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    Mills and Boon 3D Audio - Immersive Erotica for The Eaes音频广告营销案例



    米尔斯和布恩 3D 音频-Eaes 沉浸式色情作品

    案例简介:EntrySummary 米尔斯和布恩是英国所有类型浪漫小说的领先出版商,从当代浪漫和历史剧到 Rom-Com 和色情作品。米尔斯和文想找到一本新的书 (作者莎伦 · 肯里克出版的 100 本书), 现代的方式让观众直接进入他们最新故事的核心,吸引他们。最终,米尔斯和布恩希望以一种前所未有的方式,围绕标题的完整发布产生兴趣和意识。 简要解释 发起一份皇家便民誓言浪漫小说出版商 Mills 和 Boon 的新书 -- 标题的第一个身临其境的 3D 音频摘录被记录在双耳声音中,使听者能够被直接从内部放下书中的一个场景。使用全方位麦克风放在演员的耳朵里,从角色的角度和场景中传递双耳 “头” 的耳朵放在演员之间,从叙述者的角度传达场景,麦克风捕捉到了场景的声音,因为一个人自然会听到它。这意味着听众听到了一切,就好像他们真的在那里,周围发生了行动,来自四面八方距离。由此产生的音频被设计成让听众环顾四周和身后,因为他们对所听到的做出了回应 (通常是一种非自愿的反应)。 ScriptInEnglish V/O: 晚上很热,而且仍然。 v/O: 吃完饭后,工人们心满意足,离开了厨房。 v/O: 索菲很感激在男人之后清理干净时独自思考.(FX: 索菲哼唱和清理) 雷夫: 索菲还在这里吗? (FX: 打碎玻璃) 苏菲: 该死! 雷夫:希望那不是水晶。索菲: 嗯,我想是的。抱歉雷夫。 (FX: 扫除碎玻璃) (FX: 倒酒和擦玻璃) Rafe: 尽量不要掉这个。索菲: 对。 (FX: 电话铃声) (FX: 脚步走开) Rafe: 对不起。 (雷夫: 低沉的谈话) (FX: 脚步往回走) (FX: 啜饮葡萄酒) 雷夫: 有趣.索菲: 什么? 雷夫: 你是。当我问你的背景时,没人知道你的事。在贵公司呆了几天后,我发现自己也在同一条船上。你是个谜,索菲。索菲: 我以为我在这里的角色是养活男人,而不是用我的人生故事来娱乐他们? 雷夫: 显然,当你到达时,你不知道煎锅的一端是另一端。苏菲: 我很快就知道了。雷夫:你看着这个开罐器,好像它刚刚从外太空着陆。索菲: 天哪,你研究我多久了? 苏菲: 还有? 雷夫: 我得出的结论是,你以前从来没有弄脏过她的手。到目前为止,也许你一直过着非常优越的生活。她认为他是多么敏锐 -- 不情愿的钦佩被突然的恐惧低语冲走了。因为这不是她一直害怕的吗 -- 那个冷静聪明的英国人会猜出她不是她看起来的样子? (FX: 苏菲的椅子在动) (FX: 积极清理盘子) 苏菲: 但是没有一个人 -- 或者你 -- 对我的工作有任何抱怨,是吗? 雷夫: 我的问题困扰你吗,索菲? 苏菲:坦率地说,如果我可以的话,这不会让我感到无聊。你不是说我第一次来的时候你更喜欢我让你一个人呆着吗?你不想让我为了这个和你谈话?雷夫: 我说过吗?索菲: 知道你说过。但现在你却对我这么做了!雷夫: 嗯,也许我改变主意了。也许我想知道为什么一个年轻漂亮的女人躲在一个偏僻的地方,却没有打电话或收到任何电子邮件: 我没有意识到我一直在被监视。我的生活当然是我的事?雷夫: 当然是。但是我不会谈论自己的人对我很感兴趣。索菲突然意识到为什么会这样。像雷夫 · 卡特这样有权势的人会让人们摔倒,告诉他他想知道的一切。她想知道如果她告诉他自己到底是谁,他会有什么反应。有些事情告诉她,他不会像大多数人与皇室亲密接触时那样讨好她。他不会讨好自己的。她知道他会保持原样,这有什么诱人的地方。但她不能冒险。索菲: 那么,你到底想知道什么?V/O: 他考虑了她的问题,但他并不真正想要事实,他想要她。从她转过身看着他的那一刻起,他就想要她。他转移了体重,试图缓解他的不适,意识到他坐在那里,就像一个沮丧的青少年,很难相处。突然,常识超越了原始需求。(外汇: 拉菲起床离开时凳子会移动) 拉菲: 没关系。苏菲。你说得对。你的生活不是我的巴士Iness。但值得一提的是 -- 你做得很好。 (FX: 门关闭) -------- (FX: 淋浴运行然后停止的声音)。 v/O: 索菲淋浴,沮丧。她被雷夫的形象所困扰。他美丽坚硬的脸和强壮的身体。顺便说一下,那些钢铁般的眼睛一直在扫过她,让她的胃翻筋斗。她走出淋浴。V/O: 她向外面看。夜晚是美丽的,月亮高高挂在未受污染的天空中。她可以看到游泳池表面的乳白色微光,突然想到游泳似乎不可抗拒。如果她很安静,她不会打扰任何人。她可以让自己冷静下来,然后筋疲力尽地爬回床上。 ------- (FX: 夜间昆虫和游泳池的泛光灯) V/O: 索菲游泳时用力,有规律地划水,这是在宫殿游泳池练习几个小时的结果。 (FX: 飞溅和游泳) (FX: 水下声音) (FX:闪人跳跳池) 苏菲: 怎么样!你吓死我了!雷夫: 你以为是谁?* 笑 * (FX: 有节奏游泳的声音) V/O: 他再次潜入水下。索菲不情愿地想,这是一个令人印象深刻的表演。一个深思熟虑的、非常有男子气概的展示,她需要用木头做,而不是回应它。索菲不是木头做的。远非如此。就在这时,她觉得自己像奶油,被鞭打成柔软的山峰。(FX: 有人从水下出现的声音) 雷夫: 太神奇了,不是吗?索菲: 非常漂亮。虽然越来越冷了。雷夫: 请不要让我限制你的游泳。我不想认为我把你赶走了。或者我的出现困扰着你。 (Fx: 索菲浅呼吸) (Fx: 索菲吞咽) 索菲: 雷夫? 雷夫: 到这里来 (FX: 他们身体聚集在一起的飞溅声) V/O: 当他的嘴开始探索她的眼睛时,她的眼睑飘动着,他的拇指在她硬化的乳头上的湿螺柱上滑动。他的手进一步向下滑动,然后让指尖掠过她的腹部,一直延伸到她又热又痛的地方。她的大腿分开了,他滑过她的泳衣面板,把他的手指深入她体内。(FX: 索菲的快速呼吸) 索菲: 雷夫。哦,雷夫。雷夫: 我想和你做爱。显然你也有同样的感觉。但是有几件事你需要理解。苏菲: 什么样的事情?雷夫: 你是员工。我通常不会和雇来的人上床。索菲: 哦。嗯,我想这是诚实的,在 leastRafe: 如果我不诚实,我什么都不是,索菲。如果我们要这样做,就必须按照我的条件。索菲: 什么条件?雷夫: 一个晚上。就这些。不超过这一点。没有日期。没有承诺。你肯定不会得到爱,因为我不爱。我明天离开这里,再见。你明白吗?索菲: 我明白。雷夫: 就这样?索菲: 完全一样。也许我想和你一样,雷夫。一天晚上。没有字符串。没有问题。(FX: 沉重的呼吸和亲吻) 雷夫: 那我们到底在等什么?(FX: 飞溅) ---------------

    米尔斯和布恩 3D 音频-Eaes 沉浸式色情作品

    案例简介:EntrySummary Mills and Boon is the UK’s Leading publisher of romantic fiction of all types, from contemporary romance and historical drama to Rom-Com and Erotica. For the launch of their latest book (the 100th title for the publisher by author Sharon Kenrick) Mills and Boon wanted to find a new, modern way of dropping audiences right into the heart of the action of their latest story from the off to draw them in.Ultimately, Mills and Boon wanted to generate interest and awareness around the full release of the title in a way that had never done before. BriefExplanation To launch A Royal Vow of Convenience, the new book from romantic fiction publisher Mills and Boon – a first-of-its-kind immersive 3D audio excerpt of the title was recorded in Binaural sound that enabled the listener to be dropped right within a scene from the book.Using omnidirectional microphones placed in both the ears of actors for scenes delivered from a character’s perspective and in the ears of a Binaural ‘head’ placed in between the actors to deliver scenes from the narrators point of view, the microphones captured the sound of the scenes as a person would naturally hear it.This meant listeners heard everything as though they were actually there with the action taking place around them, coming from all directions and distances. The resulting audio was designed to have listeners looking around them and behind them as they responded (often an involuntary reaction) to what they have heard. ScriptInEnglish V/O: The evening was hot, and still.V/O: The workers, gratefully satisfied after a hearty meal, had left the kitchen.V/O: Sophie was thankful to be alone with her thoughts as she cleared up after the men...(FX: Sophie humming & clearing up)Rafe: Still here Sophie?(FX: Glass breaking)Sophie: Damn!Rafe: Hope that wasn't crystal.Sophie: Uh, I think it was. Sorry Rafe.(FX: Sweeping of broken glass)(FX: Pouring of wine and passing of the glass)Rafe: Just try not to drop this one.Sophie: Right.(FX: Phone ringing)(FX: Footsteps walking away)Rafe: Excuse me.(Rafe: Muffled Conversation)(FX: Footsteps walking back)(FX: Sip of wine)Rafe: Interesting...Sophie: What?Rafe: You are. When I asked about your background, no-one knew a thing about you. And after several days in your company, I find myself in exactly the same boat. You're a mystery, Sophie.Sophie: I thought my role here was to feed the men, not entertain them with my life story?Rafe: Yet apparently, when you arrived you didn't know one end of a frying pan from the other.Sophie: I soon learned.Rafe: And you looked at the tin-opener as if it had just landed from outer space.Sophie: Gosh, just how long have you been studying me?Rafe: Long enoughSophie: And?Rafe: I came to the conclusion that you're someone who's never had to get her hands dirty before. That maybe you've led a very privileged life up until now.V/O: Sophie stiffened. How perceptive he was, she thought - unwilling admiration was swept away by a sudden whisper of fear. Because wasn't this what she had dreaded all along - that the cool and clever Englishman would guess she wasn't what she seemed?(FX: Sophie’s chair moving)(FX: Aggressive tidying of dishes)Sophie: But none of the men – or you – have any complaints about my work, do you?Rafe: Are my questions bothering you, Sophie?Sophie: Not bothering me so much as boring me, if I may be frank. Didn't you say when I first arrived that you'd prefer it if I left you alone? That you didn't want me to engage you in conversations just for the sake of it?Rafe: Did I say that?Sophie: know you did. Yet now you're doing exactly that to me!Rafe: Well, maybe I've changed my mind. Maybe I'm wondering why a young and beautiful woman is hiding herself in the middle of nowhere without making a single phone call or getting any e-mailsSophie: I didn't realise I was being constantly monitored. Surely my life is my business?Rafe: It is, of course. But I'm intrigued by people who won't talk about themselves.V/O: And Sophie suddenly realised why that might be. A powerful man like Rafe Carter would have people falling over themselves to tell him everything he wanted to know. She wondered how he would react if she told him who she really was. Something told her he wouldn't fawn all over her, the way most people did when they came into close contact with a royal. He wouldn't ingratiate himself. She knew he would stay exactly the same and there was something tantalizing about that. But she couldn't risk it. Could she?Sophie: So, What exactly do you want to know?V/O: He considered her question, but he didn't really want facts, he wanted her. He'd wanted her from the first moment she turned around and looked at him. He shifted his weight to try and ease his discomfort realising he was sitting there like some frustrated teenager with a hard-on. And suddenly common sense overrode primitive need.(FX: Stool moves as Rafe gets up to leave)Rafe: It’s OK. Sophie. You’re right. Your life is none of my business. But for what it's worth - you're doing a pretty good job.(FX: Door Shutting)--------(FX: Sound of shower running then stopping).V/O: Sophie showered, frustrated. She was haunted by Rafe's image. By his beautiful, hard- boned face and powerful body. By the way those steely eyes had been sweeping over her and making her stomach turn somersaults. She stepped out of the shower.V/O: She looked outside. The night was beautiful and the moon was high in the unpolluted sky. She could see its milky glimmer on the surface of the pool and suddenly the thought of a swim seemed irresistible. If she was very quiet she would disturb no-one. She could cool herself down and wear herself out, and afterwards crawl back into bed exhausted.-------(FX: Nocturnal insects and floodlights of a pool)V/O: Sophie swam with strong, regular strokes which were the result of hours spent practicing in the palace pool.(FX: Splashing and swimming)(FX: Underwater sound)(FX: Splash of someone else jumping in the pool)Sophie: Rafe! You scared the life out of me!Rafe: Who did you think it was? *Laughs*(FX: Sound of rhythmic swimming)V/O: He dived beneath the water again. It was an impressive display, thought Sophie, reluctantly. A deliberate and very macho display, and she would have needed to be made of wood not to have respond to it. And Sophie was not made of wood. Far from it. Right then she felt like cream which had been whipped up into soft peaks.(FX: Sound of someone emerging from under water)Rafe: Amazing isn't it?Sophie: Very beautiful. It's getting … cold though. I'd better go in.Rafe: Please don't let me curtail your swim. I'd hate to think I was driving you away. Or that my presence was bothering you.(Fx: Sophie’s shallow breathing)(Fx: Sophie swallowing)Sophie: Rafe?Rafe: Come here(FX: Splashing sound of their bodies coming together)V/O: Her eyelids fluttered to a close as his mouth began to explore hers and his thumb flicked over the wet stud of her hardening nipple. He slid his hand further down, before letting his fingertips skim over her belly, down to where she was hot and aching. Her thighs parted as he slipped aside the panel of her swimsuit and pushed his finger deep inside her.(FX: Sophie’s quick breathing)Sophie: Rafe. Oh Rafe.Rafe: I want to have sex with you. And clearly you feel exactly the same way. But there are a few things you need to understand.Sophie: What kind of things?Rafe: You're staff. And I don't usually sleep with the hired help.Sophie: Oh. Well, I guess that's honest, at leastRafe: I'm nothing if I'm not honest, Sophie. And if we're going to do this, it has to be on my terms.Sophie: What terms?Rafe: One night. That's all. No more than that. No dates. No promises. And you certainly won’t be getting love because I don’t do love. I'm out of here tomorrow and it's goodbye. Do you understand?Sophie: I understand.Rafe: Just like that?Sophie: Exactly like that. Maybe I want the same thing as you do, Rafe. One night. No strings. No questions.(FX: Heavy breathing and kissing)Rafe: Then what the hell are we waiting for?(FX: Splashing)-------------

    Mills and Boon 3D Audio - Immersive Erotica for The Eaes

    案例简介:EntrySummary 米尔斯和布恩是英国所有类型浪漫小说的领先出版商,从当代浪漫和历史剧到 Rom-Com 和色情作品。米尔斯和文想找到一本新的书 (作者莎伦 · 肯里克出版的 100 本书), 现代的方式让观众直接进入他们最新故事的核心,吸引他们。最终,米尔斯和布恩希望以一种前所未有的方式,围绕标题的完整发布产生兴趣和意识。 简要解释 发起一份皇家便民誓言浪漫小说出版商 Mills 和 Boon 的新书 -- 标题的第一个身临其境的 3D 音频摘录被记录在双耳声音中,使听者能够被直接从内部放下书中的一个场景。使用全方位麦克风放在演员的耳朵里,从角色的角度和场景中传递双耳 “头” 的耳朵放在演员之间,从叙述者的角度传达场景,麦克风捕捉到了场景的声音,因为一个人自然会听到它。这意味着听众听到了一切,就好像他们真的在那里,周围发生了行动,来自四面八方距离。由此产生的音频被设计成让听众环顾四周和身后,因为他们对所听到的做出了回应 (通常是一种非自愿的反应)。 ScriptInEnglish V/O: 晚上很热,而且仍然。 v/O: 吃完饭后,工人们心满意足,离开了厨房。 v/O: 索菲很感激在男人之后清理干净时独自思考.(FX: 索菲哼唱和清理) 雷夫: 索菲还在这里吗? (FX: 打碎玻璃) 苏菲: 该死! 雷夫:希望那不是水晶。索菲: 嗯,我想是的。抱歉雷夫。 (FX: 扫除碎玻璃) (FX: 倒酒和擦玻璃) Rafe: 尽量不要掉这个。索菲: 对。 (FX: 电话铃声) (FX: 脚步走开) Rafe: 对不起。 (雷夫: 低沉的谈话) (FX: 脚步往回走) (FX: 啜饮葡萄酒) 雷夫: 有趣.索菲: 什么? 雷夫: 你是。当我问你的背景时,没人知道你的事。在贵公司呆了几天后,我发现自己也在同一条船上。你是个谜,索菲。索菲: 我以为我在这里的角色是养活男人,而不是用我的人生故事来娱乐他们? 雷夫: 显然,当你到达时,你不知道煎锅的一端是另一端。苏菲: 我很快就知道了。雷夫:你看着这个开罐器,好像它刚刚从外太空着陆。索菲: 天哪,你研究我多久了? 苏菲: 还有? 雷夫: 我得出的结论是,你以前从来没有弄脏过她的手。到目前为止,也许你一直过着非常优越的生活。她认为他是多么敏锐 -- 不情愿的钦佩被突然的恐惧低语冲走了。因为这不是她一直害怕的吗 -- 那个冷静聪明的英国人会猜出她不是她看起来的样子? (FX: 苏菲的椅子在动) (FX: 积极清理盘子) 苏菲: 但是没有一个人 -- 或者你 -- 对我的工作有任何抱怨,是吗? 雷夫: 我的问题困扰你吗,索菲? 苏菲:坦率地说,如果我可以的话,这不会让我感到无聊。你不是说我第一次来的时候你更喜欢我让你一个人呆着吗?你不想让我为了这个和你谈话?雷夫: 我说过吗?索菲: 知道你说过。但现在你却对我这么做了!雷夫: 嗯,也许我改变主意了。也许我想知道为什么一个年轻漂亮的女人躲在一个偏僻的地方,却没有打电话或收到任何电子邮件: 我没有意识到我一直在被监视。我的生活当然是我的事?雷夫: 当然是。但是我不会谈论自己的人对我很感兴趣。索菲突然意识到为什么会这样。像雷夫 · 卡特这样有权势的人会让人们摔倒,告诉他他想知道的一切。她想知道如果她告诉他自己到底是谁,他会有什么反应。有些事情告诉她,他不会像大多数人与皇室亲密接触时那样讨好她。他不会讨好自己的。她知道他会保持原样,这有什么诱人的地方。但她不能冒险。索菲: 那么,你到底想知道什么?V/O: 他考虑了她的问题,但他并不真正想要事实,他想要她。从她转过身看着他的那一刻起,他就想要她。他转移了体重,试图缓解他的不适,意识到他坐在那里,就像一个沮丧的青少年,很难相处。突然,常识超越了原始需求。(外汇: 拉菲起床离开时凳子会移动) 拉菲: 没关系。苏菲。你说得对。你的生活不是我的巴士Iness。但值得一提的是 -- 你做得很好。 (FX: 门关闭) -------- (FX: 淋浴运行然后停止的声音)。 v/O: 索菲淋浴,沮丧。她被雷夫的形象所困扰。他美丽坚硬的脸和强壮的身体。顺便说一下,那些钢铁般的眼睛一直在扫过她,让她的胃翻筋斗。她走出淋浴。V/O: 她向外面看。夜晚是美丽的,月亮高高挂在未受污染的天空中。她可以看到游泳池表面的乳白色微光,突然想到游泳似乎不可抗拒。如果她很安静,她不会打扰任何人。她可以让自己冷静下来,然后筋疲力尽地爬回床上。 ------- (FX: 夜间昆虫和游泳池的泛光灯) V/O: 索菲游泳时用力,有规律地划水,这是在宫殿游泳池练习几个小时的结果。 (FX: 飞溅和游泳) (FX: 水下声音) (FX:闪人跳跳池) 苏菲: 怎么样!你吓死我了!雷夫: 你以为是谁?* 笑 * (FX: 有节奏游泳的声音) V/O: 他再次潜入水下。索菲不情愿地想,这是一个令人印象深刻的表演。一个深思熟虑的、非常有男子气概的展示,她需要用木头做,而不是回应它。索菲不是木头做的。远非如此。就在这时,她觉得自己像奶油,被鞭打成柔软的山峰。(FX: 有人从水下出现的声音) 雷夫: 太神奇了,不是吗?索菲: 非常漂亮。虽然越来越冷了。雷夫: 请不要让我限制你的游泳。我不想认为我把你赶走了。或者我的出现困扰着你。 (Fx: 索菲浅呼吸) (Fx: 索菲吞咽) 索菲: 雷夫? 雷夫: 到这里来 (FX: 他们身体聚集在一起的飞溅声) V/O: 当他的嘴开始探索她的眼睛时,她的眼睑飘动着,他的拇指在她硬化的乳头上的湿螺柱上滑动。他的手进一步向下滑动,然后让指尖掠过她的腹部,一直延伸到她又热又痛的地方。她的大腿分开了,他滑过她的泳衣面板,把他的手指深入她体内。(FX: 索菲的快速呼吸) 索菲: 雷夫。哦,雷夫。雷夫: 我想和你做爱。显然你也有同样的感觉。但是有几件事你需要理解。苏菲: 什么样的事情?雷夫: 你是员工。我通常不会和雇来的人上床。索菲: 哦。嗯,我想这是诚实的,在 leastRafe: 如果我不诚实,我什么都不是,索菲。如果我们要这样做,就必须按照我的条件。索菲: 什么条件?雷夫: 一个晚上。就这些。不超过这一点。没有日期。没有承诺。你肯定不会得到爱,因为我不爱。我明天离开这里,再见。你明白吗?索菲: 我明白。雷夫: 就这样?索菲: 完全一样。也许我想和你一样,雷夫。一天晚上。没有字符串。没有问题。(FX: 沉重的呼吸和亲吻) 雷夫: 那我们到底在等什么?(FX: 飞溅) ---------------

    Mills and Boon 3D Audio - Immersive Erotica for The Eaes

    案例简介:EntrySummary Mills and Boon is the UK’s Leading publisher of romantic fiction of all types, from contemporary romance and historical drama to Rom-Com and Erotica. For the launch of their latest book (the 100th title for the publisher by author Sharon Kenrick) Mills and Boon wanted to find a new, modern way of dropping audiences right into the heart of the action of their latest story from the off to draw them in.Ultimately, Mills and Boon wanted to generate interest and awareness around the full release of the title in a way that had never done before. BriefExplanation To launch A Royal Vow of Convenience, the new book from romantic fiction publisher Mills and Boon – a first-of-its-kind immersive 3D audio excerpt of the title was recorded in Binaural sound that enabled the listener to be dropped right within a scene from the book.Using omnidirectional microphones placed in both the ears of actors for scenes delivered from a character’s perspective and in the ears of a Binaural ‘head’ placed in between the actors to deliver scenes from the narrators point of view, the microphones captured the sound of the scenes as a person would naturally hear it.This meant listeners heard everything as though they were actually there with the action taking place around them, coming from all directions and distances. The resulting audio was designed to have listeners looking around them and behind them as they responded (often an involuntary reaction) to what they have heard. ScriptInEnglish V/O: The evening was hot, and still.V/O: The workers, gratefully satisfied after a hearty meal, had left the kitchen.V/O: Sophie was thankful to be alone with her thoughts as she cleared up after the men...(FX: Sophie humming & clearing up)Rafe: Still here Sophie?(FX: Glass breaking)Sophie: Damn!Rafe: Hope that wasn't crystal.Sophie: Uh, I think it was. Sorry Rafe.(FX: Sweeping of broken glass)(FX: Pouring of wine and passing of the glass)Rafe: Just try not to drop this one.Sophie: Right.(FX: Phone ringing)(FX: Footsteps walking away)Rafe: Excuse me.(Rafe: Muffled Conversation)(FX: Footsteps walking back)(FX: Sip of wine)Rafe: Interesting...Sophie: What?Rafe: You are. When I asked about your background, no-one knew a thing about you. And after several days in your company, I find myself in exactly the same boat. You're a mystery, Sophie.Sophie: I thought my role here was to feed the men, not entertain them with my life story?Rafe: Yet apparently, when you arrived you didn't know one end of a frying pan from the other.Sophie: I soon learned.Rafe: And you looked at the tin-opener as if it had just landed from outer space.Sophie: Gosh, just how long have you been studying me?Rafe: Long enoughSophie: And?Rafe: I came to the conclusion that you're someone who's never had to get her hands dirty before. That maybe you've led a very privileged life up until now.V/O: Sophie stiffened. How perceptive he was, she thought - unwilling admiration was swept away by a sudden whisper of fear. Because wasn't this what she had dreaded all along - that the cool and clever Englishman would guess she wasn't what she seemed?(FX: Sophie’s chair moving)(FX: Aggressive tidying of dishes)Sophie: But none of the men – or you – have any complaints about my work, do you?Rafe: Are my questions bothering you, Sophie?Sophie: Not bothering me so much as boring me, if I may be frank. Didn't you say when I first arrived that you'd prefer it if I left you alone? That you didn't want me to engage you in conversations just for the sake of it?Rafe: Did I say that?Sophie: know you did. Yet now you're doing exactly that to me!Rafe: Well, maybe I've changed my mind. Maybe I'm wondering why a young and beautiful woman is hiding herself in the middle of nowhere without making a single phone call or getting any e-mailsSophie: I didn't realise I was being constantly monitored. Surely my life is my business?Rafe: It is, of course. But I'm intrigued by people who won't talk about themselves.V/O: And Sophie suddenly realised why that might be. A powerful man like Rafe Carter would have people falling over themselves to tell him everything he wanted to know. She wondered how he would react if she told him who she really was. Something told her he wouldn't fawn all over her, the way most people did when they came into close contact with a royal. He wouldn't ingratiate himself. She knew he would stay exactly the same and there was something tantalizing about that. But she couldn't risk it. Could she?Sophie: So, What exactly do you want to know?V/O: He considered her question, but he didn't really want facts, he wanted her. He'd wanted her from the first moment she turned around and looked at him. He shifted his weight to try and ease his discomfort realising he was sitting there like some frustrated teenager with a hard-on. And suddenly common sense overrode primitive need.(FX: Stool moves as Rafe gets up to leave)Rafe: It’s OK. Sophie. You’re right. Your life is none of my business. But for what it's worth - you're doing a pretty good job.(FX: Door Shutting)--------(FX: Sound of shower running then stopping).V/O: Sophie showered, frustrated. She was haunted by Rafe's image. By his beautiful, hard- boned face and powerful body. By the way those steely eyes had been sweeping over her and making her stomach turn somersaults. She stepped out of the shower.V/O: She looked outside. The night was beautiful and the moon was high in the unpolluted sky. She could see its milky glimmer on the surface of the pool and suddenly the thought of a swim seemed irresistible. If she was very quiet she would disturb no-one. She could cool herself down and wear herself out, and afterwards crawl back into bed exhausted.-------(FX: Nocturnal insects and floodlights of a pool)V/O: Sophie swam with strong, regular strokes which were the result of hours spent practicing in the palace pool.(FX: Splashing and swimming)(FX: Underwater sound)(FX: Splash of someone else jumping in the pool)Sophie: Rafe! You scared the life out of me!Rafe: Who did you think it was? *Laughs*(FX: Sound of rhythmic swimming)V/O: He dived beneath the water again. It was an impressive display, thought Sophie, reluctantly. A deliberate and very macho display, and she would have needed to be made of wood not to have respond to it. And Sophie was not made of wood. Far from it. Right then she felt like cream which had been whipped up into soft peaks.(FX: Sound of someone emerging from under water)Rafe: Amazing isn't it?Sophie: Very beautiful. It's getting … cold though. I'd better go in.Rafe: Please don't let me curtail your swim. I'd hate to think I was driving you away. Or that my presence was bothering you.(Fx: Sophie’s shallow breathing)(Fx: Sophie swallowing)Sophie: Rafe?Rafe: Come here(FX: Splashing sound of their bodies coming together)V/O: Her eyelids fluttered to a close as his mouth began to explore hers and his thumb flicked over the wet stud of her hardening nipple. He slid his hand further down, before letting his fingertips skim over her belly, down to where she was hot and aching. Her thighs parted as he slipped aside the panel of her swimsuit and pushed his finger deep inside her.(FX: Sophie’s quick breathing)Sophie: Rafe. Oh Rafe.Rafe: I want to have sex with you. And clearly you feel exactly the same way. But there are a few things you need to understand.Sophie: What kind of things?Rafe: You're staff. And I don't usually sleep with the hired help.Sophie: Oh. Well, I guess that's honest, at leastRafe: I'm nothing if I'm not honest, Sophie. And if we're going to do this, it has to be on my terms.Sophie: What terms?Rafe: One night. That's all. No more than that. No dates. No promises. And you certainly won’t be getting love because I don’t do love. I'm out of here tomorrow and it's goodbye. Do you understand?Sophie: I understand.Rafe: Just like that?Sophie: Exactly like that. Maybe I want the same thing as you do, Rafe. One night. No strings. No questions.(FX: Heavy breathing and kissing)Rafe: Then what the hell are we waiting for?(FX: Splashing)-------------

    米尔斯和布恩 3D 音频-Eaes 沉浸式色情作品


    Mills and Boon 3D Audio - Immersive Erotica for The Eaes










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