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    Days of Hope短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:描述客户的简报 冬天,欧洲各地的紧急避难所人满为患。许多无家可归的人不得不睡在外面,冒着冻死的危险。我们希望通过引发直接对话来引起关注,同时呼吁捐款作为直接回应。我们想吸引更多的关注,并邀请每个人在网上捐款。有了这些捐款,整个欧洲都应该确保为我们的客户 Diakonie Frankfurt 及其合作伙伴慈善机构提供紧急避难所、厨房和衣服。 创意执行 通过新媒体,我们创造了无家可归者和观众之间的对话。通过这样做,我们使用标准的 “天气预报” 格式,并以令人惊讶和闻所未闻的方式实现它。我们利用电视创新的既定媒介,将无家可归者的困境置于寒冷和雪最受关注的地方: 在新闻的天气预报中。一场没有任何成本但媒体价值超过 700 万欧元的运动。非常适合我们的慈善客户 Diakonie Frankfurt 及其在欧洲的附属慈善机构。 对简短/目标的创造性解决方案。 无家可归者主持天气预报,展示冰冷的环境,而不是通常的主持人,允许面对面的情感慈善呼吁。通过利用我们的代理网络,我们设法将这个想法推广到欧洲。 在 “希望之日” 的口号下,该运动已经通过国家电视台在德国、波兰、瑞士、俄罗斯、罗马尼亚、塞尔维亚和其他国家在欧洲实施。通过社交媒体,它的影响力已经在全球范围内感受到。 这种不寻常的形式导致了世界各地的媒体报道、电视报道、博客和社交媒体。到目前为止,记录了 3.5亿个媒体印象,媒体价值为 700 万欧元。 结果 除了接受捐赠,直接结果还包括工作和住房优惠,导致 实际事件发生几天后,记者进一步关注此事。每天多达 200万名观众 观看了现场天气广播。该活动的媒体价值为 7 Mio EUR 提高了对无家可归者面临的困难的认识,尤其是在 冬天。这场运动引起了人们对无家可归者和相关慈善机构的更多关注 覆盖全球的欧洲组织,出现在传统媒体和社交媒体上 60 多个国家。到目前为止,记录了 3.5亿个媒体印象。


    案例简介:Describe the brief from the client In winter, emergency shelters are overcrowded across Europe. Lots of homeless people have to sleep outside and run the risk of freezing to death. We want to create attention by triggering a direct dialog whilst appealing for donations as a direct response. We want to attract more attention and invite everybody to donate online. With these donations, the financing of emergency shelters, kitchens and a supply of clothes for our client Diakonie Frankfurt and its partnered charities should be assured across the whole of Europe. Creative Execution Through new media we create a dialogue between the homeless and the viewers. By doing this, we use the standard “weather forecast” format and implement it in a surprising and unheard-of way. We use the established medium of TV innovative, placing the plight of the homeless where coldness and snow get the most attention: in the weather forecast of the news. A campaign without any costs but with a a huge media value more than 7m EUR. Perfect for our charity client Diakonie Frankfurt and its affiliated charities across Europe. Creative Solution to the Brief/Objective. The homeless anchor the weather forecast, displaying the icy conditions instead of the usual presenters allowing for a face-to-face, emotional charity appeal. By utilising our agency-network, we managed to spread the idea europewide. Under the slogan “DAYS OF HOPE”, the campaign has been implemented across Europe in Germany, Poland, Switzerland, Russia, Romania, Serbia and other countries through national TV stations. And through social media its influence has been felt across the globe. The unusual format led to much reporting in the press, coverage on TV, blogs and social media all around the world. So far 350 million media impressions were recorded and a media value of 7m EUR. Results As well as receiving donations, direct results included job and housing offers resulting in further press interest a few days after the actual event. Up to 2 million viewers per day watched the live weather broadcasts. With a media value of 7 Mio EUR the campaign has raised much greater awareness for the hardships faced by the homeless particularly during winter. The campaign brought more attention to the homeless and the associated charity organisations across Europe with a global coverage, appearing in traditional and social media in over 60 countries. So far 350 million media impressions were recorded.

    Days of Hope

    案例简介:描述客户的简报 冬天,欧洲各地的紧急避难所人满为患。许多无家可归的人不得不睡在外面,冒着冻死的危险。我们希望通过引发直接对话来引起关注,同时呼吁捐款作为直接回应。我们想吸引更多的关注,并邀请每个人在网上捐款。有了这些捐款,整个欧洲都应该确保为我们的客户 Diakonie Frankfurt 及其合作伙伴慈善机构提供紧急避难所、厨房和衣服。 创意执行 通过新媒体,我们创造了无家可归者和观众之间的对话。通过这样做,我们使用标准的 “天气预报” 格式,并以令人惊讶和闻所未闻的方式实现它。我们利用电视创新的既定媒介,将无家可归者的困境置于寒冷和雪最受关注的地方: 在新闻的天气预报中。一场没有任何成本但媒体价值超过 700 万欧元的运动。非常适合我们的慈善客户 Diakonie Frankfurt 及其在欧洲的附属慈善机构。 对简短/目标的创造性解决方案。 无家可归者主持天气预报,展示冰冷的环境,而不是通常的主持人,允许面对面的情感慈善呼吁。通过利用我们的代理网络,我们设法将这个想法推广到欧洲。 在 “希望之日” 的口号下,该运动已经通过国家电视台在德国、波兰、瑞士、俄罗斯、罗马尼亚、塞尔维亚和其他国家在欧洲实施。通过社交媒体,它的影响力已经在全球范围内感受到。 这种不寻常的形式导致了世界各地的媒体报道、电视报道、博客和社交媒体。到目前为止,记录了 3.5亿个媒体印象,媒体价值为 700 万欧元。 结果 除了接受捐赠,直接结果还包括工作和住房优惠,导致 实际事件发生几天后,记者进一步关注此事。每天多达 200万名观众 观看了现场天气广播。该活动的媒体价值为 7 Mio EUR 提高了对无家可归者面临的困难的认识,尤其是在 冬天。这场运动引起了人们对无家可归者和相关慈善机构的更多关注 覆盖全球的欧洲组织,出现在传统媒体和社交媒体上 60 多个国家。到目前为止,记录了 3.5亿个媒体印象。

    Days of Hope

    案例简介:Describe the brief from the client In winter, emergency shelters are overcrowded across Europe. Lots of homeless people have to sleep outside and run the risk of freezing to death. We want to create attention by triggering a direct dialog whilst appealing for donations as a direct response. We want to attract more attention and invite everybody to donate online. With these donations, the financing of emergency shelters, kitchens and a supply of clothes for our client Diakonie Frankfurt and its partnered charities should be assured across the whole of Europe. Creative Execution Through new media we create a dialogue between the homeless and the viewers. By doing this, we use the standard “weather forecast” format and implement it in a surprising and unheard-of way. We use the established medium of TV innovative, placing the plight of the homeless where coldness and snow get the most attention: in the weather forecast of the news. A campaign without any costs but with a a huge media value more than 7m EUR. Perfect for our charity client Diakonie Frankfurt and its affiliated charities across Europe. Creative Solution to the Brief/Objective. The homeless anchor the weather forecast, displaying the icy conditions instead of the usual presenters allowing for a face-to-face, emotional charity appeal. By utilising our agency-network, we managed to spread the idea europewide. Under the slogan “DAYS OF HOPE”, the campaign has been implemented across Europe in Germany, Poland, Switzerland, Russia, Romania, Serbia and other countries through national TV stations. And through social media its influence has been felt across the globe. The unusual format led to much reporting in the press, coverage on TV, blogs and social media all around the world. So far 350 million media impressions were recorded and a media value of 7m EUR. Results As well as receiving donations, direct results included job and housing offers resulting in further press interest a few days after the actual event. Up to 2 million viewers per day watched the live weather broadcasts. With a media value of 7 Mio EUR the campaign has raised much greater awareness for the hardships faced by the homeless particularly during winter. The campaign brought more attention to the homeless and the associated charity organisations across Europe with a global coverage, appearing in traditional and social media in over 60 countries. So far 350 million media impressions were recorded.



    Days of Hope


    广告公司: 盛世长城 (德国 柏林) 制作公司: Parasol Island




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