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    Love you, my girl短视频,海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:20 多年前成立,旨在促进人权和基本自由,男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者每天都在努力打击基于个人偏好、性取向和性别认同的歧视。该协会的工作旨在满足男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者社区的所有需求,主要有三个目标: 为社区成员提供帮助, 倡导体制进步 (通过提案或立法修正案),并挑战民间社会。今年,男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者之间决定主要集中讨论年轻的变性者群体。就像成年人跨社区一样,他们仍然受到歧视和迫害。这是一个社区遭受的口头和身体虐待,包括死亡。事实上,85% 的跨性别者一生都会遭受虐待。 (1) 提高社会对此的认识, 该协会与 TBWA \ Paris-Dan Paris 和 Wanda Paris 机构合作,决定围绕电影《爱你,我的女孩 ”) 和网站 SupportTransPeople.com,既呼吁关注这个问题,也支持社区。电影《爱你,我的女孩》由巴黎万达制作,后期制作由 TBWA \ Else 制作, 使用情感作为一种工具来吸引公众的注意力,并告知他们这个主题。基于父亲和他的跨性别女儿之间的关系,这项运动的目标是让公众意识到,如果没有周围人的支持,跨性别男孩/女孩, 无论是儿童还是青少年,都能发现很难克服生活中的挑战,尤其是虐待 -- 包括成为学校受害者的风险。这部影响深远的电影让观众走上了一个错误的轨道,这样结局就有了更大的影响,展示了令人震惊的信息,并鼓励人们 “支持跨性别者”。与此同时,这是一个数字平台,帮助指导年轻跨性别者的父母和亲戚,以及任何对他们的困境感兴趣的人。Website 网站的设计和导航旨在提供流畅而发人深省的浏览体验,它提供了大量关于如何更加理解和善良的关键信息。所有跨性别儿童或青少年的父母和亲属,甚至仅仅是某个亲近的人, 由于访问网站的人可以阅读和倾听的证明,以动态的方式呈现的关键统计数据,建议,你可以发现如何支持和帮助他们,合作伙伴协会的地址 -- 也是对跨性别者基本权利的提醒。这项运动将在 3 月底发起,并将在国家电视频道和社交网络上播出。同性恋者、双性恋者和变性者还呼吁政治领导人和亲属帮助改变不保护变性者 (包括年轻人) 免受日常歧视的心态和立法。它还呼吁对性别重新分配手术感兴趣的人根据自己的意愿更好地接受手术。# 支持 tranpeople


    案例简介:Founded more than 20 years ago to promote human rights and fundamental freedoms, Inter-LGBT works every day to combat discrimination based on personal preference, sexual orientation and gender identity. The work of this association, which aims to cover all of the needs of the LGBT community, has three main objectives: to provide help to members of the community, to advocate for institutional advances (via proposals or amendments to legislation), and to challenge civil society. This year, Inter-LGBT has decided to mainly focus its discussion on the young transgender community. Just like the adult trans community, they are still discriminated against and persecuted. This is one of the communities that suffers from the most verbal and physical abuse, including fatalities. In fact, 85% of trans people will suffer abuse throughout their lives.(1) To raise an awareness of this in society, the association - in collaboration with the agency TBWA\Paris – Dan Paris and Wanda Paris - decided to create a means of communication built around the film “Je t’aime ma fille” (“Love you, my girl”) and the website SupportTransPeople.com, to both call attention to this subject and to support the community. The film “Love you, my girl” produced by Wanda Paris and with post-production carried out by TBWA\Else, uses emotion as a tool to capture the general public’s attention and inform them about the subject. Based on the relationship between a father and his trans daughter, the goal of the campaign is to make the general public aware that, without the support of the people around them, trans boys/girls, whether children or teenagers, can find it very difficult to overcome life’s challenges, especially abuse - including the risk of becoming a victim at school. This deeply affecting film leads viewers down a false track so that the ending has an even greater impact, showing shocking information and encouraging people to “support trans people”. At the same time, this is a digital platform to help guide the parents and relatives of young trans people, along with anyone interested in their plight. The website supporttranspeople.com, whose design and navigation were designed to offer a smooth and thought-provoking browsing experience, provides a great amount of key information on how to be more understanding and kind. All parents and relatives of trans children or teenagers, or even simply someone is close to one, can discover how to support and help them thanks to testimonials that can be read and listened to by those who visit the site, the key statistics presented in a dynamic way, the advice, addresses of partner associations - but also a reminder of the fundamental rights of trans people. The campaign will be launched at the end of March and will be broadcast on national television channels, as well as social networks. Inter-LGBT also calls for political leaders and relatives to help change the mentalities and legislation that do not protect trans people (including young trans people) from recurring daily discrimination. It also calls for better access to gender reassignment surgery, for those who are interested in it, based on their individual wishes. #SupportTransPeople

    Love you, my girl

    案例简介:20 多年前成立,旨在促进人权和基本自由,男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者每天都在努力打击基于个人偏好、性取向和性别认同的歧视。该协会的工作旨在满足男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者社区的所有需求,主要有三个目标: 为社区成员提供帮助, 倡导体制进步 (通过提案或立法修正案),并挑战民间社会。今年,男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者之间决定主要集中讨论年轻的变性者群体。就像成年人跨社区一样,他们仍然受到歧视和迫害。这是一个社区遭受的口头和身体虐待,包括死亡。事实上,85% 的跨性别者一生都会遭受虐待。 (1) 提高社会对此的认识, 该协会与 TBWA \ Paris-Dan Paris 和 Wanda Paris 机构合作,决定围绕电影《爱你,我的女孩 ”) 和网站 SupportTransPeople.com,既呼吁关注这个问题,也支持社区。电影《爱你,我的女孩》由巴黎万达制作,后期制作由 TBWA \ Else 制作, 使用情感作为一种工具来吸引公众的注意力,并告知他们这个主题。基于父亲和他的跨性别女儿之间的关系,这项运动的目标是让公众意识到,如果没有周围人的支持,跨性别男孩/女孩, 无论是儿童还是青少年,都能发现很难克服生活中的挑战,尤其是虐待 -- 包括成为学校受害者的风险。这部影响深远的电影让观众走上了一个错误的轨道,这样结局就有了更大的影响,展示了令人震惊的信息,并鼓励人们 “支持跨性别者”。与此同时,这是一个数字平台,帮助指导年轻跨性别者的父母和亲戚,以及任何对他们的困境感兴趣的人。Website 网站的设计和导航旨在提供流畅而发人深省的浏览体验,它提供了大量关于如何更加理解和善良的关键信息。所有跨性别儿童或青少年的父母和亲属,甚至仅仅是某个亲近的人, 由于访问网站的人可以阅读和倾听的证明,以动态的方式呈现的关键统计数据,建议,你可以发现如何支持和帮助他们,合作伙伴协会的地址 -- 也是对跨性别者基本权利的提醒。这项运动将在 3 月底发起,并将在国家电视频道和社交网络上播出。同性恋者、双性恋者和变性者还呼吁政治领导人和亲属帮助改变不保护变性者 (包括年轻人) 免受日常歧视的心态和立法。它还呼吁对性别重新分配手术感兴趣的人根据自己的意愿更好地接受手术。# 支持 tranpeople

    Love you, my girl

    案例简介:Founded more than 20 years ago to promote human rights and fundamental freedoms, Inter-LGBT works every day to combat discrimination based on personal preference, sexual orientation and gender identity. The work of this association, which aims to cover all of the needs of the LGBT community, has three main objectives: to provide help to members of the community, to advocate for institutional advances (via proposals or amendments to legislation), and to challenge civil society. This year, Inter-LGBT has decided to mainly focus its discussion on the young transgender community. Just like the adult trans community, they are still discriminated against and persecuted. This is one of the communities that suffers from the most verbal and physical abuse, including fatalities. In fact, 85% of trans people will suffer abuse throughout their lives.(1) To raise an awareness of this in society, the association - in collaboration with the agency TBWA\Paris – Dan Paris and Wanda Paris - decided to create a means of communication built around the film “Je t’aime ma fille” (“Love you, my girl”) and the website SupportTransPeople.com, to both call attention to this subject and to support the community. The film “Love you, my girl” produced by Wanda Paris and with post-production carried out by TBWA\Else, uses emotion as a tool to capture the general public’s attention and inform them about the subject. Based on the relationship between a father and his trans daughter, the goal of the campaign is to make the general public aware that, without the support of the people around them, trans boys/girls, whether children or teenagers, can find it very difficult to overcome life’s challenges, especially abuse - including the risk of becoming a victim at school. This deeply affecting film leads viewers down a false track so that the ending has an even greater impact, showing shocking information and encouraging people to “support trans people”. At the same time, this is a digital platform to help guide the parents and relatives of young trans people, along with anyone interested in their plight. The website supporttranspeople.com, whose design and navigation were designed to offer a smooth and thought-provoking browsing experience, provides a great amount of key information on how to be more understanding and kind. All parents and relatives of trans children or teenagers, or even simply someone is close to one, can discover how to support and help them thanks to testimonials that can be read and listened to by those who visit the site, the key statistics presented in a dynamic way, the advice, addresses of partner associations - but also a reminder of the fundamental rights of trans people. The campaign will be launched at the end of March and will be broadcast on national television channels, as well as social networks. Inter-LGBT also calls for political leaders and relatives to help change the mentalities and legislation that do not protect trans people (including young trans people) from recurring daily discrimination. It also calls for better access to gender reassignment surgery, for those who are interested in it, based on their individual wishes. #SupportTransPeople



    Love you, my girl










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