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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与娱乐狮子运动相关? 我们创建了一个新的比赛功能,使 Formula E (全球电动街系列) 一如既往地令人兴奋和不可预测。攻击模式是国际汽联认可的创新,通过将危险设计成 e级方程式赛车来增强球迷的奇观。 描述创意 攻击模式增加了赛道上动作的强度 -- 这是一项独特的运动创新,旨在增强观众体验并保持电动街头赛车系列的不可预测性质。 车手将能够在比赛过程中从第二圈开始随时进入攻击模式 -- 允许他们追逐对手或建立领先优势来捍卫自己的位置。攻击模式暂时将功率水平从 200kW 提升到 225kW,让他们在短时间内领先对手。 描述策略 第五季带来了一辆更快、更有侵略性的新车、新制造商和新车手,这将是迄今为止最令人兴奋的。但是随着电池技术的改进,允许 1 次充电持续整个比赛-中期赛车更换坑交换丢失。随之而来的是它带来的兴奋和不可预测性。因此,我们的任务是在比赛中增加危险和兴奋,以增强观众体验。我们的解决方案是攻击模式。 描述执行 随着所有 22 名车手在比赛过程中的某一点采用攻击模式,国际汽联将在比赛前 1 小时宣布准确的时间周期和激活量,这意味着由团队和车手来决定策略。 为了参与攻击模式,驾驶员必须通过位于赛车线外的定义的激活区域。驾驶员需要在接近激活区时在方向盘上设置攻击模式,并通过三个定时传感器进行操纵以完成循环并接收即时功率。 为了帮助粉丝遵循攻击模式,Formula E 主机广播将增强现实融入直播流。这项尖端技术将利用轨道侧摄像机跟踪、实时遥测数据和强大的图形引擎来帮助观众更接近行动。 描述结果 攻击模式是为第 5 季引入的,到目前为止有 6 场比赛和 6 名不同的获胜者,它在使本赛季的方程式赛车成为最不可预测的比赛中发挥了重要作用。 《福布斯》杂志指出,赛车运动中的进攻模式就是篮球的三分线。BBC 体育称这个赛季不可预测。令人惊讶。太阳和镜子预示着它是一场革命。 粉丝们已经接受了这种攻击模式,并在社交场合表达了它在创造奇观方面远远优于 DRS。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Entertainment Lions for Sport? We created a new race feature that keeps Formula E (the global electric street series) as exciting and as unpredictable as it’s ever been. Attack Mode is an FIA approved innovation that enhances the fan spectacle by engineering jeopardy into Formula E races. Describe the creative idea ATTACK MODE increases the intensity of the on-track action - a unique innovation in sport, introduced to enhance the viewer experience and retain the unpredictable nature of the electric street racing series. Drivers will be able to access ATTACK MODE at any time during the race from the second lap - allowing them to chase down their rivals or build a lead to defend their position. ATTACK MODE temporarily boosts power levels from 200kW to 225kW, giving them the edge on their opponents for a short period of time. Describe the strategy Season 5 brought a new faster, more aggressive car, new manufacturers, and new drivers, it was set to be the most exciting yet. But with improvements in battery technology allowing 1 charge to last the whole race – the mid race car change pit swap was lost. And with it the excitement and unpredictability it brought. So we were tasked with adding jeopardy and excitement to the race to enhance the viewer experience. Our solution was Attack Mode. Describe the execution With all 22 drivers engaging ATTACK MODE at one point during the race, the precise time period and amount of activations will be announced by the FIA just 1 hour ahead of the race, meaning it's up to the teams and drivers to decide the strategy. In order to engage ATTACK MODE, the driver must pass through a defined activation zone placed off the racing line. The driver is required to arm ATTACK MODE on the steering wheel on the approach to the activation zone and manoeuvre through three timing sensors to complete the loop and receive instant power. To help fans follow ATTACK MODE, the Formula E host broadcast will incorporate Augmented Reality in to the live stream. The cutting-edge technology will harness trackside camera tracking, live telemetry data and powerful graphics engines to help bring audiences closer to the action. Describe the outcome Attack Mode was introduced for season 5 and with 6 races and 6 different winners so far it has played a major part in making this season Formula E’s the most unpredictable yet. Forbes magazine has stated that Attack Mode in motorsport is what the three point line is to Basketball. BBC Sport has called the season Unpredictable. Astonishing. And The Sun and Mirror have heralded it as a revolution. Fans have embraced the Attack Mode and in social have stated how it’s far superior to DRS in terms of the spectacle it creates.

    Attack Mode

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与娱乐狮子运动相关? 我们创建了一个新的比赛功能,使 Formula E (全球电动街系列) 一如既往地令人兴奋和不可预测。攻击模式是国际汽联认可的创新,通过将危险设计成 e级方程式赛车来增强球迷的奇观。 描述创意 攻击模式增加了赛道上动作的强度 -- 这是一项独特的运动创新,旨在增强观众体验并保持电动街头赛车系列的不可预测性质。 车手将能够在比赛过程中从第二圈开始随时进入攻击模式 -- 允许他们追逐对手或建立领先优势来捍卫自己的位置。攻击模式暂时将功率水平从 200kW 提升到 225kW,让他们在短时间内领先对手。 描述策略 第五季带来了一辆更快、更有侵略性的新车、新制造商和新车手,这将是迄今为止最令人兴奋的。但是随着电池技术的改进,允许 1 次充电持续整个比赛-中期赛车更换坑交换丢失。随之而来的是它带来的兴奋和不可预测性。因此,我们的任务是在比赛中增加危险和兴奋,以增强观众体验。我们的解决方案是攻击模式。 描述执行 随着所有 22 名车手在比赛过程中的某一点采用攻击模式,国际汽联将在比赛前 1 小时宣布准确的时间周期和激活量,这意味着由团队和车手来决定策略。 为了参与攻击模式,驾驶员必须通过位于赛车线外的定义的激活区域。驾驶员需要在接近激活区时在方向盘上设置攻击模式,并通过三个定时传感器进行操纵以完成循环并接收即时功率。 为了帮助粉丝遵循攻击模式,Formula E 主机广播将增强现实融入直播流。这项尖端技术将利用轨道侧摄像机跟踪、实时遥测数据和强大的图形引擎来帮助观众更接近行动。 描述结果 攻击模式是为第 5 季引入的,到目前为止有 6 场比赛和 6 名不同的获胜者,它在使本赛季的方程式赛车成为最不可预测的比赛中发挥了重要作用。 《福布斯》杂志指出,赛车运动中的进攻模式就是篮球的三分线。BBC 体育称这个赛季不可预测。令人惊讶。太阳和镜子预示着它是一场革命。 粉丝们已经接受了这种攻击模式,并在社交场合表达了它在创造奇观方面远远优于 DRS。

    Attack Mode

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Entertainment Lions for Sport? We created a new race feature that keeps Formula E (the global electric street series) as exciting and as unpredictable as it’s ever been. Attack Mode is an FIA approved innovation that enhances the fan spectacle by engineering jeopardy into Formula E races. Describe the creative idea ATTACK MODE increases the intensity of the on-track action - a unique innovation in sport, introduced to enhance the viewer experience and retain the unpredictable nature of the electric street racing series. Drivers will be able to access ATTACK MODE at any time during the race from the second lap - allowing them to chase down their rivals or build a lead to defend their position. ATTACK MODE temporarily boosts power levels from 200kW to 225kW, giving them the edge on their opponents for a short period of time. Describe the strategy Season 5 brought a new faster, more aggressive car, new manufacturers, and new drivers, it was set to be the most exciting yet. But with improvements in battery technology allowing 1 charge to last the whole race – the mid race car change pit swap was lost. And with it the excitement and unpredictability it brought. So we were tasked with adding jeopardy and excitement to the race to enhance the viewer experience. Our solution was Attack Mode. Describe the execution With all 22 drivers engaging ATTACK MODE at one point during the race, the precise time period and amount of activations will be announced by the FIA just 1 hour ahead of the race, meaning it's up to the teams and drivers to decide the strategy. In order to engage ATTACK MODE, the driver must pass through a defined activation zone placed off the racing line. The driver is required to arm ATTACK MODE on the steering wheel on the approach to the activation zone and manoeuvre through three timing sensors to complete the loop and receive instant power. To help fans follow ATTACK MODE, the Formula E host broadcast will incorporate Augmented Reality in to the live stream. The cutting-edge technology will harness trackside camera tracking, live telemetry data and powerful graphics engines to help bring audiences closer to the action. Describe the outcome Attack Mode was introduced for season 5 and with 6 races and 6 different winners so far it has played a major part in making this season Formula E’s the most unpredictable yet. Forbes magazine has stated that Attack Mode in motorsport is what the three point line is to Basketball. BBC Sport has called the season Unpredictable. Astonishing. And The Sun and Mirror have heralded it as a revolution. Fans have embraced the Attack Mode and in social have stated how it’s far superior to DRS in terms of the spectacle it creates.



    Attack Mode






    广告公司: Iris (英国 伦敦) 制作公司: Formula E




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