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    Friendly Bars短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:战略 在秘鲁利马,当地商店数量众多,可口可乐在其商业角色中是发展和保护这些场所创业的驱动力。这与乐观和社会提升等品牌价值相结合,有利于产品的可及性。在秘鲁利马的不同地区,由于拖欠率高,仓库被关在监狱里。可口可乐选择这些酒吧作为向社区传递更乐观信息的一种方式,新设计的酒吧会让人们感觉更好。这项运动被放置在秘鲁利马的不同地区。圣胡安-德 Lurigancho1 区,047,725 居民,Ate 区 630,085 居民,chorriillos 区 325。547 居民。到达整个社区的粗糙酒吧会影响买家和当地店主之间的关系。用设计好的酒吧取代这些酒吧,给了邻居一个更好的形象,并改善了每个人的购物体验。 概要 利马附近的生活并不总是容易的,犯罪率是全国最高的。商店已经竖起了防护栏,提醒人们不安全感,并助长了更多的犯罪。这些酒吧限制了买家的体验,创造一种孤立和恐惧的感觉。我们如何扭转社区的这种情况,改变购物体验? 设计更乐观的新酒吧将粗糙酒吧转变为品牌的新沟通渠道,提供更积极的感受所有的社区和更好的购物体验。该项目投资 18,000 美元。这一运动的产生和改变了秘鲁不同地区的形象: 圣胡安 · 德 · 卢里甘乔 1,047,725 名居民,630,085 名居民,主要是在 Chorrillos 325。547,是全国犯罪率最高的地区。我们很快就会改变全国各地的社区形象。 结果 友好酒吧是为业主和他们的客户设计的改善购物体验的酒吧,将曾经的障碍转化为永远的邀请,分享和享受, 改变并极大地改进了消费者的方法,在向圣胡安 · 德 · 卢里甘乔的 1,047,725 名居民、 630,085 名居民和 325 人发送信息的同时。Chorriillos 的 547 名居民。新媒体接触到的 49% 的人认为,社区正在改善,而恐惧和不安全感正在下降。 活动描述 可口可乐为利马的当地商店创造了一个新的酒吧。友好的酒吧用能让人们感觉更好的东西取代了这些苛刻的酒吧。一个新的乐观酒吧被设计出来,曾经是一个障碍,现在是一个邀请,更新邻居,过来,分享和享受。 执行 在利马的一些地方,由于犯罪率很高,当地的商店被藏在监狱里。可口可乐用设计更友好的酒吧取代了这种酒吧。友好的酒吧是手工设计的酒吧,它们试图结束社区中的不安全感和恐惧,让人们感觉良好,并有更好的购物体验。


    案例简介:Strategy In Lima, Peru, there is a high presence of local shops and Coca-Cola in its business role is a driver to develop and protect the entrepreneurship of these premises. This coupled with brand values such as optimism and social uplift, benefits the accessibility to the product.In different districts of Lima, Peru, the warehouses are behind bars due to delinquency high rates. Coca-Cola chose these bars as a means to deliver a more optimistic message to the community, with new designed bars that will make people feel better.This campaign was placed in different districts of Lima, Perú. District of San Juan de Lurigancho1,047,725 inhabitants,district of Ate 630,085 inhabitants, district of Chorrillos 325. 547 inhabitants. Reaching the entire communityRough bars affect the relationship between buyers and local shop owners. Replacing these bars with designed ones, gave the neighborhood a better image and improved the shopping experiency for everybody. Synopsis Life isn´t always easy in the neighborhoods of Lima, crime rate is the highest in the country. Shops have put up protective bars reminding people of the insecurity and fueling even more crime. These bars limit the buyer's experience, creating a feeling of isolation and fear.How can we reverse this situation in the neighborhoods and change the shopping experience?New bars with more optimistic designs transform the rough bars into a new communication channel for the brand that delivers a more positive feeling for all the community and better shopper experience.USD$ 18,000 was invested in this project.This campaign was produced and changed the image in different districts of Peru: San Juan de Lurigancho 1,047,725 inhabitants, Ate 630,085 and mainly in Chorrillos 325. 547, the district where the crime rate is the highest in the country. A will soon we change the image neighborhoods all over the country. Outcome Friendly Bars are designed bars that improves the shopping experience, for both owners and their clients, transforming what was once a barrier into an always-on invitation to come by, to share and enjoy, changing and vastly improving the approach to it’s consumers, while sending it’s message to the 1,047,725 inhabitants of San Juan de Lurigancho, 630,085 inhabitants of Ate and 325. 547 inhabitants of Chorrillos. 49% of people reached by the new media believe that the neighborhood is improving while fear and the sensation of insecurity is dropping. CampaignDescription Coca-Cola created a new bars for the local stores in Lima. Friendly Bars replaced these harsh bars with something that would make people feel better. A new optimistic bars were designed, and what was once a barrier, is now an invitation, to update the neighborhood, to come by, to share and enjoy. Execution In some of Lima’s districs, the local shops were hidden behind bars because of the high crime levels. Coca-Cola replaced this rough bars, with designed and friendlier ones. Friendly Bars are handlymade designed bars, who seek to end the feeling of insecurity and fear in the neighborhoods, are making people feel good and have better shopping experience.

    Friendly Bars

    案例简介:战略 在秘鲁利马,当地商店数量众多,可口可乐在其商业角色中是发展和保护这些场所创业的驱动力。这与乐观和社会提升等品牌价值相结合,有利于产品的可及性。在秘鲁利马的不同地区,由于拖欠率高,仓库被关在监狱里。可口可乐选择这些酒吧作为向社区传递更乐观信息的一种方式,新设计的酒吧会让人们感觉更好。这项运动被放置在秘鲁利马的不同地区。圣胡安-德 Lurigancho1 区,047,725 居民,Ate 区 630,085 居民,chorriillos 区 325。547 居民。到达整个社区的粗糙酒吧会影响买家和当地店主之间的关系。用设计好的酒吧取代这些酒吧,给了邻居一个更好的形象,并改善了每个人的购物体验。 概要 利马附近的生活并不总是容易的,犯罪率是全国最高的。商店已经竖起了防护栏,提醒人们不安全感,并助长了更多的犯罪。这些酒吧限制了买家的体验,创造一种孤立和恐惧的感觉。我们如何扭转社区的这种情况,改变购物体验? 设计更乐观的新酒吧将粗糙酒吧转变为品牌的新沟通渠道,提供更积极的感受所有的社区和更好的购物体验。该项目投资 18,000 美元。这一运动的产生和改变了秘鲁不同地区的形象: 圣胡安 · 德 · 卢里甘乔 1,047,725 名居民,630,085 名居民,主要是在 Chorrillos 325。547,是全国犯罪率最高的地区。我们很快就会改变全国各地的社区形象。 结果 友好酒吧是为业主和他们的客户设计的改善购物体验的酒吧,将曾经的障碍转化为永远的邀请,分享和享受, 改变并极大地改进了消费者的方法,在向圣胡安 · 德 · 卢里甘乔的 1,047,725 名居民、 630,085 名居民和 325 人发送信息的同时。Chorriillos 的 547 名居民。新媒体接触到的 49% 的人认为,社区正在改善,而恐惧和不安全感正在下降。 活动描述 可口可乐为利马的当地商店创造了一个新的酒吧。友好的酒吧用能让人们感觉更好的东西取代了这些苛刻的酒吧。一个新的乐观酒吧被设计出来,曾经是一个障碍,现在是一个邀请,更新邻居,过来,分享和享受。 执行 在利马的一些地方,由于犯罪率很高,当地的商店被藏在监狱里。可口可乐用设计更友好的酒吧取代了这种酒吧。友好的酒吧是手工设计的酒吧,它们试图结束社区中的不安全感和恐惧,让人们感觉良好,并有更好的购物体验。

    Friendly Bars

    案例简介:Strategy In Lima, Peru, there is a high presence of local shops and Coca-Cola in its business role is a driver to develop and protect the entrepreneurship of these premises. This coupled with brand values such as optimism and social uplift, benefits the accessibility to the product.In different districts of Lima, Peru, the warehouses are behind bars due to delinquency high rates. Coca-Cola chose these bars as a means to deliver a more optimistic message to the community, with new designed bars that will make people feel better.This campaign was placed in different districts of Lima, Perú. District of San Juan de Lurigancho1,047,725 inhabitants,district of Ate 630,085 inhabitants, district of Chorrillos 325. 547 inhabitants. Reaching the entire communityRough bars affect the relationship between buyers and local shop owners. Replacing these bars with designed ones, gave the neighborhood a better image and improved the shopping experiency for everybody. Synopsis Life isn´t always easy in the neighborhoods of Lima, crime rate is the highest in the country. Shops have put up protective bars reminding people of the insecurity and fueling even more crime. These bars limit the buyer's experience, creating a feeling of isolation and fear.How can we reverse this situation in the neighborhoods and change the shopping experience?New bars with more optimistic designs transform the rough bars into a new communication channel for the brand that delivers a more positive feeling for all the community and better shopper experience.USD$ 18,000 was invested in this project.This campaign was produced and changed the image in different districts of Peru: San Juan de Lurigancho 1,047,725 inhabitants, Ate 630,085 and mainly in Chorrillos 325. 547, the district where the crime rate is the highest in the country. A will soon we change the image neighborhoods all over the country. Outcome Friendly Bars are designed bars that improves the shopping experience, for both owners and their clients, transforming what was once a barrier into an always-on invitation to come by, to share and enjoy, changing and vastly improving the approach to it’s consumers, while sending it’s message to the 1,047,725 inhabitants of San Juan de Lurigancho, 630,085 inhabitants of Ate and 325. 547 inhabitants of Chorrillos. 49% of people reached by the new media believe that the neighborhood is improving while fear and the sensation of insecurity is dropping. CampaignDescription Coca-Cola created a new bars for the local stores in Lima. Friendly Bars replaced these harsh bars with something that would make people feel better. A new optimistic bars were designed, and what was once a barrier, is now an invitation, to update the neighborhood, to come by, to share and enjoy. Execution In some of Lima’s districs, the local shops were hidden behind bars because of the high crime levels. Coca-Cola replaced this rough bars, with designed and friendlier ones. Friendly Bars are handlymade designed bars, who seek to end the feeling of insecurity and fear in the neighborhoods, are making people feel good and have better shopping experience.



    Friendly Bars










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