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    案例简介:结果 1。ORINIGIRI 会培养人,尤其是孩子,在日常生活中创造新的东西或找到有趣的东西。ORINIGIRI 将促进日本消费大米,并帮助这些天大米产量下降的农民。ORINIGIRI 将帮助人们相互交流,不仅是家人,也是来自不同文化的人。ORINIGIRI 是一种新的生活方式,它给烹饪带来了 “手工活”。ORINIGIRI 是一个有用的工具,可以制作独特的食物形状,并将其作为午餐盒带到任何地方ORINIGIRI 是一种新型的纸艺,不仅对烹饪有用,而且很好看。它给厨房增添了色彩和乐趣。ORINIGIRI 是 “工艺食品” 或 “可食用艺术品” 新市场的先驱。 实施 如何玩 ORINIGIRI?把印好的 ORINIGIRI 床单和线条一起折叠。一条实线显示山脉褶皱,一条虚线显示山谷褶皱。? 让我们试着把它想象成完整的形式。? 打开 ORINIGIRI 床单,在紫菜之前,在空白的一侧放一张塑料包装在上面。? 撒上一碗米饭,放适量的食物。? 请根据您选择的食品来控制米饭的数量。? 改革 ORINIGIRI 床单和折叠线作为完整的形式。? 挤够了之前正在完成。 活动描述 “折纸” 是一种代代相传的传统戏剧。“折纸” 是一种传递人们温暖的食物,它塑造了一把米饭。两人坠入爱河,“折纸” 诞生了。他将告诉世界一种新的食物风格。通过接受 “折纸” 挤压 “折纸” 的概念,“orinigiri” 传达了人们对未来有趣的感觉和温暖。我们希望让人们了解日本文化的起源和历史,并通过 “狂欢” 来提高他们的兴趣。 概要 Tomoo Nitta 先生是 “orinigiri” 的父亲,他是日本的一名建筑师。“Orinigiri” 碰巧出生在他学习建筑设计的中途,他用一张纸作为折纸。名为 “tetra-share” 的形状可能是建筑墙的一部分,它变成了一个纸制的饭团。从建筑师的小办公室出来并不需要太多时间。“Orinigiri” 第一次在 2015年的研讨会上拜访了受东日本大地震伤害的人,让他们的微笑、交流和生活创造力得以恢复,现在还在继续。这项活动在日本获得了 “2016 年优秀设计奖”。这是为日本和世界各地的每个人生产 “orinigiri” 产品的触发器。 执行 “Orinigiri” 是一张正方形的纸,一面涂上聚丙烯,食物工作人员会在上面。为了激发用户的个人创造力,该片材除了两种线之外没有额外的部分来指导用户折叠过程。它让用户惊讶于从纸的 2D 出现的 3D 形状。享受折叠纸后,用户将用他们选择的食物制作自己的饭团。每个人都可以成为 ORINIGIRI 的食品设计师。ORINIGIRI 的这种创造力和兴趣将不仅对日本,而且对世界各地的人们来说都是很好的调味品。


    案例简介:Outcome 1. ORINIGIRI will grow people especially children to create something new or find something interesting in daily life.2. ORINIGIRI will promote to consume rice in Japan and help the farmer who is under the reduction of the rice production these days.3. ORINIGIRI will help to communicate people each other not only family but also people from different culture.4. ORINIGIRI is a new stile of life which brings 'handicraft' to cooking.5. ORINIGIRI is a useful tool to make unique shape of food and bring it with you anywhere as a lunch box at the same time.6. ORINIGIRI is a new style of paper craft which is not only useful for cooking but also good to see. It gives kitchen colorful and fun.7. ORINIGIRI is a pioneer of a new market of 'Craft Food' or 'Edible Art'. Implementation How to play ORINIGIRI?Put the ORINIGIRI sheet with the printed side up and fold it along with the lines. A solid line shows Mountain fold and a dotted line shows Valley fold.?Let’s try to fit it up imagining the complete form.?Open the ORINIGIRI sheet and put a sheet of plastic wrap on the blank side before Nori- seaweed on it.?Spread a bowl of rice and put a moderate amount of foodstuffs.?Please control the amount of rice according to your choice of foodstuffs.?Reform the ORINIGIRI sheet along with the folding lines as the complete form.?Squeeze it enough before completing. CampaignDescription ‘Origami’ is a traditional play that is handed down from generation to generation.‘Onigiri’ is a food that delivers the warmth of people molding a handful of rice.Both fell in love and ‘ORINIGIRI’ has been born. He is going to tell the world a new style of food.By embracing the concept of ‘Origami’ squeezing ‘Onigiri’, ‘ORINIGIRI’ conveys people’s playful sense and warmth to the future. We hope to let people know the origin of the Japanese culture and its history, and to enhance their interests through ‘ORINIGIRI’. Synopsis The father of ‘ORINIGIRI’, Mr Tomoo Nitta is an architect in Japan. ‘ORINIGIRI’ has happened to be born at the middle of studying for his architectural design using a sheet of paper as Origami-folding paper. The shape named ‘Tetra-Share’ might have been a part of building wall turned to be a molded paper for Onigiri-rice ball. It did not take much time for ‘ORINIGIRI’ to get out from a small office of an architect. ‘ORINIGIRI’ visited the people who hurt by the Great East Japan Earthquake to get their smile, communication and creativity in life back through its workshop in 2015 for the first time, and it goes on by now. Such activity was awarded for ‘Good Design Award 2016’ in Japan. That is the trigger to produce ‘ORINIGIRI’ as a product for everyone in Japan and all over the world. Execution ‘ORINIGIRI’ is a square sheet of paper coated with polypropylene on one side where food staff will be on. To bring out individual creativity of user, the sheet has no additional parts except the 2 kinds of lines to guide user in folding process. It makes user surprised at the 3D shape appeared from 2D of paper. After enjoying folding paper, the user will make his/her own rice ball with their choice food. Everybody can be a food designer of ORINIGIRI. Such creativity and interests through ORINIGIRI will be good spice for people at daily table not only in Japan but also everywhere in the world.


    案例简介:结果 1。ORINIGIRI 会培养人,尤其是孩子,在日常生活中创造新的东西或找到有趣的东西。ORINIGIRI 将促进日本消费大米,并帮助这些天大米产量下降的农民。ORINIGIRI 将帮助人们相互交流,不仅是家人,也是来自不同文化的人。ORINIGIRI 是一种新的生活方式,它给烹饪带来了 “手工活”。ORINIGIRI 是一个有用的工具,可以制作独特的食物形状,并将其作为午餐盒带到任何地方ORINIGIRI 是一种新型的纸艺,不仅对烹饪有用,而且很好看。它给厨房增添了色彩和乐趣。ORINIGIRI 是 “工艺食品” 或 “可食用艺术品” 新市场的先驱。 实施 如何玩 ORINIGIRI?把印好的 ORINIGIRI 床单和线条一起折叠。一条实线显示山脉褶皱,一条虚线显示山谷褶皱。? 让我们试着把它想象成完整的形式。? 打开 ORINIGIRI 床单,在紫菜之前,在空白的一侧放一张塑料包装在上面。? 撒上一碗米饭,放适量的食物。? 请根据您选择的食品来控制米饭的数量。? 改革 ORINIGIRI 床单和折叠线作为完整的形式。? 挤够了之前正在完成。 活动描述 “折纸” 是一种代代相传的传统戏剧。“折纸” 是一种传递人们温暖的食物,它塑造了一把米饭。两人坠入爱河,“折纸” 诞生了。他将告诉世界一种新的食物风格。通过接受 “折纸” 挤压 “折纸” 的概念,“orinigiri” 传达了人们对未来有趣的感觉和温暖。我们希望让人们了解日本文化的起源和历史,并通过 “狂欢” 来提高他们的兴趣。 概要 Tomoo Nitta 先生是 “orinigiri” 的父亲,他是日本的一名建筑师。“Orinigiri” 碰巧出生在他学习建筑设计的中途,他用一张纸作为折纸。名为 “tetra-share” 的形状可能是建筑墙的一部分,它变成了一个纸制的饭团。从建筑师的小办公室出来并不需要太多时间。“Orinigiri” 第一次在 2015年的研讨会上拜访了受东日本大地震伤害的人,让他们的微笑、交流和生活创造力得以恢复,现在还在继续。这项活动在日本获得了 “2016 年优秀设计奖”。这是为日本和世界各地的每个人生产 “orinigiri” 产品的触发器。 执行 “Orinigiri” 是一张正方形的纸,一面涂上聚丙烯,食物工作人员会在上面。为了激发用户的个人创造力,该片材除了两种线之外没有额外的部分来指导用户折叠过程。它让用户惊讶于从纸的 2D 出现的 3D 形状。享受折叠纸后,用户将用他们选择的食物制作自己的饭团。每个人都可以成为 ORINIGIRI 的食品设计师。ORINIGIRI 的这种创造力和兴趣将不仅对日本,而且对世界各地的人们来说都是很好的调味品。


    案例简介:Outcome 1. ORINIGIRI will grow people especially children to create something new or find something interesting in daily life.2. ORINIGIRI will promote to consume rice in Japan and help the farmer who is under the reduction of the rice production these days.3. ORINIGIRI will help to communicate people each other not only family but also people from different culture.4. ORINIGIRI is a new stile of life which brings 'handicraft' to cooking.5. ORINIGIRI is a useful tool to make unique shape of food and bring it with you anywhere as a lunch box at the same time.6. ORINIGIRI is a new style of paper craft which is not only useful for cooking but also good to see. It gives kitchen colorful and fun.7. ORINIGIRI is a pioneer of a new market of 'Craft Food' or 'Edible Art'. Implementation How to play ORINIGIRI?Put the ORINIGIRI sheet with the printed side up and fold it along with the lines. A solid line shows Mountain fold and a dotted line shows Valley fold.?Let’s try to fit it up imagining the complete form.?Open the ORINIGIRI sheet and put a sheet of plastic wrap on the blank side before Nori- seaweed on it.?Spread a bowl of rice and put a moderate amount of foodstuffs.?Please control the amount of rice according to your choice of foodstuffs.?Reform the ORINIGIRI sheet along with the folding lines as the complete form.?Squeeze it enough before completing. CampaignDescription ‘Origami’ is a traditional play that is handed down from generation to generation.‘Onigiri’ is a food that delivers the warmth of people molding a handful of rice.Both fell in love and ‘ORINIGIRI’ has been born. He is going to tell the world a new style of food.By embracing the concept of ‘Origami’ squeezing ‘Onigiri’, ‘ORINIGIRI’ conveys people’s playful sense and warmth to the future. We hope to let people know the origin of the Japanese culture and its history, and to enhance their interests through ‘ORINIGIRI’. Synopsis The father of ‘ORINIGIRI’, Mr Tomoo Nitta is an architect in Japan. ‘ORINIGIRI’ has happened to be born at the middle of studying for his architectural design using a sheet of paper as Origami-folding paper. The shape named ‘Tetra-Share’ might have been a part of building wall turned to be a molded paper for Onigiri-rice ball. It did not take much time for ‘ORINIGIRI’ to get out from a small office of an architect. ‘ORINIGIRI’ visited the people who hurt by the Great East Japan Earthquake to get their smile, communication and creativity in life back through its workshop in 2015 for the first time, and it goes on by now. Such activity was awarded for ‘Good Design Award 2016’ in Japan. That is the trigger to produce ‘ORINIGIRI’ as a product for everyone in Japan and all over the world. Execution ‘ORINIGIRI’ is a square sheet of paper coated with polypropylene on one side where food staff will be on. To bring out individual creativity of user, the sheet has no additional parts except the 2 kinds of lines to guide user in folding process. It makes user surprised at the 3D shape appeared from 2D of paper. After enjoying folding paper, the user will make his/her own rice ball with their choice food. Everybody can be a food designer of ORINIGIRI. Such creativity and interests through ORINIGIRI will be good spice for people at daily table not only in Japan but also everywhere in the world.













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