案例简介:描述来自客户的简介: 几年前,行政协调会成员比利时通信机构协会签署了竞争章程。该文件规定了代理竞赛的七个基本规则。然而,今天越来越多的广告商似乎忽视了章程。这些机构需要采取联合行动,提醒广告商他们曾经承诺的文件。 创造性执行: 这个想法使每个比利时机构都很容易参与到行动中。作为代理机构,如果您知道其他人也这样做,则更容易站起来。这样几乎每个机构都会在几天内加入。那个星期访问代理商网站的每个客户或潜在客户都面临着他们曾经签署的宪章。 描述简要/目标的创造性解决方案。 给广告商写了一封简单的信,但不是邮寄的。它在24个代理商的主页上运行,每个代理商都将其站点离线了整整一周。他们同意展示这封信的一部分,而不是他们通常的内容,最终成为全国性的罢工。 尽可能详细地描述结果。 几乎每个比利时主要机构都决定加入该行动,不仅是一个机构,而且是整个部门的声明。整个广告界迅速采取了行动。在一周内,访问了超过850,000的主页。该行动得到了英国IPA和南非ACA的支持。它还就广告时代,广告博客,传染性,创意评论和各种社交媒体展开了全球讨论。
案例简介:Describe the brief from the client: A few years ago, the members of the ACC, the Belgian Association of Communication Agencies, signed the Competition Charter. This document lays down seven basic rules for agency competitions. However, today more and more advertisers seem to be ignoring the charter. A joint action by the agencies was needed to remind advertisers of the document they once committed to. Creative Execution: The idea made it very easy for every Belgian agency to get involved in the action. As an agency, it is easier to stand up if you know others do the same. That way almost every agency joined within a few days. Every client or potential client who visited an agency's website that week, was confronted with the charter they once signed. Describe the creative solution to the brief/objective. A simple letter was adressed to advertisers, but it wasn’t sent by post. It ran on the homepages of 24 agencies, who each put their site offline for a whole week. Instead of their usual content, they agreed to show a part of the letter, ending up as a nationwide strike. Describe the results in as much detail as possible. Almost every major Belgian agency decided to join the action, making it a statement by not just one agency, but by the whole sector. The action was quickly picked up by the whole advertising world. Within one week, over 850,000 homepages were visited. The action got support from the IPA in the UK and the South African ACA. It also opened a worldwide discussion on Advertising Age, Adverblog, Contagious, Creative Review and various social media.
Virtual Strike
案例简介:描述来自客户的简介: 几年前,行政协调会成员比利时通信机构协会签署了竞争章程。该文件规定了代理竞赛的七个基本规则。然而,今天越来越多的广告商似乎忽视了章程。这些机构需要采取联合行动,提醒广告商他们曾经承诺的文件。 创造性执行: 这个想法使每个比利时机构都很容易参与到行动中。作为代理机构,如果您知道其他人也这样做,则更容易站起来。这样几乎每个机构都会在几天内加入。那个星期访问代理商网站的每个客户或潜在客户都面临着他们曾经签署的宪章。 描述简要/目标的创造性解决方案。 给广告商写了一封简单的信,但不是邮寄的。它在24个代理商的主页上运行,每个代理商都将其站点离线了整整一周。他们同意展示这封信的一部分,而不是他们通常的内容,最终成为全国性的罢工。 尽可能详细地描述结果。 几乎每个比利时主要机构都决定加入该行动,不仅是一个机构,而且是整个部门的声明。整个广告界迅速采取了行动。在一周内,访问了超过850,000的主页。该行动得到了英国IPA和南非ACA的支持。它还就广告时代,广告博客,传染性,创意评论和各种社交媒体展开了全球讨论。
Virtual Strike
案例简介:Describe the brief from the client: A few years ago, the members of the ACC, the Belgian Association of Communication Agencies, signed the Competition Charter. This document lays down seven basic rules for agency competitions. However, today more and more advertisers seem to be ignoring the charter. A joint action by the agencies was needed to remind advertisers of the document they once committed to. Creative Execution: The idea made it very easy for every Belgian agency to get involved in the action. As an agency, it is easier to stand up if you know others do the same. That way almost every agency joined within a few days. Every client or potential client who visited an agency's website that week, was confronted with the charter they once signed. Describe the creative solution to the brief/objective. A simple letter was adressed to advertisers, but it wasn’t sent by post. It ran on the homepages of 24 agencies, who each put their site offline for a whole week. Instead of their usual content, they agreed to show a part of the letter, ending up as a nationwide strike. Describe the results in as much detail as possible. Almost every major Belgian agency decided to join the action, making it a statement by not just one agency, but by the whole sector. The action was quickly picked up by the whole advertising world. Within one week, over 850,000 homepages were visited. The action got support from the IPA in the UK and the South African ACA. It also opened a worldwide discussion on Advertising Age, Adverblog, Contagious, Creative Review and various social media.
Virtual Strike
- 广告战役: #Association of Communication Companies Belgium-推广与活动-30a2#
- 广告品牌: Association Of Communication Companies Belgium
- 发布日期: 2000
- 行业领域: 其他
- 媒体类别: 短视频
- 广告语言: 英语
- 媒介平台: 网络
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