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    Mr. Seed短视频广告营销案例



    Seed 先生

    案例简介:Clif Bar 家庭基金会的一项倡议 “种子问题” 今天推出了 “先生”种子,”一个动画短片,有一个明确的信息: 我们的食物系统是 f * cked,但我们可以修复它。 喜剧演员皮特 · 霍姆斯用一种干净、肮脏的有机种子的讽刺声音, 这部电影直接挑战了大型农业公司提出的只有他们才能养活世界的叙事,并强调了有机种子作为解决方案的优点。这部电影是由奥斯汀的品牌设计工作室巴特勒兄弟为种子问题而构思的,由著名的洛杉矶动画公司巴克执导。 这部电影以一个虚构的 Pharm Foods 的动画广告开始,在一个田园诗般的农场和一个家庭的餐桌上进行拍摄。只有不祥的线索 -- 死鸟、拟人化的食物 -- 暗示了这个世界上有些事情是不对的。看来,这个转基因种子的阴谋集团已经向大众出售了诸如基于粪便的冰沙和削弱 “性能增强” 的化学物质等美味佳肴。 Seed 先生强调有机种子与化学依赖的替代品相比的好处。 “这就是美国想要吃的吗?” 电影的主人公问道。“不像那些转基因生物,像我这样的有机种子可以养活世界而不会破坏它,因为我们保持它的清洁。我们不会用那些杀虫剂弄脏自己。" “有机种子需要一个不可忽视的声音,这样它的优势就可以广泛分享,” 巴特勒兄弟公司的创始人兼战略主管亚当 · 巴特勒说。“先生。Seed 生来就是那个声音,现在多亏了一个雄心勃勃的剧本、一个勇敢的客户以及与巴克的史诗般的合作。" 人们比以往任何时候都更清楚他们的食物来自哪里。根据 Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink 的一项新研究,65% 的人认为知道他们的食物是如何生产的很重要。然而,很少有人问它来自哪里。在美国,同样的六家制造杀虫剂的化学公司 (又名 “六大”) 控制了 63% 的种子市场,这导致了 43 种作物营养成分下降等不利影响, 仅在 2005年,由于农业农药接触,人类健康成本就超过 150亿美元,以及不可持续的整体粮食系统。 种子事项倡导改进和保护有机种子,以确保健康、营养和高产的作物能够养活现在和未来的人们。其使命是保护作物的遗传多样性,促进农民作为种子创新者和管理者的作用和权利,并重振公共种子研究和教育。 “有了 Seed 先生,我们希望提高对有机种子的兴趣和认识,并增加关于改变我们依赖化学物质的食物系统的对话,” 种子问题运动主任马修 · 狄龙说。“我们想向人们展示,有其他选择,他们有选择,在解决方案中发挥作用。" 巴克创意总监瑞安 · 蜂蜜说: “巴特勒兄弟从一开始就是了不起的合作伙伴。”。“他们构思了 Seed 先生的想法,并把皮特 · 霍姆斯带到谈判桌前,他是一位了不起的喜剧天才,但他们也支持我们的创意愿景。很高兴有一个合作伙伴看到了我们对这个项目的热情,并与我们创造性地合作制作了一部更好的电影。" Seed 先生邀请观众签署一封将寄给美国司法部的信,采取进一步的行动。在该报告中,种子事务对农业化学公司的种子行业整合趋势表示担忧,并要求美国司法部审查道琼斯-杜邦和拜耳-孟山都等公司合并的反垄断影响。

    Seed 先生

    案例简介:Seed Matters, an initiative of the Clif Bar Family Foundation, today launched “Mr. Seed,” an animated short with a clear message: our food system is f*cked, but we can fix it. Through the satirical voice of a clean-living, dirty-mouthed organic seed voiced by comedian Pete Holmes, the film directly challenges the narrative put forth by big agrichemical companies that only they can feed the world, and highlights the virtues of organic seed as a solution. The film was conceived for Seed Matters by The Butler Bros, a brand design studio in Austin, and directed by renowned Los Angeles-based animation company, Buck. The film opens with an animated ad for fictional Pharm Foods, panning across an idyllic farm and a family at the dinner table. Only ominous cues—dead birds, anthropomorphized food—hint that something isn’t right in this world. It seems that this cabal of GMO seeds has sold the masses on such delicacies as manure-based smoothies and emasculating “performance-enhancing” chemicals. Mr. Seed emphasizes the benefits of organic seed compared with the chemically-dependent alternative. “Is this what America wants to eat?” the film’s hero asks. “Unlike those GMO bros, organic seeds like me can feed the world without ruining it because we keep it clean. We don’t dirty ourselves with all those pesticides.” “Organic seed needed a voice that couldn't be ignored so its advantages could be shared broadly,” said Adam Butler, Founder and Strategic Chief of The Butler Bros. “Mr. Seed was born to be that voice, and now it is thanks to an ambitious script, a brave client and an epic collaboration with Buck.” People are more aware of where their food comes from than ever before. According to a new study by Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 65 percent think it's important to know how their food is produced. However, few are asking what it comes from. In the U.S. the same six chemical companies that make pesticides (aka “The Big Six”) control 63 percent of the seed market, which has led to adverse effects like the nutrient decline of 43 crops, more than $15 billion in human health costs in 2005 alone as a result of agricultural pesticide exposure, and an overall food system that is unsustainable. Seed Matters advocates for the improvement and protection of organic seed to ensure healthy, nutritious and productive crops are able to feed people now and in the future. Its mission is to conserve the genetic diversity of crops, promote farmers’ roles and rights as seed innovators and stewards and reinvigorate public seed research and education. “With Mr. Seed, we hope to raise interest and awareness in organic seed and increase conversations about changing our chemically dependent food system,” said Matthew Dillon, Director of the Seed Matters Campaign. “We want to show people that there are alternatives, that they have a choice and a role to play in the solution.” “The Butler Bros were fantastic partners from the get go,” said Buck Creative Director, Ryan Honey. “They conceived of the idea of Mr. Seed and brought Pete Holmes to the table, who is an amazing comic talent, but they also supported our creative vision. It was great to have a partner that saw our passion for the project and worked with us creatively to make a better film.” Mr. Seed invites viewers to take further action by signing a letter it will send to U.S. Department of Justice. In it, Seed Matters expresses concern over the seed industry consolidation trend among agricultural chemical companies, and asks the DOJ to examine antitrust implications of mergers such as Dow-DuPont and Bayer-Monsanto.

    Mr. Seed

    案例简介:Clif Bar 家庭基金会的一项倡议 “种子问题” 今天推出了 “先生”种子,”一个动画短片,有一个明确的信息: 我们的食物系统是 f * cked,但我们可以修复它。 喜剧演员皮特 · 霍姆斯用一种干净、肮脏的有机种子的讽刺声音, 这部电影直接挑战了大型农业公司提出的只有他们才能养活世界的叙事,并强调了有机种子作为解决方案的优点。这部电影是由奥斯汀的品牌设计工作室巴特勒兄弟为种子问题而构思的,由著名的洛杉矶动画公司巴克执导。 这部电影以一个虚构的 Pharm Foods 的动画广告开始,在一个田园诗般的农场和一个家庭的餐桌上进行拍摄。只有不祥的线索 -- 死鸟、拟人化的食物 -- 暗示了这个世界上有些事情是不对的。看来,这个转基因种子的阴谋集团已经向大众出售了诸如基于粪便的冰沙和削弱 “性能增强” 的化学物质等美味佳肴。 Seed 先生强调有机种子与化学依赖的替代品相比的好处。 “这就是美国想要吃的吗?” 电影的主人公问道。“不像那些转基因生物,像我这样的有机种子可以养活世界而不会破坏它,因为我们保持它的清洁。我们不会用那些杀虫剂弄脏自己。" “有机种子需要一个不可忽视的声音,这样它的优势就可以广泛分享,” 巴特勒兄弟公司的创始人兼战略主管亚当 · 巴特勒说。“先生。Seed 生来就是那个声音,现在多亏了一个雄心勃勃的剧本、一个勇敢的客户以及与巴克的史诗般的合作。" 人们比以往任何时候都更清楚他们的食物来自哪里。根据 Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink 的一项新研究,65% 的人认为知道他们的食物是如何生产的很重要。然而,很少有人问它来自哪里。在美国,同样的六家制造杀虫剂的化学公司 (又名 “六大”) 控制了 63% 的种子市场,这导致了 43 种作物营养成分下降等不利影响, 仅在 2005年,由于农业农药接触,人类健康成本就超过 150亿美元,以及不可持续的整体粮食系统。 种子事项倡导改进和保护有机种子,以确保健康、营养和高产的作物能够养活现在和未来的人们。其使命是保护作物的遗传多样性,促进农民作为种子创新者和管理者的作用和权利,并重振公共种子研究和教育。 “有了 Seed 先生,我们希望提高对有机种子的兴趣和认识,并增加关于改变我们依赖化学物质的食物系统的对话,” 种子问题运动主任马修 · 狄龙说。“我们想向人们展示,有其他选择,他们有选择,在解决方案中发挥作用。" 巴克创意总监瑞安 · 蜂蜜说: “巴特勒兄弟从一开始就是了不起的合作伙伴。”。“他们构思了 Seed 先生的想法,并把皮特 · 霍姆斯带到谈判桌前,他是一位了不起的喜剧天才,但他们也支持我们的创意愿景。很高兴有一个合作伙伴看到了我们对这个项目的热情,并与我们创造性地合作制作了一部更好的电影。" Seed 先生邀请观众签署一封将寄给美国司法部的信,采取进一步的行动。在该报告中,种子事务对农业化学公司的种子行业整合趋势表示担忧,并要求美国司法部审查道琼斯-杜邦和拜耳-孟山都等公司合并的反垄断影响。

    Mr. Seed

    案例简介:Seed Matters, an initiative of the Clif Bar Family Foundation, today launched “Mr. Seed,” an animated short with a clear message: our food system is f*cked, but we can fix it. Through the satirical voice of a clean-living, dirty-mouthed organic seed voiced by comedian Pete Holmes, the film directly challenges the narrative put forth by big agrichemical companies that only they can feed the world, and highlights the virtues of organic seed as a solution. The film was conceived for Seed Matters by The Butler Bros, a brand design studio in Austin, and directed by renowned Los Angeles-based animation company, Buck. The film opens with an animated ad for fictional Pharm Foods, panning across an idyllic farm and a family at the dinner table. Only ominous cues—dead birds, anthropomorphized food—hint that something isn’t right in this world. It seems that this cabal of GMO seeds has sold the masses on such delicacies as manure-based smoothies and emasculating “performance-enhancing” chemicals. Mr. Seed emphasizes the benefits of organic seed compared with the chemically-dependent alternative. “Is this what America wants to eat?” the film’s hero asks. “Unlike those GMO bros, organic seeds like me can feed the world without ruining it because we keep it clean. We don’t dirty ourselves with all those pesticides.” “Organic seed needed a voice that couldn't be ignored so its advantages could be shared broadly,” said Adam Butler, Founder and Strategic Chief of The Butler Bros. “Mr. Seed was born to be that voice, and now it is thanks to an ambitious script, a brave client and an epic collaboration with Buck.” People are more aware of where their food comes from than ever before. According to a new study by Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 65 percent think it's important to know how their food is produced. However, few are asking what it comes from. In the U.S. the same six chemical companies that make pesticides (aka “The Big Six”) control 63 percent of the seed market, which has led to adverse effects like the nutrient decline of 43 crops, more than $15 billion in human health costs in 2005 alone as a result of agricultural pesticide exposure, and an overall food system that is unsustainable. Seed Matters advocates for the improvement and protection of organic seed to ensure healthy, nutritious and productive crops are able to feed people now and in the future. Its mission is to conserve the genetic diversity of crops, promote farmers’ roles and rights as seed innovators and stewards and reinvigorate public seed research and education. “With Mr. Seed, we hope to raise interest and awareness in organic seed and increase conversations about changing our chemically dependent food system,” said Matthew Dillon, Director of the Seed Matters Campaign. “We want to show people that there are alternatives, that they have a choice and a role to play in the solution.” “The Butler Bros were fantastic partners from the get go,” said Buck Creative Director, Ryan Honey. “They conceived of the idea of Mr. Seed and brought Pete Holmes to the table, who is an amazing comic talent, but they also supported our creative vision. It was great to have a partner that saw our passion for the project and worked with us creatively to make a better film.” Mr. Seed invites viewers to take further action by signing a letter it will send to U.S. Department of Justice. In it, Seed Matters expresses concern over the seed industry consolidation trend among agricultural chemical companies, and asks the DOJ to examine antitrust implications of mergers such as Dow-DuPont and Bayer-Monsanto.

    Seed 先生


    Mr. Seed










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