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    案例简介:概要 癌症诊断对任何人来说都是可怕的,但对一个孩子来说更是可怕的。他们被复杂的术语和程序轰炸,这些术语和程序令人生畏、陌生,而且往往非常可怕。医学研究表明,当儿科癌症患者了解他们发生了什么以及会发生什么时,他们会感到不那么害怕,体验不到焦虑,总体上做得更好。不幸的是,没有资源可以用孩子们能理解的方式解释癌症护理。 战略 儿童脑瘤基金会已经在寻找治疗儿童脑瘤的方法上领先,需要在他们的 “护理” 方面建立基础。治愈。茁壮成长。“使命。我们的目标是创造资源,帮助孩子们、他们的父母和他们的照顾者,为他们提供易于理解的信息,以便他们能够更好地驾驭战胜癌症的压倒性经验。 相关性 与癌症作斗争的孩子不仅在寻找重要问题的答案,他们还在寻找分心的东西。尤其是那些面临长期住院的人。这些往往是孤独的延伸,即使家人和亲人在身边。想象中的朋友社会电影系列为这些孩子提供了教育和娱乐。 结果 一旦启动,进行了一项调查,以量化确认这些电影对那些直接受儿童癌症影响的人产生了预期的影响。看到这些视频后,96% 的人觉得这些视频有助于父母和护理人员与孩子谈论困难的问题。85% 的人认为这些视频帮助孩子们减少了焦虑和恐惧。80% 表示,这些视频符合实际需求,是他们会向其他人推荐的。在没有花费任何媒体资金的情况下,该活动得以传播,并获得了大量的公益媒体支持。电视消息覆盖了 83% 的美国,国家电视台从 2018年3月开始在 Hulu 播出。最重要的是,全国领先的医院,如洛杉矶儿童医院和达纳法伯癌症研究所,已经永久地将想象中的朋友社会电影系列纳入他们的住院患者娱乐网络。这些电影已经被翻译成 20 多种不同的语言,并在 4 大洲发行。 执行 通过一系列 22 部动画短片,想象中的朋友社会角色解释了这些孩子面临的癌症的各个方面。涵盖从 “什么是核磁共振” 到 “重返学校” 到更复杂的情感话题,如 “悲伤”。"最终为孩子们提供一个知识库,帮助他们在对抗癌症的过程中找到一点控制和理解。 活动描述 我们创造性的解决方案是选择一个困难的主题,让孩子们可以接触到它。开发一种既能教育又能娱乐的资源。所以,我们创造了一群有趣的虚构人物,叫做想象中的朋友社会。他们的工作?帮助孩子们以一种与之相关的方式提供癌症护理信息。这个想法本身是从真正的癌症幸存者那里诞生的,他们告诉我们他们有想象中的朋友,帮助他们应对长期住院。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes N/a 简要解释 观众 对于每年被诊断患有癌症的 300,000 名儿童来说,没有任何资源可以提供他们需要的答案。想象中的朋友社会系列旨在帮助孩子们更好地理解癌症护理的各个方面。这些电影被医学界采纳,现在在世界各地的医院都有放映。


    案例简介:Synopsis A cancer diagnosis is scary for anyone, but for a child it's even scarier. They're bombarded with complex terminology and procedures that are intimidating, unfamiliar and often downright terrifying. Medical research has shown that when pediatric-cancer patients understand what's happening to them and what to expect, they feel less scared, experience less anxiety, and do much better overall. Unfortunately, there are no resources that explain cancer care in a way kids can understand. Strategy Already leading the way in finding a cure for childhood brain tumors, The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation needed to build on the "Care" aspect of their "Care. Cure. Thrive." mission. Our objective was to create resources that would help the kids, their parents and their caregivers by arming them with easy-to-understand information so they could better navigate the overwhelming experience of fighting cancer. Relevancy Kids battling cancer are not only looking for answers to important questions, they're also looking for distractions. Especially those facing extended hospital stays. These tend to be lonely stretches even with family and loved ones around. The Imaginary Friend Society film series provided both education and entertainment to these kids. Outcome Once launched, a survey of was conducted to quantifiably confirm that the films had the desired impact for those directly affected by pediatric cancers. Upon seeing the videos, 96% felt that the videos help parents and caregivers talk with kids about difficult issues. 85% agreed that the videos helped kids feel less anxious and scared. 80% said the videos meet a real need and are something they would recommend to others. Without a single media dollar spent, the campaign spread and received significant pro-bono media support. TV messaging covered 83% of the U.S., and National TV began March 2018 on Hulu. Most importantly, leading hospitals around the country, like Children's Hospital Los Angeles and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, have permanently adopted the Imaginary Friend Society film series into their in-patient entertainment network. The films have been translated into over 20 different languages and are being distributed across 4 continents. Execution Through a series of 22 animated short films, The Imaginary Friend Society characters explain every facet of cancer these kids face. Covering everything from "What is an MRI?" to "Returning to School" to more emotionally complicated topics like "Feeling Sad." Ultimately providing kids with a knowledge base to help them find a little bit of control and understanding in their fight against cancer. CampaignDescription Our creative solution was to take a difficult subject matter and make it accessible for kids. To develop a resource that would both educate and entertain. So, we created a group of fun, fictional characters called The Imaginary Friend Society. Their job? To help deliver cancer-care information in a way kids can relate to. The idea itself was born from real cancer survivors who told us they had imaginary friends who helped them cope with long hospital stays. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes n/a BriefExplanation Audience For 300,000 kids diagnosed with cancer each year, there's no resource that provides the answers they need. The Imaginary Friend Society series was designed to help kids better understand all aspects of cancer care. The films were adopted by the medical community and are now featured in hospitals worldwide.

    Imaginary Friend Society- Campaign

    案例简介:概要 癌症诊断对任何人来说都是可怕的,但对一个孩子来说更是可怕的。他们被复杂的术语和程序轰炸,这些术语和程序令人生畏、陌生,而且往往非常可怕。医学研究表明,当儿科癌症患者了解他们发生了什么以及会发生什么时,他们会感到不那么害怕,体验不到焦虑,总体上做得更好。不幸的是,没有资源可以用孩子们能理解的方式解释癌症护理。 战略 儿童脑瘤基金会已经在寻找治疗儿童脑瘤的方法上领先,需要在他们的 “护理” 方面建立基础。治愈。茁壮成长。“使命。我们的目标是创造资源,帮助孩子们、他们的父母和他们的照顾者,为他们提供易于理解的信息,以便他们能够更好地驾驭战胜癌症的压倒性经验。 相关性 与癌症作斗争的孩子不仅在寻找重要问题的答案,他们还在寻找分心的东西。尤其是那些面临长期住院的人。这些往往是孤独的延伸,即使家人和亲人在身边。想象中的朋友社会电影系列为这些孩子提供了教育和娱乐。 结果 一旦启动,进行了一项调查,以量化确认这些电影对那些直接受儿童癌症影响的人产生了预期的影响。看到这些视频后,96% 的人觉得这些视频有助于父母和护理人员与孩子谈论困难的问题。85% 的人认为这些视频帮助孩子们减少了焦虑和恐惧。80% 表示,这些视频符合实际需求,是他们会向其他人推荐的。在没有花费任何媒体资金的情况下,该活动得以传播,并获得了大量的公益媒体支持。电视消息覆盖了 83% 的美国,国家电视台从 2018年3月开始在 Hulu 播出。最重要的是,全国领先的医院,如洛杉矶儿童医院和达纳法伯癌症研究所,已经永久地将想象中的朋友社会电影系列纳入他们的住院患者娱乐网络。这些电影已经被翻译成 20 多种不同的语言,并在 4 大洲发行。 执行 通过一系列 22 部动画短片,想象中的朋友社会角色解释了这些孩子面临的癌症的各个方面。涵盖从 “什么是核磁共振” 到 “重返学校” 到更复杂的情感话题,如 “悲伤”。"最终为孩子们提供一个知识库,帮助他们在对抗癌症的过程中找到一点控制和理解。 活动描述 我们创造性的解决方案是选择一个困难的主题,让孩子们可以接触到它。开发一种既能教育又能娱乐的资源。所以,我们创造了一群有趣的虚构人物,叫做想象中的朋友社会。他们的工作?帮助孩子们以一种与之相关的方式提供癌症护理信息。这个想法本身是从真正的癌症幸存者那里诞生的,他们告诉我们他们有想象中的朋友,帮助他们应对长期住院。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes N/a 简要解释 观众 对于每年被诊断患有癌症的 300,000 名儿童来说,没有任何资源可以提供他们需要的答案。想象中的朋友社会系列旨在帮助孩子们更好地理解癌症护理的各个方面。这些电影被医学界采纳,现在在世界各地的医院都有放映。

    Imaginary Friend Society- Campaign

    案例简介:Synopsis A cancer diagnosis is scary for anyone, but for a child it's even scarier. They're bombarded with complex terminology and procedures that are intimidating, unfamiliar and often downright terrifying. Medical research has shown that when pediatric-cancer patients understand what's happening to them and what to expect, they feel less scared, experience less anxiety, and do much better overall. Unfortunately, there are no resources that explain cancer care in a way kids can understand. Strategy Already leading the way in finding a cure for childhood brain tumors, The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation needed to build on the "Care" aspect of their "Care. Cure. Thrive." mission. Our objective was to create resources that would help the kids, their parents and their caregivers by arming them with easy-to-understand information so they could better navigate the overwhelming experience of fighting cancer. Relevancy Kids battling cancer are not only looking for answers to important questions, they're also looking for distractions. Especially those facing extended hospital stays. These tend to be lonely stretches even with family and loved ones around. The Imaginary Friend Society film series provided both education and entertainment to these kids. Outcome Once launched, a survey of was conducted to quantifiably confirm that the films had the desired impact for those directly affected by pediatric cancers. Upon seeing the videos, 96% felt that the videos help parents and caregivers talk with kids about difficult issues. 85% agreed that the videos helped kids feel less anxious and scared. 80% said the videos meet a real need and are something they would recommend to others. Without a single media dollar spent, the campaign spread and received significant pro-bono media support. TV messaging covered 83% of the U.S., and National TV began March 2018 on Hulu. Most importantly, leading hospitals around the country, like Children's Hospital Los Angeles and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, have permanently adopted the Imaginary Friend Society film series into their in-patient entertainment network. The films have been translated into over 20 different languages and are being distributed across 4 continents. Execution Through a series of 22 animated short films, The Imaginary Friend Society characters explain every facet of cancer these kids face. Covering everything from "What is an MRI?" to "Returning to School" to more emotionally complicated topics like "Feeling Sad." Ultimately providing kids with a knowledge base to help them find a little bit of control and understanding in their fight against cancer. CampaignDescription Our creative solution was to take a difficult subject matter and make it accessible for kids. To develop a resource that would both educate and entertain. So, we created a group of fun, fictional characters called The Imaginary Friend Society. Their job? To help deliver cancer-care information in a way kids can relate to. The idea itself was born from real cancer survivors who told us they had imaginary friends who helped them cope with long hospital stays. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes n/a BriefExplanation Audience For 300,000 kids diagnosed with cancer each year, there's no resource that provides the answers they need. The Imaginary Friend Society series was designed to help kids better understand all aspects of cancer care. The films were adopted by the medical community and are now featured in hospitals worldwide.



    Imaginary Friend Society- Campaign










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