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    Sandvik Let A Giant Self-driving Mining Machine Navigate A Glass Labyrinth短视频,活动广告营销案例




    案例简介:全新的沟通策略。在他们的第一次全球活动中,他们甚至让他们的首席执行官通过玻璃墙运行一台采矿机器。在这部壮观的电影中,一辆 11 米 38 吨的山特维克采矿装载机独自穿越了一个玻璃迷宫。虽然玻璃显然与装载机的激光传感器设计的岩壁材料不同,但装载机通过狭窄的过道检测脆弱的迷宫和机动。 为了证明这一壮举的真实性,山特维克的首席执行官比约恩 · 罗森格伦在电影结尾接管了驾驶,并撞上了玻璃迷宫。 尽管山特维克是 150 多年前成立的,是世界领先的工程公司之一, 他们发现他们需要提高公司的意识,以吸引新的人才,尤其是工程师。 “在山特维克,我们对创新有着强烈的热情。因此,我们决定围绕我们每天使用的许多突破性技术建立我们的沟通策略。杰西卡 · 阿尔姆说: “在我们的新概念中,我们突出了业务的不同部分,并以娱乐更多观众的方式展示它们,但与我们的核心目标群体非常相关。” 执行副总裁兼集团通信主管。第一场全球运动侧重于山特维克采矿和岩石技术。近年来,自动驾驶汽车一直是一个广泛讨论的话题,主要是在概念层面。事实上,山特维克已经有自动装载机和卡车在实际矿山工作了 20 多年 -- 没有涉及人员的事故。为了证明自己的能力,山特维克将东西搬上了地面,并对其下一代自动化进行了测试。 “山特维克的自动驾驶装载机已经使用了 20 多年,地下工作时间超过 200万小时,” Jouni Koppanen 说, 山特维克采矿和岩石技术自动化高级系统工程师。“自主系统的一个好处是,我们可以将人们从可能危险的地下环境转移到地面上的安全控制室,提高客户的安全性和生产率。 “最近山特维克推出了下一代自主系统。 “我们的采矿机器现在能够装载材料,这对这个行业来说是开创性的,Koppanen 说,对于首席执行官罗森格伦来说,玻璃迷宫测试显然是一个特殊的一天。但这一独特的拍摄壮举也展示了山特维克对创新的看法。罗森格伦说: “今天最复杂的一些技术可以在山特维克的不同业务领域找到。”。“我们一直与客户密切合作,开发新产品和技术。展望未来,我们清楚地看到数字化是一个关键领域。它将帮助我们和我们的客户提高生产率、效率和可持续性。" 今天,山特维克在全球拥有 40,000 多名员工,大约 2,600 人在大约 50 个研发中心担任研究人员。从工程师到数字专家,山特维克的目标是通过融合各种能力来促进创新。


    案例简介:entirely new communication strategy. And in their first global campaign, they even let their CEO run a mining machine through a wall of glass.In the spectacular film, an 11-meter, 38-tonne Sandvik mining loader navigates through a labyrinth of glass, all by itself. While glass is clearly a different material to the rock walls the loader’s laser sensors are designed for, the loader detects the fragile labyrinth and maneuvers through its narrow aisles. To prove the feat’s realness, Sandvik’s CEO Björn Rosengren takes over the driving at the end of the film and crashes into the glass labyrinth. Despite the fact that Sandvik was founded over 150 years ago and is one of the world’s leading engineering companies, they found that they needed to increase the awareness of the company in order to attract new talent, especially engineers.“Within Sandvik we have a strong passion for innovation. So we decided to build our communication strategy around the many groundbreaking technologies we work with every day. In our new concept we’re highlighting different parts of our business’ and showcase them in ways that are entertaining to a larger audience, yet very relevant to our core target group”, says Jessica Alm, Executive Vice President and Head of Group Communications.The first global campaign focuses on Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology. In recent years, self-driving vehicles has been a widely-discussed topic, mostly at a conceptual level. In fact, Sandvik has had automated loaders and trucks working in real mines for over 20 years — with zero accidents involving people. To prove its capabilities, Sandvik moved things above ground and put its next generation of automation to the test.“Sandvik’s self-driving loaders have been in use for more than 20 years, with over 2 million operating hours underground,” says Jouni Koppanen, Senior Systems Engineer for Automation at Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology. “A benefit with autonomous systems is that we can move people from the environment underground, that can be hazardous, to safe control rooms above ground, improving safety and productivity for our customers.”Recently Sandvik introduced the next generation of autonomous systems.“It’s groundbreaking for the industry that our mining machines now are able to load material, transport and empty it all by themselves” Koppanen says.For CEO Rosengren, the glass labyrinth test was obviously a special day at work. But the unique filmed feat also demonstrates Sandvik’s view on innovation.“Some of today’s most sophisticated technology is found within Sandvik’s different business areas,” Rosengren says. “We’ve always worked close to our customers developing new products and technologies. Going forward we clearly see digitalization as a key area. It will help both us and our customers to be more productive, efficient and sustainable.” Today, Sandvik has more than 40,000 employees globally, with approximately 2,600 working as researchers in around 50 R&D centers. From engineers to digital specialists, Sandvik aims to boost innovation with a blend of competencies that work together.

    Sandvik Let A Giant Self-driving Mining Machine Navigate A Glass Labyrinth

    案例简介:全新的沟通策略。在他们的第一次全球活动中,他们甚至让他们的首席执行官通过玻璃墙运行一台采矿机器。在这部壮观的电影中,一辆 11 米 38 吨的山特维克采矿装载机独自穿越了一个玻璃迷宫。虽然玻璃显然与装载机的激光传感器设计的岩壁材料不同,但装载机通过狭窄的过道检测脆弱的迷宫和机动。 为了证明这一壮举的真实性,山特维克的首席执行官比约恩 · 罗森格伦在电影结尾接管了驾驶,并撞上了玻璃迷宫。 尽管山特维克是 150 多年前成立的,是世界领先的工程公司之一, 他们发现他们需要提高公司的意识,以吸引新的人才,尤其是工程师。 “在山特维克,我们对创新有着强烈的热情。因此,我们决定围绕我们每天使用的许多突破性技术建立我们的沟通策略。杰西卡 · 阿尔姆说: “在我们的新概念中,我们突出了业务的不同部分,并以娱乐更多观众的方式展示它们,但与我们的核心目标群体非常相关。” 执行副总裁兼集团通信主管。第一场全球运动侧重于山特维克采矿和岩石技术。近年来,自动驾驶汽车一直是一个广泛讨论的话题,主要是在概念层面。事实上,山特维克已经有自动装载机和卡车在实际矿山工作了 20 多年 -- 没有涉及人员的事故。为了证明自己的能力,山特维克将东西搬上了地面,并对其下一代自动化进行了测试。 “山特维克的自动驾驶装载机已经使用了 20 多年,地下工作时间超过 200万小时,” Jouni Koppanen 说, 山特维克采矿和岩石技术自动化高级系统工程师。“自主系统的一个好处是,我们可以将人们从可能危险的地下环境转移到地面上的安全控制室,提高客户的安全性和生产率。 “最近山特维克推出了下一代自主系统。 “我们的采矿机器现在能够装载材料,这对这个行业来说是开创性的,Koppanen 说,对于首席执行官罗森格伦来说,玻璃迷宫测试显然是一个特殊的一天。但这一独特的拍摄壮举也展示了山特维克对创新的看法。罗森格伦说: “今天最复杂的一些技术可以在山特维克的不同业务领域找到。”。“我们一直与客户密切合作,开发新产品和技术。展望未来,我们清楚地看到数字化是一个关键领域。它将帮助我们和我们的客户提高生产率、效率和可持续性。" 今天,山特维克在全球拥有 40,000 多名员工,大约 2,600 人在大约 50 个研发中心担任研究人员。从工程师到数字专家,山特维克的目标是通过融合各种能力来促进创新。

    Sandvik Let A Giant Self-driving Mining Machine Navigate A Glass Labyrinth

    案例简介:entirely new communication strategy. And in their first global campaign, they even let their CEO run a mining machine through a wall of glass.In the spectacular film, an 11-meter, 38-tonne Sandvik mining loader navigates through a labyrinth of glass, all by itself. While glass is clearly a different material to the rock walls the loader’s laser sensors are designed for, the loader detects the fragile labyrinth and maneuvers through its narrow aisles. To prove the feat’s realness, Sandvik’s CEO Björn Rosengren takes over the driving at the end of the film and crashes into the glass labyrinth. Despite the fact that Sandvik was founded over 150 years ago and is one of the world’s leading engineering companies, they found that they needed to increase the awareness of the company in order to attract new talent, especially engineers.“Within Sandvik we have a strong passion for innovation. So we decided to build our communication strategy around the many groundbreaking technologies we work with every day. In our new concept we’re highlighting different parts of our business’ and showcase them in ways that are entertaining to a larger audience, yet very relevant to our core target group”, says Jessica Alm, Executive Vice President and Head of Group Communications.The first global campaign focuses on Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology. In recent years, self-driving vehicles has been a widely-discussed topic, mostly at a conceptual level. In fact, Sandvik has had automated loaders and trucks working in real mines for over 20 years — with zero accidents involving people. To prove its capabilities, Sandvik moved things above ground and put its next generation of automation to the test.“Sandvik’s self-driving loaders have been in use for more than 20 years, with over 2 million operating hours underground,” says Jouni Koppanen, Senior Systems Engineer for Automation at Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology. “A benefit with autonomous systems is that we can move people from the environment underground, that can be hazardous, to safe control rooms above ground, improving safety and productivity for our customers.”Recently Sandvik introduced the next generation of autonomous systems.“It’s groundbreaking for the industry that our mining machines now are able to load material, transport and empty it all by themselves” Koppanen says.For CEO Rosengren, the glass labyrinth test was obviously a special day at work. But the unique filmed feat also demonstrates Sandvik’s view on innovation.“Some of today’s most sophisticated technology is found within Sandvik’s different business areas,” Rosengren says. “We’ve always worked close to our customers developing new products and technologies. Going forward we clearly see digitalization as a key area. It will help both us and our customers to be more productive, efficient and sustainable.” Today, Sandvik has more than 40,000 employees globally, with approximately 2,600 working as researchers in around 50 R&D centers. From engineers to digital specialists, Sandvik aims to boost innovation with a blend of competencies that work together.



    Sandvik Let A Giant Self-driving Mining Machine Navigate A Glass Labyrinth










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