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    案例简介:写一个简短的摘要,介绍数字或环境执行或活动中发生的情况。 Stop traffik以一种无法忽视的方式将统计数据带入了生活。它始于亚特兰大,拥有世界上最大的移动广告牌。在亚特兰大举办超级碗LIII的三周前,我们用联邦调查局的数据点包裹了72辆校车: “佐治亚州每年有3,600个孩子被性交易。# StopTraffick。”这个一英里长的广告牌通过数字OOH,汽车和商店贴花,社交和集会被放大。它需要与州长,运输部,公共汽车司机和警察进行六个月的协调。Stop traffik成为全市范围内的一项倡议,旨在在亚特兰大建立意识和行动。 陪审团的文化/背景信息 在佐治亚州,每年大约有3,600名少女被性交易。* 这一惊人的统计数字部分归因于亚特兰大作为全球商业中心的知名度。它得到了大型会议和旅游业的支持,并且靠近世界上最繁忙的机场。 随着该市准备举办超级碗LIII,这场危机在2019年1月将进一步恶化。可悲的现实是,尽管游戏带来了大量的人群和兴奋,但性交易的增加却减轻了人们的兴奋。这就是为什么1月也是人口贩运宣传月的原因。 我们的目标是通过认识,教育和行动来揭示未成年人的性贩运。我们知道亚特兰大是在正确的时间展示危机有多大的正确地点,并引发一场阻止交通的运动。 * 沙皮罗集团 解释这项工作是如何创新地使用户外媒介的。 Stop traffik的基石是横跨亚特兰大的户外特技。计划花费了六个多月的时间,需要全市范围的合作,包括佐治亚州交通部,50名警察和100名公交车司机。 我们用特殊的磁铁包裹了72辆黄色校车的顶部和侧面,突出显示了足以让新闻直升机广播的Stop traffik消息。这些公共汽车形成了世界上最大的移动广告牌,扰乱了亚特兰大的早晨交通。 为了突出问题的广度,公交车从郊区的一个县出发,经过精心规划的路线,到达了一个受孩子们欢迎的购物中心,在市中心的梅赛德斯-奔驰体育场 (Mercedes-Benz Stadium) 结束,三周后将在那里举行超级碗比赛。 该消息通过其他户外渠道在全市范围内得到了放大,包括高速公路广告牌,汽车和商店贴花,以及与幸存者,政策制定者和商业领袖的集会。


    案例简介:Write a short summary of what happens in the digital or ambient execution or campaign. Stop Traffick brought a statistic to life in a way too big to ignore. It started in Atlanta with the world’s largest moving billboard. Three weeks before Atlanta hosted Super Bowl LIII, we wrapped 72 school buses with an FBI data point: “3,600 kids sold for sex each year in Georgia. #StopTraffick.” This mile-long billboard was amplified via digital OOH, car and store decals, social, and a rally. It required six months of coordination with the governor, Department of Transportation, bus drivers, and police officers. Stop Traffick became a citywide initiative to create awareness and action in Atlanta. Cultural/Context information for the jury Approximately 3,600 adolescent girls are sold for sex each year in Georgia.* This staggering statistic is due in part to Atlanta’s visibility as a global business hub. It’s supported by a large convention and tourism industry and has proximity to the world’s busiest airport. This crisis was set to worsen in January 2019 as the city prepared to host Super Bowl LIII. It’s a sad reality that, while the game brings large crowds and excitement, the excitement is tempered by an increase in sex trafficking. Which is why it’s no coincidence that January is also Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Our goal was to shine a light on the sex trafficking of minors through awareness, education, and action. And we knew Atlanta was the right place at the right time to demonstrate just how big the crisis is – and spark a movement to Stop Traffick. *The Schapiro Group Explain how the work innovatively used the outdoor medium. The cornerstone of Stop Traffick was an outdoor stunt that stretched across Atlanta. It took more than six months to plan and required citywide collaboration including The Georgia Department of Transportation, 50 police officers, and 100 bus drivers. We wrapped the tops and sides of 72 yellow school buses with special magnets highlighting Stop Traffick messages large enough for news helicopters to broadcast. These buses formed the world’s largest moving billboard, disrupting morning traffic across Atlanta. To highlight the breadth of the problem, the buses drove a carefully planned route from a county in the suburbs, to a mall popular with kids, ending downtown at Mercedes-Benz Stadium where the Super Bowl would be played three weeks later. The message was amplified citywide via other outdoor channels including highway billboards, car and store decals, and a rally with survivors, policy makers, and business leaders.

    Stop Traffick

    案例简介:写一个简短的摘要,介绍数字或环境执行或活动中发生的情况。 Stop traffik以一种无法忽视的方式将统计数据带入了生活。它始于亚特兰大,拥有世界上最大的移动广告牌。在亚特兰大举办超级碗LIII的三周前,我们用联邦调查局的数据点包裹了72辆校车: “佐治亚州每年有3,600个孩子被性交易。# StopTraffick。”这个一英里长的广告牌通过数字OOH,汽车和商店贴花,社交和集会被放大。它需要与州长,运输部,公共汽车司机和警察进行六个月的协调。Stop traffik成为全市范围内的一项倡议,旨在在亚特兰大建立意识和行动。 陪审团的文化/背景信息 在佐治亚州,每年大约有3,600名少女被性交易。* 这一惊人的统计数字部分归因于亚特兰大作为全球商业中心的知名度。它得到了大型会议和旅游业的支持,并且靠近世界上最繁忙的机场。 随着该市准备举办超级碗LIII,这场危机在2019年1月将进一步恶化。可悲的现实是,尽管游戏带来了大量的人群和兴奋,但性交易的增加却减轻了人们的兴奋。这就是为什么1月也是人口贩运宣传月的原因。 我们的目标是通过认识,教育和行动来揭示未成年人的性贩运。我们知道亚特兰大是在正确的时间展示危机有多大的正确地点,并引发一场阻止交通的运动。 * 沙皮罗集团 解释这项工作是如何创新地使用户外媒介的。 Stop traffik的基石是横跨亚特兰大的户外特技。计划花费了六个多月的时间,需要全市范围的合作,包括佐治亚州交通部,50名警察和100名公交车司机。 我们用特殊的磁铁包裹了72辆黄色校车的顶部和侧面,突出显示了足以让新闻直升机广播的Stop traffik消息。这些公共汽车形成了世界上最大的移动广告牌,扰乱了亚特兰大的早晨交通。 为了突出问题的广度,公交车从郊区的一个县出发,经过精心规划的路线,到达了一个受孩子们欢迎的购物中心,在市中心的梅赛德斯-奔驰体育场 (Mercedes-Benz Stadium) 结束,三周后将在那里举行超级碗比赛。 该消息通过其他户外渠道在全市范围内得到了放大,包括高速公路广告牌,汽车和商店贴花,以及与幸存者,政策制定者和商业领袖的集会。

    Stop Traffick

    案例简介:Write a short summary of what happens in the digital or ambient execution or campaign. Stop Traffick brought a statistic to life in a way too big to ignore. It started in Atlanta with the world’s largest moving billboard. Three weeks before Atlanta hosted Super Bowl LIII, we wrapped 72 school buses with an FBI data point: “3,600 kids sold for sex each year in Georgia. #StopTraffick.” This mile-long billboard was amplified via digital OOH, car and store decals, social, and a rally. It required six months of coordination with the governor, Department of Transportation, bus drivers, and police officers. Stop Traffick became a citywide initiative to create awareness and action in Atlanta. Cultural/Context information for the jury Approximately 3,600 adolescent girls are sold for sex each year in Georgia.* This staggering statistic is due in part to Atlanta’s visibility as a global business hub. It’s supported by a large convention and tourism industry and has proximity to the world’s busiest airport. This crisis was set to worsen in January 2019 as the city prepared to host Super Bowl LIII. It’s a sad reality that, while the game brings large crowds and excitement, the excitement is tempered by an increase in sex trafficking. Which is why it’s no coincidence that January is also Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Our goal was to shine a light on the sex trafficking of minors through awareness, education, and action. And we knew Atlanta was the right place at the right time to demonstrate just how big the crisis is – and spark a movement to Stop Traffick. *The Schapiro Group Explain how the work innovatively used the outdoor medium. The cornerstone of Stop Traffick was an outdoor stunt that stretched across Atlanta. It took more than six months to plan and required citywide collaboration including The Georgia Department of Transportation, 50 police officers, and 100 bus drivers. We wrapped the tops and sides of 72 yellow school buses with special magnets highlighting Stop Traffick messages large enough for news helicopters to broadcast. These buses formed the world’s largest moving billboard, disrupting morning traffic across Atlanta. To highlight the breadth of the problem, the buses drove a carefully planned route from a county in the suburbs, to a mall popular with kids, ending downtown at Mercedes-Benz Stadium where the Super Bowl would be played three weeks later. The message was amplified citywide via other outdoor channels including highway billboards, car and store decals, and a rally with survivors, policy makers, and business leaders.



    Stop Traffick










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