. The interaction rate was 3 times higher than average and with every post, engagement with depression aid organization increased by 14%. Execution For "Freunde fürs Leben e.V.", a German depression aid, we published special 360° posts on Facebook between 25/11/2016 and 13/01/2017. On first sight, they displayed typical social media clichés, but when scrolled horizontally, they revealed the true story behind the staged online awesomeness. Every post made use of 360° headlines to draw the users into its story.













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