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    One Chicago活动广告营销案例




    案例简介:大纲 特朗普总统威胁要取消对保护移民的城市的联邦资助,这些城市被称为避难所城市。这使芝加哥这个对移民最友好的城市成为全国的焦点。恐惧和不确定突然困扰着它的公民。围绕移民的谈话变得充满敌意。这座城市来找我们需要一个答案。像迈阿密这样的其他避难所城市已经在特朗普的压力下屈服了。是时候有人表明立场了。我们的目标是创建一个项目,让移民知道他们是安全的,芝加哥市将永远支持他们。 策略 围绕移民的讨论变得充满负面影响。避难所城市一词发展了贬义的内涵。我们需要说服芝加哥的大量移民人口,不管他们在新闻中听到什么,他们将永远受到保护,并在那里有一个家。芝加哥建立在多样性的基础上。从公民到建筑再到食物。是时候提醒人们这与你来自哪里无关了。是关于你是由什么组成的。我们需要统一这个城市。但不仅仅是人民。我们需要企业、教堂、新闻媒体,甚至运动队支持我们。最重要的是,我们不得不在不花一分钱纳税人的钱的情况下做到这一点。我们的方法是给芝加哥的移民一个不可忽视的声音,赋予他们资源,让整个城市团结一致。 相关性 由于美国目前的政治气候,围绕移民的讨论变得充满负面。作为全国最适合移民的地方之一,芝加哥市需要做出回应。我们创建了一个统一城市的运动,让我们所有的公民知道他们将永远受到欢迎。主要的电视网络和新闻媒体报道了我们的活动,在全球传播我们的信息。我们在公民和城市之间建立了信任,对移民保护采取了大胆的立场。 结果 在第一周内,我们获得了 200万次公关印象。8 家主要网络捐赠了超过 8,600 个位置和 1600万次印象的广播时间。包括美国有线电视新闻网、美国全国广播公司、华尔街日报和路透社在内的新闻媒体分享了对芝加哥一家的热情报道。我们达到了城市的 74%,在全国范围内获得了 1.92亿的公关印象。城市各地的市民、教堂和企业主自豪地在他们的前窗展示了我们的明星,展示了他们对移民的友好。留出了 230万美元来支持芝加哥移民。最重要的是,30,000 人在OneChi.org找到了帮助和法律援助。我们也在不花费任何纳税人的钱的情况下实现了我们的目标。One Chicago成功地将每个社区和每个背景合二为一,超越了所有期望,吸引了全球观众。 执行 我们给了来自不同社区和背景的移民一个分享他们独特故事的平台,让他们成为一个芝加哥的代言人。这项运动于 2016年发起,市长拉姆 · 伊曼纽尔在芝加哥举行了一次新闻发布会。他宣布芝加哥将永远是一个欢迎的城市,并鼓励每个人在他们的前窗展示我们的明星。我们拍摄的移民采访和肖像全年都在电视、社交、在线和城外播出。这场运动驱使人们去OneChi.org,OneChi.org为移民提供了宝贵的资源,并向每个人展示了他们如何参与进来。我们还制作了One Chicago star的定制版本,代表了城市周围所有不同的街区,以表明我们都是平等的。 活动描述 在现代美国政治最分裂的时期,我们的城市决定采取保护移民的立场。与拉姆 · 伊曼纽尔市长合作,我们创建了一个芝加哥。将我们的城市重新命名为不仅是一个避难所城市,也是一个欢迎城市的倡议。芝加哥国旗上的每一颗星星都代表着我们城市历史上的一个重要里程碑。这激励我们创造一颗新星作为我们的标志,庆祝成为移民建造的城市。我们给了移民一个强有力的声音,以及他们需要的资源,如法律服务和雇主沟通。在迄今为止最大胆的移民保护行动中,我们将所有芝加哥人团结在一起,我们现在是并将永远是一个受欢迎的城市。


    案例简介:Synopsis President Trump threatened to remove federal funding to cities that protect immigrants known as sanctuary cities. This put Chicago, one of the most immigrant friendly cities, in the national spotlight. Fear and uncertainly suddenly plagued its citizens. The conversation around immigration became hostile. The city came to us in need of an answer. Other sanctuary cities like Miami had already caved under Trump’s pressure. It was time for someone to take a stand. Our objective was to create a program to let immigrants know they are safe and that the city of Chicago will always have their back. Strategy The discussion around immigration had become negatively charged. The term sanctuary city developed a derogatory connotation. We needed to convince Chicago’s massive immigrant population that despite what they were hearing in the news, they will always be protected and have a home there. Chicago was built on diversity. Everywhere from its citizens, to its architecture to its food. It was time to remind people that it’s not about where you came from. It’s about what you’re made of. We needed to unify the city. But not just the people. We needed businesses, churches, news outlets and even sports teams to stand by our side. On top of that, we had to do it without spending a dime of taxpayer money. Our approach was to give Chicago’s immigrants a voice that would be impossible to ignore, empower them with resources and bring the entire city together as one. Relevancy Due to the current political climate in America, the discussion around immigration had become negatively charged. Being one of the most immigrant friendly places in the country, the city of Chicago needed to respond. We created a campaign that unified the city, letting all our citizens know that they will always be welcome. Major TV networks and news outlets covered our campaign, spreading our message globally. We built trust between citizens and the city, taking a bold stance for immigrant protection. Outcome Within the first week, we earned 2 million PR impressions. 8 major networks donated broadcast time amounting to more than 8,600 placements and 16 million impressions. News outlets including CNN, NBC, The Wall Street Journal and Reuters shared enthusiastic coverage of One Chicago. We reached 74% of the city and earned 192 million PR impressions nationally. Citizens, churches and business owners across the city proudly displayed our star in their front window, showing they are immigrant friendly. 2.3 million dollars were set aside to support Chicago immigrants. Most importantly, 30,000 people found help and legal aid at OneChi.org. We also achieved our goals without spending any taxpayer dollars. One Chicago successfully brought every neighborhood and every background together as one, surpassing all expectations and captivating a global audience. Execution We gave immigrants from all different neighborhoods and backgrounds a platform to share their unique stories and made them the face of One Chicago. The campaign launched in May of 2016 with a One Chicago press conference from Mayor Rahm Emanuel. He announced that Chicago will always be a welcoming city and encouraged everyone to display our star in their front window. The interviews and portraits we shot of our immigrants were featured throughout the year in TV, social, online and out of home across the city. The campaign drove people to OneChi.org, which provided valuable resources for immigrants and showed everyone how they could get involved. We also made customized versions of the One Chicago star, representing all the different neighborhoods around the city to show that we are all equal. CampaignDescription During the most divisive period of modern American politics, our city decided to take a stand for immigrant protection. Partnering with Mayor Rahm Emanuel, we created One Chicago. An initiative to rebrand our city as not just a sanctuary city but a welcoming city. Each of the stars on the Chicago flag represent a major milestone in our city’s history. This inspired us to create a new star to stand as our logo and celebrate being a city built by immigrants. We gave immigrants a powerful voice as well as resources they need like legal services and employer communications. In the boldest move yet for immigrant protection, we unified all Chicagoans around the fact that we are and always will be a welcoming city.

    One Chicago

    案例简介:大纲 特朗普总统威胁要取消对保护移民的城市的联邦资助,这些城市被称为避难所城市。这使芝加哥这个对移民最友好的城市成为全国的焦点。恐惧和不确定突然困扰着它的公民。围绕移民的谈话变得充满敌意。这座城市来找我们需要一个答案。像迈阿密这样的其他避难所城市已经在特朗普的压力下屈服了。是时候有人表明立场了。我们的目标是创建一个项目,让移民知道他们是安全的,芝加哥市将永远支持他们。 策略 围绕移民的讨论变得充满负面影响。避难所城市一词发展了贬义的内涵。我们需要说服芝加哥的大量移民人口,不管他们在新闻中听到什么,他们将永远受到保护,并在那里有一个家。芝加哥建立在多样性的基础上。从公民到建筑再到食物。是时候提醒人们这与你来自哪里无关了。是关于你是由什么组成的。我们需要统一这个城市。但不仅仅是人民。我们需要企业、教堂、新闻媒体,甚至运动队支持我们。最重要的是,我们不得不在不花一分钱纳税人的钱的情况下做到这一点。我们的方法是给芝加哥的移民一个不可忽视的声音,赋予他们资源,让整个城市团结一致。 相关性 由于美国目前的政治气候,围绕移民的讨论变得充满负面。作为全国最适合移民的地方之一,芝加哥市需要做出回应。我们创建了一个统一城市的运动,让我们所有的公民知道他们将永远受到欢迎。主要的电视网络和新闻媒体报道了我们的活动,在全球传播我们的信息。我们在公民和城市之间建立了信任,对移民保护采取了大胆的立场。 结果 在第一周内,我们获得了 200万次公关印象。8 家主要网络捐赠了超过 8,600 个位置和 1600万次印象的广播时间。包括美国有线电视新闻网、美国全国广播公司、华尔街日报和路透社在内的新闻媒体分享了对芝加哥一家的热情报道。我们达到了城市的 74%,在全国范围内获得了 1.92亿的公关印象。城市各地的市民、教堂和企业主自豪地在他们的前窗展示了我们的明星,展示了他们对移民的友好。留出了 230万美元来支持芝加哥移民。最重要的是,30,000 人在OneChi.org找到了帮助和法律援助。我们也在不花费任何纳税人的钱的情况下实现了我们的目标。One Chicago成功地将每个社区和每个背景合二为一,超越了所有期望,吸引了全球观众。 执行 我们给了来自不同社区和背景的移民一个分享他们独特故事的平台,让他们成为一个芝加哥的代言人。这项运动于 2016年发起,市长拉姆 · 伊曼纽尔在芝加哥举行了一次新闻发布会。他宣布芝加哥将永远是一个欢迎的城市,并鼓励每个人在他们的前窗展示我们的明星。我们拍摄的移民采访和肖像全年都在电视、社交、在线和城外播出。这场运动驱使人们去OneChi.org,OneChi.org为移民提供了宝贵的资源,并向每个人展示了他们如何参与进来。我们还制作了One Chicago star的定制版本,代表了城市周围所有不同的街区,以表明我们都是平等的。 活动描述 在现代美国政治最分裂的时期,我们的城市决定采取保护移民的立场。与拉姆 · 伊曼纽尔市长合作,我们创建了一个芝加哥。将我们的城市重新命名为不仅是一个避难所城市,也是一个欢迎城市的倡议。芝加哥国旗上的每一颗星星都代表着我们城市历史上的一个重要里程碑。这激励我们创造一颗新星作为我们的标志,庆祝成为移民建造的城市。我们给了移民一个强有力的声音,以及他们需要的资源,如法律服务和雇主沟通。在迄今为止最大胆的移民保护行动中,我们将所有芝加哥人团结在一起,我们现在是并将永远是一个受欢迎的城市。

    One Chicago

    案例简介:Synopsis President Trump threatened to remove federal funding to cities that protect immigrants known as sanctuary cities. This put Chicago, one of the most immigrant friendly cities, in the national spotlight. Fear and uncertainly suddenly plagued its citizens. The conversation around immigration became hostile. The city came to us in need of an answer. Other sanctuary cities like Miami had already caved under Trump’s pressure. It was time for someone to take a stand. Our objective was to create a program to let immigrants know they are safe and that the city of Chicago will always have their back. Strategy The discussion around immigration had become negatively charged. The term sanctuary city developed a derogatory connotation. We needed to convince Chicago’s massive immigrant population that despite what they were hearing in the news, they will always be protected and have a home there. Chicago was built on diversity. Everywhere from its citizens, to its architecture to its food. It was time to remind people that it’s not about where you came from. It’s about what you’re made of. We needed to unify the city. But not just the people. We needed businesses, churches, news outlets and even sports teams to stand by our side. On top of that, we had to do it without spending a dime of taxpayer money. Our approach was to give Chicago’s immigrants a voice that would be impossible to ignore, empower them with resources and bring the entire city together as one. Relevancy Due to the current political climate in America, the discussion around immigration had become negatively charged. Being one of the most immigrant friendly places in the country, the city of Chicago needed to respond. We created a campaign that unified the city, letting all our citizens know that they will always be welcome. Major TV networks and news outlets covered our campaign, spreading our message globally. We built trust between citizens and the city, taking a bold stance for immigrant protection. Outcome Within the first week, we earned 2 million PR impressions. 8 major networks donated broadcast time amounting to more than 8,600 placements and 16 million impressions. News outlets including CNN, NBC, The Wall Street Journal and Reuters shared enthusiastic coverage of One Chicago. We reached 74% of the city and earned 192 million PR impressions nationally. Citizens, churches and business owners across the city proudly displayed our star in their front window, showing they are immigrant friendly. 2.3 million dollars were set aside to support Chicago immigrants. Most importantly, 30,000 people found help and legal aid at OneChi.org. We also achieved our goals without spending any taxpayer dollars. One Chicago successfully brought every neighborhood and every background together as one, surpassing all expectations and captivating a global audience. Execution We gave immigrants from all different neighborhoods and backgrounds a platform to share their unique stories and made them the face of One Chicago. The campaign launched in May of 2016 with a One Chicago press conference from Mayor Rahm Emanuel. He announced that Chicago will always be a welcoming city and encouraged everyone to display our star in their front window. The interviews and portraits we shot of our immigrants were featured throughout the year in TV, social, online and out of home across the city. The campaign drove people to OneChi.org, which provided valuable resources for immigrants and showed everyone how they could get involved. We also made customized versions of the One Chicago star, representing all the different neighborhoods around the city to show that we are all equal. CampaignDescription During the most divisive period of modern American politics, our city decided to take a stand for immigrant protection. Partnering with Mayor Rahm Emanuel, we created One Chicago. An initiative to rebrand our city as not just a sanctuary city but a welcoming city. Each of the stars on the Chicago flag represent a major milestone in our city’s history. This inspired us to create a new star to stand as our logo and celebrate being a city built by immigrants. We gave immigrants a powerful voice as well as resources they need like legal services and employer communications. In the boldest move yet for immigrant protection, we unified all Chicagoans around the fact that we are and always will be a welcoming city.



    One Chicago










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