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    LA fort-赌一个杀人犯

    案例简介:概要 法国电视频道 France 3 准备推出全新的电视剧: 《 La fort 》。一个关于一个年轻女孩被谋杀的犯罪系列,整个村庄都被怀疑。电视频道想宣传这个未知的系列 (第一季),并围绕它创造最大的关注。但是,当市场已经充斥着这部新的犯罪剧时,你如何围绕这部新的犯罪剧进行对话? 战略 有了这种普遍的洞察力 (在看犯罪小说时押注凶手的身份),我们知道这个想法会立即引起媒体的注意。令人印象深刻的媒体报道很快就传到观众那里,他们自然地把调查和谈论这个系列带到社交媒体上。为了支持有机的嗡嗡声,电视和社交媒体都发布了预告片和直播帖子,以吸引观众体验。特别针对系列粉丝和赌徒社区。这些预告片和帖子也展示了该系列的角色,在播出的时候,他们的系列完全相同。 相关性 LA fort-BET 对杀人犯的押注是法国电视频道法国 3 开发的现场押注第二屏幕体验,目的是促进其新犯罪剧《 La fort 》的推出。它将六集犯罪系列变成了互动内容,让观众能够对凶手的身份下注。与博彩平台 Winamax 合作开发并在线推出, 体验包括该系列的互动播出,通过投注赔率来增强,这些赔率出现在屏幕上,并根据情节和角色的动作实时演变。 结果 这种创新的互动体验于去年11月推出,立即引起媒体的关注,并引发了令人印象深刻的报道。这个项目自然被观众带到社交媒体上。最终为该系列创造了更多的媒体曝光,也是电视频道虚构节目的最佳观众之一。•7620万媒体印象平均花费 15 分钟与体验互动移动用户 63.5% 该系列在 3 周内有 1340万观众 + 9.5% 电视频道观众 (法国 3) 当月 852 名获胜者押注于合适的凶手 21 014 € 总收益 执行 在娱乐作品和现场游戏之间,它将六集系列变成了互动内容,让观众能够对凶手的身份下真正的赌注。数据是这种转变的中心。多亏了 WINAMAX 的交易员,该系列通过投注赔率得到了增强,这些赔率出现在屏幕上,并根据情节和角色的行为实时演变。行动越是被怀疑,胜算就越低。至于体育的赌注。这些赔率是在该系列的六集中直播的。已经创建了一个特殊的构建算法,以允许在虚构的程序上下注。来自数千名现场赌徒的数据 (下注、下注数量、角色几率、奖励等) 由算法管理,以提供真正的下注体验, 这是第一次融入犯罪系列。 活动描述 我打赌他是凶手,我们在看一部充满扭曲的犯罪剧时都这么说。为了创造关于其新系列的对话,法国 3 在这一普遍的洞察力上反弹,并设置了一个互动的第二屏幕体验,让每个观众对该系列的凶手的身份进行真正的押注。制作《拉福雷特》: 第一部任何人都可以打赌凶手身份的电视连续剧。该体验是与博彩平台 WINAMAX 合作开发的,包括该系列的互动播放, 通过投注出现在屏幕上并根据情节和角色的动作实时进化的赔率来增强。第一次为一个虚构的节目构建,一种独特的赌博算法使观众能够在该系列的每个播出晚上在专门的网站 lacoteduspect 上实时押注凶手的身份。 fr (移动和桌面)

    LA fort-赌一个杀人犯

    案例简介:Synopsis French TV channel France 3 was ready to launch its brand new TV drama : « La Forêt ». A crime series about a young girl found murdered, and where a whole village becomes suspect. The TV channel wanted to promote this yet unknown series (first season) and create a maximum of attention around it. But how do you generate conversation around this new crime drama, when the market is already inundated with series ? Strategy With this universal insight (betting on the murderer’s identity while watching crime fictions), we know the idea will instantly catch the media’s attention. The impressive media coverage soon reaches the audience, who naturally brought the investigation and talked about the series onto social medias. To support the organic buzz, trailers and live posts were placed on both TV and social medias in order to drive the audience to the experience. With a special targeting on series fans and gamblers communities. These trailers and posts also presented characters from the series, with their exact same series’ odds at the moment they were broadcasted. Relevancy LA FORÊT- BET ON A MURDERER is a live betting second screen experience developed by french TV channel France 3 in order to promote the launch of its new crime drama : « La Forêt ». It turned a six episodes crime series into an interactive content which enabled the audience to place real bets on the murderer’s identity. Developed in partnership with betting platform Winamax and launched online, the experience included an interactive airing of the series enhanced by betting odds which appeared on screen and evolved in real time depending on the plot and the character’s actions. Outcome Launched last November, this innovative interactive experience instantly caught the media’s attention and triggered an impressive coverage. The project has then naturally been brought onto social media by the audience. Ultimately generating more earned media exposure for the series, and one of the TV channel's best audience figures for a fictional program. • 76.2 million media impressions • 15 minutes spent in interaction with the experience on average • 63.5% from mobile users • 13.4 million viewers in 3 weeks for the series • +9.5% viewers for the TV channel (France 3) on the month • 852 winners bet on the right murderer • 21 014€ total gain Execution Halfway between an entertainment piece and a live game, it turned a six episodes series into an interactive content which enabled the audience to place real bets on the murderer’s identity. Data were at the center of this transformation. Thanks to WINAMAX’s traders, the series has been enhanced by betting odds which appeared on screen and evolved in real time depending on the plot and the character’s actions. The more the action was suspect, the lower the odds turned. As for sport’s bets. These odds has been generated Live all along the six episodes of the series. A special built algorithm has been created to enable betting actions on a fictional program. Data from thousands of live gamblers (bets, amount of bets, odds of the characters, rewards…etc) were managed by the algorithm in order to offer a true betting experience, for the first time integrated in a crime series. CampaignDescription « I bet he’s the murderer » We’ve all said that while watching a twist-filled crime drama. To create conversation about its new series, France 3 bounced on this universal insight and set an interactive second screen experience allowing each viewer to take real bets on the series murderer’s identity. Making La Forêt : the first TV series where anyone can bet on the murderer’s identity. Developed in partnership with betting platform WINAMAX, the experience included an interactive airing of the series, enhanced by betting odds which appeared on screen and evolved in real time depending on the plot and the character’s actions. Built for a fictional program for the first time, a unique betting algorithm enabled the viewers to live bet on the murderer’s identity each airing night of the series, on the dedicated website lacotedususpect.fr (mobile & desktop)


    案例简介:概要 法国电视频道 France 3 准备推出全新的电视剧: 《 La fort 》。一个关于一个年轻女孩被谋杀的犯罪系列,整个村庄都被怀疑。电视频道想宣传这个未知的系列 (第一季),并围绕它创造最大的关注。但是,当市场已经充斥着这部新的犯罪剧时,你如何围绕这部新的犯罪剧进行对话? 战略 有了这种普遍的洞察力 (在看犯罪小说时押注凶手的身份),我们知道这个想法会立即引起媒体的注意。令人印象深刻的媒体报道很快就传到观众那里,他们自然地把调查和谈论这个系列带到社交媒体上。为了支持有机的嗡嗡声,电视和社交媒体都发布了预告片和直播帖子,以吸引观众体验。特别针对系列粉丝和赌徒社区。这些预告片和帖子也展示了该系列的角色,在播出的时候,他们的系列完全相同。 相关性 LA fort-BET 对杀人犯的押注是法国电视频道法国 3 开发的现场押注第二屏幕体验,目的是促进其新犯罪剧《 La fort 》的推出。它将六集犯罪系列变成了互动内容,让观众能够对凶手的身份下注。与博彩平台 Winamax 合作开发并在线推出, 体验包括该系列的互动播出,通过投注赔率来增强,这些赔率出现在屏幕上,并根据情节和角色的动作实时演变。 结果 这种创新的互动体验于去年11月推出,立即引起媒体的关注,并引发了令人印象深刻的报道。这个项目自然被观众带到社交媒体上。最终为该系列创造了更多的媒体曝光,也是电视频道虚构节目的最佳观众之一。•7620万媒体印象平均花费 15 分钟与体验互动移动用户 63.5% 该系列在 3 周内有 1340万观众 + 9.5% 电视频道观众 (法国 3) 当月 852 名获胜者押注于合适的凶手 21 014 € 总收益 执行 在娱乐作品和现场游戏之间,它将六集系列变成了互动内容,让观众能够对凶手的身份下真正的赌注。数据是这种转变的中心。多亏了 WINAMAX 的交易员,该系列通过投注赔率得到了增强,这些赔率出现在屏幕上,并根据情节和角色的行为实时演变。行动越是被怀疑,胜算就越低。至于体育的赌注。这些赔率是在该系列的六集中直播的。已经创建了一个特殊的构建算法,以允许在虚构的程序上下注。来自数千名现场赌徒的数据 (下注、下注数量、角色几率、奖励等) 由算法管理,以提供真正的下注体验, 这是第一次融入犯罪系列。 活动描述 我打赌他是凶手,我们在看一部充满扭曲的犯罪剧时都这么说。为了创造关于其新系列的对话,法国 3 在这一普遍的洞察力上反弹,并设置了一个互动的第二屏幕体验,让每个观众对该系列的凶手的身份进行真正的押注。制作《拉福雷特》: 第一部任何人都可以打赌凶手身份的电视连续剧。该体验是与博彩平台 WINAMAX 合作开发的,包括该系列的互动播放, 通过投注出现在屏幕上并根据情节和角色的动作实时进化的赔率来增强。第一次为一个虚构的节目构建,一种独特的赌博算法使观众能够在该系列的每个播出晚上在专门的网站 lacoteduspect 上实时押注凶手的身份。 fr (移动和桌面)


    案例简介:Synopsis French TV channel France 3 was ready to launch its brand new TV drama : « La Forêt ». A crime series about a young girl found murdered, and where a whole village becomes suspect. The TV channel wanted to promote this yet unknown series (first season) and create a maximum of attention around it. But how do you generate conversation around this new crime drama, when the market is already inundated with series ? Strategy With this universal insight (betting on the murderer’s identity while watching crime fictions), we know the idea will instantly catch the media’s attention. The impressive media coverage soon reaches the audience, who naturally brought the investigation and talked about the series onto social medias. To support the organic buzz, trailers and live posts were placed on both TV and social medias in order to drive the audience to the experience. With a special targeting on series fans and gamblers communities. These trailers and posts also presented characters from the series, with their exact same series’ odds at the moment they were broadcasted. Relevancy LA FORÊT- BET ON A MURDERER is a live betting second screen experience developed by french TV channel France 3 in order to promote the launch of its new crime drama : « La Forêt ». It turned a six episodes crime series into an interactive content which enabled the audience to place real bets on the murderer’s identity. Developed in partnership with betting platform Winamax and launched online, the experience included an interactive airing of the series enhanced by betting odds which appeared on screen and evolved in real time depending on the plot and the character’s actions. Outcome Launched last November, this innovative interactive experience instantly caught the media’s attention and triggered an impressive coverage. The project has then naturally been brought onto social media by the audience. Ultimately generating more earned media exposure for the series, and one of the TV channel's best audience figures for a fictional program. • 76.2 million media impressions • 15 minutes spent in interaction with the experience on average • 63.5% from mobile users • 13.4 million viewers in 3 weeks for the series • +9.5% viewers for the TV channel (France 3) on the month • 852 winners bet on the right murderer • 21 014€ total gain Execution Halfway between an entertainment piece and a live game, it turned a six episodes series into an interactive content which enabled the audience to place real bets on the murderer’s identity. Data were at the center of this transformation. Thanks to WINAMAX’s traders, the series has been enhanced by betting odds which appeared on screen and evolved in real time depending on the plot and the character’s actions. The more the action was suspect, the lower the odds turned. As for sport’s bets. These odds has been generated Live all along the six episodes of the series. A special built algorithm has been created to enable betting actions on a fictional program. Data from thousands of live gamblers (bets, amount of bets, odds of the characters, rewards…etc) were managed by the algorithm in order to offer a true betting experience, for the first time integrated in a crime series. CampaignDescription « I bet he’s the murderer » We’ve all said that while watching a twist-filled crime drama. To create conversation about its new series, France 3 bounced on this universal insight and set an interactive second screen experience allowing each viewer to take real bets on the series murderer’s identity. Making La Forêt : the first TV series where anyone can bet on the murderer’s identity. Developed in partnership with betting platform WINAMAX, the experience included an interactive airing of the series, enhanced by betting odds which appeared on screen and evolved in real time depending on the plot and the character’s actions. Built for a fictional program for the first time, a unique betting algorithm enabled the viewers to live bet on the murderer’s identity each airing night of the series, on the dedicated website lacotedususpect.fr (mobile & desktop)

    LA fort-赌一个杀人犯












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