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    案例简介:概要 自由之声网络是由他的创始人劳伦特 · 理查德在面临两种情况后创建的: 1。阿塞拜疆记者 Khadija Ismayilova 要求他完成她开始对她的国家的腐败进行的调查,为此她的生命受到威胁。2。然后他和查理周刊共用办公室,是第一个进入讽刺报纸攻击区的人,并告诉自己,没有记者应该为他们的报纸和言论自由而死。简报很简单: 号召全世界所有濒临灭绝的记者把他们的文件交给自由之声网络。目标也很简单。保持尽可能多的濒危记者活着。 战略 达芙妮项目是第一个被禁止告诉所有濒危记者的故事: “他们可能会吓到你,他们不会杀了你的故事,他们不会杀了你”。这对所有恐吓记者的人来说也是一个明确的信息: 通过让记者沉默,你会让自己接触到一个更大的故事。使用该平台的记者越多,在加密云上上传文档的记者就越多,安全的记者就越多。我们利用自由之声网络的影响力来支持平台的使用。 相关性 自由之声网络,为记者的言论自由和安全而战,于 2017年10月由洛朗 · 理查德在华盛顿发起。我们被要求帮助创建一个保护濒危记者的项目。因此,被禁止的故事诞生了,一个加密的云平台,让记者保存他们的故事,进而保存他们的生活。 结果 到目前为止,33 个国家有 41 个头版。456 million 的人发现了第一个被禁止的故事,叫做 “达芙妮项目”,让事情发生在欧洲的心脏。该项目获得国际认可。我们向世界各地的审查人员发出了一个强有力的信息。今天我们让达芙妮的故事继续下去。只要记者继续受到威胁。自由之声网络不会停止。禁止的故事。让记者活着。不仅仅是他们的故事。 执行 4月15日星期日,forbiddenstories.org 发布了达芙妮的故事作为第一部分内容。发射过程中的秘密是重大的,因为所有记者和我们都面临着处理一个敏感项目的潜在风险,这个项目即将造成政治地震。那天和接下来的一周,来自 18 个新闻机构的 45 名记者都发布了这个被禁止的故事,并呼吁他们的头版、在线和电视报道世界各地的记者加入这个网络。 活动描述 感到不安全的记者可以使用区块链技术将他们的故事保护到我们的加密云平台中。如果他们发生了什么事,他们的故事将被恢复、完成并广泛披露。第一个被禁止的故事叫做达芙妮项目,是在记者达芙妮 · 卡鲁阿娜 · 加利齐亚在汽车炸弹袭击中丧生之后。她在呼吁马耳他的政治腐败。我们召集了来自 18 个新闻机构的 45 名记者,让他们合作恢复成千上万份加密文件,以完成达芙妮的调查,并牢记一个目标: 揭示达芙妮的凶手想要隐藏什么。禁止故事不仅仅是一个加密的云平台。这是给所有濒危记者和所有危害记者的人的信息。


    案例简介:Synopsis Freedom Voices Network was created by Laurent Richard, his founder, after he faced two situations: 1. Khadija Ismayilova, Azerbaijanis journalist, asked him to complete an investigation she started on corruption in her country, and for which her life was threatened. 2. He then shared offices with Charlie Hebdo and was the first to enter the satirical newspaper attack zone and told himself that no journalists should die for their papers and their freedom of speech. The brief was simple: to call out all endangered journalists around the world for them to hand over their documents to Freedom voices network. The objective was also simple. Maintain as many endangered journalists alive. Strategy Daphne project is the first forbidden story to tell all endangered journalists: "they may frighten you, they won't kill your stories, they won't kill you". It is also a clear message to all those who frighten journalists: by silencing a journalist, you expose yourself to an even bigger story. The more journalists use the platform, the more journalists upload their documents on the encrypted cloud, the more journalists are safe. We have used the Freedom Voices Network influence to support the use of the platform. Relevancy Freedom Voices Network, fighting for journalists’ freedom of speech and safety, was launched in October 2017 in Washington by Laurent Richard. We were asked to help give birth to a project to protect endangered journalists. So, Forbidden Stories was born, an encrypted cloud platform for journalists to save their stories and by extension, their lives. Outcome 41 front pages in 33 countries so far. 456 millions of people have discovered the first Forbidden Story called « Daphne Project » making things happen at the heart of Europe. The project was internationally recognized. And we sent a powerful message to all censors around the world. Today we have kept Daphne’s story alive. And as long as journalists will continue to be threatened. Freedom voices network won't stop. Forbidden stories. Keep journalists alive. Not only their stories. Execution On Sunday 15th of April, forbiddenstories.org was launched with Daphne's story as a first piece of content. The secrecy around the launch was major, as all journalists and us were at potential risk for dealing with a sensitive project which was about to create a political earthquake. That day and the following week, all 45 journalists from 18 news organizations released the forbidden story and called on their front pages, online and TV reports the journalists around the world to join the network. CampaignDescription Journalists who feel insecure can protect their stories into our encrypted cloud platform using block chain technology. In case something happens to them, their stories will be resumed, finished and revealed broadly. The first forbidden story is called Daphne Project, after Journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia who was killed in a car bomb attack. She was calling out political corruption in Malta. We gathered 45 journalists from 18 news organizations and make them collaborate to resume hundreds of thousands encrypted documents to complete Daphne's investigations with one goal in mind: reveal what Daphne's killers wanted to hide. Forbidden Story is not just an encrypted cloud platform. It is a message to all endangered journalists and to all those who endanger journalists.

    Forbidden Stories

    案例简介:概要 自由之声网络是由他的创始人劳伦特 · 理查德在面临两种情况后创建的: 1。阿塞拜疆记者 Khadija Ismayilova 要求他完成她开始对她的国家的腐败进行的调查,为此她的生命受到威胁。2。然后他和查理周刊共用办公室,是第一个进入讽刺报纸攻击区的人,并告诉自己,没有记者应该为他们的报纸和言论自由而死。简报很简单: 号召全世界所有濒临灭绝的记者把他们的文件交给自由之声网络。目标也很简单。保持尽可能多的濒危记者活着。 战略 达芙妮项目是第一个被禁止告诉所有濒危记者的故事: “他们可能会吓到你,他们不会杀了你的故事,他们不会杀了你”。这对所有恐吓记者的人来说也是一个明确的信息: 通过让记者沉默,你会让自己接触到一个更大的故事。使用该平台的记者越多,在加密云上上传文档的记者就越多,安全的记者就越多。我们利用自由之声网络的影响力来支持平台的使用。 相关性 自由之声网络,为记者的言论自由和安全而战,于 2017年10月由洛朗 · 理查德在华盛顿发起。我们被要求帮助创建一个保护濒危记者的项目。因此,被禁止的故事诞生了,一个加密的云平台,让记者保存他们的故事,进而保存他们的生活。 结果 到目前为止,33 个国家有 41 个头版。456 million 的人发现了第一个被禁止的故事,叫做 “达芙妮项目”,让事情发生在欧洲的心脏。该项目获得国际认可。我们向世界各地的审查人员发出了一个强有力的信息。今天我们让达芙妮的故事继续下去。只要记者继续受到威胁。自由之声网络不会停止。禁止的故事。让记者活着。不仅仅是他们的故事。 执行 4月15日星期日,forbiddenstories.org 发布了达芙妮的故事作为第一部分内容。发射过程中的秘密是重大的,因为所有记者和我们都面临着处理一个敏感项目的潜在风险,这个项目即将造成政治地震。那天和接下来的一周,来自 18 个新闻机构的 45 名记者都发布了这个被禁止的故事,并呼吁他们的头版、在线和电视报道世界各地的记者加入这个网络。 活动描述 感到不安全的记者可以使用区块链技术将他们的故事保护到我们的加密云平台中。如果他们发生了什么事,他们的故事将被恢复、完成并广泛披露。第一个被禁止的故事叫做达芙妮项目,是在记者达芙妮 · 卡鲁阿娜 · 加利齐亚在汽车炸弹袭击中丧生之后。她在呼吁马耳他的政治腐败。我们召集了来自 18 个新闻机构的 45 名记者,让他们合作恢复成千上万份加密文件,以完成达芙妮的调查,并牢记一个目标: 揭示达芙妮的凶手想要隐藏什么。禁止故事不仅仅是一个加密的云平台。这是给所有濒危记者和所有危害记者的人的信息。

    Forbidden Stories

    案例简介:Synopsis Freedom Voices Network was created by Laurent Richard, his founder, after he faced two situations: 1. Khadija Ismayilova, Azerbaijanis journalist, asked him to complete an investigation she started on corruption in her country, and for which her life was threatened. 2. He then shared offices with Charlie Hebdo and was the first to enter the satirical newspaper attack zone and told himself that no journalists should die for their papers and their freedom of speech. The brief was simple: to call out all endangered journalists around the world for them to hand over their documents to Freedom voices network. The objective was also simple. Maintain as many endangered journalists alive. Strategy Daphne project is the first forbidden story to tell all endangered journalists: "they may frighten you, they won't kill your stories, they won't kill you". It is also a clear message to all those who frighten journalists: by silencing a journalist, you expose yourself to an even bigger story. The more journalists use the platform, the more journalists upload their documents on the encrypted cloud, the more journalists are safe. We have used the Freedom Voices Network influence to support the use of the platform. Relevancy Freedom Voices Network, fighting for journalists’ freedom of speech and safety, was launched in October 2017 in Washington by Laurent Richard. We were asked to help give birth to a project to protect endangered journalists. So, Forbidden Stories was born, an encrypted cloud platform for journalists to save their stories and by extension, their lives. Outcome 41 front pages in 33 countries so far. 456 millions of people have discovered the first Forbidden Story called « Daphne Project » making things happen at the heart of Europe. The project was internationally recognized. And we sent a powerful message to all censors around the world. Today we have kept Daphne’s story alive. And as long as journalists will continue to be threatened. Freedom voices network won't stop. Forbidden stories. Keep journalists alive. Not only their stories. Execution On Sunday 15th of April, forbiddenstories.org was launched with Daphne's story as a first piece of content. The secrecy around the launch was major, as all journalists and us were at potential risk for dealing with a sensitive project which was about to create a political earthquake. That day and the following week, all 45 journalists from 18 news organizations released the forbidden story and called on their front pages, online and TV reports the journalists around the world to join the network. CampaignDescription Journalists who feel insecure can protect their stories into our encrypted cloud platform using block chain technology. In case something happens to them, their stories will be resumed, finished and revealed broadly. The first forbidden story is called Daphne Project, after Journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia who was killed in a car bomb attack. She was calling out political corruption in Malta. We gathered 45 journalists from 18 news organizations and make them collaborate to resume hundreds of thousands encrypted documents to complete Daphne's investigations with one goal in mind: reveal what Daphne's killers wanted to hide. Forbidden Story is not just an encrypted cloud platform. It is a message to all endangered journalists and to all those who endanger journalists.



    Forbidden Stories


    广告公司: 智威汤逊 (法国 巴黎) 制作公司: Munso




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