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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与直接相关? Stop Traffick以一种太大而不容忽视的方式为生活带来了统计数据。它始于亚特兰大,拥有世界上最大的移动广告牌。在亚特兰大举办超级碗LIII的三周前,我们用一个惊人的数据点包裹了72辆校车: “佐治亚州每年有3,600名儿童出售性服务。# StopTraffick。“。这条信息通过哦、汽车和商店贴花、社交和集会被放大。它需要与州长,交通部,公共汽车司机和警察进行六个月的协调。Stop Traffick提高了亚特兰大的知名度,并激发了其他城市寻找自己的 “公交车数量”。 背景 在佐治亚州,每年大约有3,600名少女被出售性服务。* 这一惊人的统计数据部分是由于亚特兰大作为全球商业中心的知名度。它由大型会议和旅游业支持,靠近世界上最繁忙的机场。 2019年1月,随着该市准备举办超级碗LIII,这场危机将进一步恶化。这是一个可悲的现实,虽然游戏带来了大量的人群和兴奋,但性交易的增加却抑制了这种兴奋。这就是为什么1月也是人口贩运宣传月并非巧合。 我们的目标是通过意识,教育和行动来揭示未成年人的性交易。而且我们知道亚特兰大是在正确的时间正确的地方,可以证明这场危机有多大-并引发制止贩运的运动。 * Schapiro集团 描述创意 (投票30%) 很容易忽略一个统计数据。几乎不可能忽视72辆校车-通常与纯真和安全相关-阻止亚特兰大的交通,以突出佐治亚州儿童性交易问题的严重性。那么,两个字的大创意?停止交通 创造性的想法植根于将人性添加到统计数据中的力量。没有人能完全理解3,600数字的大小…… 直到72辆校车,每年在该州被贩运的3,600名儿童所需的公共汽车数量,在亚特兰大的街道上排成一行,创造了世界上最大的移动广告牌。这个简单,令人惊叹的 “停止交通” 信息在城市各地的频道中被放大。 描述策略 (投票20%) 由于600万人的多样化人口不知道这座城市的性奴役危机,一位新当选的州长积极做出改变,当我们准备举办超级碗LIII时,全世界的目光都注视着我们,我们知道亚特兰大是在正确的时间阻止交通的正确城市。 我们的方法基于两个见解,这两个见解产生了强大的张力。第一个事实是,年轻女孩的性交易在亚特兰大是一个可怕的问题,没有人愿意谈论。第二个事实是,高速公路交通也是亚特兰大的一个问题-除了每个人都喜欢谈论这个问题。事实上,这个城市不能闭嘴!因此,我们利用围绕高速公路交通的对话,让人们谈论儿童性交易,以改变对话。换句话说,我们用 “交通” 来谈论 “交通”。 描述执行情况 (投票20%) Stop Traffick的基石是一项特技,花了六个多月的时间来计划。它需要公共和私营公司以及50名警察和100名公共汽车司机在全市范围内进行合作。 我们在72辆校车的顶部和侧面包裹了足够大的停车信息,足以让新闻直升机广播。这些公共汽车形成了一英里长的移动广告牌,扰乱了亚特兰大的早晨交通。 一个团队协调了跨社交渠道的实时更新,将对话从 “交通” 改为 “交通”。公共汽车和幸存者访谈的视频资产被分发。 高速公路广告牌,汽车和商店贴花在地面上传播了停止交通信息。 格鲁吉亚的新州长和商界领袖被招募参加集会,带来了恶名和承诺。 它达到了n StopTraffick.com的高潮,我们推广了采取行动的方式,包括社区监督机构的承诺,捐款以及对学校和企业的培训要求。 列出结果 (投票30%) 意识: 在活动的48小时内,该特技被500多个新闻报道所报道,有160个媒体印象,10.8k社交媒体提及和4200万社交媒体印象。# StopTraffick成为Twitter上的热门话题,总体上Stop Traffick媒体的提出率上升了4,500%。 教育: 关于如何发现这种犯罪对年轻女性的影响的迹象和细节的信息被吞噬了。Facebook参与度594% 上升,页面浏览量735% 上升,视频浏览量175,033% 上升。 行动: 最重要的结果是,联邦调查局在我们的事件发生后立即将重点放在人口贩运上,这导致整个亚特兰大都会区逮捕了169人。 顺便说一句,Houston受到启发,找到了自己的 “校车数量”,引发了他们自己的全市对话。另外十二个州正在进行谈判,以证明 # StopTraffick实际上是在煽动一场运动。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Direct? Stop Traffick brought a statistic to life in a way too big to ignore. It started in Atlanta with the world’s largest moving billboard. Three weeks before Atlanta hosted Super Bowl LIII, we wrapped 72 school buses with a staggering data point: “3,600 kids sold for sex each year in Georgia. #StopTraffick.” This message was amplified via OOH, car and store decals, social, and a rally. It required six months of coordination with the governor, Department of Transportation, bus drivers, and police officers. Stop Traffick increased awareness in Atlanta and inspired other cities to find their own “number of buses.” Background Approximately 3,600 adolescent girls are sold for sex each year in Georgia.* This staggering statistic is due in part to Atlanta’s visibility as a global business hub. It’s supported by a large convention and tourism industry and has proximity to the world’s busiest airport. This crisis was set to worsen in January 2019 as the city prepared to host Super Bowl LIII. It’s a sad reality that, while the game brings large crowds and excitement, the excitement is tempered by an increase in sex trafficking. Which is why it’s no coincidence that January is also Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Our goal was to shine a light on the sex trafficking of minors through awareness, education, and action. And we knew Atlanta was the right place at the right time to demonstrate just how big the crisis is – and spark a movement to Stop Traffick. *The Schapiro Group Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) It’s easy to ignore a statistic. It’s nearly impossible to ignore 72 school buses – generally associated with innocence and safety – stopping traffic in Atlanta to highlight the massiveness of Georgia’s child sex trafficking problem. So, the big idea in two words? Stop Traffick The creative idea is rooted in the power of adding humanity to a statistic. No one can quite understand the magnitude of the number 3,600…until 72 school buses, the number of buses needed to hold 3,600 children trafficked each year in the state, are seen driving in a single line through the streets of Atlanta, creating the world’s largest moving billboard. This simple, stunning “Stop Traffick” message was amplified in channels around the city. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) With a diverse population of six million people unaware of the city’s sex slavery crisis, a newly elected governor motivated to make change, and the eyes of the world watching as we prepared to host Super Bowl LIII, we knew Atlanta was the right city at the right time to Stop Traffick. Our approach was based on two insights that created a powerful tension. The first was the fact that sex trafficking of young girls is a horrific problem in Atlanta that no one wants to talk about. The second was the fact that highway traffic is also a problem in Atlanta – except everyone loves to talk about that. In fact, the city can’t shut up about it! So, we used the conversation around highway traffic to get people talking about child sex traffick to change the conversation. In other words, we used “traffic” to talk about “traffick.” Describe the execution (20% of vote) The cornerstone of Stop Traffick was a stunt that took more than six months to plan. It required citywide collaboration from public and private companies as well as 50 police officers and 100 bus drivers. We wrapped the tops and sides of 72 school buses with Stop Traffick messages large enough for news helicopters to broadcast. These buses formed a mile-long, moving billboard, disrupting morning traffic across Atlanta. A team coordinated live updates across social channels literally changing the conversation from “traffic” to “traffick.” Video assets of the buses and survivor interviews were distributed. Highway billboards, car and store decals spread the Stop Traffick message on the ground. Georgia’s new governor and business leaders were recruited to participate in a rally, bringing notoriety and commitment. It culminated on StopTraffick.com where we promoted ways to take action, including community watchdog pledges, money donations, and training requests for schools and businesses. List the results (30% of vote) AWARENESS: Within 48 hours of the event, the stunt was covered in over 500 news stories, had 160M media impressions, 10.8K social media mentions, and 42M social media impressions. #StopTraffick became a trending topic on Twitter and overall Stop Traffick media mentions went up 4,500%. EDUCATION: Information on how to spot the signs and details on what this crime does to young women were devoured. Facebook engagement went up 594%, page views went up 735%, and video views went up 175,033%. ACTION: The single most important result was the intense focus the FBI put on human trafficking immediately after our event, which led to 169 arrests throughout Metro Atlanta. As an aside, Houston was inspired to find their own “number of school buses,” sparking their own citywide conversation. Twelve more states are in talks to follow suit, proving #StopTraffick is, in fact, inciting a movement.

    Stop Traffick

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与直接相关? Stop Traffick以一种太大而不容忽视的方式为生活带来了统计数据。它始于亚特兰大,拥有世界上最大的移动广告牌。在亚特兰大举办超级碗LIII的三周前,我们用一个惊人的数据点包裹了72辆校车: “佐治亚州每年有3,600名儿童出售性服务。# StopTraffick。“。这条信息通过哦、汽车和商店贴花、社交和集会被放大。它需要与州长,交通部,公共汽车司机和警察进行六个月的协调。Stop Traffick提高了亚特兰大的知名度,并激发了其他城市寻找自己的 “公交车数量”。 背景 在佐治亚州,每年大约有3,600名少女被出售性服务。* 这一惊人的统计数据部分是由于亚特兰大作为全球商业中心的知名度。它由大型会议和旅游业支持,靠近世界上最繁忙的机场。 2019年1月,随着该市准备举办超级碗LIII,这场危机将进一步恶化。这是一个可悲的现实,虽然游戏带来了大量的人群和兴奋,但性交易的增加却抑制了这种兴奋。这就是为什么1月也是人口贩运宣传月并非巧合。 我们的目标是通过意识,教育和行动来揭示未成年人的性交易。而且我们知道亚特兰大是在正确的时间正确的地方,可以证明这场危机有多大-并引发制止贩运的运动。 * Schapiro集团 描述创意 (投票30%) 很容易忽略一个统计数据。几乎不可能忽视72辆校车-通常与纯真和安全相关-阻止亚特兰大的交通,以突出佐治亚州儿童性交易问题的严重性。那么,两个字的大创意?停止交通 创造性的想法植根于将人性添加到统计数据中的力量。没有人能完全理解3,600数字的大小…… 直到72辆校车,每年在该州被贩运的3,600名儿童所需的公共汽车数量,在亚特兰大的街道上排成一行,创造了世界上最大的移动广告牌。这个简单,令人惊叹的 “停止交通” 信息在城市各地的频道中被放大。 描述策略 (投票20%) 由于600万人的多样化人口不知道这座城市的性奴役危机,一位新当选的州长积极做出改变,当我们准备举办超级碗LIII时,全世界的目光都注视着我们,我们知道亚特兰大是在正确的时间阻止交通的正确城市。 我们的方法基于两个见解,这两个见解产生了强大的张力。第一个事实是,年轻女孩的性交易在亚特兰大是一个可怕的问题,没有人愿意谈论。第二个事实是,高速公路交通也是亚特兰大的一个问题-除了每个人都喜欢谈论这个问题。事实上,这个城市不能闭嘴!因此,我们利用围绕高速公路交通的对话,让人们谈论儿童性交易,以改变对话。换句话说,我们用 “交通” 来谈论 “交通”。 描述执行情况 (投票20%) Stop Traffick的基石是一项特技,花了六个多月的时间来计划。它需要公共和私营公司以及50名警察和100名公共汽车司机在全市范围内进行合作。 我们在72辆校车的顶部和侧面包裹了足够大的停车信息,足以让新闻直升机广播。这些公共汽车形成了一英里长的移动广告牌,扰乱了亚特兰大的早晨交通。 一个团队协调了跨社交渠道的实时更新,将对话从 “交通” 改为 “交通”。公共汽车和幸存者访谈的视频资产被分发。 高速公路广告牌,汽车和商店贴花在地面上传播了停止交通信息。 格鲁吉亚的新州长和商界领袖被招募参加集会,带来了恶名和承诺。 它达到了n StopTraffick.com的高潮,我们推广了采取行动的方式,包括社区监督机构的承诺,捐款以及对学校和企业的培训要求。 列出结果 (投票30%) 意识: 在活动的48小时内,该特技被500多个新闻报道所报道,有160个媒体印象,10.8k社交媒体提及和4200万社交媒体印象。# StopTraffick成为Twitter上的热门话题,总体上Stop Traffick媒体的提出率上升了4,500%。 教育: 关于如何发现这种犯罪对年轻女性的影响的迹象和细节的信息被吞噬了。Facebook参与度594% 上升,页面浏览量735% 上升,视频浏览量175,033% 上升。 行动: 最重要的结果是,联邦调查局在我们的事件发生后立即将重点放在人口贩运上,这导致整个亚特兰大都会区逮捕了169人。 顺便说一句,Houston受到启发,找到了自己的 “校车数量”,引发了他们自己的全市对话。另外十二个州正在进行谈判,以证明 # StopTraffick实际上是在煽动一场运动。

    Stop Traffick

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Direct? Stop Traffick brought a statistic to life in a way too big to ignore. It started in Atlanta with the world’s largest moving billboard. Three weeks before Atlanta hosted Super Bowl LIII, we wrapped 72 school buses with a staggering data point: “3,600 kids sold for sex each year in Georgia. #StopTraffick.” This message was amplified via OOH, car and store decals, social, and a rally. It required six months of coordination with the governor, Department of Transportation, bus drivers, and police officers. Stop Traffick increased awareness in Atlanta and inspired other cities to find their own “number of buses.” Background Approximately 3,600 adolescent girls are sold for sex each year in Georgia.* This staggering statistic is due in part to Atlanta’s visibility as a global business hub. It’s supported by a large convention and tourism industry and has proximity to the world’s busiest airport. This crisis was set to worsen in January 2019 as the city prepared to host Super Bowl LIII. It’s a sad reality that, while the game brings large crowds and excitement, the excitement is tempered by an increase in sex trafficking. Which is why it’s no coincidence that January is also Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Our goal was to shine a light on the sex trafficking of minors through awareness, education, and action. And we knew Atlanta was the right place at the right time to demonstrate just how big the crisis is – and spark a movement to Stop Traffick. *The Schapiro Group Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) It’s easy to ignore a statistic. It’s nearly impossible to ignore 72 school buses – generally associated with innocence and safety – stopping traffic in Atlanta to highlight the massiveness of Georgia’s child sex trafficking problem. So, the big idea in two words? Stop Traffick The creative idea is rooted in the power of adding humanity to a statistic. No one can quite understand the magnitude of the number 3,600…until 72 school buses, the number of buses needed to hold 3,600 children trafficked each year in the state, are seen driving in a single line through the streets of Atlanta, creating the world’s largest moving billboard. This simple, stunning “Stop Traffick” message was amplified in channels around the city. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) With a diverse population of six million people unaware of the city’s sex slavery crisis, a newly elected governor motivated to make change, and the eyes of the world watching as we prepared to host Super Bowl LIII, we knew Atlanta was the right city at the right time to Stop Traffick. Our approach was based on two insights that created a powerful tension. The first was the fact that sex trafficking of young girls is a horrific problem in Atlanta that no one wants to talk about. The second was the fact that highway traffic is also a problem in Atlanta – except everyone loves to talk about that. In fact, the city can’t shut up about it! So, we used the conversation around highway traffic to get people talking about child sex traffick to change the conversation. In other words, we used “traffic” to talk about “traffick.” Describe the execution (20% of vote) The cornerstone of Stop Traffick was a stunt that took more than six months to plan. It required citywide collaboration from public and private companies as well as 50 police officers and 100 bus drivers. We wrapped the tops and sides of 72 school buses with Stop Traffick messages large enough for news helicopters to broadcast. These buses formed a mile-long, moving billboard, disrupting morning traffic across Atlanta. A team coordinated live updates across social channels literally changing the conversation from “traffic” to “traffick.” Video assets of the buses and survivor interviews were distributed. Highway billboards, car and store decals spread the Stop Traffick message on the ground. Georgia’s new governor and business leaders were recruited to participate in a rally, bringing notoriety and commitment. It culminated on StopTraffick.com where we promoted ways to take action, including community watchdog pledges, money donations, and training requests for schools and businesses. List the results (30% of vote) AWARENESS: Within 48 hours of the event, the stunt was covered in over 500 news stories, had 160M media impressions, 10.8K social media mentions, and 42M social media impressions. #StopTraffick became a trending topic on Twitter and overall Stop Traffick media mentions went up 4,500%. EDUCATION: Information on how to spot the signs and details on what this crime does to young women were devoured. Facebook engagement went up 594%, page views went up 735%, and video views went up 175,033%. ACTION: The single most important result was the intense focus the FBI put on human trafficking immediately after our event, which led to 169 arrests throughout Metro Atlanta. As an aside, Houston was inspired to find their own “number of school buses,” sparking their own citywide conversation. Twelve more states are in talks to follow suit, proving #StopTraffick is, in fact, inciting a movement.



    Stop Traffick










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