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    Brain Building Case Study短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 出生时,婴儿的认知能力没有差异,然而到 9 个月时,低收入家庭的儿童开始出现可衡量的差距。这些家庭时间和金钱都很紧张 -- 通常充满了从事多种工作的单亲父母,或者双职工父母轮班工作 12 小时,只是为了维持生计。然而,新的科学表明,从 0-5 岁开始,父母与孩子的每一次互动都有可能帮助他们的大脑成长和发展。我们需要通过向父母介绍新的大脑建设科学来缩小儿童的发展差距。目的我们的目标是将新的大脑构建科学转化为父母可能实际使用的东西。 相关性 Vroom 是一个联合品牌计划,它以一种前所未有的全新媒介向消费者传达信息,鼓励行为改变。它通过使用每个家庭都有的一种媒介: 他们购买的品牌,做了其他政府组织甚至没有做过的事情,也没有 PSA 能做的事情。通过修改父母已经购买的产品包装,包括提示、游戏、课程和工具,Vroom 及其品牌合作伙伴帮助父母将任何时刻转变为大脑构建的时刻,而不会增加时间的负担,贫穷的父母还有更多的事情要做。 战略 通过创建一个名为 “Vroom” 的联合品牌倡议,并与戈雅和强生等品牌合作,我们获得了进入这些日常互动的特权。然后,我们可以将这些产品和包装转化为专门为这些互动设计的大脑构建工具。意大利面形状、早餐麦片、婴儿洗发水、尿布 -- 在儿童和护理人员已经分享的时刻,所有这些都成为大脑建设的提示。目标观众我们的目标受众是低收入家庭,由从事多种工作以维持生计的单亲家庭和平均工作 12 小时轮班的双收入家庭组成,几乎没有时间留给他们的孩子。 MEDIAWe 与我们知道索引高的品牌合作,以实现我们的目标,在父母与孩子一起经历的日常时刻,为他们带来大脑建设技巧。通过我们的联合品牌倡议,Vroom, 执行 实施一个名为 “Vroom” 的联合品牌倡议的开发,该倡议容纳了新的大脑建设科学,并以一种易于理解、可实现的方式将其带入生活,并将日常时刻变成大脑建设时刻。通过把晚餐时间变成字母猜谜游戏,把洗澡时间变成了解形状的机会,把零食变成大脑食物, 帮助父母了解到他们已经具备了成为大脑建设者的条件。媒体渠道和整合媒体是我们合作的品牌的包装,有效地将包装的角色转变为更多: 能够活在当下的媒体。 timeline2 2015-2016年4月 SCALE13 品牌合作伙伴自推出以来发起; 数百万大脑建设时刻; 全国推出 活动描述 我们的想法必须充分利用父母已经和孩子在一起的时间所蕴含的潜在潜力。如果我们能把那些看似无关紧要的日常任务和琐事变成大脑构建的时刻,我们就有了真正强大的力量。但前提是我们能在这些宝贵的时刻拦截照顾者。父母和孩子之间的这些时刻发生在家里,洗澡时间、睡觉时间和晚餐时间,通常的信息不能总是到达那里。所以我们采取了不同的方法。还有什么?在洗澡的时候,它是洗发水。在晚餐时间,这是做晚餐的原因。在换尿布的时候,是尿布。如果我们能与已经存在的品牌合作,我们不仅可以利用护理人员已经花费的时间,还可以利用他们已经购买的东西。而且没有任何传统媒体支出。 结果 行动/商业成果与拯救儿童联盟、美国儿童保育协会、 Univision 、强生公司、帮宝适和亚马逊的国家伙伴关系推动的势头自推出以来,已经惠及 150,000 多个家庭, 创造了无数更多的大脑构建时刻。自启动以来的 13 个主要品牌合作伙伴关系 6.6 亿大脑建设时刻解锁 2016 亿大脑建设时刻预计到 2016 年底


    案例简介:Synopsis SITUATIONAt birth there are no differences in cognitive ability among infants, however by 9 months a measurable gap begins to emerge among children that are in low-income households. These households are stretched for time and money — often full of single parents working multiple jobs or dual working parents working 12-hour shifts just to make ends meet. However, new science shows that from ages 0–5 every interaction parents have with their children has potential to help their brains to grow and develop. BRIEFWe needed to close the development gap among children by introducing the new brain-building science to parents.OBJECTIVESOur objective was to translate the new brain building science into something that parents can actually use, in moments when they are likely to actually use it. Relevancy Vroom is a co-branding initiative that brings the message to consumers in an entirely new medium never before used to encourage behavior change. It did what no other government organization has even done, what no PSA ever could do, by using the one medium that’s in every home: the brands they buy.By modifying the packaging of products parents already buy to include tips, games, lessons, and tools, Vroom and its brand partners helped parents turn any moment into a brain building moment — without burdening time-poor parents with more to do. Strategy By creating a co-branding initiative called Vroom and partnering with brands, like Goya and Johnson & Johnson, we gained privileged access to these everyday interactions.We could then turn these products and packaging into brain building tools designed specifically for those interactions. Pasta shapes, breakfast cereal, baby shampoo, diapers — all became prompts for brain building in the moments that children and caregivers already share. TARGET AUDIENCEOur target audience was low-income households made up of single parents working multiple jobs to make ends meet and dual-income households who averaged 12-hour shifts at work, with little time left for their kids.MEDIAWe partnered with brands that we knew indexed high against our target to bring brain-building tips to parents in everyday moments they experienced with their child.APPROACHThrough our co-branding initiative, Vroom, Execution IMPLEMENTATIONDevelopment of a co-branding initiative called Vroom which housed the new brain-building science and brought it to life in an easy to understand, achievable way and turned everyday moments into brain building moments. By turning dinner time into an alphabet guessing game, bath-time into an opportunity to learn about shapes, and snacks into brain food, helped parents learn that they already have what it takes to be brain builders. MEDIA CHANNELS AND INTEGRATIONThe media was the packaging of the brands that we partnered with, effectively transforming the role of packaging to be so much more: media that could live in the moment.TIMELINEFebruary 2015 – April 2016SCALE13 brand partnerships initiated since launch; millions of brain building moments; national launch Campaign Description Our idea had to make the most of the latent potential embedded in times parents already spent with their children. If we could transform the everyday tasks and chores that often seem insignificant into brain building moments, we had something really powerful.But only if we could intercept caregivers in these precious moments. These moments between parent and child are happening inside the home, at bath-time and bedtime and dinnertime, where the usual messaging can’t always reach. So we took a different approach. What else was there? At bath-time, it’s shampoo. At dinner time, it’s what’s making dinner. At changing time, it’s diapers. If we could partner with the brands that were already there, not only could we utilise the time caregivers already spent, we could get there using the things they already bought. And without any traditional media spend. Outcome ACTION/BUSINESS RESULTSThe momentum bolstered by national partnerships with Save the Children, Child Care Aware of America, Univision, Johnson & Johnson, Pampers, and Amazon have reach more than 150,000 families since launch, and created countless more brain building moments. 13 Major Brand Partnerships Since Launch660 Million Brain Building Moments Unlocked1 Billion Brain Building Moments Projected By End Of 2016$0 advertising spentOUTCOMES/AWARENESS660 Million Brain Building Moments Unlocked1 Billion Brain Building Moments Projected By End Of 2016

    Brain Building Case Study

    案例简介:概要 出生时,婴儿的认知能力没有差异,然而到 9 个月时,低收入家庭的儿童开始出现可衡量的差距。这些家庭时间和金钱都很紧张 -- 通常充满了从事多种工作的单亲父母,或者双职工父母轮班工作 12 小时,只是为了维持生计。然而,新的科学表明,从 0-5 岁开始,父母与孩子的每一次互动都有可能帮助他们的大脑成长和发展。我们需要通过向父母介绍新的大脑建设科学来缩小儿童的发展差距。目的我们的目标是将新的大脑构建科学转化为父母可能实际使用的东西。 相关性 Vroom 是一个联合品牌计划,它以一种前所未有的全新媒介向消费者传达信息,鼓励行为改变。它通过使用每个家庭都有的一种媒介: 他们购买的品牌,做了其他政府组织甚至没有做过的事情,也没有 PSA 能做的事情。通过修改父母已经购买的产品包装,包括提示、游戏、课程和工具,Vroom 及其品牌合作伙伴帮助父母将任何时刻转变为大脑构建的时刻,而不会增加时间的负担,贫穷的父母还有更多的事情要做。 战略 通过创建一个名为 “Vroom” 的联合品牌倡议,并与戈雅和强生等品牌合作,我们获得了进入这些日常互动的特权。然后,我们可以将这些产品和包装转化为专门为这些互动设计的大脑构建工具。意大利面形状、早餐麦片、婴儿洗发水、尿布 -- 在儿童和护理人员已经分享的时刻,所有这些都成为大脑建设的提示。目标观众我们的目标受众是低收入家庭,由从事多种工作以维持生计的单亲家庭和平均工作 12 小时轮班的双收入家庭组成,几乎没有时间留给他们的孩子。 MEDIAWe 与我们知道索引高的品牌合作,以实现我们的目标,在父母与孩子一起经历的日常时刻,为他们带来大脑建设技巧。通过我们的联合品牌倡议,Vroom, 执行 实施一个名为 “Vroom” 的联合品牌倡议的开发,该倡议容纳了新的大脑建设科学,并以一种易于理解、可实现的方式将其带入生活,并将日常时刻变成大脑建设时刻。通过把晚餐时间变成字母猜谜游戏,把洗澡时间变成了解形状的机会,把零食变成大脑食物, 帮助父母了解到他们已经具备了成为大脑建设者的条件。媒体渠道和整合媒体是我们合作的品牌的包装,有效地将包装的角色转变为更多: 能够活在当下的媒体。 timeline2 2015-2016年4月 SCALE13 品牌合作伙伴自推出以来发起; 数百万大脑建设时刻; 全国推出 活动描述 我们的想法必须充分利用父母已经和孩子在一起的时间所蕴含的潜在潜力。如果我们能把那些看似无关紧要的日常任务和琐事变成大脑构建的时刻,我们就有了真正强大的力量。但前提是我们能在这些宝贵的时刻拦截照顾者。父母和孩子之间的这些时刻发生在家里,洗澡时间、睡觉时间和晚餐时间,通常的信息不能总是到达那里。所以我们采取了不同的方法。还有什么?在洗澡的时候,它是洗发水。在晚餐时间,这是做晚餐的原因。在换尿布的时候,是尿布。如果我们能与已经存在的品牌合作,我们不仅可以利用护理人员已经花费的时间,还可以利用他们已经购买的东西。而且没有任何传统媒体支出。 结果 行动/商业成果与拯救儿童联盟、美国儿童保育协会、 Univision 、强生公司、帮宝适和亚马逊的国家伙伴关系推动的势头自推出以来,已经惠及 150,000 多个家庭, 创造了无数更多的大脑构建时刻。自启动以来的 13 个主要品牌合作伙伴关系 6.6 亿大脑建设时刻解锁 2016 亿大脑建设时刻预计到 2016 年底

    Brain Building Case Study

    案例简介:Synopsis SITUATIONAt birth there are no differences in cognitive ability among infants, however by 9 months a measurable gap begins to emerge among children that are in low-income households. These households are stretched for time and money — often full of single parents working multiple jobs or dual working parents working 12-hour shifts just to make ends meet. However, new science shows that from ages 0–5 every interaction parents have with their children has potential to help their brains to grow and develop. BRIEFWe needed to close the development gap among children by introducing the new brain-building science to parents.OBJECTIVESOur objective was to translate the new brain building science into something that parents can actually use, in moments when they are likely to actually use it. Relevancy Vroom is a co-branding initiative that brings the message to consumers in an entirely new medium never before used to encourage behavior change. It did what no other government organization has even done, what no PSA ever could do, by using the one medium that’s in every home: the brands they buy.By modifying the packaging of products parents already buy to include tips, games, lessons, and tools, Vroom and its brand partners helped parents turn any moment into a brain building moment — without burdening time-poor parents with more to do. Strategy By creating a co-branding initiative called Vroom and partnering with brands, like Goya and Johnson & Johnson, we gained privileged access to these everyday interactions.We could then turn these products and packaging into brain building tools designed specifically for those interactions. Pasta shapes, breakfast cereal, baby shampoo, diapers — all became prompts for brain building in the moments that children and caregivers already share. TARGET AUDIENCEOur target audience was low-income households made up of single parents working multiple jobs to make ends meet and dual-income households who averaged 12-hour shifts at work, with little time left for their kids.MEDIAWe partnered with brands that we knew indexed high against our target to bring brain-building tips to parents in everyday moments they experienced with their child.APPROACHThrough our co-branding initiative, Vroom, Execution IMPLEMENTATIONDevelopment of a co-branding initiative called Vroom which housed the new brain-building science and brought it to life in an easy to understand, achievable way and turned everyday moments into brain building moments. By turning dinner time into an alphabet guessing game, bath-time into an opportunity to learn about shapes, and snacks into brain food, helped parents learn that they already have what it takes to be brain builders. MEDIA CHANNELS AND INTEGRATIONThe media was the packaging of the brands that we partnered with, effectively transforming the role of packaging to be so much more: media that could live in the moment.TIMELINEFebruary 2015 – April 2016SCALE13 brand partnerships initiated since launch; millions of brain building moments; national launch Campaign Description Our idea had to make the most of the latent potential embedded in times parents already spent with their children. If we could transform the everyday tasks and chores that often seem insignificant into brain building moments, we had something really powerful.But only if we could intercept caregivers in these precious moments. These moments between parent and child are happening inside the home, at bath-time and bedtime and dinnertime, where the usual messaging can’t always reach. So we took a different approach. What else was there? At bath-time, it’s shampoo. At dinner time, it’s what’s making dinner. At changing time, it’s diapers. If we could partner with the brands that were already there, not only could we utilise the time caregivers already spent, we could get there using the things they already bought. And without any traditional media spend. Outcome ACTION/BUSINESS RESULTSThe momentum bolstered by national partnerships with Save the Children, Child Care Aware of America, Univision, Johnson & Johnson, Pampers, and Amazon have reach more than 150,000 families since launch, and created countless more brain building moments. 13 Major Brand Partnerships Since Launch660 Million Brain Building Moments Unlocked1 Billion Brain Building Moments Projected By End Of 2016$0 advertising spentOUTCOMES/AWARENESS660 Million Brain Building Moments Unlocked1 Billion Brain Building Moments Projected By End Of 2016



    Brain Building Case Study










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