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    案例简介:概要 发布前几个月,温迪在推特上与竞争对手展开了一场说唱战。根据 BuzzFeed 的民意调查和反应,粉丝们认为温迪的排名靠前,并开始要求和期待品牌的混合磁带。所以我们用 webeefin 回答他们?,一个五轨道的 EP,里面有说唱之战和我们日常推特的一些内容。从简报和客观的角度来看,该项目的目标是通过音乐将温迪的社会声音带入生活,并与嘻哈粉丝产生共鸣。 战略 我们的社交策略是在我们的谈话中保持真实和有机,所以我们以一种对嘻哈社区真实的方式推出了温迪的混音磁带。我们从即将到来的说唱艺术家那里记下了笔记,并在我们的混音策略中复制了这一点。温迪获得了与大规模活动相媲美的有机聊天,这一切都是因为忠实的粉丝喜欢分享、回顾和创造以 webeefin 为特色的原创内容?。我们的粉丝通常不喜欢广告,所以我们创造了一个与我们的社会声音相关的非侵入性文化现象。 相关性 我们创造了一个带有原创作品的 EP (扩展播放),将我们的推特手柄和声音变成了一个录音艺术家: 在温迪。该项目在多个平台上发布,在其中几个平台上绘制图表,并获得好评; 五首曲目中有三首进入 Spotify 全球病毒 50 强的前 10 名。甚至签约主要唱片公司的艺术家也对这盘磁带表示赞赏。温迪的音乐项目变成了粉丝寻找的颠覆性广告,一些人购买了这个项目,而不是流媒体。 结果 在 10 天内,超过 8亿人从 215 个配售中获得了媒体印象 (福布斯,今日美国,E!在线和每日邮报),我们做了 webeefin?流行文化的一部分。听众用 76 年的 webeefin?跨流媒体平台。Webeefin?也出现在国家电视台,包括 “早安美国”,以及美国有线电视新闻网 HLN 和 CNBC 频道。@ Wendys 推特发布推文产生了 1400万的印象,参与率为 17.7%,是我们基准的 7 倍。这首音乐在 Spotify 美国和全球病毒 50 排行榜上排名第一,击败了八次格莱美获奖艺术家蕾哈娜。它在其他九个国家的病毒式图表上绘制,在 iTunes 嘻哈图表上排名第三。 执行 EP 在 3月25日午夜有机发射,并在那天早上被温迪的推特发布。EP 被加载到 20 多个流媒体音乐服务中,但是没有媒体来推动客户播放或下载音乐。48 小时内,webeefin?获得了超过 5亿的媒体印象,并已经在 iTunes 嘻哈排行榜上飙升至第三名。粉丝们通过发布评论在互联网上庆祝混音, 拍摄谈论音乐的原创内容 -- 甚至在歌词中提到的竞争对手的驱动器上拍摄自己的音乐。对于那些想深入了解歌词的粉丝来说,我们提供了关于天才的抒情注释。 活动描述 温迪的推特以其时髦的语气而闻名,我们想看看这种声音是否会超越推特。我们制作了一个混合磁带,作为官方录音艺术家推出了我们的推特手柄 (@ Wendys)。由于最近的说唱战和我们与竞争对手的交流, 我们觉得嘻哈是表达我们声音的最佳流派 -- 新鲜牛肉无缝地翻译成说唱牛肉的世界是很自然的。除了竞争主题,温迪的品牌股票,如 Baconator,甚至最近的竞选成功故事,如 # NuggsForCarter 出现在歌词中。


    案例简介:Synopsis Months before the release, Wendy’s engaged in a rap battle with a competitor on Twitter. Based on a BuzzFeed poll and reactions, fans believed Wendy’s came out on top, and began requesting and anticipating a mixtape from the brand. So we answered them with webeefin?, a five-track EP with some of the from the rap battle and our everyday Tweets. From a briefing and an objective standpoint, the project’s goal was to bring the Wendy’s social voice to life through music in a way that would resonate with hip-hop fans. Strategy Our social strategy is to stay authentic and organic in our conversations, so we launched Wendy's mixtape in a way that was authentic to the hip-hop community. We took notes from up-and-coming rap artists and replicated that in our mixtape strategy. Wendy's garnered organic chatter that rivals large-scale campaigns, all because loyal fans enjoyed the content to the point of sharing, reviewing and creating original content that featured webeefin?. Our fans don't typically appreciate advertising, so we created a nonintrusive culture phenomenon that relates to our social voice. Relevancy We created an EP (extended play) with original production, turning our Twitter handle and voice into a recording artist: at Wendys. The project was distributed on multiple platforms, charting on several of them and receiving rave reviews; three of the five tracks landed in the top 10 of Spotify's Global Viral 50. Even artists signed to major labels showed their appreciation for the tape. Wendy's musical project turned into a disruptive advertisement that fans sought out, with some purchasing the project instead of streaming it. Outcome With more than 800 million earned media impressions in 10 days from 215 placements (Forbes, USA Today, E! Online and Daily Mail), we made webeefin? a part of pop culture. Listeners streamed 76 years' worth of webeefin? across streaming platforms. webeefin? was also featured on national TV, including "Good Morning America," and on CNN HLN and CNBC channels. @Wendys Twitter launch tweets generated another 14 million impressions with an engagement rate of 17.7 percent, which is seven times our benchmark. The music reached No. 1 on Spotify U.S. and Global Viral 50 charts, beating out eight-time Grammy winning artist Rihanna. It charted on nine other countries' viral charts and reached No. 3 on iTunes Hip-Hop charts. Execution The EP launched organically at midnight on March 25 and was tweeted by Wendy's that morning. The EP was loaded into more than 20 streaming music services, but no media was placed to push customers to stream or download the music. Within 48 hours, webeefin? had received more than 500 million earned media impressions and had already skyrocketed to No. 3 on iTunes Hip-Hop charts. Fans took to the internet to celebrate the mixtape by posting reviews, filming original content talking about the music - even filming themselves blaring the music while at the drive-thrus of the competitors mentioned in the song lyrics. For fans who wanted a deeper dive into the lyrics, we featured lyrical annotations on Genius. CampaignDescription Wendy's Twitter is known for its sassy tone, and we wanted to see if that voice would translate beyond Twitter. We produced a mixtape launching our Twitter handle (@Wendys) as an official recording artist. Due to a recent rap battle and our exchanges with competitors, we felt hip-hop was the best genre to express our voice - it's only natural for fresh beef to translate seamlessly into the world of rap beef. In addition to the competitive themes, Wendy's brand equities such as the Baconator and even recent campaign success stories like #NuggsForCarter appeared in song lyrics.


    案例简介:概要 发布前几个月,温迪在推特上与竞争对手展开了一场说唱战。根据 BuzzFeed 的民意调查和反应,粉丝们认为温迪的排名靠前,并开始要求和期待品牌的混合磁带。所以我们用 webeefin 回答他们?,一个五轨道的 EP,里面有说唱之战和我们日常推特的一些内容。从简报和客观的角度来看,该项目的目标是通过音乐将温迪的社会声音带入生活,并与嘻哈粉丝产生共鸣。 战略 我们的社交策略是在我们的谈话中保持真实和有机,所以我们以一种对嘻哈社区真实的方式推出了温迪的混音磁带。我们从即将到来的说唱艺术家那里记下了笔记,并在我们的混音策略中复制了这一点。温迪获得了与大规模活动相媲美的有机聊天,这一切都是因为忠实的粉丝喜欢分享、回顾和创造以 webeefin 为特色的原创内容?。我们的粉丝通常不喜欢广告,所以我们创造了一个与我们的社会声音相关的非侵入性文化现象。 相关性 我们创造了一个带有原创作品的 EP (扩展播放),将我们的推特手柄和声音变成了一个录音艺术家: 在温迪。该项目在多个平台上发布,在其中几个平台上绘制图表,并获得好评; 五首曲目中有三首进入 Spotify 全球病毒 50 强的前 10 名。甚至签约主要唱片公司的艺术家也对这盘磁带表示赞赏。温迪的音乐项目变成了粉丝寻找的颠覆性广告,一些人购买了这个项目,而不是流媒体。 结果 在 10 天内,超过 8亿人从 215 个配售中获得了媒体印象 (福布斯,今日美国,E!在线和每日邮报),我们做了 webeefin?流行文化的一部分。听众用 76 年的 webeefin?跨流媒体平台。Webeefin?也出现在国家电视台,包括 “早安美国”,以及美国有线电视新闻网 HLN 和 CNBC 频道。@ Wendys 推特发布推文产生了 1400万的印象,参与率为 17.7%,是我们基准的 7 倍。这首音乐在 Spotify 美国和全球病毒 50 排行榜上排名第一,击败了八次格莱美获奖艺术家蕾哈娜。它在其他九个国家的病毒式图表上绘制,在 iTunes 嘻哈图表上排名第三。 执行 EP 在 3月25日午夜有机发射,并在那天早上被温迪的推特发布。EP 被加载到 20 多个流媒体音乐服务中,但是没有媒体来推动客户播放或下载音乐。48 小时内,webeefin?获得了超过 5亿的媒体印象,并已经在 iTunes 嘻哈排行榜上飙升至第三名。粉丝们通过发布评论在互联网上庆祝混音, 拍摄谈论音乐的原创内容 -- 甚至在歌词中提到的竞争对手的驱动器上拍摄自己的音乐。对于那些想深入了解歌词的粉丝来说,我们提供了关于天才的抒情注释。 活动描述 温迪的推特以其时髦的语气而闻名,我们想看看这种声音是否会超越推特。我们制作了一个混合磁带,作为官方录音艺术家推出了我们的推特手柄 (@ Wendys)。由于最近的说唱战和我们与竞争对手的交流, 我们觉得嘻哈是表达我们声音的最佳流派 -- 新鲜牛肉无缝地翻译成说唱牛肉的世界是很自然的。除了竞争主题,温迪的品牌股票,如 Baconator,甚至最近的竞选成功故事,如 # NuggsForCarter 出现在歌词中。


    案例简介:Synopsis Months before the release, Wendy’s engaged in a rap battle with a competitor on Twitter. Based on a BuzzFeed poll and reactions, fans believed Wendy’s came out on top, and began requesting and anticipating a mixtape from the brand. So we answered them with webeefin?, a five-track EP with some of the from the rap battle and our everyday Tweets. From a briefing and an objective standpoint, the project’s goal was to bring the Wendy’s social voice to life through music in a way that would resonate with hip-hop fans. Strategy Our social strategy is to stay authentic and organic in our conversations, so we launched Wendy's mixtape in a way that was authentic to the hip-hop community. We took notes from up-and-coming rap artists and replicated that in our mixtape strategy. Wendy's garnered organic chatter that rivals large-scale campaigns, all because loyal fans enjoyed the content to the point of sharing, reviewing and creating original content that featured webeefin?. Our fans don't typically appreciate advertising, so we created a nonintrusive culture phenomenon that relates to our social voice. Relevancy We created an EP (extended play) with original production, turning our Twitter handle and voice into a recording artist: at Wendys. The project was distributed on multiple platforms, charting on several of them and receiving rave reviews; three of the five tracks landed in the top 10 of Spotify's Global Viral 50. Even artists signed to major labels showed their appreciation for the tape. Wendy's musical project turned into a disruptive advertisement that fans sought out, with some purchasing the project instead of streaming it. Outcome With more than 800 million earned media impressions in 10 days from 215 placements (Forbes, USA Today, E! Online and Daily Mail), we made webeefin? a part of pop culture. Listeners streamed 76 years' worth of webeefin? across streaming platforms. webeefin? was also featured on national TV, including "Good Morning America," and on CNN HLN and CNBC channels. @Wendys Twitter launch tweets generated another 14 million impressions with an engagement rate of 17.7 percent, which is seven times our benchmark. The music reached No. 1 on Spotify U.S. and Global Viral 50 charts, beating out eight-time Grammy winning artist Rihanna. It charted on nine other countries' viral charts and reached No. 3 on iTunes Hip-Hop charts. Execution The EP launched organically at midnight on March 25 and was tweeted by Wendy's that morning. The EP was loaded into more than 20 streaming music services, but no media was placed to push customers to stream or download the music. Within 48 hours, webeefin? had received more than 500 million earned media impressions and had already skyrocketed to No. 3 on iTunes Hip-Hop charts. Fans took to the internet to celebrate the mixtape by posting reviews, filming original content talking about the music - even filming themselves blaring the music while at the drive-thrus of the competitors mentioned in the song lyrics. For fans who wanted a deeper dive into the lyrics, we featured lyrical annotations on Genius. CampaignDescription Wendy's Twitter is known for its sassy tone, and we wanted to see if that voice would translate beyond Twitter. We produced a mixtape launching our Twitter handle (@Wendys) as an official recording artist. Due to a recent rap battle and our exchanges with competitors, we felt hip-hop was the best genre to express our voice - it's only natural for fresh beef to translate seamlessly into the world of rap beef. In addition to the competitive themes, Wendy's brand equities such as the Baconator and even recent campaign success stories like #NuggsForCarter appeared in song lyrics.









    广告公司: VML (美国 Kansas City) 制作公司: Six Course




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