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    Daughters Of Mother India短视频,音频广告营销案例




    案例简介:执行 我们的培训课程让警察了解了他们在确保性暴力受害者有一个安全的避难所,在那里他们可以举报犯罪,在那里他们受到尊重和同情。第二,我们需要让消费者直接,确保妇女能够确信,她们的指控将得到积极的行动,袭击者将受到积极的追捕。为此,我们:-确保印度有史以来第一次用 8 种语言在一个主要娱乐网络上进行黄金时段纪录片联播-这是该网络迈出的大胆一步。这部电影的放映时间是残酷的轮奸三周年纪念日,电影围绕着这个主题。 -制作短片小插曲/PSAs,在孟买电影院放映超过 90 天。 -开展战略媒体关系和社交媒体外联。 概要 找到解决方案很容易。很难找到正确的问题。特别是在打击性暴力。因为我们已经达成了什么错。而找到的系统方面所面临的挑战是,可改为发挥真正的作用。所以我们做到了。我们被要求提出新的纪录片,女儿的母亲,一个强大的电影之后可怕的强奸和谋杀 23 岁学医, 和国家努力消除性别暴力的泛滥。我们不仅仅是吸引消费者,而是首先寻找意想不到的观众 -- 警察。 objectivesTo 性别敏感的警察部队,和教育人员以后在这个社会中,妇女得不到尊重--对这些罪行的强度和它们对受害者的重要性。推动有意义的对话。最终,增加性犯罪的报道。 简要介绍预计结果 印度文化/社会/政治气候非常复杂。一些关键因素: 印度的性别比例被扭曲,最近的人口普查数据显示,目前生活在印度的男性比女性多 3700万。从 2007年到 19%,印度的暴力犯罪增加了近 2011,在此期间,绑架妇女增加了 74%。根据国家犯罪记录局的数据,估计印度每天都有 100 起强奸案发生。可恶,暴力犯罪。恶毒的帮派袭击。年轻的女孩。婚内强奸。这个数字稳步上升。但是许多性侵犯没有被报道,最终没有受到惩罚,因为女性害怕来自邻居、警察甚至自己家庭的反弹、羞辱和社会排斥。镇压文化根深蒂固,而且很普遍。超过 30,000 的强奸受害者正在等待。所以显然需要做什么改变了警察和司法系统。 结果 150,000 多名警官筛选母亲印度的女儿,作为他们正在进行的培训的一部分 -- 这是该国历史上第一次将纪录片纳入警官教学。随后举行了讲习班和对话会议。这部电影有强制性的国家警察学院的学员。从《印度斯坦时报》到《赫芬顿邮报》的媒体报道称,这一战略方针是开创性的。(82 安排。)重要的是,警方看到妇女报告性暴力的意愿越来越大 -- 即使在哈里亚纳邦这样的国家,性别比例最扭曲,性犯罪猖獗。早期估计显示性犯罪报告增加了 20%。这部电影联播的一家大型黄金时段的月的语言也首次达到 1000万万人。短形式的公益广告在影院播出,达到约 900万消费者。社交媒体参与超过 3100万的印象。什么开始作为一个纪录片开始的有力工具。 战略 两次强奸往往遭到虐待的受害者。先是强奸犯,然后是警察。因此,在推出纪录片《印度母亲的女儿》时,我们首先将其与主要利益相关者: 国家警察结合起来。我们请到了当地警察局长,并通过他们的支持我们安排了全国第一个场次的警察部门在印度。我们随后举办了密集的研讨会和对话会议。当地行政人员、 Sarpanch 和警察之间罕见且至关重要的伙伴关系已经形成。迄今为止,已经在班加罗尔、德里、古拉贡、哈里亚纳邦、海德拉巴、加尔各答和孟买培训了 150,000 名警官。更多场次进行。接下来我们消费者直接以确保他们理解了警察致力于积极和恭敬地调查性犯罪 概要 寻求解决办法是容易的。找准问题很难。特别是在打击性暴力方面。因为我们已经达成了什么错。相反,挑战是找到系统中可以改变的方面,以产生真正的影响。所以我们做到了。我们就像为了介绍一部新纪录片《印度母亲的女儿》,这是一部关于一名 23 岁医科学生可怕强奸和谋杀后果的强有力的电影, 以及国家消除猖獗的性别暴力的斗争。我们不仅仅是吸引消费者,而是首先寻找意想不到的观众 -- 警察。提高印度警察对性别问题的认识,并教育来自这个不尊重妇女的社会的官员了解这些罪行的严重程度和对受害者敏感的重要性。来推动有意义的对话。 结果 150,000 多名警官筛选母亲印度的女儿,作为他们正在进行的培训的一部分 -- 这是该国历史上第一次将纪录片纳入警官教学。随后举行了研讨会和对话会议。这部电影现在对国家警察学院的新兵来说是强制性的。从《印度斯坦时报》到《赫芬顿邮报》的媒体报道称,这一战略方法是开创性的。(82 次安置) 重要的是,警方看到妇女报告性暴力的意愿越来越大 -- 即使在哈里亚纳邦这样的国家,性别比例最扭曲,性犯罪猖獗。早期估计显示性犯罪报告增加了 20%。这部电影在黄金时段以 8 种语言在一个主要网络上同步播放,也是第一次达到 1000万人。短形式的公益广告在影院播出,接触到大约 900万名消费者。社交媒体参与超过了 3200万次印象。作为纪录片开始的东西成为了变革的强大工具。这只是开始。 执行 我们的培训课程让警察了解了他们在确保性暴力受害者有一个安全的避难所,在那里他们可以举报犯罪,在那里他们受到尊重和同情。接下来,我们需要直接吸引消费者,确保妇女能够确信,她们的指控将得到积极的行动,袭击者将受到积极的追捕。为此,我们:-确保印度有史以来第一次用多种语言在主要娱乐网络上进行黄金时段纪录片联播-这是该网络迈出的大胆一步。这部电影的放映时间是残酷的轮奸三周年纪念日,电影围绕着这个主题。 -制作短片小插曲/PSAs,在孟买电影院放映超过 90 天。 -开展战略媒体关系和社交媒体外联。 活动描述 我们试图利用纪录片的力量来教育、建立意识,并最终点燃变革。但是,为了在国家复杂的司法系统中影响有意义的变化,警察必须首先敏感,因为他们处于报告此类犯罪的第一线。这些官员来自历史上不相信妇女平等权利的同一个社会。它们是环境的产物。因此,他们需要接受培训,以对受害者更加敏感,只有这样性犯罪才会被报道。因此,我们的想法是,这场运动将重点放在警察身上,让他们对性别问题敏感,并让他们站在最前列,围绕这个至关重要的平台与社会联系。这是通过为公众和警察进行筛查,然后进行讨论和辩论来实现的。 战略 人们普遍认为,在印度,强奸受害者经常受到两次虐待。首先是强奸犯,然后是警察,妇女们觉得他们往往缺乏同情心和严厉。因此,在推出纪录片《印度母亲的女儿》时,我们首先将其与主要利益相关者: 国家警察结合起来。我们联系了当地警察局长,通过他们的支持,我们为全国各地的警察安排了第一次放映。我们随后举办了密集的讲习班/对话会议。当地行政人员和警察之间建立了罕见的、极其重要的伙伴关系。迄今为止,已经在班加罗尔、德里、古拉贡、哈里亚纳邦、海得拉巴、加尔各答、孟买等地培训了 150,000 名警官。接下来,我们直接与消费者接触,以确保他们理解警察对积极 -- 尊重 -- 调查性犯罪的承诺。 相关性 强奸受害者经常受到两次虐待。首先是强奸犯,然后是警察。所以在推出纪录片《印度母亲的女儿》时,我们把它框起来,以适合主要的利益相关者: 警察。我们联系了当地的警察局长,通过他们的支持,我们为印度各地的警察部门安排了国家的第一次筛查。我们跟进了培训/研讨会。地方行政当局和警察之间很少建立伙伴关系。作为纪录片开始的东西成为了变革的载体。最后,国家警察学院将这部电影作为其课程的必修部分。


    案例简介:Execution Our training sessions educated police officers about the important role they play in ensuring that victims of sexual violence have a safe haven where they can report crimes, where they’re treated with respect and compassion.Next, we needed to engage consumers directly, to ensure women could feel confident that their allegations would be aggressively actioned upon and their assailants vigorously pursued. To do so, we:-Secured India’s first-ever prime-time documentary simulcast across a major entertainment network in 8 languages – a bold step for the network. This screening was timed to the three-year anniversary of the brutal gang rape around which the film centers.-Created short film vignettes/PSAs which screened in Mumbai movie theaters over 90 days.-Conducted strategic media relations and social media outreach. Synopsis Finding solutions is easy. Finding the right problem is hard. In particular when it comes to the fight against sexual violence. Because all of us are already in agreement about what’s right and wrong. The challenge is instead to find facets of the system that can be changed to make a real difference. So we did. We were asked to introduce a new documentary film, Daughters of Mother India, a powerful film about the aftermath of the horrific rape and murder of a 23 year-old medical student, and the nation’s struggles to eliminate rampant gender violence. And rather than just engage consumers, we first sought an unexpected audience – police officers.ObjectivesTo gender sensitize India’s police force, and educate officers – who come from within this society in which women are not respected – about the intensity of these crimes and the importance of sensitivity towards victims. To drive meaningful conversation. And ultimately, to increase reporting of sex crimes. Brief With Projected Outcomes India’s cultural/social/political climate is incredibly complex. Some key factors:India’s gender ratio is distorted, with most recent Census data revealing there are 37 million more men than women currently living in the country. Violent crime in India rose nearly 19 percent from 2007-2011, and kidnapping of women increased 74 percent during that time period. According to the National Crime Records Bureau, an estimated 100 rapes occur every day in India. Heinous, violent crimes. Vicious gang assaults. Violence against young girls. Marital rape. And the number steadily escalates. But many sexual assaults go unreported, and ultimately unpunished, as women fear backlash, shaming and social ostracism – from neighbors, police and even their own families. The culture of suppression is deep-rooted and widespread. More than 30,000 rape victims in India are awaiting justice.So it was clear that something needed to be done to change the police and justice system. Outcome More than 150,000 police officers screened Daughters of Mother India as part of their ongoing training – the first time in the nation’s history a documentary has been incorporated into officer instruction. Workshops and dialogue sessions followed. The film is now mandatory for National Police Academy recruits. Media coverage from Hindustan Times to Huffington Post cited the strategic approach as groundbreaking. (82 placements.) Importantly, police are seeing increased willingness among women to report sexual violence – even in states like Haryana where gender ratios are most distorted and sex crimes, rampant. Early estimates show a 20% increase in reported sex crimes. The film was simulcast on a major network during prime-time in 8 languages – also a first – reaching 10million people.Short-form PSAs aired in theaters, reaching ~9million consumers.Social media engagement topped 31million impressions.What started as a documentary became a powerful vehicle for change. Strategy Victims of rape are often abused twice. First by the rapist, then by the police. So when launching the documentary Daughters of Mother India we first framed it fit the primary stakeholder: the nation’s police officers.We reached out to local police chiefs, and through their support we arranged the nation’s first screenings for police departments across India. And we followed up with intensive workshops and dialogue sessions. Rare – and critically important – partnerships between local administrators, Sarpanch, and police were formed. To date, 150,000 police officers have been trained in Bangalore, Delhi, Guragaon, Haryana, Hydeerabad, Kolkata and Mumbai. Additional screenings are ongoing.Next we engaged consumers directly to ensure they understood police officers’ commitment to aggressively—and respectfully – investigate sex crimes Synopsis Finding solutions is easy. Finding the right problem is hard. In particular when it comes to the fight against sexual violence. Because all of us are already in agreement about what’s right and wrong. The challenge is instead to find facets of the system that can be changed to make a real difference. So we did. We were asked to introduce a new documentary, Daughters of Mother India, a powerful film about the aftermath of the horrific rape and murder of a 23 year-old medical student, and the nation’s struggles to eliminate rampant gender violence. And rather than just engage consumers, we first sought an unexpected audience – police officers.To gender sensitize India’s police force, and educate officers – who come from within this society in which women are not respected – about the intensity of these crimes and the importance of sensitivity towards victims. To drive meaningful conversation. Outcome More than 150,000 police officers screened Daughters of Mother India as part of their ongoing training – the first time in the nation’s history a documentary has been incorporated into officer instruction. Workshops and dialogue sessions followed.The film is now mandatory for National Police Academy recruits.Media coverage from Hindustan Times to Huffington Post cited the strategic approach as groundbreaking. (82 placements.)Importantly, police are seeing increased willingness among women to report sexual violence – even in states like Haryana where gender ratios are most distorted and sex crimes, rampant. Early estimates show a 20% increase in reported sex crimes.The film was simulcast on a major network during prime-time in 8 languages – also a first – reaching 10million people. Short-form PSAs aired in theaters, reaching ~9million consumers.Social media engagement topped 32million impressions.What started as a documentary became a powerful vehicle for change.And this is just the beginning. Execution Our training sessions educated police officers about the important role they play in ensuring that victims of sexual violence have a safe haven where they can report crimes, where they’re treated with respect and compassion.Next, we needed to engage consumers directly, to ensure women could feel confident that their allegations would be aggressively actioned upon and their assailants vigorously pursued. To do so, we:-Secured India’s first-ever prime-time documentary simulcast across a major entertainment network in multiple languages – a bold step for the network. This screening was timed to the three-year anniversary of the brutal gang rape around which the film centers.-Created short film vignettes/PSAs that screened in Mumbai movie theaters over 90 days.-Conducted strategic media relations and social media outreach. Campaign Description We sought to leverage the power of the documentary to educate, build awareness and ultimately, ignite change.But to affect meaningful change within the nation’s complex judicial system, THE POLICE had to be sensitized first, as they are on the front lines of reporting such crimes. These officers come from the same society that historically hasn’t believed in equal rights for women. They are a product of their environment. So they needed to be trained to be more sensitive to victims, as only then would sex crimes be reported. So emerged our idea for this movement to focus on the police, to gender sensitize them, and bring them to the forefront to connect with society around this critically important platform. This was achieved through screenings for the public and police officers, followed by discussion and debate. Strategy It is commonly held that in India, victims of rape are often abused twice. First by the rapist, then by the police, whom women feel are often unsympathetic and harsh.So when launching the documentary Daughters of Mother India, we first framed it fit the primary stakeholder: the nation’s police officers.We reached out to local police chiefs, and through their support we arranged the nation’s first screenings for police across India. We followed-up with intensive workshops/dialogue sessions. Rare – and critically important – partnerships between local administrators (Sarpanch) and police were formed. To date, 150,000 officers have been trained – in Bangalore, Delhi, Guragaon, Haryana, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai. Additional screenings are ongoing.Next, we engaged consumers directly to ensure they understood police officers’ commitment to aggressively – and respectfully – investigate sex crimes. Relevancy Victims of rape are often abused twice. First by the rapist, then by the police.So when launching the documentary Daughters of Mother India we framed it to fit the primary stakeholder: the police. We reached out to local police chiefs, and through their support we arranged the nation’s first screenings for police departments across India. And we followed up with training/workshops.Rare partnerships between the local administrations (Sarpanch) and police were formed.What started as a documentary became a vehicle for change.In the end, the National Police Academy adopted the film as a mandatory part of its curriculum.

    Daughters Of Mother India

    案例简介:执行 我们的培训课程让警察了解了他们在确保性暴力受害者有一个安全的避难所,在那里他们可以举报犯罪,在那里他们受到尊重和同情。第二,我们需要让消费者直接,确保妇女能够确信,她们的指控将得到积极的行动,袭击者将受到积极的追捕。为此,我们:-确保印度有史以来第一次用 8 种语言在一个主要娱乐网络上进行黄金时段纪录片联播-这是该网络迈出的大胆一步。这部电影的放映时间是残酷的轮奸三周年纪念日,电影围绕着这个主题。 -制作短片小插曲/PSAs,在孟买电影院放映超过 90 天。 -开展战略媒体关系和社交媒体外联。 概要 找到解决方案很容易。很难找到正确的问题。特别是在打击性暴力。因为我们已经达成了什么错。而找到的系统方面所面临的挑战是,可改为发挥真正的作用。所以我们做到了。我们被要求提出新的纪录片,女儿的母亲,一个强大的电影之后可怕的强奸和谋杀 23 岁学医, 和国家努力消除性别暴力的泛滥。我们不仅仅是吸引消费者,而是首先寻找意想不到的观众 -- 警察。 objectivesTo 性别敏感的警察部队,和教育人员以后在这个社会中,妇女得不到尊重--对这些罪行的强度和它们对受害者的重要性。推动有意义的对话。最终,增加性犯罪的报道。 简要介绍预计结果 印度文化/社会/政治气候非常复杂。一些关键因素: 印度的性别比例被扭曲,最近的人口普查数据显示,目前生活在印度的男性比女性多 3700万。从 2007年到 19%,印度的暴力犯罪增加了近 2011,在此期间,绑架妇女增加了 74%。根据国家犯罪记录局的数据,估计印度每天都有 100 起强奸案发生。可恶,暴力犯罪。恶毒的帮派袭击。年轻的女孩。婚内强奸。这个数字稳步上升。但是许多性侵犯没有被报道,最终没有受到惩罚,因为女性害怕来自邻居、警察甚至自己家庭的反弹、羞辱和社会排斥。镇压文化根深蒂固,而且很普遍。超过 30,000 的强奸受害者正在等待。所以显然需要做什么改变了警察和司法系统。 结果 150,000 多名警官筛选母亲印度的女儿,作为他们正在进行的培训的一部分 -- 这是该国历史上第一次将纪录片纳入警官教学。随后举行了讲习班和对话会议。这部电影有强制性的国家警察学院的学员。从《印度斯坦时报》到《赫芬顿邮报》的媒体报道称,这一战略方针是开创性的。(82 安排。)重要的是,警方看到妇女报告性暴力的意愿越来越大 -- 即使在哈里亚纳邦这样的国家,性别比例最扭曲,性犯罪猖獗。早期估计显示性犯罪报告增加了 20%。这部电影联播的一家大型黄金时段的月的语言也首次达到 1000万万人。短形式的公益广告在影院播出,达到约 900万消费者。社交媒体参与超过 3100万的印象。什么开始作为一个纪录片开始的有力工具。 战略 两次强奸往往遭到虐待的受害者。先是强奸犯,然后是警察。因此,在推出纪录片《印度母亲的女儿》时,我们首先将其与主要利益相关者: 国家警察结合起来。我们请到了当地警察局长,并通过他们的支持我们安排了全国第一个场次的警察部门在印度。我们随后举办了密集的研讨会和对话会议。当地行政人员、 Sarpanch 和警察之间罕见且至关重要的伙伴关系已经形成。迄今为止,已经在班加罗尔、德里、古拉贡、哈里亚纳邦、海德拉巴、加尔各答和孟买培训了 150,000 名警官。更多场次进行。接下来我们消费者直接以确保他们理解了警察致力于积极和恭敬地调查性犯罪 概要 寻求解决办法是容易的。找准问题很难。特别是在打击性暴力方面。因为我们已经达成了什么错。相反,挑战是找到系统中可以改变的方面,以产生真正的影响。所以我们做到了。我们就像为了介绍一部新纪录片《印度母亲的女儿》,这是一部关于一名 23 岁医科学生可怕强奸和谋杀后果的强有力的电影, 以及国家消除猖獗的性别暴力的斗争。我们不仅仅是吸引消费者,而是首先寻找意想不到的观众 -- 警察。提高印度警察对性别问题的认识,并教育来自这个不尊重妇女的社会的官员了解这些罪行的严重程度和对受害者敏感的重要性。来推动有意义的对话。 结果 150,000 多名警官筛选母亲印度的女儿,作为他们正在进行的培训的一部分 -- 这是该国历史上第一次将纪录片纳入警官教学。随后举行了研讨会和对话会议。这部电影现在对国家警察学院的新兵来说是强制性的。从《印度斯坦时报》到《赫芬顿邮报》的媒体报道称,这一战略方法是开创性的。(82 次安置) 重要的是,警方看到妇女报告性暴力的意愿越来越大 -- 即使在哈里亚纳邦这样的国家,性别比例最扭曲,性犯罪猖獗。早期估计显示性犯罪报告增加了 20%。这部电影在黄金时段以 8 种语言在一个主要网络上同步播放,也是第一次达到 1000万人。短形式的公益广告在影院播出,接触到大约 900万名消费者。社交媒体参与超过了 3200万次印象。作为纪录片开始的东西成为了变革的强大工具。这只是开始。 执行 我们的培训课程让警察了解了他们在确保性暴力受害者有一个安全的避难所,在那里他们可以举报犯罪,在那里他们受到尊重和同情。接下来,我们需要直接吸引消费者,确保妇女能够确信,她们的指控将得到积极的行动,袭击者将受到积极的追捕。为此,我们:-确保印度有史以来第一次用多种语言在主要娱乐网络上进行黄金时段纪录片联播-这是该网络迈出的大胆一步。这部电影的放映时间是残酷的轮奸三周年纪念日,电影围绕着这个主题。 -制作短片小插曲/PSAs,在孟买电影院放映超过 90 天。 -开展战略媒体关系和社交媒体外联。 活动描述 我们试图利用纪录片的力量来教育、建立意识,并最终点燃变革。但是,为了在国家复杂的司法系统中影响有意义的变化,警察必须首先敏感,因为他们处于报告此类犯罪的第一线。这些官员来自历史上不相信妇女平等权利的同一个社会。它们是环境的产物。因此,他们需要接受培训,以对受害者更加敏感,只有这样性犯罪才会被报道。因此,我们的想法是,这场运动将重点放在警察身上,让他们对性别问题敏感,并让他们站在最前列,围绕这个至关重要的平台与社会联系。这是通过为公众和警察进行筛查,然后进行讨论和辩论来实现的。 战略 人们普遍认为,在印度,强奸受害者经常受到两次虐待。首先是强奸犯,然后是警察,妇女们觉得他们往往缺乏同情心和严厉。因此,在推出纪录片《印度母亲的女儿》时,我们首先将其与主要利益相关者: 国家警察结合起来。我们联系了当地警察局长,通过他们的支持,我们为全国各地的警察安排了第一次放映。我们随后举办了密集的讲习班/对话会议。当地行政人员和警察之间建立了罕见的、极其重要的伙伴关系。迄今为止,已经在班加罗尔、德里、古拉贡、哈里亚纳邦、海得拉巴、加尔各答、孟买等地培训了 150,000 名警官。接下来,我们直接与消费者接触,以确保他们理解警察对积极 -- 尊重 -- 调查性犯罪的承诺。 相关性 强奸受害者经常受到两次虐待。首先是强奸犯,然后是警察。所以在推出纪录片《印度母亲的女儿》时,我们把它框起来,以适合主要的利益相关者: 警察。我们联系了当地的警察局长,通过他们的支持,我们为印度各地的警察部门安排了国家的第一次筛查。我们跟进了培训/研讨会。地方行政当局和警察之间很少建立伙伴关系。作为纪录片开始的东西成为了变革的载体。最后,国家警察学院将这部电影作为其课程的必修部分。

    Daughters Of Mother India

    案例简介:Execution Our training sessions educated police officers about the important role they play in ensuring that victims of sexual violence have a safe haven where they can report crimes, where they’re treated with respect and compassion.Next, we needed to engage consumers directly, to ensure women could feel confident that their allegations would be aggressively actioned upon and their assailants vigorously pursued. To do so, we:-Secured India’s first-ever prime-time documentary simulcast across a major entertainment network in 8 languages – a bold step for the network. This screening was timed to the three-year anniversary of the brutal gang rape around which the film centers.-Created short film vignettes/PSAs which screened in Mumbai movie theaters over 90 days.-Conducted strategic media relations and social media outreach. Synopsis Finding solutions is easy. Finding the right problem is hard. In particular when it comes to the fight against sexual violence. Because all of us are already in agreement about what’s right and wrong. The challenge is instead to find facets of the system that can be changed to make a real difference. So we did. We were asked to introduce a new documentary film, Daughters of Mother India, a powerful film about the aftermath of the horrific rape and murder of a 23 year-old medical student, and the nation’s struggles to eliminate rampant gender violence. And rather than just engage consumers, we first sought an unexpected audience – police officers.ObjectivesTo gender sensitize India’s police force, and educate officers – who come from within this society in which women are not respected – about the intensity of these crimes and the importance of sensitivity towards victims. To drive meaningful conversation. And ultimately, to increase reporting of sex crimes. Brief With Projected Outcomes India’s cultural/social/political climate is incredibly complex. Some key factors:India’s gender ratio is distorted, with most recent Census data revealing there are 37 million more men than women currently living in the country. Violent crime in India rose nearly 19 percent from 2007-2011, and kidnapping of women increased 74 percent during that time period. According to the National Crime Records Bureau, an estimated 100 rapes occur every day in India. Heinous, violent crimes. Vicious gang assaults. Violence against young girls. Marital rape. And the number steadily escalates. But many sexual assaults go unreported, and ultimately unpunished, as women fear backlash, shaming and social ostracism – from neighbors, police and even their own families. The culture of suppression is deep-rooted and widespread. More than 30,000 rape victims in India are awaiting justice.So it was clear that something needed to be done to change the police and justice system. Outcome More than 150,000 police officers screened Daughters of Mother India as part of their ongoing training – the first time in the nation’s history a documentary has been incorporated into officer instruction. Workshops and dialogue sessions followed. The film is now mandatory for National Police Academy recruits. Media coverage from Hindustan Times to Huffington Post cited the strategic approach as groundbreaking. (82 placements.) Importantly, police are seeing increased willingness among women to report sexual violence – even in states like Haryana where gender ratios are most distorted and sex crimes, rampant. Early estimates show a 20% increase in reported sex crimes. The film was simulcast on a major network during prime-time in 8 languages – also a first – reaching 10million people.Short-form PSAs aired in theaters, reaching ~9million consumers.Social media engagement topped 31million impressions.What started as a documentary became a powerful vehicle for change. Strategy Victims of rape are often abused twice. First by the rapist, then by the police. So when launching the documentary Daughters of Mother India we first framed it fit the primary stakeholder: the nation’s police officers.We reached out to local police chiefs, and through their support we arranged the nation’s first screenings for police departments across India. And we followed up with intensive workshops and dialogue sessions. Rare – and critically important – partnerships between local administrators, Sarpanch, and police were formed. To date, 150,000 police officers have been trained in Bangalore, Delhi, Guragaon, Haryana, Hydeerabad, Kolkata and Mumbai. Additional screenings are ongoing.Next we engaged consumers directly to ensure they understood police officers’ commitment to aggressively—and respectfully – investigate sex crimes Synopsis Finding solutions is easy. Finding the right problem is hard. In particular when it comes to the fight against sexual violence. Because all of us are already in agreement about what’s right and wrong. The challenge is instead to find facets of the system that can be changed to make a real difference. So we did. We were asked to introduce a new documentary, Daughters of Mother India, a powerful film about the aftermath of the horrific rape and murder of a 23 year-old medical student, and the nation’s struggles to eliminate rampant gender violence. And rather than just engage consumers, we first sought an unexpected audience – police officers.To gender sensitize India’s police force, and educate officers – who come from within this society in which women are not respected – about the intensity of these crimes and the importance of sensitivity towards victims. To drive meaningful conversation. Outcome More than 150,000 police officers screened Daughters of Mother India as part of their ongoing training – the first time in the nation’s history a documentary has been incorporated into officer instruction. Workshops and dialogue sessions followed.The film is now mandatory for National Police Academy recruits.Media coverage from Hindustan Times to Huffington Post cited the strategic approach as groundbreaking. (82 placements.)Importantly, police are seeing increased willingness among women to report sexual violence – even in states like Haryana where gender ratios are most distorted and sex crimes, rampant. Early estimates show a 20% increase in reported sex crimes.The film was simulcast on a major network during prime-time in 8 languages – also a first – reaching 10million people. Short-form PSAs aired in theaters, reaching ~9million consumers.Social media engagement topped 32million impressions.What started as a documentary became a powerful vehicle for change.And this is just the beginning. Execution Our training sessions educated police officers about the important role they play in ensuring that victims of sexual violence have a safe haven where they can report crimes, where they’re treated with respect and compassion.Next, we needed to engage consumers directly, to ensure women could feel confident that their allegations would be aggressively actioned upon and their assailants vigorously pursued. To do so, we:-Secured India’s first-ever prime-time documentary simulcast across a major entertainment network in multiple languages – a bold step for the network. This screening was timed to the three-year anniversary of the brutal gang rape around which the film centers.-Created short film vignettes/PSAs that screened in Mumbai movie theaters over 90 days.-Conducted strategic media relations and social media outreach. Campaign Description We sought to leverage the power of the documentary to educate, build awareness and ultimately, ignite change.But to affect meaningful change within the nation’s complex judicial system, THE POLICE had to be sensitized first, as they are on the front lines of reporting such crimes. These officers come from the same society that historically hasn’t believed in equal rights for women. They are a product of their environment. So they needed to be trained to be more sensitive to victims, as only then would sex crimes be reported. So emerged our idea for this movement to focus on the police, to gender sensitize them, and bring them to the forefront to connect with society around this critically important platform. This was achieved through screenings for the public and police officers, followed by discussion and debate. Strategy It is commonly held that in India, victims of rape are often abused twice. First by the rapist, then by the police, whom women feel are often unsympathetic and harsh.So when launching the documentary Daughters of Mother India, we first framed it fit the primary stakeholder: the nation’s police officers.We reached out to local police chiefs, and through their support we arranged the nation’s first screenings for police across India. We followed-up with intensive workshops/dialogue sessions. Rare – and critically important – partnerships between local administrators (Sarpanch) and police were formed. To date, 150,000 officers have been trained – in Bangalore, Delhi, Guragaon, Haryana, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai. Additional screenings are ongoing.Next, we engaged consumers directly to ensure they understood police officers’ commitment to aggressively – and respectfully – investigate sex crimes. Relevancy Victims of rape are often abused twice. First by the rapist, then by the police.So when launching the documentary Daughters of Mother India we framed it to fit the primary stakeholder: the police. We reached out to local police chiefs, and through their support we arranged the nation’s first screenings for police departments across India. And we followed up with training/workshops.Rare partnerships between the local administrations (Sarpanch) and police were formed.What started as a documentary became a vehicle for change.In the end, the National Police Academy adopted the film as a mandatory part of its curriculum.



    Daughters Of Mother India










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