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    Reunting Memories From 1947短视频广告营销案例



    萦绕 1947 的记忆

    案例简介:活动描述 OLX Daastaan 是一项倡议,旨在让人们与 68 年前没有越过边境的财产团聚。OLX 在线市场的二手商品满 40 国家包括印度和巴基斯坦,开放平台的跨月之间的物品。都被要求列出项目网站属于前置分区的时代。因此,让很多平台进行追踪,并恢复其长分区丢失的物品,而使月陪练) 又近了一步。 执行 2015年8月15日日是独立日的印度和巴基斯坦,OLX。在与 OLX.com.pk 合并其平台的物品。来自这两个国家被要求列出项目的预分区时代的网站使用前缀 # DAASTAAN。这使移民的分区的追踪和贸易 68 年后回失去的东西。来自印度和巴基斯坦开始分享他们所表现出的分区丢失的物品,使用 # Daastaan 代表着永恒的故事。OLX Daastaan 成为社交媒体谈话,使月国又近了一步。我们被按月凄美的故事成薄膜,平均 1400万次跨平台,并有共同的社会媒体。 战略 在印度和巴基斯坦的划分在 1947年,1500万人被迫离开家园,移居到另一个国家。消息时当时的世界最大的移民,没什么是故事的财物的人留了下来。OLX 作为网站的二手商品, 看到一个机会,利用其全球平台,人们就可以从这两个国家的列表项目属于前隔板时代的网站。给人们一个机会与他们失去的财产团聚,同时开始印度和巴基斯坦之间的友好贸易。 概要 1947 分区的印度和巴基斯坦认为世界上最大的移民的历史,与穆斯林前往巴基斯坦和印度的前往印度。人们被要求离开,在片刻的通知,迫使他们放弃自己的房屋和财产。物品试验结果显示,由于紧张 68 月国家之间发生以来的分区。 结果 • 超过 100万台上市 OLX 印度和巴基斯坦的平台。 • 在 1000's 久未见的东西 · 用户的参与增加了 334.77% · 62,078,818 在媒体的印象。在所有的数字,我们最大的结果取决于那些无形的喜悦回到过去,希望那些还在等着。 相关性 1947,世界上最大的移民在印度和巴基斯坦分治。身后迫使许多人离开他们的生命和财产。OLX,领先的在线市场的二手商品在印度和巴基斯坦使用的平台,再次让人与回忆。竞选汇成 olx。在和 olx.com.pk 的有史以来第一次,使两国的移民来换回来的物品。# Daastaan 使 OLX 能够从 Facebook 、 Instagram 和 Twitter 上的人那里收集这样的故事。报道重新进入电影,平均为 1400万跨平台的看法。与主要媒体上引起轰动。

    萦绕 1947 的记忆

    案例简介:Campaign Description OLX Daastaan was an initiative to reunite people with their belongings that didn’t make it across the border 68 years ago. OLX, an online marketplace for used goods in over 40 countries including India and Pakistan, opened up their platform for cross-listings between the 2 countries. People on both sides were then asked to list items on the website that belonged to the pre-partition era. Thus, giving many a platform to track down and regain their long lost belongings from the partition, while bringing 2 sparring nations a step closer. Execution On August 15, 2015 which was Independence Day for both India and Pakistan, OLX.in and OLX.com.pk merged their platform for cross-listings. People from both countries were then asked to list items from the pre-partition era on the website using the prefix #DAASTAAN. This gave the migrants from the partition a chance to trace and trade back their lost belongings after 68 years.People from India and Pakistan started sharing stories of their lost belongings from the partition, using #Daastaan which stood for timeless stories. OLX Daastaan became a social media conversation, bringing the 2 countries a step closer. We recreated 2 of these stories into poignant films that averaged 14 Million views across platforms, and got shared across social media. Strategy When India and Pakistan partitioned in 1947, 15 million people were forced to leave their homes and migrate to another country. While the news back then focused on the world’s largest migration, what it missed was the story of the belongings people left behind. OLX, being a website for used goods, saw an opportunity to take advantage of their global platform by enabling people from both countries to list such items that belonged to the pre-partition era on the website. Giving people a chance to be reunited with their lost belongings while initiating a trade of good-will between India and Pakistan. Synopsis The 1947 Partition of India and Pakistan saw the world’s largest migration in history, with Muslims moving to Pakistan and Hindu s heading to India. People were asked to leave at a moment’s notice, forcing them to leave behind their houses and belongings. Belongings they never saw again, owing to the tension that transpired between the 2 countries 68 years since the partition. Outcome •Over 1 million listings on OLX India’s and Pakistan’s platform.•Over 1000’s reunited with their belongings •User engagement went up by 334.77%•62,078,818 in media impressions.Amidst all the numbers, our biggest result lie in the intangible joy of those who got back their past and the hopes of those who are still waiting. Relevancy 1947 saw the world’s largest migration when India and Pakistan partitioned. Forcing many to leave their lives and belongings behind. OLX, a leading online marketplace for used goods in both India and Pakistan used its platform to reunite people with their lost memories. The campaign merged olx.in and olx.com.pk for the first time in history, enabling migrants from both countries to trade back the belongings. #Daastaan enabled OLX to collect such stories from people on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Stories that were recreated into films that averaged 14 million views across platforms as well. And made headlines on prominent media.

    Reunting Memories From 1947

    案例简介:活动描述 OLX Daastaan 是一项倡议,旨在让人们与 68 年前没有越过边境的财产团聚。OLX 在线市场的二手商品满 40 国家包括印度和巴基斯坦,开放平台的跨月之间的物品。都被要求列出项目网站属于前置分区的时代。因此,让很多平台进行追踪,并恢复其长分区丢失的物品,而使月陪练) 又近了一步。 执行 2015年8月15日日是独立日的印度和巴基斯坦,OLX。在与 OLX.com.pk 合并其平台的物品。来自这两个国家被要求列出项目的预分区时代的网站使用前缀 # DAASTAAN。这使移民的分区的追踪和贸易 68 年后回失去的东西。来自印度和巴基斯坦开始分享他们所表现出的分区丢失的物品,使用 # Daastaan 代表着永恒的故事。OLX Daastaan 成为社交媒体谈话,使月国又近了一步。我们被按月凄美的故事成薄膜,平均 1400万次跨平台,并有共同的社会媒体。 战略 在印度和巴基斯坦的划分在 1947年,1500万人被迫离开家园,移居到另一个国家。消息时当时的世界最大的移民,没什么是故事的财物的人留了下来。OLX 作为网站的二手商品, 看到一个机会,利用其全球平台,人们就可以从这两个国家的列表项目属于前隔板时代的网站。给人们一个机会与他们失去的财产团聚,同时开始印度和巴基斯坦之间的友好贸易。 概要 1947 分区的印度和巴基斯坦认为世界上最大的移民的历史,与穆斯林前往巴基斯坦和印度的前往印度。人们被要求离开,在片刻的通知,迫使他们放弃自己的房屋和财产。物品试验结果显示,由于紧张 68 月国家之间发生以来的分区。 结果 • 超过 100万台上市 OLX 印度和巴基斯坦的平台。 • 在 1000's 久未见的东西 · 用户的参与增加了 334.77% · 62,078,818 在媒体的印象。在所有的数字,我们最大的结果取决于那些无形的喜悦回到过去,希望那些还在等着。 相关性 1947,世界上最大的移民在印度和巴基斯坦分治。身后迫使许多人离开他们的生命和财产。OLX,领先的在线市场的二手商品在印度和巴基斯坦使用的平台,再次让人与回忆。竞选汇成 olx。在和 olx.com.pk 的有史以来第一次,使两国的移民来换回来的物品。# Daastaan 使 OLX 能够从 Facebook 、 Instagram 和 Twitter 上的人那里收集这样的故事。报道重新进入电影,平均为 1400万跨平台的看法。与主要媒体上引起轰动。

    Reunting Memories From 1947

    案例简介:Campaign Description OLX Daastaan was an initiative to reunite people with their belongings that didn’t make it across the border 68 years ago. OLX, an online marketplace for used goods in over 40 countries including India and Pakistan, opened up their platform for cross-listings between the 2 countries. People on both sides were then asked to list items on the website that belonged to the pre-partition era. Thus, giving many a platform to track down and regain their long lost belongings from the partition, while bringing 2 sparring nations a step closer. Execution On August 15, 2015 which was Independence Day for both India and Pakistan, OLX.in and OLX.com.pk merged their platform for cross-listings. People from both countries were then asked to list items from the pre-partition era on the website using the prefix #DAASTAAN. This gave the migrants from the partition a chance to trace and trade back their lost belongings after 68 years.People from India and Pakistan started sharing stories of their lost belongings from the partition, using #Daastaan which stood for timeless stories. OLX Daastaan became a social media conversation, bringing the 2 countries a step closer. We recreated 2 of these stories into poignant films that averaged 14 Million views across platforms, and got shared across social media. Strategy When India and Pakistan partitioned in 1947, 15 million people were forced to leave their homes and migrate to another country. While the news back then focused on the world’s largest migration, what it missed was the story of the belongings people left behind. OLX, being a website for used goods, saw an opportunity to take advantage of their global platform by enabling people from both countries to list such items that belonged to the pre-partition era on the website. Giving people a chance to be reunited with their lost belongings while initiating a trade of good-will between India and Pakistan. Synopsis The 1947 Partition of India and Pakistan saw the world’s largest migration in history, with Muslims moving to Pakistan and Hindu s heading to India. People were asked to leave at a moment’s notice, forcing them to leave behind their houses and belongings. Belongings they never saw again, owing to the tension that transpired between the 2 countries 68 years since the partition. Outcome •Over 1 million listings on OLX India’s and Pakistan’s platform.•Over 1000’s reunited with their belongings •User engagement went up by 334.77%•62,078,818 in media impressions.Amidst all the numbers, our biggest result lie in the intangible joy of those who got back their past and the hopes of those who are still waiting. Relevancy 1947 saw the world’s largest migration when India and Pakistan partitioned. Forcing many to leave their lives and belongings behind. OLX, a leading online marketplace for used goods in both India and Pakistan used its platform to reunite people with their lost memories. The campaign merged olx.in and olx.com.pk for the first time in history, enabling migrants from both countries to trade back the belongings. #Daastaan enabled OLX to collect such stories from people on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Stories that were recreated into films that averaged 14 million views across platforms as well. And made headlines on prominent media.

    萦绕 1947 的记忆


    Reunting Memories From 1947










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