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    Young Masseuse短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:活动描述 CDA 没有资金进行全面的媒体宣传。相反,我们利用这个机会利用了我们城市独有的低成本媒介 -- 按摩院卡。发现在停车场,他们几乎没有法律可疑的按摩广告。每个人都讨厌的一种媒介被制作成 ally.5000 张卡片被重新制作成看起来像按摩院的卡片。然而,穿着暴露的妇女的形象被小孩子的形象所取代。后面的信息谈到了这个问题,并给出了帮助热线的细节。在 21 天内,CDA 志愿者将这些卡片放在停车场的汽车上,旁边是其他普通的按摩卡。效果是一张没人扔的牌。当人们从他们的汽车上取下通常的卡时,他们停下来了。在这些卡片上看到孩子的震惊让他们在情感上脆弱。我们有一个他们不能忽视的信息。 执行 花 1000 美元,在 21 天的时间里,5000 张卡片被印在了整个城市的汽车上。这最初是作为一个试点计划进行的,目的是在一个融合了近 192 个民族和敏感性的保守社会中测试可行性。但是随着我们看到的压倒性的积极反应,数百个打给中心的电话,人们把卡片装进口袋而不是扔掉,我们很快就搬到了越来越多的停车场,穿过商场, 突出的商业区、住宅区,甚至迪拜的 “沙滩公园” -- 即兴停车场。 相关性 当 CDA 迪拜推出 24 小时儿童保护热线和中心时,恋童癖被揭露为一个日益严重的问题。咨询师告诉我们,这通常是从儿童或儿童提供的按摩开始的。CDA 利用了我们城市独有的低成本媒体 -- 按摩院卡。创建了带有幼儿面孔和帮助热线号码的定制名片,并将其放在停车场的汽车上。花 1000 美元,在 21 天的时间里,5000 张卡留在了整个城市的汽车上。一个月内,结果是 1678 个电话到该中心,142 名儿童迄今获救。 结果 在几个月的时间里,求助热线的电话有所增加。主流媒体表示有兴趣进一步支持这一活动。总预算为 1000 美元,人人都不喜欢的媒体现在已经成为反对儿童性虐待的有力工具。迄今为止,已经收到了 1678 个电话。1400 起案件仍在审理中。当地人和外籍人士的比例是 60: 40,142 名儿童获救。其他政府机构表示有兴趣帮助 CDA 进行更多的制卡和分发。 战略 我们的目标受众是迪拜社区。谁不知道这样的帮助热线存在。谁知道恋童癖,但保持沉默。那些想知道为什么他们的孩子回避触摸的父母和那些怀疑有问题但不能报告的母亲。我们找到了一种利用汽车和公共停车场的媒介。迪拜是一个汽车城。80% 的居民开车。事实上,在 SEC A + 、 A 、 B + B 甚至 C 中,几乎 100% 的人拥有/出租/停放汽车。我们使用了一种媒体,确保我们能够最大限度地覆盖不同的细分市场、文化和人口。一个他们都知道存在的媒介,最不喜欢的。我们给了他们一个不扔掉卡片的理由。“受虐儿童从不做广告” -- 我们告诉他们。但是他们可以向那些患有恋童癖的人传递信息,并告诉他们拨打 800 988。 概要 当迪拜社区发展局 (CDA) 推出 24 小时儿童保护热线和中心时,性虐待被揭露为一个日益严重的问题。在与中心的顾问进一步交谈时,很明显,恋童癖往往是从儿童或他们身边的人给他们按摩开始的。我们面临的挑战是文化和金钱。社会禁忌、缺乏认识和对这个问题的普遍不情愿使我们很难认识到儿童如何识别和报告恋童癖。对于我们的非营利客户来说,广泛的主流媒体预算太高了。我们的目标受众是迪拜社区。谁不知道这样的帮助热线存在。谁知道恋童癖,但保持沉默。想知道为什么他们的孩子回避触摸的父母和怀疑有问题但不能报告的母亲。


    案例简介:Campaign Description CDA did not have the funds for a full fledged media campaign. Instead, we used this opportunity to harness a low-cost medium unique to our city, Massage Parlor Cards. Found across car parks, they advertised barely legal dubious massages. A medium everyone hated was made into an ally.5000 cards were re-created to look like massage parlour cards. However, images of skimpily clad women were replaced by those of young children. Messages at the back spoke about the issue, and gave details of the helpline. Over 21 days, CDA volunteers placed these cards on cars in parking lots, next to other, regular massage cards. The effect was a card no one threw. As people removed the usual cards from their cars, they stopped. The shock of seeing children on these cards left them emotionally vulnerable. We had a message they could not overlook. Execution For $1000, 5000 cards were printed and left on cars across the city over a 21-day period. This was initially run as a pilot scheme to test feasibility in a conservative society that had an amalgamation of almost 192 nationalities and sensitivities. But with the overwhelming positive reactions we saw, hundreds of calls to the centre, people pocketing the cards instead of throwing them away, we soon moved to more and more parking lots, reaching across malls, prominent business districts, residential areas and even the 'Sand-Park' - impromptu car parking lots within Dubai. Relevancy When CDA Dubai's launched its 24-Hr Child Protection Helpline & Centre, Pedophilia was revealed as a growing problem. Counsellors told us it often began under the pretense of a massage given by or to children. CDA harnessed a low-cost medium unique to our city, Massage Parlour Cards.Custom business cards with faces of young children and the helpline number were created & placed on cars in parking lots.For $1000, 5000 cards were left on cars across the city over a 21-day period. Within a month, the results were 1678 calls to the centre with 142 children rescued to date. Outcome In a manner of months, calls to the helpline showed an increase. Mainstream media expressed an interest in supporting this activation further. For a total budget of $1000, a medium everybody disliked has now become a powerful tool against child sexual abuse.Till date, there have been 1678 calls received. 1400 cases are still open. The ratio of locals to expatriates was a 60:40 142 children have been rescued. Other government bodies have expressed an interest in helping CDA with more card printing and distribution. Strategy Our target audience were the community of Dubai. Who did not know such a helpline existed. Who knew of paedophilia but kept quiet. Parents who wondered why their kids shied away from touch and mothers who suspected something was wrong but could not report it.We found a medium that utilised cars, and public parking lots. Dubai is a car city. 80% of its residents drive. In fact in SEC A+, A, B+ B and even C, almost 100% are people that own/rent/park cars.We utilised a medium that ensured we could maximise reach across segments, cultures and demographics. A medium that they all knew existed, that most disliked. We gave them a reason to NOT throw away the card. "ABUSED CHILDREN NEVER ADVERTISE" - we told them. But THEY could carry the message to and of those suffering from pedophilia, and tell them to call 800 988. Synopsis When Dubai's Community Development Authority (CDA) launched its 24-Hr Child Protection Helpline & Centre, Sexual Abuse was revealed as a growing problem. Speaking further with counselors at the centre it was evident that Pedophilia often began under the pretense of a massage given by or to children, from people close to them.Our challenges were cultural and monetary. A combination of societal taboo, lack of awareness and general reluctance towards the issue made it difficult for us to create awareness about how children could identify and report Pedophilia. A widespread mainstream media budget was too steep for our non-profit client.Our target audience were the community of Dubai. Who did not know such a helpline existed. Who knew of pedophilia but kept quiet. Parents who wondered why their kids shied away from touch and mothers who suspected something was wrong but could not report it.

    Young Masseuse

    案例简介:活动描述 CDA 没有资金进行全面的媒体宣传。相反,我们利用这个机会利用了我们城市独有的低成本媒介 -- 按摩院卡。发现在停车场,他们几乎没有法律可疑的按摩广告。每个人都讨厌的一种媒介被制作成 ally.5000 张卡片被重新制作成看起来像按摩院的卡片。然而,穿着暴露的妇女的形象被小孩子的形象所取代。后面的信息谈到了这个问题,并给出了帮助热线的细节。在 21 天内,CDA 志愿者将这些卡片放在停车场的汽车上,旁边是其他普通的按摩卡。效果是一张没人扔的牌。当人们从他们的汽车上取下通常的卡时,他们停下来了。在这些卡片上看到孩子的震惊让他们在情感上脆弱。我们有一个他们不能忽视的信息。 执行 花 1000 美元,在 21 天的时间里,5000 张卡片被印在了整个城市的汽车上。这最初是作为一个试点计划进行的,目的是在一个融合了近 192 个民族和敏感性的保守社会中测试可行性。但是随着我们看到的压倒性的积极反应,数百个打给中心的电话,人们把卡片装进口袋而不是扔掉,我们很快就搬到了越来越多的停车场,穿过商场, 突出的商业区、住宅区,甚至迪拜的 “沙滩公园” -- 即兴停车场。 相关性 当 CDA 迪拜推出 24 小时儿童保护热线和中心时,恋童癖被揭露为一个日益严重的问题。咨询师告诉我们,这通常是从儿童或儿童提供的按摩开始的。CDA 利用了我们城市独有的低成本媒体 -- 按摩院卡。创建了带有幼儿面孔和帮助热线号码的定制名片,并将其放在停车场的汽车上。花 1000 美元,在 21 天的时间里,5000 张卡留在了整个城市的汽车上。一个月内,结果是 1678 个电话到该中心,142 名儿童迄今获救。 结果 在几个月的时间里,求助热线的电话有所增加。主流媒体表示有兴趣进一步支持这一活动。总预算为 1000 美元,人人都不喜欢的媒体现在已经成为反对儿童性虐待的有力工具。迄今为止,已经收到了 1678 个电话。1400 起案件仍在审理中。当地人和外籍人士的比例是 60: 40,142 名儿童获救。其他政府机构表示有兴趣帮助 CDA 进行更多的制卡和分发。 战略 我们的目标受众是迪拜社区。谁不知道这样的帮助热线存在。谁知道恋童癖,但保持沉默。那些想知道为什么他们的孩子回避触摸的父母和那些怀疑有问题但不能报告的母亲。我们找到了一种利用汽车和公共停车场的媒介。迪拜是一个汽车城。80% 的居民开车。事实上,在 SEC A + 、 A 、 B + B 甚至 C 中,几乎 100% 的人拥有/出租/停放汽车。我们使用了一种媒体,确保我们能够最大限度地覆盖不同的细分市场、文化和人口。一个他们都知道存在的媒介,最不喜欢的。我们给了他们一个不扔掉卡片的理由。“受虐儿童从不做广告” -- 我们告诉他们。但是他们可以向那些患有恋童癖的人传递信息,并告诉他们拨打 800 988。 概要 当迪拜社区发展局 (CDA) 推出 24 小时儿童保护热线和中心时,性虐待被揭露为一个日益严重的问题。在与中心的顾问进一步交谈时,很明显,恋童癖往往是从儿童或他们身边的人给他们按摩开始的。我们面临的挑战是文化和金钱。社会禁忌、缺乏认识和对这个问题的普遍不情愿使我们很难认识到儿童如何识别和报告恋童癖。对于我们的非营利客户来说,广泛的主流媒体预算太高了。我们的目标受众是迪拜社区。谁不知道这样的帮助热线存在。谁知道恋童癖,但保持沉默。想知道为什么他们的孩子回避触摸的父母和怀疑有问题但不能报告的母亲。

    Young Masseuse

    案例简介:Campaign Description CDA did not have the funds for a full fledged media campaign. Instead, we used this opportunity to harness a low-cost medium unique to our city, Massage Parlor Cards. Found across car parks, they advertised barely legal dubious massages. A medium everyone hated was made into an ally.5000 cards were re-created to look like massage parlour cards. However, images of skimpily clad women were replaced by those of young children. Messages at the back spoke about the issue, and gave details of the helpline. Over 21 days, CDA volunteers placed these cards on cars in parking lots, next to other, regular massage cards. The effect was a card no one threw. As people removed the usual cards from their cars, they stopped. The shock of seeing children on these cards left them emotionally vulnerable. We had a message they could not overlook. Execution For $1000, 5000 cards were printed and left on cars across the city over a 21-day period. This was initially run as a pilot scheme to test feasibility in a conservative society that had an amalgamation of almost 192 nationalities and sensitivities. But with the overwhelming positive reactions we saw, hundreds of calls to the centre, people pocketing the cards instead of throwing them away, we soon moved to more and more parking lots, reaching across malls, prominent business districts, residential areas and even the 'Sand-Park' - impromptu car parking lots within Dubai. Relevancy When CDA Dubai's launched its 24-Hr Child Protection Helpline & Centre, Pedophilia was revealed as a growing problem. Counsellors told us it often began under the pretense of a massage given by or to children. CDA harnessed a low-cost medium unique to our city, Massage Parlour Cards.Custom business cards with faces of young children and the helpline number were created & placed on cars in parking lots.For $1000, 5000 cards were left on cars across the city over a 21-day period. Within a month, the results were 1678 calls to the centre with 142 children rescued to date. Outcome In a manner of months, calls to the helpline showed an increase. Mainstream media expressed an interest in supporting this activation further. For a total budget of $1000, a medium everybody disliked has now become a powerful tool against child sexual abuse.Till date, there have been 1678 calls received. 1400 cases are still open. The ratio of locals to expatriates was a 60:40 142 children have been rescued. Other government bodies have expressed an interest in helping CDA with more card printing and distribution. Strategy Our target audience were the community of Dubai. Who did not know such a helpline existed. Who knew of paedophilia but kept quiet. Parents who wondered why their kids shied away from touch and mothers who suspected something was wrong but could not report it.We found a medium that utilised cars, and public parking lots. Dubai is a car city. 80% of its residents drive. In fact in SEC A+, A, B+ B and even C, almost 100% are people that own/rent/park cars.We utilised a medium that ensured we could maximise reach across segments, cultures and demographics. A medium that they all knew existed, that most disliked. We gave them a reason to NOT throw away the card. "ABUSED CHILDREN NEVER ADVERTISE" - we told them. But THEY could carry the message to and of those suffering from pedophilia, and tell them to call 800 988. Synopsis When Dubai's Community Development Authority (CDA) launched its 24-Hr Child Protection Helpline & Centre, Sexual Abuse was revealed as a growing problem. Speaking further with counselors at the centre it was evident that Pedophilia often began under the pretense of a massage given by or to children, from people close to them.Our challenges were cultural and monetary. A combination of societal taboo, lack of awareness and general reluctance towards the issue made it difficult for us to create awareness about how children could identify and report Pedophilia. A widespread mainstream media budget was too steep for our non-profit client.Our target audience were the community of Dubai. Who did not know such a helpline existed. Who knew of pedophilia but kept quiet. Parents who wondered why their kids shied away from touch and mothers who suspected something was wrong but could not report it.



    Young Masseuse










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