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    Red Sox: Green Monster短视频广告营销案例



    红袜队: 绿色怪物

    案例简介:简要解释 请考虑这两个类别的条目 活动描述 本杰明 · 摩尔想宣传他们对波士顿红袜队的赞助。我们决定让球迷第一次带芬威回家。介绍绿色怪物油漆。除了绿色怪物绿色,我们还设计了波士顿红袜主题的调色板和包装,基于芬威的其他标志性颜色,调用设置 Fenway 集合。我们建造了一个绿色怪物的复制品,并把它放在一个青年联盟棒球场上,让马萨诸塞州米尔福德的一个团队大吃一惊。我们开车送人们去 MonsterEverywhere.com,在那里他们可以买到油漆,观看当地粉丝展示他们对怪物的热情的纪录片,并发布他们自己的怪物作品照片。最重要的是,我们在当地建立了基层支持,通过捐赠每笔销售的一部分来翻新当地的棒球场。我们通过体育场内的标牌和节目广告宣传了芬威的收藏。最重要的是,我们把怪物带到波士顿最大的竞争对手: 纽约。我们建造了一个怪物的复制品,把它涂成绿色怪物绿色,并给了它波士顿喜剧演员莱尼 · 克拉克的声音。真正把怪物带到任何地方。 有效性 虽然芬威收藏要到赛季末才能发布 -- 红袜队的一个粗略的收藏 -- 而且促销预算很少,但仅在 Facebook 上我们就收到了 400万多个印象。# Monstereverywhere 在短短两个月内就在推特上收到了 1,284,784 个印象。我们对 MonsterEverywhere.com 有 6,700 多次访问。零售商排队储备从未花钱做广告来做广告的产品和商店。他们感受到了芬威系列的光环效应,因为它给了他们的零售店一个新的本杰明 · 摩尔故事。基于该项目的成功,芬威系列将于本季再次推出,本杰明 · 摩尔将继续为其提供广告支持。 实施 首先,我们创造了绿色怪物油漆和包装,我们通过电视广告、体育场内标牌和节目广告推广,让粉丝们去 MonsterEverywhere.com 购买油漆。我们还有一部短片在 MLB.com 上为超级粉丝在线播放。一旦到达那里,粉丝们还可以上传他们自己的绿色怪物作品的照片,以及观看当地红袜队粉丝展示他们对绘画热情的纪录片。然后我们在纽约推出了一个特技: 红袜队最讨厌的对手的家。我们建造了一个怪物的复制品,让它来质问路过的洋基粉丝 -- 声音不是别人,而是波士顿喜剧演员莱尼 · 克拉克。这个特技驱使人们来到网站,并在社交渠道上推广 # MonsterEverywhere 的使用。 相关性 红袜队是体育运动中最强大的国家之一。为了让人们意识到本杰明 · 摩尔与红袜队的合作关系,我们把棒球最著名的墙壁 -- 绿色怪物 -- 上使用的同样的油漆放在一个罐子里。现在粉丝们可以把绿色怪物带到任何地方。这个想法对消费者观众来说是令人兴奋的,并给了我们独立拥有的零售渠道一个激动人心的故事,在新英格兰市场上讲述。对于 “超级粉丝”。我们通过提供一系列芬威颜色来填写芬威系列,并在零售行业创造了强大的影响力。我们通过提供部分收益来翻新波士顿青年联盟棒球来获得支持公园。我们甚至参加了体育运动中最激烈的竞争之一,并在纽约市建造了一个绿色怪物来吸引节目的注意力。

    红袜队: 绿色怪物

    案例简介:Brief Explanation Please consider this entry for either category Campaign Description Benjamin Moore wanted to promote their sponsorship of the Boston Red Sox. We decided to let fans take Fenway home for the first time. Introducing Green Monster paint.In addition to Green Monster green, we also designed a Boston Red Sox-themed color palette and packaging based on the other iconic colors of Fenway, calling the set the Fenway Collection.We launched by constructing a replica of the Green Monster and putting it in a youth league baseball field and surprising a team in Milford, Mass. which later became a TV spot. We drove people to MonsterEverywhere.com where they could buy the paint, watch documentaries of local fans displaying their passion for the Monster and post their own pictures of their Monster creations. Best of all, we built grassroots support locally, by donating a portion of every sale to renovate local ballparks. We promoted the Collection at Fenway with in-stadium signage and program ads. And to top it off, we took the Monster to Boston’s biggest rival: New York City. We built a replica of the Monster, painted it Green Monster Green and gave it the voice of Boston comedian Lenny Clarke. Truly taking the Monster everywhere. Effectiveness Though the Fenway Collection couldn't be released until late in the season - a rough one for the Red Sox - and a minimal budget was available for promotion, we received over 4 million impressions on Facebook alone. #Monstereverywhere received 1,284,784 impressions on Twitter in just two months. We had over 6,700 visits to MonsterEverywhere.com. Retailers lined up to stock the product and stores that had never spent money advertising paid to run advertising. They felt a halo effect from The Fenway Collection, as it gave their retail stores a new Benjamin Moore story to tell.Based on the success of the program, The Fenway Collection will be available again this season and Benjamin Moore will continue to put an advertising support behind it. Implementation First, we created Green Monster paint and packaging which we promoted with a TV commercial, in-stadium signage and program ads driving fans to MonsterEverywhere.com where they could buy the paint. We also had a short film that ran online on MLB.com for superfans.Once there, fans could also upload pictures of their own Green Monster creations, as well as watch documentaries from local Sox fans displaying their passion for the paint.Then we launched a stunt in New York City: home of the Red Sox most hated rival. We built a replica of the Monster and let it heckle Yankee fans that walked by - the voice was none other than Boston comedian Lenny Clarke. This stunt drove people to the website and promoted the use of #MonsterEverywhere across social channels. Relevancy Red Sox nation is one of the strongest in sports. To bring awareness of Benjamin Moore’s partnership with the Sox, we took the same paint used on baseball’s most famous wall, The Green Monster, and put it in a can. Now fans could take the Green Monster everywhere. The idea was exciting for the consumer audience and gave our independently owned retail channel an exciting story to tell in the New England market.Green Monster paint was available pre-mixed in signature packaging making it collectible for ‘superfans.’ We filled out the Fenway Collection by offering a range Fenway colors and created a strong presence at retail.We built support by giving a portion of the proceeds to renovate Boston youth league baseball parks. We even played on one of sports’ most bitter rivalries and built a Green Monster in New York City to gain attention for the program.

    Red Sox: Green Monster

    案例简介:简要解释 请考虑这两个类别的条目 活动描述 本杰明 · 摩尔想宣传他们对波士顿红袜队的赞助。我们决定让球迷第一次带芬威回家。介绍绿色怪物油漆。除了绿色怪物绿色,我们还设计了波士顿红袜主题的调色板和包装,基于芬威的其他标志性颜色,调用设置 Fenway 集合。我们建造了一个绿色怪物的复制品,并把它放在一个青年联盟棒球场上,让马萨诸塞州米尔福德的一个团队大吃一惊。我们开车送人们去 MonsterEverywhere.com,在那里他们可以买到油漆,观看当地粉丝展示他们对怪物的热情的纪录片,并发布他们自己的怪物作品照片。最重要的是,我们在当地建立了基层支持,通过捐赠每笔销售的一部分来翻新当地的棒球场。我们通过体育场内的标牌和节目广告宣传了芬威的收藏。最重要的是,我们把怪物带到波士顿最大的竞争对手: 纽约。我们建造了一个怪物的复制品,把它涂成绿色怪物绿色,并给了它波士顿喜剧演员莱尼 · 克拉克的声音。真正把怪物带到任何地方。 有效性 虽然芬威收藏要到赛季末才能发布 -- 红袜队的一个粗略的收藏 -- 而且促销预算很少,但仅在 Facebook 上我们就收到了 400万多个印象。# Monstereverywhere 在短短两个月内就在推特上收到了 1,284,784 个印象。我们对 MonsterEverywhere.com 有 6,700 多次访问。零售商排队储备从未花钱做广告来做广告的产品和商店。他们感受到了芬威系列的光环效应,因为它给了他们的零售店一个新的本杰明 · 摩尔故事。基于该项目的成功,芬威系列将于本季再次推出,本杰明 · 摩尔将继续为其提供广告支持。 实施 首先,我们创造了绿色怪物油漆和包装,我们通过电视广告、体育场内标牌和节目广告推广,让粉丝们去 MonsterEverywhere.com 购买油漆。我们还有一部短片在 MLB.com 上为超级粉丝在线播放。一旦到达那里,粉丝们还可以上传他们自己的绿色怪物作品的照片,以及观看当地红袜队粉丝展示他们对绘画热情的纪录片。然后我们在纽约推出了一个特技: 红袜队最讨厌的对手的家。我们建造了一个怪物的复制品,让它来质问路过的洋基粉丝 -- 声音不是别人,而是波士顿喜剧演员莱尼 · 克拉克。这个特技驱使人们来到网站,并在社交渠道上推广 # MonsterEverywhere 的使用。 相关性 红袜队是体育运动中最强大的国家之一。为了让人们意识到本杰明 · 摩尔与红袜队的合作关系,我们把棒球最著名的墙壁 -- 绿色怪物 -- 上使用的同样的油漆放在一个罐子里。现在粉丝们可以把绿色怪物带到任何地方。这个想法对消费者观众来说是令人兴奋的,并给了我们独立拥有的零售渠道一个激动人心的故事,在新英格兰市场上讲述。对于 “超级粉丝”。我们通过提供一系列芬威颜色来填写芬威系列,并在零售行业创造了强大的影响力。我们通过提供部分收益来翻新波士顿青年联盟棒球来获得支持公园。我们甚至参加了体育运动中最激烈的竞争之一,并在纽约市建造了一个绿色怪物来吸引节目的注意力。

    Red Sox: Green Monster

    案例简介:Brief Explanation Please consider this entry for either category Campaign Description Benjamin Moore wanted to promote their sponsorship of the Boston Red Sox. We decided to let fans take Fenway home for the first time. Introducing Green Monster paint.In addition to Green Monster green, we also designed a Boston Red Sox-themed color palette and packaging based on the other iconic colors of Fenway, calling the set the Fenway Collection.We launched by constructing a replica of the Green Monster and putting it in a youth league baseball field and surprising a team in Milford, Mass. which later became a TV spot. We drove people to MonsterEverywhere.com where they could buy the paint, watch documentaries of local fans displaying their passion for the Monster and post their own pictures of their Monster creations. Best of all, we built grassroots support locally, by donating a portion of every sale to renovate local ballparks. We promoted the Collection at Fenway with in-stadium signage and program ads. And to top it off, we took the Monster to Boston’s biggest rival: New York City. We built a replica of the Monster, painted it Green Monster Green and gave it the voice of Boston comedian Lenny Clarke. Truly taking the Monster everywhere. Effectiveness Though the Fenway Collection couldn't be released until late in the season - a rough one for the Red Sox - and a minimal budget was available for promotion, we received over 4 million impressions on Facebook alone. #Monstereverywhere received 1,284,784 impressions on Twitter in just two months. We had over 6,700 visits to MonsterEverywhere.com. Retailers lined up to stock the product and stores that had never spent money advertising paid to run advertising. They felt a halo effect from The Fenway Collection, as it gave their retail stores a new Benjamin Moore story to tell.Based on the success of the program, The Fenway Collection will be available again this season and Benjamin Moore will continue to put an advertising support behind it. Implementation First, we created Green Monster paint and packaging which we promoted with a TV commercial, in-stadium signage and program ads driving fans to MonsterEverywhere.com where they could buy the paint. We also had a short film that ran online on MLB.com for superfans.Once there, fans could also upload pictures of their own Green Monster creations, as well as watch documentaries from local Sox fans displaying their passion for the paint.Then we launched a stunt in New York City: home of the Red Sox most hated rival. We built a replica of the Monster and let it heckle Yankee fans that walked by - the voice was none other than Boston comedian Lenny Clarke. This stunt drove people to the website and promoted the use of #MonsterEverywhere across social channels. Relevancy Red Sox nation is one of the strongest in sports. To bring awareness of Benjamin Moore’s partnership with the Sox, we took the same paint used on baseball’s most famous wall, The Green Monster, and put it in a can. Now fans could take the Green Monster everywhere. The idea was exciting for the consumer audience and gave our independently owned retail channel an exciting story to tell in the New England market.Green Monster paint was available pre-mixed in signature packaging making it collectible for ‘superfans.’ We filled out the Fenway Collection by offering a range Fenway colors and created a strong presence at retail.We built support by giving a portion of the proceeds to renovate Boston youth league baseball parks. We even played on one of sports’ most bitter rivalries and built a Green Monster in New York City to gain attention for the program.

    红袜队: 绿色怪物


    Red Sox: Green Monster






    广告公司: The Martin Agency (美国 Richmond) 制作公司: Element




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