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    The Vagina Experiment短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:结果 我们已经提高了女性和媒体的注意力来打破这个重要的禁忌。在 YouTube 阻止之前,在线视频有 265 000 多次浏览。我们的投票网站上有 2,114 个创意名字。我们不得不在 3 天后关闭弹出式商店,因为 2500 多件 t恤都卖完了。该活动在几个离线和在线的非付费媒体平台上获得了巨大的媒体亮相,如玛丽 · 克莱尔、花花公子、乔伊、大都会、指数。胡,生活,球员,女性,…… 等等。赢得了 70% 多家媒体。该地区有 8,000,000 多名妇女。从零开始 (这是品牌的发布活动),Idelyn 仅用了一年时间就成为了该地区最畅销的品牌之一。 活动描述 找到名字!在运动中,我们授权女性说出她们的生殖器,因为这是描述她们的问题并正确对待她们的第一步。 相关性 预算非常有限,所以我们的目标是创造一些可以赚取大量免费公关的东西,以提高对我们新品牌的认识。 执行 我们发布了一个在线视频来激怒女性,在视频中我们问了一个简单的问题: 你如何称呼你的生殖器? 我们把他们引向我们的微型网站 (findthename)。欧盟),女性可以分享她们的阴道昵称。他们也可以投票给其他用户提交的他们最喜欢的一个。我们让他们在 Facebook 上分享。我们重新推出了我们的品牌 TVC,其中投票最多的名字。我们创建了一个 Chrome/Firefox 插件,用他们最喜欢的阴道昵称取代了 “阴道” 或 “女性生殖器” 这个词。我们在市中心开了一家弹出式商店。我们与时装设计师合作,出售限量版 t恤系列。女性必须用他们最喜欢的阴道昵称来支付。书法家把名字涂在 t恤上。我们在 3 天内 “卖完了” 2500 +。 概要 情况: 该地区有一个历史悠久的女性亲密健康市场,由 Canesten 主导。沃尔马克计划用一个新品牌进入这个类别。简介: 让 Idelyn 成为领先的女性亲密健康品牌。主要目标: 向 Canesten 多年来一直处于领先地位的地区推出一个新的阴道健康品牌 (Idelyn Beliema) (41% SOM)。 战略 一般目标群体: 所有经历过任何阴道感染的在线活跃成年匈牙利妇女。媒体目标受众: 25-50 岁女性。目标媒体: 最有影响力的女性杂志女性博客 -- 时尚和健康最具挑衅性、自由和博学的新闻报道计划和方法: 由于预算低,我们的目标不是最著名的博客作者,但是即将到来的女性博客作者和一个真正相信阴道积极事业的地区时装设计师,他们致力于免费传播信息。他们创造了足够多的嗡嗡声,所以这个故事传到更大的在线媒体,首先是女性博客和女性在线杂志,最后是新闻门户。


    案例简介:Outcome We have raised females and media attention to break this important taboo.265,000+ views for the online video before YouTube blocked it.We got 2,114 creative names for genitals on our voting site.We had to close the pop up store after 3 days, because 2500+ t-shirts were sold out. The campaign got huge press appearance, on several, non-paid media platforms offline and online, such as Marie Claire, Playboy, Joy, Cosmopolitan, Index.hu , Life, Player, Femina,… etc. Over 70% media was earned.Over 8,000,000 women reached across the region.From zero (it was the launch campaign for the brand), Idelyn became one of the top selling brands in the region in just one year, in the region. CampaignDescription Find the Name!In the campaign we empower women to name their genitals, because this is the first step to describe their problems and treat it properly. Relevancy The budget was very limited, so our aim was to create something which would earn lots of free PR to build awareness around our new brand. Execution We launched an online video to provoke females in which we asked a simple question: How do you call your genitals?We directed them to our microsite (findthename.eu) where females were able to share their nickname for their Vagina. They could also vote for their favorite one submitted by other users.We asked them to share it on Facebook.We relaunched our brand TVC with the most voted name in it.We created a Chrome/Firefox plug-in that replaced the word “Vagina” or the expression “female genitals” with their favorite vagina nickname.We opened a downtown Pop-up Store. We teamed up with fashion designers and sold limited edition t-shirt collection. Females had to pay with their favorite vagina nicknames to get one. Calligraphists painted the names on the t-shirts. We “sold out” 2500+ in 3 days. Synopsis Situation:There is a well established female intimate health market in the region dominated by Canesten with a long history. Walmark planned to enter to this category with a new brand. Brief: Establish Idelyn as a leading female intimate health brand. The main objectives: To launch a new vaginal health brand (Idelyn Beliema) to the region where Canesten has been the leader for years (41% SOM). Strategy General target group:All online active adult Hungarian women who have experienced any kind of vaginal infection. Media target audience:25-50 year-old women.Target media:The most influential female magazinesFemale bloggers - fashion and healthThe most provocative, liberal and well-read news portalsPR planning and approach:Because of the low budget, we targeted not the most famous bloggers, but up and coming female bloggers and a regional fashion designer who really believed in the vagina positive cause and who were dedicated to spread the message for free. They created enough buzz so the story reached bigger online mediums, first female bloggers and female online magazines, then finally the news portals.

    The Vagina Experiment

    案例简介:结果 我们已经提高了女性和媒体的注意力来打破这个重要的禁忌。在 YouTube 阻止之前,在线视频有 265 000 多次浏览。我们的投票网站上有 2,114 个创意名字。我们不得不在 3 天后关闭弹出式商店,因为 2500 多件 t恤都卖完了。该活动在几个离线和在线的非付费媒体平台上获得了巨大的媒体亮相,如玛丽 · 克莱尔、花花公子、乔伊、大都会、指数。胡,生活,球员,女性,…… 等等。赢得了 70% 多家媒体。该地区有 8,000,000 多名妇女。从零开始 (这是品牌的发布活动),Idelyn 仅用了一年时间就成为了该地区最畅销的品牌之一。 活动描述 找到名字!在运动中,我们授权女性说出她们的生殖器,因为这是描述她们的问题并正确对待她们的第一步。 相关性 预算非常有限,所以我们的目标是创造一些可以赚取大量免费公关的东西,以提高对我们新品牌的认识。 执行 我们发布了一个在线视频来激怒女性,在视频中我们问了一个简单的问题: 你如何称呼你的生殖器? 我们把他们引向我们的微型网站 (findthename)。欧盟),女性可以分享她们的阴道昵称。他们也可以投票给其他用户提交的他们最喜欢的一个。我们让他们在 Facebook 上分享。我们重新推出了我们的品牌 TVC,其中投票最多的名字。我们创建了一个 Chrome/Firefox 插件,用他们最喜欢的阴道昵称取代了 “阴道” 或 “女性生殖器” 这个词。我们在市中心开了一家弹出式商店。我们与时装设计师合作,出售限量版 t恤系列。女性必须用他们最喜欢的阴道昵称来支付。书法家把名字涂在 t恤上。我们在 3 天内 “卖完了” 2500 +。 概要 情况: 该地区有一个历史悠久的女性亲密健康市场,由 Canesten 主导。沃尔马克计划用一个新品牌进入这个类别。简介: 让 Idelyn 成为领先的女性亲密健康品牌。主要目标: 向 Canesten 多年来一直处于领先地位的地区推出一个新的阴道健康品牌 (Idelyn Beliema) (41% SOM)。 战略 一般目标群体: 所有经历过任何阴道感染的在线活跃成年匈牙利妇女。媒体目标受众: 25-50 岁女性。目标媒体: 最有影响力的女性杂志女性博客 -- 时尚和健康最具挑衅性、自由和博学的新闻报道计划和方法: 由于预算低,我们的目标不是最著名的博客作者,但是即将到来的女性博客作者和一个真正相信阴道积极事业的地区时装设计师,他们致力于免费传播信息。他们创造了足够多的嗡嗡声,所以这个故事传到更大的在线媒体,首先是女性博客和女性在线杂志,最后是新闻门户。

    The Vagina Experiment

    案例简介:Outcome We have raised females and media attention to break this important taboo.265,000+ views for the online video before YouTube blocked it.We got 2,114 creative names for genitals on our voting site.We had to close the pop up store after 3 days, because 2500+ t-shirts were sold out. The campaign got huge press appearance, on several, non-paid media platforms offline and online, such as Marie Claire, Playboy, Joy, Cosmopolitan, Index.hu , Life, Player, Femina,… etc. Over 70% media was earned.Over 8,000,000 women reached across the region.From zero (it was the launch campaign for the brand), Idelyn became one of the top selling brands in the region in just one year, in the region. CampaignDescription Find the Name!In the campaign we empower women to name their genitals, because this is the first step to describe their problems and treat it properly. Relevancy The budget was very limited, so our aim was to create something which would earn lots of free PR to build awareness around our new brand. Execution We launched an online video to provoke females in which we asked a simple question: How do you call your genitals?We directed them to our microsite (findthename.eu) where females were able to share their nickname for their Vagina. They could also vote for their favorite one submitted by other users.We asked them to share it on Facebook.We relaunched our brand TVC with the most voted name in it.We created a Chrome/Firefox plug-in that replaced the word “Vagina” or the expression “female genitals” with their favorite vagina nickname.We opened a downtown Pop-up Store. We teamed up with fashion designers and sold limited edition t-shirt collection. Females had to pay with their favorite vagina nicknames to get one. Calligraphists painted the names on the t-shirts. We “sold out” 2500+ in 3 days. Synopsis Situation:There is a well established female intimate health market in the region dominated by Canesten with a long history. Walmark planned to enter to this category with a new brand. Brief: Establish Idelyn as a leading female intimate health brand. The main objectives: To launch a new vaginal health brand (Idelyn Beliema) to the region where Canesten has been the leader for years (41% SOM). Strategy General target group:All online active adult Hungarian women who have experienced any kind of vaginal infection. Media target audience:25-50 year-old women.Target media:The most influential female magazinesFemale bloggers - fashion and healthThe most provocative, liberal and well-read news portalsPR planning and approach:Because of the low budget, we targeted not the most famous bloggers, but up and coming female bloggers and a regional fashion designer who really believed in the vagina positive cause and who were dedicated to spread the message for free. They created enough buzz so the story reached bigger online mediums, first female bloggers and female online magazines, then finally the news portals.



    The Vagina Experiment






    广告公司: 麦肯 (匈牙利 布达佩斯) 制作公司: McCann




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