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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 救援Dogz将狗购买者使用的最强大的工具转变为对抗自己的武器。通过入侵一个简单的搜索引擎,我们能够识别目标受众,并将他们从买家转变为潜在的采纳者 -- 所有这些都是通过媒体实现的。 背景 G ü d是巴西的在线狗粮品牌,一直以幽默,模因和有趣的东西为基础。在 2019,一旦他们所有的竞争对手都有更多的力量来谈论这个问题,他们就要求我们发起一场运动来谈论宠物收养 -- 一个被他们遗忘的领域。 我们的目标很明确: 提高品牌意识,帮助巴西最大的救援中心 尽可能多地收养狗。 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 如今人们上网购买一切。说到纯种狗,还是一样的。这时有一件事引起了我们的注意: 拼写一些狗品种的名字很难。腊肠犬变成了冲锋枪,罗威纳变成了罗特韦勒,雪纳瑞变成了Schnowzer等等。所以,我们想: 如果我们可以用这些拼写错误的搜索命名救援犬,并用搜索引擎黑客给潜在的狗买家带来惊喜呢?这就是拯救Dogz的全部。一场将谷歌上拼错的狗品种名字变成救援狗名字的运动。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 为了找到并吸引潜在狗购买者的注意力,首先,我们分析了谷歌上最常见的纯种狗拼写错误。然后,我们买了这些字,并命名狗从一个伙伴救援中心与他们。 每次有人上网并在谷歌上拼错狗的品种名称时,他们都会受到谷歌广告的影响,就好像有人免费提供他们搜索过的特定狗一样。人们立刻被 “免费” 这个词吸引住了,他们点击了我们的广告,但是,他们没有被引导到纯种狗主人那里,它们被直接引导到我们网站上的杂种狗页面。 为了增加被收养的机会,每只狗都有自己的故事在网站上讲述 -- 自己讲述。在每一份简历的结尾,他们要求潜在的采纳者带他们回家。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 为了让这个想法成真,我们必须遵循一个简短的时间表。首先,我们分析了谷歌上最常见的拼写错误 (当涉及到纯种狗时),并命名了 42 只杂种狗。 然后,我们参观了救援中心,给每只杂种狗拍照,并把它们放在我们的网站上。救了edogz。美国),在被我们的竞选活动黑客攻击后,人们会被带到那里。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 除了在为期一个月的活动中帮助提高我们的合作伙伴救援中心在 740% 中收养的狗的数量,救援Dogz还帮助g ü d成为焦点。这意味着他们社交媒体上的追随者数量增长了 40%,我们网站上的访问量超过 85,000,媒体印象超过 1500万,赢得媒体的数量几乎达到 200万。 描述数据的使用,或数据如何增强市场活动输出 在分析了谷歌上潜在狗购买者最常见的拼写错误并给杂种狗命名后,我们所要做的就是制作广告 -- 就好像有人免费送了一只纯种狗。 通过点击他们,目标受众被带到我们的网站,在那里他们会发现他们被我们的活动黑客攻击。要收养这只杂种狗,他们所要做的就是用他们的信息填写一张表格,去救援中心进行一次小规模的采访,然后把狗带回家。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? Rescue Dogz transformed the most powerful tool used by dog buyers into a weapon against themselves. By hacking a simple search engine, we’re able to identify the target audience and transform them from buyers into potential adopters – all that through media. Background Güd is an online dog food brand in Brazil which has always based communication on humor, memes and funny stuff. In 2019, they asked us to come up with a campaign to talk about pet adoption – a territory that had been forgotten by them – once all their competitors always had more strength to talk about the issue. Our goal was clear: raise awareness for the brand and help Brazil’s biggest rescue center to hold as many dog adoptions as possible. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) People go online to buy everything nowadays. And when it comes to purebred dogs, it’s just the same. That’s when one thing called our attention: spelling some dog breed names is hard as hell. Dachshund becomes Dashound, Rottweiler becomes Rotwailler, Schnauzer becomes Schnowzer and so forth. So, we thought: what if we could name rescue dogs with these misspelled searches and surprise potential dog buyers with a search engine hack? That’s what Rescue Dogz is all about. A campaign that turned misspelled dog breed names on Google into rescue dogs’ names. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) In order to find and catch the attention of potential dog buyers, first, we analyzed the most common spelling errors on Google when it comes to purebred dogs. Then, we bought these words and named dogs from a partner rescue center with them. Every time someone went online and misspelled a dog breed name on Google, they were impacted by a Google Ad, as if someone was giving the specific dog they’ve searched for away for free. Instantly hooked into the campaign by the word “Free”, people clicked on our ads, but, instead of being led to the purebred dog owner, they’re led straight to the mutt’s page on our website. To increase the chances of adoption, each dog had its own story being told on the website – by themselves. At the end of every bio, they asked their potential adopters to take them home. Describe the execution (20% of vote) To make this idea come to life, we had to follow a short timeline. First, we analyzed the most common spelling errors on Google (when it comes to purebred dogs) and named 42 mutt dogs with them. Then, we visited the rescue center to take pictures of each mutt dog and put them on our website (www.rescuedogz.us), to where people would be led after being hacked by our campaign. List the results (30% of vote) Besides helping raise the number of dogs adopted by our partner rescue center in 740% throughout a one-month campaign, Rescue Dogz has also helped put Güd in the spotlight. That means a 40% growth in the number of followers on their social media, more than 85,000 visits on our website, over 15 million media impressions and almost 2 million in earned media. Describe the use of data, or how the data enhanced the campaign output After analyzing the most common spelling errors from potential dog buyers on Google and naming mutt dogs with them, all we had to do was create the ads – as if someone was giving a purebred dog away for free. By clicking on them, the target audience was led to our website, where they would discover they had been hacked by our campaign. To adopt the mutt dog, all they had to do was to fill a form with their information, go to the rescue center for a small interview and take the dog home.

    Rescue Dogz

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 救援Dogz将狗购买者使用的最强大的工具转变为对抗自己的武器。通过入侵一个简单的搜索引擎,我们能够识别目标受众,并将他们从买家转变为潜在的采纳者 -- 所有这些都是通过媒体实现的。 背景 G ü d是巴西的在线狗粮品牌,一直以幽默,模因和有趣的东西为基础。在 2019,一旦他们所有的竞争对手都有更多的力量来谈论这个问题,他们就要求我们发起一场运动来谈论宠物收养 -- 一个被他们遗忘的领域。 我们的目标很明确: 提高品牌意识,帮助巴西最大的救援中心 尽可能多地收养狗。 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 如今人们上网购买一切。说到纯种狗,还是一样的。这时有一件事引起了我们的注意: 拼写一些狗品种的名字很难。腊肠犬变成了冲锋枪,罗威纳变成了罗特韦勒,雪纳瑞变成了Schnowzer等等。所以,我们想: 如果我们可以用这些拼写错误的搜索命名救援犬,并用搜索引擎黑客给潜在的狗买家带来惊喜呢?这就是拯救Dogz的全部。一场将谷歌上拼错的狗品种名字变成救援狗名字的运动。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 为了找到并吸引潜在狗购买者的注意力,首先,我们分析了谷歌上最常见的纯种狗拼写错误。然后,我们买了这些字,并命名狗从一个伙伴救援中心与他们。 每次有人上网并在谷歌上拼错狗的品种名称时,他们都会受到谷歌广告的影响,就好像有人免费提供他们搜索过的特定狗一样。人们立刻被 “免费” 这个词吸引住了,他们点击了我们的广告,但是,他们没有被引导到纯种狗主人那里,它们被直接引导到我们网站上的杂种狗页面。 为了增加被收养的机会,每只狗都有自己的故事在网站上讲述 -- 自己讲述。在每一份简历的结尾,他们要求潜在的采纳者带他们回家。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 为了让这个想法成真,我们必须遵循一个简短的时间表。首先,我们分析了谷歌上最常见的拼写错误 (当涉及到纯种狗时),并命名了 42 只杂种狗。 然后,我们参观了救援中心,给每只杂种狗拍照,并把它们放在我们的网站上。救了edogz。美国),在被我们的竞选活动黑客攻击后,人们会被带到那里。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 除了在为期一个月的活动中帮助提高我们的合作伙伴救援中心在 740% 中收养的狗的数量,救援Dogz还帮助g ü d成为焦点。这意味着他们社交媒体上的追随者数量增长了 40%,我们网站上的访问量超过 85,000,媒体印象超过 1500万,赢得媒体的数量几乎达到 200万。 描述数据的使用,或数据如何增强市场活动输出 在分析了谷歌上潜在狗购买者最常见的拼写错误并给杂种狗命名后,我们所要做的就是制作广告 -- 就好像有人免费送了一只纯种狗。 通过点击他们,目标受众被带到我们的网站,在那里他们会发现他们被我们的活动黑客攻击。要收养这只杂种狗,他们所要做的就是用他们的信息填写一张表格,去救援中心进行一次小规模的采访,然后把狗带回家。

    Rescue Dogz

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? Rescue Dogz transformed the most powerful tool used by dog buyers into a weapon against themselves. By hacking a simple search engine, we’re able to identify the target audience and transform them from buyers into potential adopters – all that through media. Background Güd is an online dog food brand in Brazil which has always based communication on humor, memes and funny stuff. In 2019, they asked us to come up with a campaign to talk about pet adoption – a territory that had been forgotten by them – once all their competitors always had more strength to talk about the issue. Our goal was clear: raise awareness for the brand and help Brazil’s biggest rescue center to hold as many dog adoptions as possible. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) People go online to buy everything nowadays. And when it comes to purebred dogs, it’s just the same. That’s when one thing called our attention: spelling some dog breed names is hard as hell. Dachshund becomes Dashound, Rottweiler becomes Rotwailler, Schnauzer becomes Schnowzer and so forth. So, we thought: what if we could name rescue dogs with these misspelled searches and surprise potential dog buyers with a search engine hack? That’s what Rescue Dogz is all about. A campaign that turned misspelled dog breed names on Google into rescue dogs’ names. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) In order to find and catch the attention of potential dog buyers, first, we analyzed the most common spelling errors on Google when it comes to purebred dogs. Then, we bought these words and named dogs from a partner rescue center with them. Every time someone went online and misspelled a dog breed name on Google, they were impacted by a Google Ad, as if someone was giving the specific dog they’ve searched for away for free. Instantly hooked into the campaign by the word “Free”, people clicked on our ads, but, instead of being led to the purebred dog owner, they’re led straight to the mutt’s page on our website. To increase the chances of adoption, each dog had its own story being told on the website – by themselves. At the end of every bio, they asked their potential adopters to take them home. Describe the execution (20% of vote) To make this idea come to life, we had to follow a short timeline. First, we analyzed the most common spelling errors on Google (when it comes to purebred dogs) and named 42 mutt dogs with them. Then, we visited the rescue center to take pictures of each mutt dog and put them on our website (www.rescuedogz.us), to where people would be led after being hacked by our campaign. List the results (30% of vote) Besides helping raise the number of dogs adopted by our partner rescue center in 740% throughout a one-month campaign, Rescue Dogz has also helped put Güd in the spotlight. That means a 40% growth in the number of followers on their social media, more than 85,000 visits on our website, over 15 million media impressions and almost 2 million in earned media. Describe the use of data, or how the data enhanced the campaign output After analyzing the most common spelling errors from potential dog buyers on Google and naming mutt dogs with them, all we had to do was create the ads – as if someone was giving a purebred dog away for free. By clicking on them, the target audience was led to our website, where they would discover they had been hacked by our campaign. To adopt the mutt dog, all they had to do was to fill a form with their information, go to the rescue center for a small interview and take the dog home.



    Rescue Dogz










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