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    # 再见

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与音乐娱乐狮子相关? 因为该活动超越了广告,成为赞美诗网络欺凌。这首歌是用人工智能创作的1,000多个音频和视频文件,“我不想说再见” 的信息成功地到达了全国各地的学校,电视节目,音乐节,并最终在Lollapalooza鼓掌和演唱。 背景 在智利,每10名儿童中就有6名是网络欺凌的受害者,每周有3名青少年因这种虐待而自杀。最著名的案例之一是16岁的歌手凯蒂·萨默 (Katy Summer),她在一家咖啡店里自杀。 问题是,在智利,学童的网络欺凌数字上升了111% 2016年和2018,而且预计还会继续增加。 这是因为这项运动旨在使这种网络欺凌在我们的孩子的眼中更加明显,以便他们可以意识到其后果以及如何防止年轻人成为这种虐待的受害者。 描述创意 我们创作了凯蒂·萨默 (Katy Summer) 的最后一首歌《我不想说再见》,使用了她一生的1,000多个音频和视频文件,包括童年视频,她录制的歌曲,甚至WhatsApp音频消息。 为了制作这首歌,我们使用了机器学习,这是一个通过算法组织所有单词的人工智能领域,因此后来一位著名的智利作曲家将结果写成了这首歌。 描述策略 在智利,每周有3名青少年因网络欺凌而自杀。 最令人难忘的案例之一是凯蒂·萨默 (Katy Summer),她是一位才华横溢的16岁歌手,由于网络欺凌,她在星巴克的一家咖啡店结束了自己的生命。 她离开了我们,但并非没有给世界一个教训。 该策略是在纪念智利的第一个 “网络欺凌日” 之前一周,在智利广播电台发行这首歌。那天,这场运动是所有大众和数字媒体的主角。 对于这首歌,我们创建了一个视频歌词,我们把它放在Youtube上,这是在不同的媒体,学院和大学,音乐节。 描述执行情况 为了创作这首歌,收集并解码了1,000多个音频和视频文件,以通过AI的ASR (自动语音识别) 技术进行处理,该技术允许将音频/语音转换为文本字符串。然后,“索引” 创建一个单词库,其中包含将它们关联到文件的元数据,尤其是第二个,用于搜索。最后,在创建库的情况下,作曲家被允许使用一系列单词,从而可以在同一单词的几个发音之间进行选择,从而促进了语音旋律线的创建。 我们于3月1日在Aldo Schiappacasse节目的ADN电台发起了 # GoodByeCiberbullying运动。我们还制作了一个歌词视频,放在Youtube上。 描述结果 几天内的歌曲《我不想说再见》被转化为赞美诗,并设法在不同媒体上被讨论。 标题: “反对网络欺凌的赞美诗必须在我们的队伍中” Lollapalooza 媒体: 这项运动到达了国内和国际媒体。它出现在新闻节目和电视脱口秀节目中。 评论: 对Youtube视频歌词的评论98% 积极。这是带有 # GoodByeCiberBullying标签的Twitter趋势 学校和大学: 该运动使网络欺凌主题在全国各地的学校中都得到了讨论。 音乐节: 这首歌成为赞美诗,并在包括Lollapalooza音乐节在内的不同音乐节上展出。 254百万印象 4.1赢得媒体

    # 再见

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Entertainment Lions for Music? Because the campaign surpassed advertising by becoming a hymn cyberbullying. The song was created with more than 1,000 audio and video files with AI, and the message "I don't want to say goodbye" managed to reach schools across the country, television shows, music festivals, and was finally applauded and sung at the Lollapalooza. Background In Chile 6 out of 10 children are victims of cyberbullying and 3 teenagers commit suicide each week due to this kind of abuse. One of the most famous cases is that of Katy Summer, a 16-year-old singer who took her own life in a coffee shop. The problem is that, in Chile, cyberbullying figures rose 111% between 2016 and 2018 in school children and it is expected to continue to increase. That is because this campaign aims to make this cyberbullying more evident on our children’ eyes, so they can be aware of its consequences and how to prevent young people from being victims of this abuse. Describe the creative idea We created Katy Summer's last song 'I Don't Want To Say Goodbye' using more than 1,000 audio and video files of her whole life, including childhood videos, songs she recorded, and even WhatsApp audio messages. To make this song we used Machine Learning, an Artificial Intelligence area that organized all the words through an algorithm, so later a renowned Chilean composer took the results to write the song. Describe the strategy In Chile, 3 teenagers commit suicide every week because of cyberbullying. One of the most memorable cases is Katy Summer's, a talented 16 year old singer that took her own life in a Starbucks coffee shop due to cyberbullying. She left us, but not without giving the world a lesson. The strategy was to launch the song on Chilean radios a week before the first "cyberbullying day" in Chile was commemorated. For that day the campaign was the protagonist coming out in all the mass and digital media. For the song we created a video Lyrics that we put on Youtube, which was shown in different media, colleges and universities, music festivals. Describe the execution To compose the song, more than 1,000 audio and video files were collected and decoded to be processed by the ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) technology of the AI, which allows audio / voice to be transformed into text strings. Then the "indexing" creating a library of words, which contain metadata that associate them to a file and second in particular, for your search. Finally the composition, with the library created the composer was allowed a range of words, allowing to choose between several pronunciations for the same word and thus facilitate the creation of the melodic line of the voice. We launched the #GoodByeCiberbullying campaign on March 1 on Radio ADN, on the Aldo Schiappacasse program. We also created a lyrics video that we put on Youtube. Describe the outcome The song "I don`t want to say goodbye" in a few days was transformed into a hymn, and managed to be discussed in different media. HEADLINE: "THE HYMN AGAINST CYBERBULLYING HAD TO BE IN OUR LINE UP" Lollapalooza MEDIA: The campaing reached national and international press. It appeared on news programs and tv talk shows. COMMENTS: The comments on the Youtube video lyrics were 98% positive. It was a Twitter trend with the hashtag #GoodByeCiberBullying SCHOOLS AND UNIVERSITIES: The campaign made that the cyberbullying topic was discussed in schools around the country. MUSIC FESTIVALS: The song became a hymn and it was showed in different music festivals, including the Lollapalooza festival. 254 MILLIONS IMPRESSIONS 4.1 EARNED MEDIA


    案例简介:为什么这项工作与音乐娱乐狮子相关? 因为该活动超越了广告,成为赞美诗网络欺凌。这首歌是用人工智能创作的1,000多个音频和视频文件,“我不想说再见” 的信息成功地到达了全国各地的学校,电视节目,音乐节,并最终在Lollapalooza鼓掌和演唱。 背景 在智利,每10名儿童中就有6名是网络欺凌的受害者,每周有3名青少年因这种虐待而自杀。最著名的案例之一是16岁的歌手凯蒂·萨默 (Katy Summer),她在一家咖啡店里自杀。 问题是,在智利,学童的网络欺凌数字上升了111% 2016年和2018,而且预计还会继续增加。 这是因为这项运动旨在使这种网络欺凌在我们的孩子的眼中更加明显,以便他们可以意识到其后果以及如何防止年轻人成为这种虐待的受害者。 描述创意 我们创作了凯蒂·萨默 (Katy Summer) 的最后一首歌《我不想说再见》,使用了她一生的1,000多个音频和视频文件,包括童年视频,她录制的歌曲,甚至WhatsApp音频消息。 为了制作这首歌,我们使用了机器学习,这是一个通过算法组织所有单词的人工智能领域,因此后来一位著名的智利作曲家将结果写成了这首歌。 描述策略 在智利,每周有3名青少年因网络欺凌而自杀。 最令人难忘的案例之一是凯蒂·萨默 (Katy Summer),她是一位才华横溢的16岁歌手,由于网络欺凌,她在星巴克的一家咖啡店结束了自己的生命。 她离开了我们,但并非没有给世界一个教训。 该策略是在纪念智利的第一个 “网络欺凌日” 之前一周,在智利广播电台发行这首歌。那天,这场运动是所有大众和数字媒体的主角。 对于这首歌,我们创建了一个视频歌词,我们把它放在Youtube上,这是在不同的媒体,学院和大学,音乐节。 描述执行情况 为了创作这首歌,收集并解码了1,000多个音频和视频文件,以通过AI的ASR (自动语音识别) 技术进行处理,该技术允许将音频/语音转换为文本字符串。然后,“索引” 创建一个单词库,其中包含将它们关联到文件的元数据,尤其是第二个,用于搜索。最后,在创建库的情况下,作曲家被允许使用一系列单词,从而可以在同一单词的几个发音之间进行选择,从而促进了语音旋律线的创建。 我们于3月1日在Aldo Schiappacasse节目的ADN电台发起了 # GoodByeCiberbullying运动。我们还制作了一个歌词视频,放在Youtube上。 描述结果 几天内的歌曲《我不想说再见》被转化为赞美诗,并设法在不同媒体上被讨论。 标题: “反对网络欺凌的赞美诗必须在我们的队伍中” Lollapalooza 媒体: 这项运动到达了国内和国际媒体。它出现在新闻节目和电视脱口秀节目中。 评论: 对Youtube视频歌词的评论98% 积极。这是带有 # GoodByeCiberBullying标签的Twitter趋势 学校和大学: 该运动使网络欺凌主题在全国各地的学校中都得到了讨论。 音乐节: 这首歌成为赞美诗,并在包括Lollapalooza音乐节在内的不同音乐节上展出。 254百万印象 4.1赢得媒体


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Entertainment Lions for Music? Because the campaign surpassed advertising by becoming a hymn cyberbullying. The song was created with more than 1,000 audio and video files with AI, and the message "I don't want to say goodbye" managed to reach schools across the country, television shows, music festivals, and was finally applauded and sung at the Lollapalooza. Background In Chile 6 out of 10 children are victims of cyberbullying and 3 teenagers commit suicide each week due to this kind of abuse. One of the most famous cases is that of Katy Summer, a 16-year-old singer who took her own life in a coffee shop. The problem is that, in Chile, cyberbullying figures rose 111% between 2016 and 2018 in school children and it is expected to continue to increase. That is because this campaign aims to make this cyberbullying more evident on our children’ eyes, so they can be aware of its consequences and how to prevent young people from being victims of this abuse. Describe the creative idea We created Katy Summer's last song 'I Don't Want To Say Goodbye' using more than 1,000 audio and video files of her whole life, including childhood videos, songs she recorded, and even WhatsApp audio messages. To make this song we used Machine Learning, an Artificial Intelligence area that organized all the words through an algorithm, so later a renowned Chilean composer took the results to write the song. Describe the strategy In Chile, 3 teenagers commit suicide every week because of cyberbullying. One of the most memorable cases is Katy Summer's, a talented 16 year old singer that took her own life in a Starbucks coffee shop due to cyberbullying. She left us, but not without giving the world a lesson. The strategy was to launch the song on Chilean radios a week before the first "cyberbullying day" in Chile was commemorated. For that day the campaign was the protagonist coming out in all the mass and digital media. For the song we created a video Lyrics that we put on Youtube, which was shown in different media, colleges and universities, music festivals. Describe the execution To compose the song, more than 1,000 audio and video files were collected and decoded to be processed by the ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) technology of the AI, which allows audio / voice to be transformed into text strings. Then the "indexing" creating a library of words, which contain metadata that associate them to a file and second in particular, for your search. Finally the composition, with the library created the composer was allowed a range of words, allowing to choose between several pronunciations for the same word and thus facilitate the creation of the melodic line of the voice. We launched the #GoodByeCiberbullying campaign on March 1 on Radio ADN, on the Aldo Schiappacasse program. We also created a lyrics video that we put on Youtube. Describe the outcome The song "I don`t want to say goodbye" in a few days was transformed into a hymn, and managed to be discussed in different media. HEADLINE: "THE HYMN AGAINST CYBERBULLYING HAD TO BE IN OUR LINE UP" Lollapalooza MEDIA: The campaing reached national and international press. It appeared on news programs and tv talk shows. COMMENTS: The comments on the Youtube video lyrics were 98% positive. It was a Twitter trend with the hashtag #GoodByeCiberBullying SCHOOLS AND UNIVERSITIES: The campaign made that the cyberbullying topic was discussed in schools around the country. MUSIC FESTIVALS: The song became a hymn and it was showed in different music festivals, including the Lollapalooza festival. 254 MILLIONS IMPRESSIONS 4.1 EARNED MEDIA

    # 再见








    广告公司: La Familia (智利 圣地亚哥) 制作公司: El Living




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