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    案例简介:概要 加拿大安全学校网络 (CSSN) 要求我们帮助他们提高对网络欺凌令人担忧的增长的认识。该运动还需要增加至少 10% 的捐款。没有这些捐赠,CSSN 就不能追求让我们的学校和社区对我们的孩子更安全的使命。 结果 使用程序化的策略来 “欺负” 那些可以为我们传播信息的人,这确实是有回报的。-这项运动极大地影响了我们的 “受害者”: 83% 的目标博客作者和影响者通过他们的博客分享了他们的经验。这场运动在一个拥有 2300万人口的国家产生了惊人的 3000万的印象。-我们广告的点击率高达 14% (类别平均为 0,01%)-最后, 对 CSSN 的捐款比前一年增加了 37% -- 是活动启动前目标的三倍多!所有这一切只有通过一场打破 “规则” 的运动,通过对这项事业的纯粹热情,粗暴对待媒体政治和通常作为标准的政策才有可能。 战略 重新定位横幅广告已经表现得像网络恶霸: 无论你走到哪里,它们都会无情地跟着你。因此,我们使用同样的重新定位广告策略向影响者发送敌对信息。为了做到这一点,我们的战略将三个常见的媒体 behaviours 变成了他们的头上,我们使用了最受指责的媒体定位技术之一,cookie 重新定位 -- 那些在互联网上跟随你的广告 -- 是好的。其次,我们将打破在线媒体的所有频率规则 -- 通过取消目标影响者看到我们信息的次数上限来增强欺凌效应。最后,我们的广告不会是带有加拿大安全学校网络标志和行动呼吁的情感信息。他们将是迟钝的、个人的、面对面的,并且没有品牌标志或信息来表明他们来自哪里。我们相信,打破这些规则将是实现业务目标的途径 活动描述 在加拿大,每三个孩子中就有一个经历过某种形式的欺凌。这是世界上最高的之一。每年,技术都进一步使学校欺凌者能够将他们的折磨扩展到操场之外,这意味着他们的受害者几乎没有地方可以逃避。几乎没有媒体预算,我们的任务是让有影响力的人了解这一重要信息。我们在与事业相关的类别中工作的经验明显表明,我们所针对的那些人的行动和反应 far 那些有个人经历的人大得多。这将使针对成年人的关于网络欺凌这一相对现代现象的信息更加棘手。除此之外,加拿大最受欢迎的 “影响者” 被商业和非营利的参与媒体活动的请求淹没了。我们决定让有影响力的人尝一尝网上欺凌的滋味,这将是我们媒体战略的核心。 执行 该战略通过三个不同的步骤实现,利用数据和重新定位的力量: 我们向 CSSN 的影响者网络发送了一封关于即将到来的反欺凌事件的电子邮件。在里面,我们提前几周在 RSVP 页面上放置了一个像素,给我们一个超限定的目标池。一旦他们点击,我们就被困住了; 他们被 “烹饪” 了。几天后,我们的目标变成了受害者。他们看到诸如 “你很丑” 和 “你的生活是一个笑话” 之类的信息。“无处不在。这些广告没有频率上限。我们的影响者 “受害者” 在某一天看到了多达 60 个恶霸广告。随着暴露频率的增加,信息变得越来越激烈…… 直到我们的网络欺凌实验向影响者揭示。我们的影响者 “受害者” 然后很快与他们的追随者分享他们的欺凌经历。这就是我们如何传递给数百万加拿大人的信息 相关性 最大的想法是通过以创新的方式使用重新定位策略,让有影响力的人尝一尝网上欺凌的滋味。像这样的运动打破了公认的媒体定位规则,这意味着找到一个愿意的媒体合作伙伴并不容易。一个技术专家团队已经到位,绕过了自动化优化平台,并允许我们以所需的极高频率传递信息。通过利用媒体让一些加拿大影响者成为受害者,我们又迈出了一步,确保更少的加拿大年轻人成为真正的受害者。


    案例简介:Synopsis The Canadian Safe School Network (CSSN) asked us to help them raise awareness around the worrying growth of online bullying. The campaign also needed to increase donations by at least 10%. Without these donations, CSSN cannot pursue it mission of making our school and communities safer for our kids. Outcome The strategy to use programmatic to ‘bully’ those who could spread our message for us really paid off. -The campaign greatly impacted our “victims”: 83% of all targeted bloggers and influencers shared their experience through their blogs. The campaign generated an astonishing 23 million earned impressions – in a country of 30 million people. -Click through rates on our ads were as high as 14% (the category average is 0,01%)-Finally, donations to CSSN increased by 37% from the previous year – more than three times the objective set before campaign launch! All of this was only possible by a campaign that broke ‘the rules’ and through sheer passion for the cause, ran roughshod over the media politics and policies that usually come as standard. Strategy Retargeting banners ads already behave like cyber bullies: They relentlessly follow you everywhere you go. Therefore, we used that same retargeting ad strategy to send hostile messages to influencers. To do that, our strategy turned three common media behaviours on their heads We used one of the most reviled media targeting techniques, cookie retargeting – those ads that follow you around the internet - for good. Secondly, we’d break all the frequency rules of online media – enhancing the bullying effect by uncapping the number of times our target influencers saw our messages.And finally, our ads wouldn’t be emotional messages with the Canadian Safe School Network logo and a call to action on them. They would be obtuse, personal, in-your-face and would have no brand logo or message to indicate where they’d come from. We believe that breaking those rules would be the way to meet the business objectives CampaignDescription In Canada, one in three kids have experienced some form of bullying. That’s one of the highest in the world. Every year, technology further enables school bullies to extend their torment outside of playgrounds, meaning that their victims have few places to escape.With little or no media budget, we were tasked with engaging influencers with this important message. Our experience of working in cause-related categories demonstrably shows that action and reaction amongst those we are targeting is far greater amongst those who have had personal experience of it. That would make targeting adults with a message about the relatively modern phenomenon of online bullying even trickier.Added to that, the most popular ‘influencers’ in Canada are inundated with both commercial and not-for-profit requests to get involved in media campaigns. We decided that giving influencers a taste of what online bullying feels like would be the core of our media strategy. Execution The strategy came to life through three different steps, leveraging data and the power of retargeting: we sent out an email to CSSN’s network of influencers regarding an upcoming anti-bullying event. Within it, we placed a pixel on the RSVP page a few weeks in advance to give us a hyper qualified target pool. Once they clicked, we were trapped; they were “cookied”. Days later, our target became the victims. They saw messages such as “You are ugly” and “Your life is a joke.” everywhere. These ads had no frequency cap. Our influencer ‘victims’ saw as many as 60 bully ads on a given day. The messages became more and more intense as the frequency of exposure increased…Until our cyber bullying experiment was revealed to the influencers. Our influencer “victims” then quickly shared their bullying experience with their followers. That’s how our message reached millions of Canadians Relevancy The big idea was to give influencers a taste of what online bullying feels like by using a retargeting strategy in an innovative way.A campaign like this that broke the accepted rules of media targeting mean that finding a willing media partner wasn’t easy. A team of tech specialists were put in place to bypass the automated optimization platforms and allow us to deliver our message at the extremely high frequency level required. By using media to make victims of some of Canada’s influencers, we’d taken another step to making sure that fewer Canadian youngsters become real victims.

    Bully Ads

    案例简介:概要 加拿大安全学校网络 (CSSN) 要求我们帮助他们提高对网络欺凌令人担忧的增长的认识。该运动还需要增加至少 10% 的捐款。没有这些捐赠,CSSN 就不能追求让我们的学校和社区对我们的孩子更安全的使命。 结果 使用程序化的策略来 “欺负” 那些可以为我们传播信息的人,这确实是有回报的。-这项运动极大地影响了我们的 “受害者”: 83% 的目标博客作者和影响者通过他们的博客分享了他们的经验。这场运动在一个拥有 2300万人口的国家产生了惊人的 3000万的印象。-我们广告的点击率高达 14% (类别平均为 0,01%)-最后, 对 CSSN 的捐款比前一年增加了 37% -- 是活动启动前目标的三倍多!所有这一切只有通过一场打破 “规则” 的运动,通过对这项事业的纯粹热情,粗暴对待媒体政治和通常作为标准的政策才有可能。 战略 重新定位横幅广告已经表现得像网络恶霸: 无论你走到哪里,它们都会无情地跟着你。因此,我们使用同样的重新定位广告策略向影响者发送敌对信息。为了做到这一点,我们的战略将三个常见的媒体 behaviours 变成了他们的头上,我们使用了最受指责的媒体定位技术之一,cookie 重新定位 -- 那些在互联网上跟随你的广告 -- 是好的。其次,我们将打破在线媒体的所有频率规则 -- 通过取消目标影响者看到我们信息的次数上限来增强欺凌效应。最后,我们的广告不会是带有加拿大安全学校网络标志和行动呼吁的情感信息。他们将是迟钝的、个人的、面对面的,并且没有品牌标志或信息来表明他们来自哪里。我们相信,打破这些规则将是实现业务目标的途径 活动描述 在加拿大,每三个孩子中就有一个经历过某种形式的欺凌。这是世界上最高的之一。每年,技术都进一步使学校欺凌者能够将他们的折磨扩展到操场之外,这意味着他们的受害者几乎没有地方可以逃避。几乎没有媒体预算,我们的任务是让有影响力的人了解这一重要信息。我们在与事业相关的类别中工作的经验明显表明,我们所针对的那些人的行动和反应 far 那些有个人经历的人大得多。这将使针对成年人的关于网络欺凌这一相对现代现象的信息更加棘手。除此之外,加拿大最受欢迎的 “影响者” 被商业和非营利的参与媒体活动的请求淹没了。我们决定让有影响力的人尝一尝网上欺凌的滋味,这将是我们媒体战略的核心。 执行 该战略通过三个不同的步骤实现,利用数据和重新定位的力量: 我们向 CSSN 的影响者网络发送了一封关于即将到来的反欺凌事件的电子邮件。在里面,我们提前几周在 RSVP 页面上放置了一个像素,给我们一个超限定的目标池。一旦他们点击,我们就被困住了; 他们被 “烹饪” 了。几天后,我们的目标变成了受害者。他们看到诸如 “你很丑” 和 “你的生活是一个笑话” 之类的信息。“无处不在。这些广告没有频率上限。我们的影响者 “受害者” 在某一天看到了多达 60 个恶霸广告。随着暴露频率的增加,信息变得越来越激烈…… 直到我们的网络欺凌实验向影响者揭示。我们的影响者 “受害者” 然后很快与他们的追随者分享他们的欺凌经历。这就是我们如何传递给数百万加拿大人的信息 相关性 最大的想法是通过以创新的方式使用重新定位策略,让有影响力的人尝一尝网上欺凌的滋味。像这样的运动打破了公认的媒体定位规则,这意味着找到一个愿意的媒体合作伙伴并不容易。一个技术专家团队已经到位,绕过了自动化优化平台,并允许我们以所需的极高频率传递信息。通过利用媒体让一些加拿大影响者成为受害者,我们又迈出了一步,确保更少的加拿大年轻人成为真正的受害者。

    Bully Ads

    案例简介:Synopsis The Canadian Safe School Network (CSSN) asked us to help them raise awareness around the worrying growth of online bullying. The campaign also needed to increase donations by at least 10%. Without these donations, CSSN cannot pursue it mission of making our school and communities safer for our kids. Outcome The strategy to use programmatic to ‘bully’ those who could spread our message for us really paid off. -The campaign greatly impacted our “victims”: 83% of all targeted bloggers and influencers shared their experience through their blogs. The campaign generated an astonishing 23 million earned impressions – in a country of 30 million people. -Click through rates on our ads were as high as 14% (the category average is 0,01%)-Finally, donations to CSSN increased by 37% from the previous year – more than three times the objective set before campaign launch! All of this was only possible by a campaign that broke ‘the rules’ and through sheer passion for the cause, ran roughshod over the media politics and policies that usually come as standard. Strategy Retargeting banners ads already behave like cyber bullies: They relentlessly follow you everywhere you go. Therefore, we used that same retargeting ad strategy to send hostile messages to influencers. To do that, our strategy turned three common media behaviours on their heads We used one of the most reviled media targeting techniques, cookie retargeting – those ads that follow you around the internet - for good. Secondly, we’d break all the frequency rules of online media – enhancing the bullying effect by uncapping the number of times our target influencers saw our messages.And finally, our ads wouldn’t be emotional messages with the Canadian Safe School Network logo and a call to action on them. They would be obtuse, personal, in-your-face and would have no brand logo or message to indicate where they’d come from. We believe that breaking those rules would be the way to meet the business objectives CampaignDescription In Canada, one in three kids have experienced some form of bullying. That’s one of the highest in the world. Every year, technology further enables school bullies to extend their torment outside of playgrounds, meaning that their victims have few places to escape.With little or no media budget, we were tasked with engaging influencers with this important message. Our experience of working in cause-related categories demonstrably shows that action and reaction amongst those we are targeting is far greater amongst those who have had personal experience of it. That would make targeting adults with a message about the relatively modern phenomenon of online bullying even trickier.Added to that, the most popular ‘influencers’ in Canada are inundated with both commercial and not-for-profit requests to get involved in media campaigns. We decided that giving influencers a taste of what online bullying feels like would be the core of our media strategy. Execution The strategy came to life through three different steps, leveraging data and the power of retargeting: we sent out an email to CSSN’s network of influencers regarding an upcoming anti-bullying event. Within it, we placed a pixel on the RSVP page a few weeks in advance to give us a hyper qualified target pool. Once they clicked, we were trapped; they were “cookied”. Days later, our target became the victims. They saw messages such as “You are ugly” and “Your life is a joke.” everywhere. These ads had no frequency cap. Our influencer ‘victims’ saw as many as 60 bully ads on a given day. The messages became more and more intense as the frequency of exposure increased…Until our cyber bullying experiment was revealed to the influencers. Our influencer “victims” then quickly shared their bullying experience with their followers. That’s how our message reached millions of Canadians Relevancy The big idea was to give influencers a taste of what online bullying feels like by using a retargeting strategy in an innovative way.A campaign like this that broke the accepted rules of media targeting mean that finding a willing media partner wasn’t easy. A team of tech specialists were put in place to bypass the automated optimization platforms and allow us to deliver our message at the extremely high frequency level required. By using media to make victims of some of Canada’s influencers, we’d taken another step to making sure that fewer Canadian youngsters become real victims.



    Bully Ads










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