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    案例简介:描述活动/条目 “采用坑洞” 是阿波罗轮胎公司为道路安全设计的一个项目,旨在一次一个坑洞,让人们参与并授权他们修复道路。 坑洞被认为是可爱的流浪宠物,需要有人照顾它们。通过收养坑网站,公民可以上传、收养和分享他们的宠物坑,如果他们能在社交媒体上从朋友那里获得大量的推文或帖子, 阿波罗会为他们修理坑洞,而固定的坑洞总是带有采纳者的名字。 阿波罗通过这项活动在消费者中创造了善意,并向他们展示了他们对 “你第一” 哲学的承诺。 社交媒体的反应是惊人的,因为在古尔冈的一项倡议的对话传遍了印度。来自努力报道这场运动的 journos 的未经授权的询问非常引人注目,几乎所有主要日报都报道了这场运动。对于一个只有两个月的活动来说,反馈是巨大的。此外,所有这些反应都是通过不到卢比的媒体支出产生的。50,000 (大约 700 欧元) 描述客户的简报 阿波罗是印度领先的轮胎制造商之一,他希望做一些能让年轻人参与进来的事情,促进人们的安全,并加强他们作为消费者第一公司的形象, 一种包含在他们的 “你第一” 哲学中的态度。 我们在道路条件下看到了一个机会,即坑洼是一个需要声音的问题。 结果 在活动的前三周,它收集了 390万个印象,收到了 6000 个赞,并获得了 61.5% 的点击率。印度城市之一古尔冈的道路看起来更加没有坑洞。采取一个坑洞准备蔓延到印度。 很快,社交媒体上充斥着关于一个朋友如何收养一个坑洞的对话,并呼吁 25 名支持者来修复它。坑洞被修复,在社交媒体上被张贴,骄傲的溺爱父母在他们的小路上。 涂鸦本身传播了这个词,作为人们获得关注的非传统媒体,这给收养坑网站带来了更多的流量。 古尔冈是印度城市中的一个繁华城市,它的道路看起来更加没有坑洞,有一些明亮的补丁,你可以顺利开车过去。 到目前为止,我们已经修复了 21 个坑洞,更多的正在等待支持,但令人惊讶的是,相对于这个数字,报纸文章产生了前所未有的反应, facebook 上的社交媒体对话和 6600 多个赞已经开始了。 社交媒体的反应是惊人的,因为在古尔冈的一项倡议的对话传遍了印度。来自努力报道这场运动的 journos 的未经授权的询问非常引人注目,几乎所有主要日报都报道了这场运动。对于一个只有两个月的活动来说,反馈是巨大的。此外,所有这些反应都是通过不到卢比的媒体支出产生的。50,000 (大约 700 欧元) 执行 采用坑洞是一项活动,将这些坑洞视为需要爱和关怀的流浪宠物,并邀请人们采用它们,并以数字货币支付它们的维护费用。 因此,来自 25 个朋友的一些 Facebook 帖子和推特会让阿波罗修复坑洼,并在你的固定宠物上留下一点信息。确保你的名字和行为在未来的日子里永垂不朽。 如果每个公民都能收养一个坑洞,让人们说话,我们很确定我们会修复城市中的所有坑洞。 形势 大印度坑洞是印度城市中最突出和最明显的问题之一。当公民们在他们的 “越野” 中烦恼和烦恼,并对当局抱怨时,似乎没有人找到修复这些道路的方法 战略 该战略是让年轻人参与并授权他们修路,一次修一个坑,而不是等待公民当局去修。 这是与该类别相关的事情,也将处理一个困扰印度人很久的问题。 这是一个机会,可以把所有驾驶崎岖尘土飞扬的印度道路的挫折转化为积极的东西。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry Adopt-a-pothole is a project by Apollo Tyres for the road safety, to engage and empower people to fix their roads, one pot hole at a time. Potholes were projected as lovable stray pets who needed someone to care for them. Through the adopt-a-pothole website, citizens could upload, adopt and share their pet potholes and if they could get the requisite number of tweets or posts from friends on social media, Apollo would fix the pothole for them and the fixed pothole would always bear the name of the adopter. Apollo through this activity managed to create goodwill among consumers and showed them how committed they were to their YOU-FIRST Philosophy. The response in social media has been phenomenal, given that the conversation spread across India for an initiative in Gurgaon. Uninitiated inquiries from journos who took the effort to cover the campaign has been remarkable, with almost all major dailies covering it. For a campaign only two months old the feedback has been huge. What’s more, all of this response has been generated through a media spend of less than Rs. 50,000 (around 700 Euros only) Describe the brief from the client Apollo one of India’s premier tyre manufacturers wanted to do something that would engage the youth, promote the safety of the people and strengthen their image of being a Consumer-First company, an attitude that is encompassed in their YOU-FIRST Philosophy. We saw an opportunity in the condition of the roads, namely the Potholes as a problem that needed a voice. Results In just the first 3 weeks of the campaign, it gathered 3.9 million impressions, received 6000 likes and achieved a click to conversion ratio of 61.5%. The roads in Gurgaon, one of urban India’s cities are looking a little more pothole free. And adopt-a-pothole is ready to spread across India. Soon social media was abuzz with conversations about how a friend had adopted a pothole and was calling out for 25 supporters to get it fixed. Potholes that got fixed, got posted on social media with proud doting parents next to their little piece of road. The graffiti themselves spread the word acting as non-traditional media for people to get attention and this generated more traffic to the adopt-a-pothole website. The roads in Gurgaon, one of urban India’s bustling cities are looking a little more pothole free and have some bright patches that you can smoothly drive over. We have till date fixed 21 potholes, more are awaiting supports but what is amazing is that against this number, an unprecedented response has been generated with newspaper articles, social media conversations and more than 6600 likes on Facebook already. The response in social media has been phenomenal, given that the conversation spread across India for an initiative in Gurgaon. Uninitiated inquiries from journos who took the effort to cover the campaign has been remarkable, with almost all major dailies covering it. For a campaign only two months old the feedback has been huge. What’s more, all of this response has been generated through a media spend of less than Rs. 50,000 (around 700 Euros only) Execution Adopt a pothole is an activity that projects these potholes as stray pets that need love and care and invites people to adopt them and pay for their upkeep in digital currency. So a few Facebook posts and tweets from 25 friends would get Apollo to fix the pothole and leave a little message on your fixed pet. Making sure your name and your deed were immortalized for the days to come. If every citizen could adopt one pothole and get people talking, we were pretty sure we would fix all the potholes in the city. The Situation The Great Indian Pothole is one of the most glaring and obvious problems of urban India. While citizens fret and fume as they ‘off-road’ through them and grumble at authorities, nobody seems to find a way to repair these roads The Strategy The strategy was to Engage and Empower the youth to fix their roads, one pot hole at a time and not wait for civic authorities to do it. It was something that was relevant to the category and would also take up an issue that has been nagging Indians for ages. Here was a chance to take all the frustration of driving bumpy dusty Indian roads and channelize it into something positive.


    案例简介:描述活动/条目 “采用坑洞” 是阿波罗轮胎公司为道路安全设计的一个项目,旨在一次一个坑洞,让人们参与并授权他们修复道路。 坑洞被认为是可爱的流浪宠物,需要有人照顾它们。通过收养坑网站,公民可以上传、收养和分享他们的宠物坑,如果他们能在社交媒体上从朋友那里获得大量的推文或帖子, 阿波罗会为他们修理坑洞,而固定的坑洞总是带有采纳者的名字。 阿波罗通过这项活动在消费者中创造了善意,并向他们展示了他们对 “你第一” 哲学的承诺。 社交媒体的反应是惊人的,因为在古尔冈的一项倡议的对话传遍了印度。来自努力报道这场运动的 journos 的未经授权的询问非常引人注目,几乎所有主要日报都报道了这场运动。对于一个只有两个月的活动来说,反馈是巨大的。此外,所有这些反应都是通过不到卢比的媒体支出产生的。50,000 (大约 700 欧元) 描述客户的简报 阿波罗是印度领先的轮胎制造商之一,他希望做一些能让年轻人参与进来的事情,促进人们的安全,并加强他们作为消费者第一公司的形象, 一种包含在他们的 “你第一” 哲学中的态度。 我们在道路条件下看到了一个机会,即坑洼是一个需要声音的问题。 结果 在活动的前三周,它收集了 390万个印象,收到了 6000 个赞,并获得了 61.5% 的点击率。印度城市之一古尔冈的道路看起来更加没有坑洞。采取一个坑洞准备蔓延到印度。 很快,社交媒体上充斥着关于一个朋友如何收养一个坑洞的对话,并呼吁 25 名支持者来修复它。坑洞被修复,在社交媒体上被张贴,骄傲的溺爱父母在他们的小路上。 涂鸦本身传播了这个词,作为人们获得关注的非传统媒体,这给收养坑网站带来了更多的流量。 古尔冈是印度城市中的一个繁华城市,它的道路看起来更加没有坑洞,有一些明亮的补丁,你可以顺利开车过去。 到目前为止,我们已经修复了 21 个坑洞,更多的正在等待支持,但令人惊讶的是,相对于这个数字,报纸文章产生了前所未有的反应, facebook 上的社交媒体对话和 6600 多个赞已经开始了。 社交媒体的反应是惊人的,因为在古尔冈的一项倡议的对话传遍了印度。来自努力报道这场运动的 journos 的未经授权的询问非常引人注目,几乎所有主要日报都报道了这场运动。对于一个只有两个月的活动来说,反馈是巨大的。此外,所有这些反应都是通过不到卢比的媒体支出产生的。50,000 (大约 700 欧元) 执行 采用坑洞是一项活动,将这些坑洞视为需要爱和关怀的流浪宠物,并邀请人们采用它们,并以数字货币支付它们的维护费用。 因此,来自 25 个朋友的一些 Facebook 帖子和推特会让阿波罗修复坑洼,并在你的固定宠物上留下一点信息。确保你的名字和行为在未来的日子里永垂不朽。 如果每个公民都能收养一个坑洞,让人们说话,我们很确定我们会修复城市中的所有坑洞。 形势 大印度坑洞是印度城市中最突出和最明显的问题之一。当公民们在他们的 “越野” 中烦恼和烦恼,并对当局抱怨时,似乎没有人找到修复这些道路的方法 战略 该战略是让年轻人参与并授权他们修路,一次修一个坑,而不是等待公民当局去修。 这是与该类别相关的事情,也将处理一个困扰印度人很久的问题。 这是一个机会,可以把所有驾驶崎岖尘土飞扬的印度道路的挫折转化为积极的东西。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry Adopt-a-pothole is a project by Apollo Tyres for the road safety, to engage and empower people to fix their roads, one pot hole at a time. Potholes were projected as lovable stray pets who needed someone to care for them. Through the adopt-a-pothole website, citizens could upload, adopt and share their pet potholes and if they could get the requisite number of tweets or posts from friends on social media, Apollo would fix the pothole for them and the fixed pothole would always bear the name of the adopter. Apollo through this activity managed to create goodwill among consumers and showed them how committed they were to their YOU-FIRST Philosophy. The response in social media has been phenomenal, given that the conversation spread across India for an initiative in Gurgaon. Uninitiated inquiries from journos who took the effort to cover the campaign has been remarkable, with almost all major dailies covering it. For a campaign only two months old the feedback has been huge. What’s more, all of this response has been generated through a media spend of less than Rs. 50,000 (around 700 Euros only) Describe the brief from the client Apollo one of India’s premier tyre manufacturers wanted to do something that would engage the youth, promote the safety of the people and strengthen their image of being a Consumer-First company, an attitude that is encompassed in their YOU-FIRST Philosophy. We saw an opportunity in the condition of the roads, namely the Potholes as a problem that needed a voice. Results In just the first 3 weeks of the campaign, it gathered 3.9 million impressions, received 6000 likes and achieved a click to conversion ratio of 61.5%. The roads in Gurgaon, one of urban India’s cities are looking a little more pothole free. And adopt-a-pothole is ready to spread across India. Soon social media was abuzz with conversations about how a friend had adopted a pothole and was calling out for 25 supporters to get it fixed. Potholes that got fixed, got posted on social media with proud doting parents next to their little piece of road. The graffiti themselves spread the word acting as non-traditional media for people to get attention and this generated more traffic to the adopt-a-pothole website. The roads in Gurgaon, one of urban India’s bustling cities are looking a little more pothole free and have some bright patches that you can smoothly drive over. We have till date fixed 21 potholes, more are awaiting supports but what is amazing is that against this number, an unprecedented response has been generated with newspaper articles, social media conversations and more than 6600 likes on Facebook already. The response in social media has been phenomenal, given that the conversation spread across India for an initiative in Gurgaon. Uninitiated inquiries from journos who took the effort to cover the campaign has been remarkable, with almost all major dailies covering it. For a campaign only two months old the feedback has been huge. What’s more, all of this response has been generated through a media spend of less than Rs. 50,000 (around 700 Euros only) Execution Adopt a pothole is an activity that projects these potholes as stray pets that need love and care and invites people to adopt them and pay for their upkeep in digital currency. So a few Facebook posts and tweets from 25 friends would get Apollo to fix the pothole and leave a little message on your fixed pet. Making sure your name and your deed were immortalized for the days to come. If every citizen could adopt one pothole and get people talking, we were pretty sure we would fix all the potholes in the city. The Situation The Great Indian Pothole is one of the most glaring and obvious problems of urban India. While citizens fret and fume as they ‘off-road’ through them and grumble at authorities, nobody seems to find a way to repair these roads The Strategy The strategy was to Engage and Empower the youth to fix their roads, one pot hole at a time and not wait for civic authorities to do it. It was something that was relevant to the category and would also take up an issue that has been nagging Indians for ages. Here was a chance to take all the frustration of driving bumpy dusty Indian roads and channelize it into something positive.













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