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    案例简介:背景 伊利诺伊州反对手枪暴力委员会 (ICHV) 是美国历史最悠久,规模最大的全州组织,致力于防止枪支造成的破坏。ICHV在各个方面开展工作,以教育,提高公众意识并建立联盟以制定法律和行为的变更。 枪支暴力已被视为公共卫生危机。每天,100人被杀,数百人被枪杀。芝加哥是席卷全国的枪支暴力流行病的中心。每周都有近40人在整个城市被枪杀。这相当于每七天发生一次大规模枪击事件,然而如此多的芝加哥人已经对暴力变得麻木了。这些数字已经变得如此正常,以至于他们甚至不需要新闻报道。他们被埋在镇上报纸的背面。与每周天气相比,芝加哥的枪支暴力行为更具可预测性。 描述创意 (投票40%) 您如何为年复一年困扰芝加哥的问题提供新的亮点?通过将所有城市的枪支暴力放在一条街道上,使其无法忽视。 法医科学家使用激光跟踪犯罪现场的子弹路径,以用于法庭。我们借鉴了该技术,创建了一个装置,其中每个激光器代表了一周枪支暴力的受害者-全部放置在一条街道上。 我们从芝加哥警察局以及新闻和媒体渠道获取数据,并与芝加哥大学犯罪实验室进行了磋商,以最准确,最实时的数据创建了枪支暴力问题的演练装置。 描述执行 (投票40%) 最危险的街道是对芝加哥在一条街道上的枪支暴力的逐周观察。在受害者家属讲述他们故事的情感音频的引导下,你被激光束包围,每束都代表枪支暴力的受害者。当您穿过光束时,投影会显示受害者的详细信息,从而使数据栩栩如生。鼓励人们通过专门用于 “安全法案” 的移动网站采取行动。在受枪支暴力影响最严重的社区中,为经济发展筹集资金需要一项重要的立法。 列出结果 (投票20%) 通过我们的现场数字信息亭和微型站点,超过40名州议员和93% 名芝加哥议员受到最危险的街道的影响。结果,伊利诺伊州反对手枪暴力委员会支持的法案《安全法案》在州议会中获得了前所未有的势头,《安全法案》定于秋季2019年进行投票。


    案例简介:Background The Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence (ICHV) is the oldest and largest statewide organization in the U.S. working to prevent the devastation caused by firearms. ICHV works on a variety of fronts to educate, raise public awareness, and build coalitions to enact change in laws and behavior. Gun violence has been recognized as a public health crisis. Every day, 100 people are killed and hundreds more are shot. And Chicago is at the center of the gun violence epidemic sweeping the country. Every week, nearly 40 people are shot across the city. That’s the equivalent of a mass shooting every seven days, yet so many Chicagoans have become numb to the violence. These numbers have become so normal that they don’t even warrant a news story. They get buried on the back page of newspapers in town. Gun violence in Chicago has a more predictable pattern than the weekly weather. Describe the creative idea (40% of vote) How do you shine a new light on a problem that’s plagued Chicago year after year? By putting all the city’s gun violence on one street, making it impossible to ignore. Lasers are used by forensic scientists to track the path of bullets at crime scenes for use in courtrooms. We borrowed from that technique to create an installation in which each laser represents a victim from a single week of gun violence – all placed on one street. We sourced data from the Chicago Police Department and news and media outlets, and consulted with the University of Chicago Crime Lab to create a walk-through installation of the gun violence problem with the most accurate and real-time data. Describe the execution (40% of vote) Most Dangerous Street is a walk-through, week-by-week visualization of Chicago’s gun violence on one street. Guided by emotional audio of victims’ families telling their stories, you are surrounded by laser beams, each representing a victim of gun violence. When you cross through beams, projections display details of the victim, bringing the data to life. People were encouraged to take action through a mobile site dedicated for the SAFE Act. An important piece of legislation needed to get funding for economic development in neighborhoods most affected by gun violence. List the results (20% of vote) Over 40 state legislators and 93% of Chicago-based lawmakers were impacted by the Most Dangerous Street through our onsite digital kiosks and microsite. As a result, the SAFE Act, the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence supported bill, is gaining unprecedented momentum in the state legislature, and the SAFE Act is scheduled for a vote in the fall of 2019.

    Most Dangerous Street

    案例简介:背景 伊利诺伊州反对手枪暴力委员会 (ICHV) 是美国历史最悠久,规模最大的全州组织,致力于防止枪支造成的破坏。ICHV在各个方面开展工作,以教育,提高公众意识并建立联盟以制定法律和行为的变更。 枪支暴力已被视为公共卫生危机。每天,100人被杀,数百人被枪杀。芝加哥是席卷全国的枪支暴力流行病的中心。每周都有近40人在整个城市被枪杀。这相当于每七天发生一次大规模枪击事件,然而如此多的芝加哥人已经对暴力变得麻木了。这些数字已经变得如此正常,以至于他们甚至不需要新闻报道。他们被埋在镇上报纸的背面。与每周天气相比,芝加哥的枪支暴力行为更具可预测性。 描述创意 (投票40%) 您如何为年复一年困扰芝加哥的问题提供新的亮点?通过将所有城市的枪支暴力放在一条街道上,使其无法忽视。 法医科学家使用激光跟踪犯罪现场的子弹路径,以用于法庭。我们借鉴了该技术,创建了一个装置,其中每个激光器代表了一周枪支暴力的受害者-全部放置在一条街道上。 我们从芝加哥警察局以及新闻和媒体渠道获取数据,并与芝加哥大学犯罪实验室进行了磋商,以最准确,最实时的数据创建了枪支暴力问题的演练装置。 描述执行 (投票40%) 最危险的街道是对芝加哥在一条街道上的枪支暴力的逐周观察。在受害者家属讲述他们故事的情感音频的引导下,你被激光束包围,每束都代表枪支暴力的受害者。当您穿过光束时,投影会显示受害者的详细信息,从而使数据栩栩如生。鼓励人们通过专门用于 “安全法案” 的移动网站采取行动。在受枪支暴力影响最严重的社区中,为经济发展筹集资金需要一项重要的立法。 列出结果 (投票20%) 通过我们的现场数字信息亭和微型站点,超过40名州议员和93% 名芝加哥议员受到最危险的街道的影响。结果,伊利诺伊州反对手枪暴力委员会支持的法案《安全法案》在州议会中获得了前所未有的势头,《安全法案》定于秋季2019年进行投票。

    Most Dangerous Street

    案例简介:Background The Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence (ICHV) is the oldest and largest statewide organization in the U.S. working to prevent the devastation caused by firearms. ICHV works on a variety of fronts to educate, raise public awareness, and build coalitions to enact change in laws and behavior. Gun violence has been recognized as a public health crisis. Every day, 100 people are killed and hundreds more are shot. And Chicago is at the center of the gun violence epidemic sweeping the country. Every week, nearly 40 people are shot across the city. That’s the equivalent of a mass shooting every seven days, yet so many Chicagoans have become numb to the violence. These numbers have become so normal that they don’t even warrant a news story. They get buried on the back page of newspapers in town. Gun violence in Chicago has a more predictable pattern than the weekly weather. Describe the creative idea (40% of vote) How do you shine a new light on a problem that’s plagued Chicago year after year? By putting all the city’s gun violence on one street, making it impossible to ignore. Lasers are used by forensic scientists to track the path of bullets at crime scenes for use in courtrooms. We borrowed from that technique to create an installation in which each laser represents a victim from a single week of gun violence – all placed on one street. We sourced data from the Chicago Police Department and news and media outlets, and consulted with the University of Chicago Crime Lab to create a walk-through installation of the gun violence problem with the most accurate and real-time data. Describe the execution (40% of vote) Most Dangerous Street is a walk-through, week-by-week visualization of Chicago’s gun violence on one street. Guided by emotional audio of victims’ families telling their stories, you are surrounded by laser beams, each representing a victim of gun violence. When you cross through beams, projections display details of the victim, bringing the data to life. People were encouraged to take action through a mobile site dedicated for the SAFE Act. An important piece of legislation needed to get funding for economic development in neighborhoods most affected by gun violence. List the results (20% of vote) Over 40 state legislators and 93% of Chicago-based lawmakers were impacted by the Most Dangerous Street through our onsite digital kiosks and microsite. As a result, the SAFE Act, the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence supported bill, is gaining unprecedented momentum in the state legislature, and the SAFE Act is scheduled for a vote in the fall of 2019.



    Most Dangerous Street










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