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    Corazón - Give Your Heart短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 115,000 的美国人目前正在等待挽救生命的器官移植。尽管 98% 支持器官捐赠,但只有五分之一的纽约人是捐赠者。考虑到这些统计数据,你如何让年轻人注册为器官捐赠者?你让他们感觉到一些东西 -- 然后让他们很容易成为解决方案的一部分。蒙特菲奥里医院于 1884年在纽约成立,相信人类的生命都值得为之奋斗,它看到了一个机会: 通过电影的力量让人们行动起来。通过创造一个引人注目的娱乐节目,我们将年轻观众与器官捐赠的重要性联系起来,然后通过互动移动技术让他们更容易成为解决方案的一部分。 战略 为了提高对器官捐赠的认识并吸引年轻人口,科拉松旨在通过娱乐与观众进行情感交流。经过 Montefiore Hospital 几个月的研究,我们发现了埃琳娜 · 拉米雷斯的真实病人故事,并与编剧凯利 · 赛恩和导演约翰 · 希尔科尔德一起开发了我们的剧本。为了推出科拉松,我们与另一个纽约偶像翠贝卡电影节合作,该电影节旨在通过电影团结人们。通过讲述一个女人引人注目的故事,我们无缝地向观众展示了器官捐赠的价值,以及蒙特菲奥雷的主张。科拉松不仅仅是一部电影,由希尔科特精心导演,由奥斯卡提名人布拉德福德 · 杨巧妙拍摄,由德米安 · 比希尔和安娜 · 德 · 阿马斯出色地表演; 这是实现真正变革的完整努力。一场综合运动驱使观众观看科拉松,互动技术让观众很容易说出自己的心声 相关性 科拉松是根据蒙蒂菲奥雷医院的真实病人故事改编的。科拉松由约翰 · 希尔科特执导,以奥斯卡奖提名人德米安 · 比希尔和银翼杀手 2049 明星安娜 · 德 · 阿马斯为主角,讲述了来自圣多明各的性工作者埃琳娜 · 拉米雷斯的故事,她的心正在死去, montefiore 的加西亚医生是唯一给她希望的人这部 48 分钟的电影与翠贝卡电影节合作推出,在纽约首映,所有放映都在几小时内售罄。批评家称赞科拉松能够通过电影的力量唤醒观众对器官捐赠的重要性。 结果 几个小时内,科拉松的所有翠贝卡电影节放映都售罄。关键的反应是非常积极的,庆祝这部电影能够将观众聚集在器官捐赠的背后。在第一周的竞选活动中,1000万观看了科拉松 -- 给你的心内容。每天有 1,000 多名纽约人观看这部电影。数百名纽约人献出了他们的心,注册为 “捐赠美国生活” 的新会员。由于 1 个捐赠者可以拯救多达 8 条生命,这项运动已经有可能拯救成千上万条生命。在竞选活动启动后的一周内 -- 超过 2500万人与科拉松有联系 -- 仅在纽约就给你的心 -- 1000万人观看了科拉松 -- 给你的心心脏内容 -- 10,000 纽约人看了科拉松的电影 -- 到目前为止,数百颗心脏被捐赠,拯救了数千人的生命 * 1 器官捐赠者可以拯救多达 8 条生命 执行 为了推出科拉松,我们与另一个纽约偶像翠贝卡电影节合作。科拉松在 2018 届翠贝卡电影节期间向售罄的观众首映。4月20日首映后,4月22日和 4月27日又进行了四次公开放映,以容纳成千上万想看科拉松的人。这部电影随后在网上发布,激励世界各地的人们献出他们的心,并邀请朋友也这样做。由 OOH 、 TVC 、印刷、编辑、公关、广播、社交和电影预告片组成的综合运动驱使人们与我们的信息联系起来, 观看这部电影,并在 15 秒内通过交互式移动技术现场传递他们的心。在一周内,数百万人与我们的运动联系在一起,数千人独自在纽约观看了这部电影。我们目前正在就流媒体平台和航空公司飞行系统的位置进行谈判,以接触更广泛的受众。 活动描述 实现真正的改变是困难的,尤其是在器官捐赠方面。我们对这场运动的态度是双重的。第一: 制作一部基于引人注目的蒙蒂菲奥里病人故事的故事片,在观众中引发情感反应的同时,无缝地讲述品牌的故事。第二: 被对科拉松主角的同情所感动,为观众提供了一个简单、吸引人的工具,使他们能够当场注册为器官捐赠者。不仅仅是一个电影标语,给你的心变成了一个有意义的行动号召。观众被提示成为器官捐献者,他们把手机按在心脏上。我们的交互式移动技术帮助观众在 15 秒内注册了 “捐赠美国生活”。科拉松随后在网上发布,激励世界各地的人们捐出他们的心。 简报预期结果 医疗保健是美国最激烈争论的政治话题之一。许多人仍然无法获得高质量的医疗保健,尤其是在器官捐赠方面。奥巴马政府通过的全民医疗立法现在受到特朗普总统领导下的共和党国会的威胁。 简要解释 观众 115,000 的美国人目前正在等待器官移植。尽管 98% 支持器官捐赠,但只有五分之一的纽约人是捐赠者。那么,你如何让年轻人注册为器官捐赠者?你让他们感觉到一些东西 -- 然后让他们很容易成为解决方案的一部分。


    案例简介:Synopsis 115,000 Americans are currently waiting for a life-saving organ transplant. Although 98% support organ donation, only 1 in 5 New Yorkers is a donor. Considering these statistics, how do you get young people to register as organ donors? You make them feel something—then make it easy to become part of the solution. Montefiore Hospital, founded in New York in 1884 on the belief that all human life is worth fighting for, saw an opportunity: move people to action through the power of film. By creating a compelling piece of entertainment, we connected a younger audience to the importance of organ donation, then made it easy for them to become part of the solution through interactive mobile technology. Strategy In order to raise awareness for organ donations and appeal to a younger demographic, Corazón aimed to emotionally connect with its audience through entertainment. After months of research with Montefiore Hospital, we discovered the true patient story of Elena Ramirez and developed our screenplay with screenwriter Kelley Sane and director John Hillcoat. To launch Corazón, we partnered with another New York icon, the Tribeca Film Festival, founded to unite people through cinema. By telling the compelling story of one woman, we seamlessly showed audiences the value of organ donation, and what Montefiore stands for. Exquisitely directed by Hillcoat, masterfully shot by Academy Award nominee Bradford Young, and brilliantly performed by Demian Bichir and Ana de Armas, Corazón is more than a film; it’s a complete effort to effect real change. An integrated campaign drove viewers to watch Corazón, and interactive technology made it easy for viewers to give their hearts Relevancy Corazón is based on a true patient story from Montefiore Hospital. Directed by John Hillcoat and featuring Academy Award nominee Demian Bichir and Blade Runner 2049 star Ana de Armas, Corazón tells the story of Elena Ramirez, a sex worker from Santo Domingo whose heart is dying, and Montefiore’s Dr. Garcia, the only person who offers her hope. Launched in partnership with the Tribeca Film Festival, the 48-minute film premiered in New York, and all screenings sold out within hours. Critics praised Corazón for its ability to awaken audiences to the importance of organ donation through the power of cinema. Outcome Within hours, all Tribeca Film Festival showings of Corazón sold out. The critical response has been extremely positive, celebrating the film’s ability to rally audiences behind the cause of organ donation. In the campaigns first week, 10 million watched Corazón - Give Your Heart content. Over 1,000 New Yorkers per day watched Corazón the film. Hundreds of New Yorkers gave their hearts, registering as new with Donate Life America. Since 1 donor can save up to 8 lives, the campaign has potentially saved thousands of lives already. In just one week since campaign launch - Over 25 million people connected with Corazón - Give Your Heart in New York alone - 10 million people watched Corazón - Give Your Heart content - 10,000 New Yorkers saw Corazón the film - Hundreds of hearts given so far, saving thousands of lives * 1 organ donor can save up to 8 lives Execution To launch Corazón, we partnered with another New York icon, the Tribeca Film Festival. Corazón premiered during the 2018 Tribeca Film Festival to sold-out audiences. The April 20 premiere was followed by four additional public screenings on April 22 and April 27 to accommodate the thousands of people wanting to see Corazón. The film was then made available online, inspiring people everywhere to give their hearts and invite friends to do the same. An integrated campaign consisting of OOH, TVC, print, editorial, PR, radio, social, and cinema trailers drove people to connect with our message, watch the film and give their hearts via interactive mobile technology on the spot in just 15 seconds. In one week, millions connected with our campaign, and thousands watched the film in New York alone. We are currently negotiating placement on streaming platforms and airline in-flight systems to reach an even wider audience. CampaignDescription Effecting real change is hard, especially when it comes to organ donation. Our approach with this campaign was twofold. One: create a feature film based on a compelling Montefiore patient story that would seamlessly tell the brand’s story while sparking an emotional response in viewers. Two: having been moved by a feeling of empathy for Corazón’s main character, provide viewers a simple, engaging tool enabling them to register as organ donors on the spot. More than just a film tagline, Give Your Heart became a meaningful call to action. Theatergoers were prompted to become organ donors by pressing their phones to their hearts. Our interactive mobile technology helped viewers register with Donate Life America in just 15 seconds. Corazón was then made available online, inspiring people everywhere to donate their hearts. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes Healthcare is one of America’s most hotly debated political topics. Quality healthcare remains out of reach for many, especially when it comes to organ donation. The universal healthcare legislation passed by the Obama administration is now threatened by a predominately Republican Congress under President Trump. BriefExplanation Audience 115,000 Americans are currently waiting for an organ transplant. Although 98% support organ donation, only 1 in 5 New Yorkers is a donor. So how do you get young people to register as organ donors? You make them feel something—then make it easy to become part of the solution.

    Corazón - Give Your Heart

    案例简介:概要 115,000 的美国人目前正在等待挽救生命的器官移植。尽管 98% 支持器官捐赠,但只有五分之一的纽约人是捐赠者。考虑到这些统计数据,你如何让年轻人注册为器官捐赠者?你让他们感觉到一些东西 -- 然后让他们很容易成为解决方案的一部分。蒙特菲奥里医院于 1884年在纽约成立,相信人类的生命都值得为之奋斗,它看到了一个机会: 通过电影的力量让人们行动起来。通过创造一个引人注目的娱乐节目,我们将年轻观众与器官捐赠的重要性联系起来,然后通过互动移动技术让他们更容易成为解决方案的一部分。 战略 为了提高对器官捐赠的认识并吸引年轻人口,科拉松旨在通过娱乐与观众进行情感交流。经过 Montefiore Hospital 几个月的研究,我们发现了埃琳娜 · 拉米雷斯的真实病人故事,并与编剧凯利 · 赛恩和导演约翰 · 希尔科尔德一起开发了我们的剧本。为了推出科拉松,我们与另一个纽约偶像翠贝卡电影节合作,该电影节旨在通过电影团结人们。通过讲述一个女人引人注目的故事,我们无缝地向观众展示了器官捐赠的价值,以及蒙特菲奥雷的主张。科拉松不仅仅是一部电影,由希尔科特精心导演,由奥斯卡提名人布拉德福德 · 杨巧妙拍摄,由德米安 · 比希尔和安娜 · 德 · 阿马斯出色地表演; 这是实现真正变革的完整努力。一场综合运动驱使观众观看科拉松,互动技术让观众很容易说出自己的心声 相关性 科拉松是根据蒙蒂菲奥雷医院的真实病人故事改编的。科拉松由约翰 · 希尔科特执导,以奥斯卡奖提名人德米安 · 比希尔和银翼杀手 2049 明星安娜 · 德 · 阿马斯为主角,讲述了来自圣多明各的性工作者埃琳娜 · 拉米雷斯的故事,她的心正在死去, montefiore 的加西亚医生是唯一给她希望的人这部 48 分钟的电影与翠贝卡电影节合作推出,在纽约首映,所有放映都在几小时内售罄。批评家称赞科拉松能够通过电影的力量唤醒观众对器官捐赠的重要性。 结果 几个小时内,科拉松的所有翠贝卡电影节放映都售罄。关键的反应是非常积极的,庆祝这部电影能够将观众聚集在器官捐赠的背后。在第一周的竞选活动中,1000万观看了科拉松 -- 给你的心内容。每天有 1,000 多名纽约人观看这部电影。数百名纽约人献出了他们的心,注册为 “捐赠美国生活” 的新会员。由于 1 个捐赠者可以拯救多达 8 条生命,这项运动已经有可能拯救成千上万条生命。在竞选活动启动后的一周内 -- 超过 2500万人与科拉松有联系 -- 仅在纽约就给你的心 -- 1000万人观看了科拉松 -- 给你的心心脏内容 -- 10,000 纽约人看了科拉松的电影 -- 到目前为止,数百颗心脏被捐赠,拯救了数千人的生命 * 1 器官捐赠者可以拯救多达 8 条生命 执行 为了推出科拉松,我们与另一个纽约偶像翠贝卡电影节合作。科拉松在 2018 届翠贝卡电影节期间向售罄的观众首映。4月20日首映后,4月22日和 4月27日又进行了四次公开放映,以容纳成千上万想看科拉松的人。这部电影随后在网上发布,激励世界各地的人们献出他们的心,并邀请朋友也这样做。由 OOH 、 TVC 、印刷、编辑、公关、广播、社交和电影预告片组成的综合运动驱使人们与我们的信息联系起来, 观看这部电影,并在 15 秒内通过交互式移动技术现场传递他们的心。在一周内,数百万人与我们的运动联系在一起,数千人独自在纽约观看了这部电影。我们目前正在就流媒体平台和航空公司飞行系统的位置进行谈判,以接触更广泛的受众。 活动描述 实现真正的改变是困难的,尤其是在器官捐赠方面。我们对这场运动的态度是双重的。第一: 制作一部基于引人注目的蒙蒂菲奥里病人故事的故事片,在观众中引发情感反应的同时,无缝地讲述品牌的故事。第二: 被对科拉松主角的同情所感动,为观众提供了一个简单、吸引人的工具,使他们能够当场注册为器官捐赠者。不仅仅是一个电影标语,给你的心变成了一个有意义的行动号召。观众被提示成为器官捐献者,他们把手机按在心脏上。我们的交互式移动技术帮助观众在 15 秒内注册了 “捐赠美国生活”。科拉松随后在网上发布,激励世界各地的人们捐出他们的心。 简报预期结果 医疗保健是美国最激烈争论的政治话题之一。许多人仍然无法获得高质量的医疗保健,尤其是在器官捐赠方面。奥巴马政府通过的全民医疗立法现在受到特朗普总统领导下的共和党国会的威胁。 简要解释 观众 115,000 的美国人目前正在等待器官移植。尽管 98% 支持器官捐赠,但只有五分之一的纽约人是捐赠者。那么,你如何让年轻人注册为器官捐赠者?你让他们感觉到一些东西 -- 然后让他们很容易成为解决方案的一部分。

    Corazón - Give Your Heart

    案例简介:Synopsis 115,000 Americans are currently waiting for a life-saving organ transplant. Although 98% support organ donation, only 1 in 5 New Yorkers is a donor. Considering these statistics, how do you get young people to register as organ donors? You make them feel something—then make it easy to become part of the solution. Montefiore Hospital, founded in New York in 1884 on the belief that all human life is worth fighting for, saw an opportunity: move people to action through the power of film. By creating a compelling piece of entertainment, we connected a younger audience to the importance of organ donation, then made it easy for them to become part of the solution through interactive mobile technology. Strategy In order to raise awareness for organ donations and appeal to a younger demographic, Corazón aimed to emotionally connect with its audience through entertainment. After months of research with Montefiore Hospital, we discovered the true patient story of Elena Ramirez and developed our screenplay with screenwriter Kelley Sane and director John Hillcoat. To launch Corazón, we partnered with another New York icon, the Tribeca Film Festival, founded to unite people through cinema. By telling the compelling story of one woman, we seamlessly showed audiences the value of organ donation, and what Montefiore stands for. Exquisitely directed by Hillcoat, masterfully shot by Academy Award nominee Bradford Young, and brilliantly performed by Demian Bichir and Ana de Armas, Corazón is more than a film; it’s a complete effort to effect real change. An integrated campaign drove viewers to watch Corazón, and interactive technology made it easy for viewers to give their hearts Relevancy Corazón is based on a true patient story from Montefiore Hospital. Directed by John Hillcoat and featuring Academy Award nominee Demian Bichir and Blade Runner 2049 star Ana de Armas, Corazón tells the story of Elena Ramirez, a sex worker from Santo Domingo whose heart is dying, and Montefiore’s Dr. Garcia, the only person who offers her hope. Launched in partnership with the Tribeca Film Festival, the 48-minute film premiered in New York, and all screenings sold out within hours. Critics praised Corazón for its ability to awaken audiences to the importance of organ donation through the power of cinema. Outcome Within hours, all Tribeca Film Festival showings of Corazón sold out. The critical response has been extremely positive, celebrating the film’s ability to rally audiences behind the cause of organ donation. In the campaigns first week, 10 million watched Corazón - Give Your Heart content. Over 1,000 New Yorkers per day watched Corazón the film. Hundreds of New Yorkers gave their hearts, registering as new with Donate Life America. Since 1 donor can save up to 8 lives, the campaign has potentially saved thousands of lives already. In just one week since campaign launch - Over 25 million people connected with Corazón - Give Your Heart in New York alone - 10 million people watched Corazón - Give Your Heart content - 10,000 New Yorkers saw Corazón the film - Hundreds of hearts given so far, saving thousands of lives * 1 organ donor can save up to 8 lives Execution To launch Corazón, we partnered with another New York icon, the Tribeca Film Festival. Corazón premiered during the 2018 Tribeca Film Festival to sold-out audiences. The April 20 premiere was followed by four additional public screenings on April 22 and April 27 to accommodate the thousands of people wanting to see Corazón. The film was then made available online, inspiring people everywhere to give their hearts and invite friends to do the same. An integrated campaign consisting of OOH, TVC, print, editorial, PR, radio, social, and cinema trailers drove people to connect with our message, watch the film and give their hearts via interactive mobile technology on the spot in just 15 seconds. In one week, millions connected with our campaign, and thousands watched the film in New York alone. We are currently negotiating placement on streaming platforms and airline in-flight systems to reach an even wider audience. CampaignDescription Effecting real change is hard, especially when it comes to organ donation. Our approach with this campaign was twofold. One: create a feature film based on a compelling Montefiore patient story that would seamlessly tell the brand’s story while sparking an emotional response in viewers. Two: having been moved by a feeling of empathy for Corazón’s main character, provide viewers a simple, engaging tool enabling them to register as organ donors on the spot. More than just a film tagline, Give Your Heart became a meaningful call to action. Theatergoers were prompted to become organ donors by pressing their phones to their hearts. Our interactive mobile technology helped viewers register with Donate Life America in just 15 seconds. Corazón was then made available online, inspiring people everywhere to donate their hearts. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes Healthcare is one of America’s most hotly debated political topics. Quality healthcare remains out of reach for many, especially when it comes to organ donation. The universal healthcare legislation passed by the Obama administration is now threatened by a predominately Republican Congress under President Trump. BriefExplanation Audience 115,000 Americans are currently waiting for an organ transplant. Although 98% support organ donation, only 1 in 5 New Yorkers is a donor. So how do you get young people to register as organ donors? You make them feel something—then make it easy to become part of the solution.



    Corazón - Give Your Heart










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