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    案例简介:本/戴夫-新工作 加利福尼亚州洛杉矶,2012年2月14日: 总部位于洛杉矶的第三街矿业公司的喜剧团队本/戴夫推出了三个新的《自然博士》主题: 60 年代的角色, 德克萨斯州奥斯汀麦卡拉杰西的 “优势” 和 “繁殖”。由奥斯汀富尔德制作的网上景点展示了一个男人观察希纳的新野生野兔淡啤酒,就好像它是一种可以捕捉的野生动物 (还有其他东西)。本/戴夫不仅领导了这场运动,而且他们还编辑和合作开发了这个概念。喜剧运动是 Shiner 的一次离开,过去只做了很少的广告。 参观野兔啤酒的专用网站,www.shinerwildhare.com,看看景点。 本指出,“我们从 1960 s-1980 s doc 秀《狂野王国》中获得了视觉灵感,并希望实现一个丰富的、没有它看起来像视频。 “在整个编辑过程中,两人与调色师尼克 · 史密斯密切合作,以确保在为整体复古效果添加深度和纹理的同时,实现了彩色外观。戴夫补充道,“我们试图引导它,这样它就不会觉得太无聊了。我们希望它以一种无意识的方式变得有趣,就像《狂野国王》一样; 40 年前,那个节目的制作人不知道今天人们会觉得他们很滑稽。" 第三街矿业公司 EP 约翰 · 拉查佩尔说,“我喜欢这些景点。我第一次看到他们,从那以后,每次都大声笑了出来。戏仿点当然不是新的,但是本/戴夫成功的地方是在更明显的喜剧部分之间制作微妙的层。它允许观众在每次观看时发现新的东西。" “角色” 在一个超级角色上打开,“理解 Shiner 的野兔。第一集: 特征。然后我们被介绍给穿着狩猎服装的主人,他宣称,“如果你想为自己和你的朋友猎捕一只野兔, 这里有一些东西要找。主人然后调大了一个野兔瓶子,说,“[野兔”运行包六至十二。”他的教诲,还包括关于如何处理野生野兔,小心不要动摇。他的画外音总结道,“野兔淡啤酒。从 Shiner 发现一种新品种的啤酒,然后是在 Spoetzl-Vision 拍摄的红色图形阅读。" “优势” 记录了野兔对自己的品种的反应,而 “繁殖” 记录了酿造的交配仪式。 关于第三街矿业公司 当不在全国范围内为西尔斯、多米诺披萨、 7-Eleven 、蓝十字/蓝盾和库尔斯之光等全球品牌拍摄广受好评的景点和网络电影时, 第3 街矿业公司 (3MC) 的联合创始人尼尔 · 塔迪奥和执行制片人约翰 · 拉卡佩尔可以在加州偏远的角落以极快的速度赛车老式跑车。或者更准确地说,在背包中间赛车。然而,作为一家生产公司,3MC 在包装的前面是一台运转良好的机器; 他们精干敏捷,但强大高效。3MC 将几十年的获奖作品记录与精心挑选的电影制作人名单相结合,是由创意挑战的规模而不是预算的规模驱动的。在这方面,大小很重要。 最近,3MC 和导演尼尔 · 塔迪奥在多米诺的 “给我们展示你的披萨” 活动中的作品赢得了 2011 的银奖。


    案例简介:Ben/Dave - New Work Los Angeles, CA, February 14th, 2012: LA-based Third Street Mining Company’s comedy team Ben/Dave delivers three new tongue-in-cheek, nature doc-themed :60s “Character,” “Dominance” and “Breeding” out of McGarrah Jessee, Austin, TX. Produced by FUELD, Austin, the online-only spots feature a man observing Shiner’s new Wild Hare Pale Ale as if it were a wild animal to catch (and stuff). Ben/Dave not only helmed the campaign, but they also edited and collaborated on the development of the concept. The comedic campaign is a departure for Shiner, having done only minimal advertising in the past. Visit Wild Hare Ale’s dedicated site, www.shinerwildhare.com, to see the spots. Notes Ben, “We took our visual inspiration from the 1960s-1980s doc show ‘Wild Kingdom’ and were hoping to achieve a rich, colorful look without it looking like video.” The duo worked closely with colorist Nick Smith throughout the editorial process to ensure that a Technicolor look was achieved alongside the depth and grain added for the overall vintage effect. Adds Dave, “We tried to guide it so it didn’t feel too full of gags. We wanted it to be funny in an unselfconscious way like ‘Wild Kingdom’; 40 years ago, the makers of that show had no idea people would find them hilarious today.” Says Third Street Mining Company EP John LaChapelle, “I love these spots. Laughed out loud the first time I saw them and every time since. Parody spots are not new, of course, but where Ben/Dave succeed is in crafting subtle layers between more overtly comedic sections. It allows a viewer to find new things with each viewing." “Character” opens on a super, “Understanding Shiner’s Wild Hare. Episode 1: Characteristics.” We’re then introduced to our host, in safari garb, who proclaims, “If you’re hoping to hunt and capture a Wild Hare for yourself and your friends, here are some things to look for.” The host then sizes up a Wild Hare bottle, stating, “[Wild Hare] runs in packs of six or twelve.” His teachings also include information on how to handle the Wild Hare, being careful not to shake. His voiceover concludes, “Wild Hare Pale Ale. Discover a new breed of brew from Shiner,” followed by a red graphic reading “Filmed In Spoetzl-Vision.” “Dominance” documents how aggressive Wild Hares react to their own kind, while “Breeding” captures the mating rituals of the brew. ABOUT THIRD STREET MINING COMPANY When not venturing around the country shooting acclaimed spots and web films for global brands like Sears, Domino’s Pizza, 7-Eleven, Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Coors Light, 3rd Street Mining Company (3MC) co-founders Neil Tardio and Executive Producer John LaChapelle can be found in remote corners of California racing vintage sports cars at breakneck speed. Or more accurately, racing soundly in the middle of the pack. However, as a production company, 3MC is a well-oiled machine at the front of the pack; they’re lean and agile, but powerful and efficient. Combining a decades-long track record of award-winning work with a handpicked list of filmmakers, 3MC is driven by the size of the creative challenge, not the size of the budget. In this regard, size does matter. Recently, 3MC and director Neil Tardio’s work on the Domino’s “Show Us Your Pizza” campaign won a 2011 Silver Clio.


    案例简介:本/戴夫-新工作 加利福尼亚州洛杉矶,2012年2月14日: 总部位于洛杉矶的第三街矿业公司的喜剧团队本/戴夫推出了三个新的《自然博士》主题: 60 年代的角色, 德克萨斯州奥斯汀麦卡拉杰西的 “优势” 和 “繁殖”。由奥斯汀富尔德制作的网上景点展示了一个男人观察希纳的新野生野兔淡啤酒,就好像它是一种可以捕捉的野生动物 (还有其他东西)。本/戴夫不仅领导了这场运动,而且他们还编辑和合作开发了这个概念。喜剧运动是 Shiner 的一次离开,过去只做了很少的广告。 参观野兔啤酒的专用网站,www.shinerwildhare.com,看看景点。 本指出,“我们从 1960 s-1980 s doc 秀《狂野王国》中获得了视觉灵感,并希望实现一个丰富的、没有它看起来像视频。 “在整个编辑过程中,两人与调色师尼克 · 史密斯密切合作,以确保在为整体复古效果添加深度和纹理的同时,实现了彩色外观。戴夫补充道,“我们试图引导它,这样它就不会觉得太无聊了。我们希望它以一种无意识的方式变得有趣,就像《狂野国王》一样; 40 年前,那个节目的制作人不知道今天人们会觉得他们很滑稽。" 第三街矿业公司 EP 约翰 · 拉查佩尔说,“我喜欢这些景点。我第一次看到他们,从那以后,每次都大声笑了出来。戏仿点当然不是新的,但是本/戴夫成功的地方是在更明显的喜剧部分之间制作微妙的层。它允许观众在每次观看时发现新的东西。" “角色” 在一个超级角色上打开,“理解 Shiner 的野兔。第一集: 特征。然后我们被介绍给穿着狩猎服装的主人,他宣称,“如果你想为自己和你的朋友猎捕一只野兔, 这里有一些东西要找。主人然后调大了一个野兔瓶子,说,“[野兔”运行包六至十二。”他的教诲,还包括关于如何处理野生野兔,小心不要动摇。他的画外音总结道,“野兔淡啤酒。从 Shiner 发现一种新品种的啤酒,然后是在 Spoetzl-Vision 拍摄的红色图形阅读。" “优势” 记录了野兔对自己的品种的反应,而 “繁殖” 记录了酿造的交配仪式。 关于第三街矿业公司 当不在全国范围内为西尔斯、多米诺披萨、 7-Eleven 、蓝十字/蓝盾和库尔斯之光等全球品牌拍摄广受好评的景点和网络电影时, 第3 街矿业公司 (3MC) 的联合创始人尼尔 · 塔迪奥和执行制片人约翰 · 拉卡佩尔可以在加州偏远的角落以极快的速度赛车老式跑车。或者更准确地说,在背包中间赛车。然而,作为一家生产公司,3MC 在包装的前面是一台运转良好的机器; 他们精干敏捷,但强大高效。3MC 将几十年的获奖作品记录与精心挑选的电影制作人名单相结合,是由创意挑战的规模而不是预算的规模驱动的。在这方面,大小很重要。 最近,3MC 和导演尼尔 · 塔迪奥在多米诺的 “给我们展示你的披萨” 活动中的作品赢得了 2011 的银奖。


    案例简介:Ben/Dave - New Work Los Angeles, CA, February 14th, 2012: LA-based Third Street Mining Company’s comedy team Ben/Dave delivers three new tongue-in-cheek, nature doc-themed :60s “Character,” “Dominance” and “Breeding” out of McGarrah Jessee, Austin, TX. Produced by FUELD, Austin, the online-only spots feature a man observing Shiner’s new Wild Hare Pale Ale as if it were a wild animal to catch (and stuff). Ben/Dave not only helmed the campaign, but they also edited and collaborated on the development of the concept. The comedic campaign is a departure for Shiner, having done only minimal advertising in the past. Visit Wild Hare Ale’s dedicated site, www.shinerwildhare.com, to see the spots. Notes Ben, “We took our visual inspiration from the 1960s-1980s doc show ‘Wild Kingdom’ and were hoping to achieve a rich, colorful look without it looking like video.” The duo worked closely with colorist Nick Smith throughout the editorial process to ensure that a Technicolor look was achieved alongside the depth and grain added for the overall vintage effect. Adds Dave, “We tried to guide it so it didn’t feel too full of gags. We wanted it to be funny in an unselfconscious way like ‘Wild Kingdom’; 40 years ago, the makers of that show had no idea people would find them hilarious today.” Says Third Street Mining Company EP John LaChapelle, “I love these spots. Laughed out loud the first time I saw them and every time since. Parody spots are not new, of course, but where Ben/Dave succeed is in crafting subtle layers between more overtly comedic sections. It allows a viewer to find new things with each viewing." “Character” opens on a super, “Understanding Shiner’s Wild Hare. Episode 1: Characteristics.” We’re then introduced to our host, in safari garb, who proclaims, “If you’re hoping to hunt and capture a Wild Hare for yourself and your friends, here are some things to look for.” The host then sizes up a Wild Hare bottle, stating, “[Wild Hare] runs in packs of six or twelve.” His teachings also include information on how to handle the Wild Hare, being careful not to shake. His voiceover concludes, “Wild Hare Pale Ale. Discover a new breed of brew from Shiner,” followed by a red graphic reading “Filmed In Spoetzl-Vision.” “Dominance” documents how aggressive Wild Hares react to their own kind, while “Breeding” captures the mating rituals of the brew. ABOUT THIRD STREET MINING COMPANY When not venturing around the country shooting acclaimed spots and web films for global brands like Sears, Domino’s Pizza, 7-Eleven, Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Coors Light, 3rd Street Mining Company (3MC) co-founders Neil Tardio and Executive Producer John LaChapelle can be found in remote corners of California racing vintage sports cars at breakneck speed. Or more accurately, racing soundly in the middle of the pack. However, as a production company, 3MC is a well-oiled machine at the front of the pack; they’re lean and agile, but powerful and efficient. Combining a decades-long track record of award-winning work with a handpicked list of filmmakers, 3MC is driven by the size of the creative challenge, not the size of the budget. In this regard, size does matter. Recently, 3MC and director Neil Tardio’s work on the Domino’s “Show Us Your Pizza” campaign won a 2011 Silver Clio.













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