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    Women's Aid微电影广告营销案例




    案例简介:引擎创意凸显了新电影《妇女援助》中封锁期间家庭暴力问题的加剧 2020年12月17日: 妇女援助组织正在发起一项强有力的新运动,以提高人们的认识,即在COVID封锁期间,处于虐待关系中的妇女外出和远离伴侣的机会较少。 由ENGINE Creative创作的电视广告和在线电影强调,对于处于虐待关系中的女性来说,任何离开伴侣的机会,即使是几个小时,也已经大大减少了。 该活动旨在提高人们对假期期间妇女援助的认识和捐款,并展示了像去超市这样简单的事情如何从家里的虐待中获得宝贵的喘息机会。但是,当我们在一个非常需要的时刻跟随一个女人和她的儿子出去时,很明显,他们必须回家面对施虐者只是时间问题。 这部电影以60秒和90秒的版本发行,结尾是 “对于现在成千上万的妇女和儿童来说,家一点也不安全。” 与Spindle & No.8合作,这部电影由新兴人才莫莉·伯德特 (Molly Burdett) 执导,还展示了著名摄影导演罗比·瑞安 (Robbie Ryan) 的技巧,罗比·瑞安 (Robbie Ryan) 因在广受好评的电影《最爱》中获得奥斯卡提名。 这项新的运动建立在该机构5月份的工作基础上,当时该机构代表妇女援助组织发布了 “封锁”,这是一个为期一周的活动,旨在提高人们的认识并吸引捐款,以保持该慈善机构宝贵的聊天热线可用,并帮助为妇女和儿童的避难所提供资金。 ENGINE的新工作是在《完美风暴》8月发表的,一份妇女援助报告显示,有61% 名遭受虐待和隔离的妇女表示,在封锁1后,虐待情况恶化了。此外,封锁措施限制了逃生和支持网络的访问,超过四分之三的与施虐者 (78%) 生活在一起的幸存者感到他们不能因为大流行而离开或逃脱。 妇女援助组织代理首席执行官尼基·诺曼 (Nicki Norman) 表示: “在大流行之前,家庭暴力支持服务已经面临资金危机,这是充满挑战的一年,因为比以往任何时候都有更多的女性寻求帮助和支持。”我们在妇女援助组织 (Women's Aid) 上知道,许多遭受虐待的妇女试图为了自己的孩子和更广泛的家庭度过圣诞节,然后在新的一年向我们寻求支持。大流行和节日的综合影响对家庭暴力幸存者来说将是巨大的,他们告诉我们,今年,他们已经感到在封锁期间被虐待者困住了。女性日复一日地经历着控制模式,身体、情感、经济和性虐待 -- 无论是Covid还是节日季节,都会让现有的虐待行为变得更糟。“ 引擎创意公司的创意总监克里斯托弗·林塞尔 (Christopher Ringsell) 说: “这部微妙而有影响力的电影展示了来自虐待伴侣的任何喘息都是多么重要。女性在正常的一些小时刻不得不付出的努力,这表明了与犯罪者一起被封锁是多么痛苦。“


    案例简介:ENGINE Creative highlights rising problem of domestic abuse during lockdown in new film for Women’s Aid December 17th 2020: Women’s Aid is launching a powerful new campaign to raise awareness that women in abusive relationships have fewer opportunities to spend time out of the home and away from their partners during COVID lockdowns. Created by ENGINE Creative, the TV commercial and online film highlights that, for women in abusive relationships, any chance to get out and away from their partners, even for a few hours, has been drastically reduced. The campaign aims to increase awareness and donations for Women’s Aid leading into the holiday period, and shows how something as simple as a trip to the supermarket offers invaluable respite from the abuse at home. But, as we follow a woman during some much-needed moments out with her son, it becomes clear that it’s only a matter of time before they have to head back home, and face their abuser. Released in 60-second and 90-second versions, the film ends with the copyline “For thousands of women and children right now, home is anything but safe.” In collaboration with Spindle & No.8 the film was directed by emerging talent Molly Burdett, and also showcases the skills of famed Director of Photography Robbie Ryan, who was Oscar-nominated for his cinematography on acclaimed film The Favourite. The new campaign builds on the agency’s work in May, when it released ‘The Lockdown’ on behalf of Women’s Aid, a one-week drive to build awareness and attract donations to keep the charity’s invaluable chatline available and to help fund refuges for women and children. ENGINE’s new work follows the publication in August of A Perfect Storm, a Women’s Aid report that revealed 61% of women experiencing abuse and isolation said the abuse had worsened after Lockdown 1. Added to this, access to escape and support networks was restricted by lockdown measures and over three quarters of survivors living with their abuser (78%) felt they could not leave or get away as a result of the pandemic. Nicki Norman, acting Chief Executive at Women’s Aid said: “Domestic abuse support services were already facing a funding crisis before the pandemic, and it has been a challenging year as more women than ever reach out for help and support. We know at Women’s Aid that many women experiencing abuse try to get through the Christmas period for the sake of their children and their wider family, then reach out to us for support in the New Year. The combined impact of the pandemic and the festive season will be significant for survivors of domestic abuse, who have told us that, this year, they have already felt trapped with their abusers during lockdown. Women are experiencing patterns of control and physical, emotional, economic and sexual abuse day in, day out – both Covid and the festive season can make existing abuse even worse.” Christopher Ringsell, Creative Director at ENGINE Creative said: “This subtle and impactful film shows just how important any respite from an abusive partner can be. The lengths women have to go to for some small moments of normality, demonstrates how traumatic it is being in lockdown with a perpetrator”.

    Women's Aid

    案例简介:引擎创意凸显了新电影《妇女援助》中封锁期间家庭暴力问题的加剧 2020年12月17日: 妇女援助组织正在发起一项强有力的新运动,以提高人们的认识,即在COVID封锁期间,处于虐待关系中的妇女外出和远离伴侣的机会较少。 由ENGINE Creative创作的电视广告和在线电影强调,对于处于虐待关系中的女性来说,任何离开伴侣的机会,即使是几个小时,也已经大大减少了。 该活动旨在提高人们对假期期间妇女援助的认识和捐款,并展示了像去超市这样简单的事情如何从家里的虐待中获得宝贵的喘息机会。但是,当我们在一个非常需要的时刻跟随一个女人和她的儿子出去时,很明显,他们必须回家面对施虐者只是时间问题。 这部电影以60秒和90秒的版本发行,结尾是 “对于现在成千上万的妇女和儿童来说,家一点也不安全。” 与Spindle & No.8合作,这部电影由新兴人才莫莉·伯德特 (Molly Burdett) 执导,还展示了著名摄影导演罗比·瑞安 (Robbie Ryan) 的技巧,罗比·瑞安 (Robbie Ryan) 因在广受好评的电影《最爱》中获得奥斯卡提名。 这项新的运动建立在该机构5月份的工作基础上,当时该机构代表妇女援助组织发布了 “封锁”,这是一个为期一周的活动,旨在提高人们的认识并吸引捐款,以保持该慈善机构宝贵的聊天热线可用,并帮助为妇女和儿童的避难所提供资金。 ENGINE的新工作是在《完美风暴》8月发表的,一份妇女援助报告显示,有61% 名遭受虐待和隔离的妇女表示,在封锁1后,虐待情况恶化了。此外,封锁措施限制了逃生和支持网络的访问,超过四分之三的与施虐者 (78%) 生活在一起的幸存者感到他们不能因为大流行而离开或逃脱。 妇女援助组织代理首席执行官尼基·诺曼 (Nicki Norman) 表示: “在大流行之前,家庭暴力支持服务已经面临资金危机,这是充满挑战的一年,因为比以往任何时候都有更多的女性寻求帮助和支持。”我们在妇女援助组织 (Women's Aid) 上知道,许多遭受虐待的妇女试图为了自己的孩子和更广泛的家庭度过圣诞节,然后在新的一年向我们寻求支持。大流行和节日的综合影响对家庭暴力幸存者来说将是巨大的,他们告诉我们,今年,他们已经感到在封锁期间被虐待者困住了。女性日复一日地经历着控制模式,身体、情感、经济和性虐待 -- 无论是Covid还是节日季节,都会让现有的虐待行为变得更糟。“ 引擎创意公司的创意总监克里斯托弗·林塞尔 (Christopher Ringsell) 说: “这部微妙而有影响力的电影展示了来自虐待伴侣的任何喘息都是多么重要。女性在正常的一些小时刻不得不付出的努力,这表明了与犯罪者一起被封锁是多么痛苦。“

    Women's Aid

    案例简介:ENGINE Creative highlights rising problem of domestic abuse during lockdown in new film for Women’s Aid December 17th 2020: Women’s Aid is launching a powerful new campaign to raise awareness that women in abusive relationships have fewer opportunities to spend time out of the home and away from their partners during COVID lockdowns. Created by ENGINE Creative, the TV commercial and online film highlights that, for women in abusive relationships, any chance to get out and away from their partners, even for a few hours, has been drastically reduced. The campaign aims to increase awareness and donations for Women’s Aid leading into the holiday period, and shows how something as simple as a trip to the supermarket offers invaluable respite from the abuse at home. But, as we follow a woman during some much-needed moments out with her son, it becomes clear that it’s only a matter of time before they have to head back home, and face their abuser. Released in 60-second and 90-second versions, the film ends with the copyline “For thousands of women and children right now, home is anything but safe.” In collaboration with Spindle & No.8 the film was directed by emerging talent Molly Burdett, and also showcases the skills of famed Director of Photography Robbie Ryan, who was Oscar-nominated for his cinematography on acclaimed film The Favourite. The new campaign builds on the agency’s work in May, when it released ‘The Lockdown’ on behalf of Women’s Aid, a one-week drive to build awareness and attract donations to keep the charity’s invaluable chatline available and to help fund refuges for women and children. ENGINE’s new work follows the publication in August of A Perfect Storm, a Women’s Aid report that revealed 61% of women experiencing abuse and isolation said the abuse had worsened after Lockdown 1. Added to this, access to escape and support networks was restricted by lockdown measures and over three quarters of survivors living with their abuser (78%) felt they could not leave or get away as a result of the pandemic. Nicki Norman, acting Chief Executive at Women’s Aid said: “Domestic abuse support services were already facing a funding crisis before the pandemic, and it has been a challenging year as more women than ever reach out for help and support. We know at Women’s Aid that many women experiencing abuse try to get through the Christmas period for the sake of their children and their wider family, then reach out to us for support in the New Year. The combined impact of the pandemic and the festive season will be significant for survivors of domestic abuse, who have told us that, this year, they have already felt trapped with their abusers during lockdown. Women are experiencing patterns of control and physical, emotional, economic and sexual abuse day in, day out – both Covid and the festive season can make existing abuse even worse.” Christopher Ringsell, Creative Director at ENGINE Creative said: “This subtle and impactful film shows just how important any respite from an abusive partner can be. The lengths women have to go to for some small moments of normality, demonstrates how traumatic it is being in lockdown with a perpetrator”.



    Women's Aid






    广告公司: Engine 制作公司: No.8 , Spindle Productions




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