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    Diggers Against Injustice短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:为 El Faro: 数字报纸所做的活动的案例电影。这是一个项目,让我们能够创造一种方法,帮助萨尔瓦多人与不公正作斗争,消除他们在世界谋杀之都被谋杀的恐惧。普通公民可以从 1 美元中捐赠给调查基金,这样法罗的记者就可以更深入地调查腐败案件。筹集的资金使许多调查得以进行,并引起了地方当局的反应。这项共同创造的调查揭示了社会中的隐藏问题,很高兴能与团队中的大量人员一起创造性地指导这项运动,使其成为可能。 战略 我们确定了不同的受众: El Faro 读者和社会社区、国际记者、 ong's 、萨尔瓦多人,从低中产阶级到高阶层, 海外萨尔瓦多人和国际大学将 el faro 的调查用于学术目的。我们创建了一系列活动,使用一个发言人为每个观众制作信息。这将使我们能够: 1-让社会参与创造内容 2-在 el faro 主编的干预下,让电影内容向社会、组织、和铁杆读者。 -我们定义了支持运动的两种方式: 1-通过在他们的社交网络上分享事业进行社交(产生公民压力),2-向调查基金捐赠 1 美元,以打击我们网站上的不公正, 允许人们成为联合记者 -- 主编的角色会给人们严肃和理由去相信,特别是利用法罗编辑风格的广泛声誉 执行 这是在一个月内完成的: 大学生: 被邀请在公共空间上制造漏洞,上面写着: 有罪不罚、暴力、腐败。EL faro 的总编辑成为了我们的发言人。我们编辑了 3 个视频: 1-向社会公众发布 2-向国际组织负责人发布,3-为铁杆读者国际记者发布,直接与 lauchkit 联系,邀请他们成为大使。 el faro 的记者在国外举行了一系列新闻发布会,我们设计了一件旅行时使用的 t恤。高级萨尔瓦多人被邀请参加铲子展览艺术家为了出售和增加基金会的努力而创作的作品将人们带到活动网站,在那里他们可以从 1 美元的特别文凭中捐赠给每一个捐赠的人,我们宣布了收入,向每一位参与调查的人发送直接邮件,并在这些活动的结果中增加了一个特别的印章。 概要 萨尔瓦多已经成为世界谋杀之都 (每天发生 25 起谋杀案),在那里,政治家们卷入帮派成员和有组织犯罪,他们一夜暴富,完全不受惩罚。许多人和组织都想对此做些什么,但他们会坚持自己,因为他们担心自己的安全。没有人可以信任,即使是政府或警察也不能信任。El faro 是一家独立的当地数字报纸。他们从不妥协他们的编辑风格,这导致他们依赖于来自组织、大学和当地大型捐助者的捐赠,这些捐助者欣赏他们的新闻类型。他们想发起一场运动来加强他们与读者群体的关系,并让潜在读者和社会意识到他们调查性新闻的重要性。这将使它们能够增加其在 2016年未来供资的潜在捐助者。 活动描述 在 El FARO 所做的每一项调查中,他们都尽可能深入地进行了调查。我们问自己…… 如果社会和组织能够参与并 (安全地) 进行更深入的调查,冒着生命危险,分享法罗记者的英勇劳动,会怎么样?我们以他们的编辑声誉 “深入真实的调查性新闻”,并发起了一场运动: 反不公正的挖掘机,让普通人最终做点什么,谴责他们通过使用符号拒绝这种情况,只捐赠 1 美元给一个基金,让我们的记者深入调查公民自己可以在我们的竞选网站上选择的主题。 结果 结果:-调查基金在一个月内获得 35,000 美元 (一年内报纸销售收入的 20%)-社交媒体覆盖:250万人 -- 报纸网站的流量增加了 30% -- 覆盖了超过 25 个国家,萨尔瓦多人移民允许他们从国外做些什么 -- 将当地媒体的对话转向了该国的腐败案件 -- 创造了一种方式萨尔瓦多人与不公正作斗争在不冒生命危险的情况下,由于基金的帮助,El Faro 的调查结果如下: 对国会议员非法致富的第一次审判启动对前总统非法入境的公民审判发现当前的 vIcepresident 与一家国际贩毒集团的领导人有业务关系 相关性 我们接受了该品牌的声誉: 深入真实的新闻调查,并将其转化为公民在萨尔瓦多反对不公正的斗争中感受到的无能的解决方案。El faro (数字报纸) 的声誉允许创建一个加强他们形象的想法,并实际上促使社会参与、选择和资助导致司法结果的调查。这场运动证实了 el faro 的立场,因为他们的调查有深度,所以只有记者才能意识到这一点:把他们的生命置于危险之中,隐藏在他们为了揭露真相而写的每一个形容词和单词后面。


    案例简介:Case film for campaign done for El Faro: Digital newspaper. This was a project that allowed us to create a way that helped salvadorans to fight injustice, loosing their fear of being murdered for doing so in the world's murder capital.Normal citizens could donate from $1 into an investigation fund so that el faro's journalists could investigate deeper on corruption cases. The money raised allowed many investigations to take place and provoked the reaction from local authorities. This co created investigations brought light over hidden issues in society, it was a pleasure to creatively direct this campaign with a great number of people in the team that made it possible. Strategy We identified the different audiences: El Faro readers and social communities, international journalists, ONG’S, Salvadorans from low middle class to high class,, Salvadorans abroad and International universities that use el faro's investigations for academic purposes. We created a series of events to produce messages for each audience, using one SPOKESPERSON. This would allow us to : 1- Generate participation from society creating content 2- Film that content with the intervention of el faro’s editor in chief addressing messages to: Society, Organizations, and hardcore readers.- We defined two ways of supporting the movement: 1- socially by sharing the cause on their social networks (generating civic pressure), and 2- Financially donating $1 to the investigation fund to fight injustice on our site, allowing people to become co-journalists- The role of the editor in chief would give seriousness and reason to believe, specially using the extended reputation from el faro’s editorial style Execution THIS WAS DONE IN ONE MONTH:UNIVERSITY STUDENTS: were invited to create holes on public spaces that read: IMPUNITY, VIOLENCE, CORRUPTION. EL FARO’S EDITOR IN CHIEF became our spokesperson.We edited 3 videos: 1- public launch to GENERAL SOCIETY 2- to HEADS OF INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS, 3- for HARDCORE READERSINTERNATIONAL JOURNALISTS where contacted directly with a lauchkit inviting them to become ambassadors.El faro’s journalists had a series of JOURNALISTIC CONFERENCES abroad, we designed a t-shirt to use during the trip.HIGH CLASS SALVADORANS, where invited to a shovels exhibition, created by artists to sell and increase the fundevery effort led people to the campaigns site where they could donate from $1SPECIAL DIPLOMAS where sent to every person that donated We announced the earnings, sent direct mails to every person that participated a special stamp was added to investigations published as a result of the movements effort. Synopsis El Salvador has become the murder capital of the world ( 25 murders daily ), where politicians are involved with gang members and organized crime, they get rich overnight and enjoy total impunity.Many people and organizations want to do something about it, but hold themselves because they fear for their safety. No one can be trusted, not even the government or police.El faro is an independent local digital newspaper. They never compromise their editorial style, and this has led them to depend on donations from organizations, universities and local big donors that appreciate their type of journalism.They wanted to launch a campaign that would strengthen their relationship with their group of readers, and generate awareness of the importance of their investigative journalism on potencial readers and society. This would allow them to increase their potential donors in and out of the country for future funding in 2016. Campaign Description In every investigation done by El FARO, they have investigated as deep as they could. We asked ourselves… what if society and organizations could participate and produce deeper investigations ( safely ) with out risking their lives, and share the heroic labour of el faro's journalists. We took their editorial reputation “Deep truthful investigative journalism” and created a movement: DIGGERS AGAINST INJUSTICE that would empower regular people to finally do something, denounce their rejection towards the situation by using a symbol, and donate just $1 into a fund that would allow our journalists to investigate profoundly the themes citizens themselves could choose in our campaign’s site. Outcome RESULTS:- $35,000 recieved in one month for investigation fund ( 20% of the newspapers sales income in one year)- Social media reach: 2.5 million people- Traffic to the newspaper site increased 30% - Reached over 25 countries where salvadorans migrated allowing them to do something from abroad- Shifted local media conversation towards corruption cases in the country- Created a way for Salvadorans to fight injustice without risking their lifes- El Faro’s investigation thanks to the fund resulted in: • The first trial against a Congressman for unlawful enrichment • Initiation of a civic trial for unlawful enrinchment against a former president • Discovering that the current vicepresident has business relations with the leader of an international DRUG CARTEL Relevancy We took the brand’s reputation: DEEP TRUTHFUL JOURNALISTIC INVESTIGATION and turned it into a solution for the impotence felt by citizens to fight against injustice in El Salvador. El faro’s ( DIGITAL NEWSPAPER ) reputation allowed the creation of an idea that strengthen their image and actually caused society to participate, choosing and funding investigations that led to judicial results.This campaign reafirms what el faro stands for,generating awareness about the role only its journalists play because of the depth of their investigations: putting their lives at risk, behind every adjective and word they write to uncover the truth.

    Diggers Against Injustice

    案例简介:为 El Faro: 数字报纸所做的活动的案例电影。这是一个项目,让我们能够创造一种方法,帮助萨尔瓦多人与不公正作斗争,消除他们在世界谋杀之都被谋杀的恐惧。普通公民可以从 1 美元中捐赠给调查基金,这样法罗的记者就可以更深入地调查腐败案件。筹集的资金使许多调查得以进行,并引起了地方当局的反应。这项共同创造的调查揭示了社会中的隐藏问题,很高兴能与团队中的大量人员一起创造性地指导这项运动,使其成为可能。 战略 我们确定了不同的受众: El Faro 读者和社会社区、国际记者、 ong's 、萨尔瓦多人,从低中产阶级到高阶层, 海外萨尔瓦多人和国际大学将 el faro 的调查用于学术目的。我们创建了一系列活动,使用一个发言人为每个观众制作信息。这将使我们能够: 1-让社会参与创造内容 2-在 el faro 主编的干预下,让电影内容向社会、组织、和铁杆读者。 -我们定义了支持运动的两种方式: 1-通过在他们的社交网络上分享事业进行社交(产生公民压力),2-向调查基金捐赠 1 美元,以打击我们网站上的不公正, 允许人们成为联合记者 -- 主编的角色会给人们严肃和理由去相信,特别是利用法罗编辑风格的广泛声誉 执行 这是在一个月内完成的: 大学生: 被邀请在公共空间上制造漏洞,上面写着: 有罪不罚、暴力、腐败。EL faro 的总编辑成为了我们的发言人。我们编辑了 3 个视频: 1-向社会公众发布 2-向国际组织负责人发布,3-为铁杆读者国际记者发布,直接与 lauchkit 联系,邀请他们成为大使。 el faro 的记者在国外举行了一系列新闻发布会,我们设计了一件旅行时使用的 t恤。高级萨尔瓦多人被邀请参加铲子展览艺术家为了出售和增加基金会的努力而创作的作品将人们带到活动网站,在那里他们可以从 1 美元的特别文凭中捐赠给每一个捐赠的人,我们宣布了收入,向每一位参与调查的人发送直接邮件,并在这些活动的结果中增加了一个特别的印章。 概要 萨尔瓦多已经成为世界谋杀之都 (每天发生 25 起谋杀案),在那里,政治家们卷入帮派成员和有组织犯罪,他们一夜暴富,完全不受惩罚。许多人和组织都想对此做些什么,但他们会坚持自己,因为他们担心自己的安全。没有人可以信任,即使是政府或警察也不能信任。El faro 是一家独立的当地数字报纸。他们从不妥协他们的编辑风格,这导致他们依赖于来自组织、大学和当地大型捐助者的捐赠,这些捐助者欣赏他们的新闻类型。他们想发起一场运动来加强他们与读者群体的关系,并让潜在读者和社会意识到他们调查性新闻的重要性。这将使它们能够增加其在 2016年未来供资的潜在捐助者。 活动描述 在 El FARO 所做的每一项调查中,他们都尽可能深入地进行了调查。我们问自己…… 如果社会和组织能够参与并 (安全地) 进行更深入的调查,冒着生命危险,分享法罗记者的英勇劳动,会怎么样?我们以他们的编辑声誉 “深入真实的调查性新闻”,并发起了一场运动: 反不公正的挖掘机,让普通人最终做点什么,谴责他们通过使用符号拒绝这种情况,只捐赠 1 美元给一个基金,让我们的记者深入调查公民自己可以在我们的竞选网站上选择的主题。 结果 结果:-调查基金在一个月内获得 35,000 美元 (一年内报纸销售收入的 20%)-社交媒体覆盖:250万人 -- 报纸网站的流量增加了 30% -- 覆盖了超过 25 个国家,萨尔瓦多人移民允许他们从国外做些什么 -- 将当地媒体的对话转向了该国的腐败案件 -- 创造了一种方式萨尔瓦多人与不公正作斗争在不冒生命危险的情况下,由于基金的帮助,El Faro 的调查结果如下: 对国会议员非法致富的第一次审判启动对前总统非法入境的公民审判发现当前的 vIcepresident 与一家国际贩毒集团的领导人有业务关系 相关性 我们接受了该品牌的声誉: 深入真实的新闻调查,并将其转化为公民在萨尔瓦多反对不公正的斗争中感受到的无能的解决方案。El faro (数字报纸) 的声誉允许创建一个加强他们形象的想法,并实际上促使社会参与、选择和资助导致司法结果的调查。这场运动证实了 el faro 的立场,因为他们的调查有深度,所以只有记者才能意识到这一点:把他们的生命置于危险之中,隐藏在他们为了揭露真相而写的每一个形容词和单词后面。

    Diggers Against Injustice

    案例简介:Case film for campaign done for El Faro: Digital newspaper. This was a project that allowed us to create a way that helped salvadorans to fight injustice, loosing their fear of being murdered for doing so in the world's murder capital.Normal citizens could donate from $1 into an investigation fund so that el faro's journalists could investigate deeper on corruption cases. The money raised allowed many investigations to take place and provoked the reaction from local authorities. This co created investigations brought light over hidden issues in society, it was a pleasure to creatively direct this campaign with a great number of people in the team that made it possible. Strategy We identified the different audiences: El Faro readers and social communities, international journalists, ONG’S, Salvadorans from low middle class to high class,, Salvadorans abroad and International universities that use el faro's investigations for academic purposes. We created a series of events to produce messages for each audience, using one SPOKESPERSON. This would allow us to : 1- Generate participation from society creating content 2- Film that content with the intervention of el faro’s editor in chief addressing messages to: Society, Organizations, and hardcore readers.- We defined two ways of supporting the movement: 1- socially by sharing the cause on their social networks (generating civic pressure), and 2- Financially donating $1 to the investigation fund to fight injustice on our site, allowing people to become co-journalists- The role of the editor in chief would give seriousness and reason to believe, specially using the extended reputation from el faro’s editorial style Execution THIS WAS DONE IN ONE MONTH:UNIVERSITY STUDENTS: were invited to create holes on public spaces that read: IMPUNITY, VIOLENCE, CORRUPTION. EL FARO’S EDITOR IN CHIEF became our spokesperson.We edited 3 videos: 1- public launch to GENERAL SOCIETY 2- to HEADS OF INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS, 3- for HARDCORE READERSINTERNATIONAL JOURNALISTS where contacted directly with a lauchkit inviting them to become ambassadors.El faro’s journalists had a series of JOURNALISTIC CONFERENCES abroad, we designed a t-shirt to use during the trip.HIGH CLASS SALVADORANS, where invited to a shovels exhibition, created by artists to sell and increase the fundevery effort led people to the campaigns site where they could donate from $1SPECIAL DIPLOMAS where sent to every person that donated We announced the earnings, sent direct mails to every person that participated a special stamp was added to investigations published as a result of the movements effort. Synopsis El Salvador has become the murder capital of the world ( 25 murders daily ), where politicians are involved with gang members and organized crime, they get rich overnight and enjoy total impunity.Many people and organizations want to do something about it, but hold themselves because they fear for their safety. No one can be trusted, not even the government or police.El faro is an independent local digital newspaper. They never compromise their editorial style, and this has led them to depend on donations from organizations, universities and local big donors that appreciate their type of journalism.They wanted to launch a campaign that would strengthen their relationship with their group of readers, and generate awareness of the importance of their investigative journalism on potencial readers and society. This would allow them to increase their potential donors in and out of the country for future funding in 2016. Campaign Description In every investigation done by El FARO, they have investigated as deep as they could. We asked ourselves… what if society and organizations could participate and produce deeper investigations ( safely ) with out risking their lives, and share the heroic labour of el faro's journalists. We took their editorial reputation “Deep truthful investigative journalism” and created a movement: DIGGERS AGAINST INJUSTICE that would empower regular people to finally do something, denounce their rejection towards the situation by using a symbol, and donate just $1 into a fund that would allow our journalists to investigate profoundly the themes citizens themselves could choose in our campaign’s site. Outcome RESULTS:- $35,000 recieved in one month for investigation fund ( 20% of the newspapers sales income in one year)- Social media reach: 2.5 million people- Traffic to the newspaper site increased 30% - Reached over 25 countries where salvadorans migrated allowing them to do something from abroad- Shifted local media conversation towards corruption cases in the country- Created a way for Salvadorans to fight injustice without risking their lifes- El Faro’s investigation thanks to the fund resulted in: • The first trial against a Congressman for unlawful enrichment • Initiation of a civic trial for unlawful enrinchment against a former president • Discovering that the current vicepresident has business relations with the leader of an international DRUG CARTEL Relevancy We took the brand’s reputation: DEEP TRUTHFUL JOURNALISTIC INVESTIGATION and turned it into a solution for the impotence felt by citizens to fight against injustice in El Salvador. El faro’s ( DIGITAL NEWSPAPER ) reputation allowed the creation of an idea that strengthen their image and actually caused society to participate, choosing and funding investigations that led to judicial results.This campaign reafirms what el faro stands for,generating awareness about the role only its journalists play because of the depth of their investigations: putting their lives at risk, behind every adjective and word they write to uncover the truth.



    Diggers Against Injustice










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