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    The Art Gap Exhibition海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:背景 SCB是 “为了好”。品牌对改善社区的承诺。他们边走边说: 2017年,他们制定了公平薪酬宪章,承诺男女平均支付工资。他们支持联合国妇女赋权原则。2019年,他们在彭博性别平等指数中获得第四年的认可。目前,其全球人员中有46% 是女性,其中包括13位首席执行官。在当地,SCB阿联酋有4名女性担任高级管理人员,包括她们的第一位阿联酋首席执行官。 除了支持整个银行的女性赋权倡议外,他们还希望提高对性别薪酬平等的认识。一个令人担忧的事实浮出水面: 牛津大学-赛德商学院 (University of Oxford-sa ï d Business School) 领导的一项研究浮出水面,强调女性艺术家的作品售价比男性低47.6%。 媒体报道了它。然后世界继续前进。渣打银行认为这还不够好。需要做点什么。行动,而不是言语。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) 艺术间隙展览。如果女性的工资要少47.6%,她们的油漆就会少47.6%。 SCB汇集了来自11个国家的19名阿联酋和外籍女性艺术家的集体,为全球性别均等对话增添了自己的声音。他们展示了他们最好的艺术品,但这次是不完整的。他们画的画布减少了47.6%,与工资差距的确切百分比相符。画布上的空白突出了如果世界不平等对待男女将会错过什么。19幅不完整的画作的总和创造了一个强有力的视觉陈述,以最普遍的方式显示了艺术界的性别薪酬不平等。 艺术差距展览是大胆的女性采取的行动,创造性地利用科学研究带来变革。 描述公关策略 (30% 的选票) 在过去的三年里,仅在twitter上就有超过175k的关于 # PayGap标签的提及。许多全球知识中心承认,不同行业的性别薪酬在世界范围内存在差异。Google # fempowerment,并享受围绕性别薪酬平等的众多企业社会责任倡议和沟通活动。所有这些都是巧妙制作和有意复制的。 谈话导致了更多的谈话。但是态度需要改变。我们选择通过意识来做到这一点。 我们的观众不受边界的限制。我们的目标是一种心态。当每个人都在说话时,最好的脱颖而出方式是视觉上。谁比艺术家更好地将这种差距带入生活? 相信 “眼见为实”,该策略归结为使人们从字面上看到艺术薪酬差距及其持续的不公正。 描述公关执行 (20% 的选票) 迪拜世界艺术博览会是中东最大的负担得起的艺术博览会 (2019年4月3日至6日),非常受欢迎的迪拜世界贸易中心有18,000名游客。使艺术差距展览成为更大展览的一部分的选择具有战略意义-推动人流,以艺术产业为核心,并让媒体传播我们的信息。 一个女人激励着另一个女人。这就是为什么我们选择了艺术家Batool Jafri (2018年阿联酋女性 “艺术与文化” 类别的获奖者) 作为Art Gap的策展人。 为了解决一个全球性问题,我们召集了一个由19位艺术家,阿联酋人和来自11个不同国籍的外籍人士组成的多元化团队。每个人都对47.6% 的差距做出了自己的解释,通过有力的不完整绘画突出了差距。平均价格为600-1400美元,以使艺术品触手可及。艺术家保留了所有收益,因为这是一项非营利计划,但不是慈善机构。 列出结果 (30% 的投票) – 必须包括以下两个层: + 10,000名参观者出席了会议,其中包括迪拜新闻部总干事、证券和商品管理局副首席执行官、联合国妇女署、英国外交和联邦事务部以及英国贸易委员会的高级代表。 活动期间为同工同酬认捐7,500。 19件艺术品的价格为20,000美元,尽管销售不是目标。 收入140万美元的媒体,包括BBC阿拉伯语,汤森路透,副阿拉伯,设计出租车,多伦多太阳时报,Thrive Global,品牌新闻,Zee TV,Al Hurra TV,中国阿拉伯电视台,海湾新闻以及其他地区和国际媒体。 + 2000万社交媒体印象。 拥有440万追随者的地区影响者主动传播了这一消息。 艺术差距现在是一个运动,计划在主要市场举办展览,展示不完整的画作,其百分比与每个国家的薪酬差距相关: 韩国34.6%; 印度29%; 巴基斯坦48.4%; 肯尼亚65%,印度尼西亚40.6%。


    案例简介:Background SCB is ‘Here For Good’. A brand’s promise to improve communities. And they walk the talk: In 2017, they instituted the Fair Pay Charter, pledging to pay men and women equally. They support the UN Women Empowerment Principles. In 2019, they were recognized on the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index for the fourth year. Currently, 46% of their global personnel are women, including 13 CEOs. Locally, SCB UAE has 4 women in senior management, including their first Emirati CEO. Beyond supporting female empowerment initiatives across the bank, they wanted to raise awareness for gender pay equality. One alarming fact surfaced: A study led by the University of Oxford - Saïd Business School emerged, highlighting that works by women artists sell for 47.6% less than those by men. The press reported it. Then the world moved on. SCB felt that this was not good enough. Something needed to be done. Action, not words. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) The Art Gap Exhibition. If women are going to be paid 47.6% less, they will paint 47.6% less. SCB brought together a collective of 19 Emirati and expat women artists from 11 nationalities to add their voices to the global gender parity conversation. They showcased their best art pieces, but this time, incomplete. They painted 47.6% less of their canvas, matching the exact percentage of their pay gap. The blank space on the canvas highlighted what the world would miss if it didn’t treat women and men equally. The sum of 19 incomplete paintings created a powerful visual statement that showed, in the most universal way, the gender pay inequality in the art world. The Art Gap Exhibition was an action taken by bold women, creatively leveraging scientific research to bring about change. Describe the PR strategy (30% of vote) There were more than 175K mentions of the hashtag #PayGap on twitter alone in the past three years. Many global centres of knowledge acknowledge the disparity of gender pay in the world across different industries. Google #fempowerment and enjoy a myriad of CSR initiatives and communication campaigns around gender pay equality. All smartly crafted and wittingly copywritten. Talk has resulted in more talk. But attitudes need to change. We chose to do this through awareness. Our audience wasn’t limited by borders. Our target was a mindset. While everyone talks, the best way to stand out is visually. Who better than artists to bring this disparity to life? Trusting ‘seeing is believing’, the strategy boiled down to making people see, literally, the art pay gap and the injustice it perpetuates. Describe the PR execution (20% of vote) World Art Dubai is the Middle East’s largest affordable art fair (3-6 April 2019), with 18,000 visitors at the very popular Dubai World Trade Centre. The choice to make The Art Gap Exhibition part of a bigger one was strategic - to drive footfall, reach the art industry at its core and let the media spread our message. One woman inspires another. That’s why we chose the artist Batool Jafri, winner of Emirates Woman of the Year 2018 in the ‘Art & Culture’ category, as the curator for Art Gap. To address a global issue, we gathered a diverse team of 19 artists, Emiratis and expats from 11 different nationalities. Each did her own interpretation of the 47.6% gap, highlighting the disparity through powerfully incomplete paintings. Prices averaged 600-1400USD to keep the art within reach. Artists kept all proceeds as this was a non-profit initiative, but not a charity. List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: +10,000 visitors attended, including dignitaries like Director-General of the Dubai Department of Information, Deputy CEO of the Securities & Commodities Authority, senior representatives from UN Women, the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office and UK Trade Commission. +7,500 pledges for equal pay during the event. 20,000USD for the 19 artworks, although sales wasn’t an objective. USD 1.4million in earned media, including BBC Arabic, Thomson Reuters, VICE Arabia, Design TAXI, Toronto Sun Times, Thrive Global, Branding News, Zee TV, Al Hurra TV, China Arab TV, Gulf News, and other regional & international media. +20million social media impressions. Regional influencers, with more than 4.4million followers, spread the word – on their own initiative. Art Gap is now a movement, with exhibitions planned in key markets, showing incomplete paintings with a percentage relevant to each country’s pay gap: South Korea 34.6%; India 29%; Pakistan 48.4%; Kenya 65%, Indonesia 40.6%.

    The Art Gap Exhibition

    案例简介:背景 SCB是 “为了好”。品牌对改善社区的承诺。他们边走边说: 2017年,他们制定了公平薪酬宪章,承诺男女平均支付工资。他们支持联合国妇女赋权原则。2019年,他们在彭博性别平等指数中获得第四年的认可。目前,其全球人员中有46% 是女性,其中包括13位首席执行官。在当地,SCB阿联酋有4名女性担任高级管理人员,包括她们的第一位阿联酋首席执行官。 除了支持整个银行的女性赋权倡议外,他们还希望提高对性别薪酬平等的认识。一个令人担忧的事实浮出水面: 牛津大学-赛德商学院 (University of Oxford-sa ï d Business School) 领导的一项研究浮出水面,强调女性艺术家的作品售价比男性低47.6%。 媒体报道了它。然后世界继续前进。渣打银行认为这还不够好。需要做点什么。行动,而不是言语。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) 艺术间隙展览。如果女性的工资要少47.6%,她们的油漆就会少47.6%。 SCB汇集了来自11个国家的19名阿联酋和外籍女性艺术家的集体,为全球性别均等对话增添了自己的声音。他们展示了他们最好的艺术品,但这次是不完整的。他们画的画布减少了47.6%,与工资差距的确切百分比相符。画布上的空白突出了如果世界不平等对待男女将会错过什么。19幅不完整的画作的总和创造了一个强有力的视觉陈述,以最普遍的方式显示了艺术界的性别薪酬不平等。 艺术差距展览是大胆的女性采取的行动,创造性地利用科学研究带来变革。 描述公关策略 (30% 的选票) 在过去的三年里,仅在twitter上就有超过175k的关于 # PayGap标签的提及。许多全球知识中心承认,不同行业的性别薪酬在世界范围内存在差异。Google # fempowerment,并享受围绕性别薪酬平等的众多企业社会责任倡议和沟通活动。所有这些都是巧妙制作和有意复制的。 谈话导致了更多的谈话。但是态度需要改变。我们选择通过意识来做到这一点。 我们的观众不受边界的限制。我们的目标是一种心态。当每个人都在说话时,最好的脱颖而出方式是视觉上。谁比艺术家更好地将这种差距带入生活? 相信 “眼见为实”,该策略归结为使人们从字面上看到艺术薪酬差距及其持续的不公正。 描述公关执行 (20% 的选票) 迪拜世界艺术博览会是中东最大的负担得起的艺术博览会 (2019年4月3日至6日),非常受欢迎的迪拜世界贸易中心有18,000名游客。使艺术差距展览成为更大展览的一部分的选择具有战略意义-推动人流,以艺术产业为核心,并让媒体传播我们的信息。 一个女人激励着另一个女人。这就是为什么我们选择了艺术家Batool Jafri (2018年阿联酋女性 “艺术与文化” 类别的获奖者) 作为Art Gap的策展人。 为了解决一个全球性问题,我们召集了一个由19位艺术家,阿联酋人和来自11个不同国籍的外籍人士组成的多元化团队。每个人都对47.6% 的差距做出了自己的解释,通过有力的不完整绘画突出了差距。平均价格为600-1400美元,以使艺术品触手可及。艺术家保留了所有收益,因为这是一项非营利计划,但不是慈善机构。 列出结果 (30% 的投票) – 必须包括以下两个层: + 10,000名参观者出席了会议,其中包括迪拜新闻部总干事、证券和商品管理局副首席执行官、联合国妇女署、英国外交和联邦事务部以及英国贸易委员会的高级代表。 活动期间为同工同酬认捐7,500。 19件艺术品的价格为20,000美元,尽管销售不是目标。 收入140万美元的媒体,包括BBC阿拉伯语,汤森路透,副阿拉伯,设计出租车,多伦多太阳时报,Thrive Global,品牌新闻,Zee TV,Al Hurra TV,中国阿拉伯电视台,海湾新闻以及其他地区和国际媒体。 + 2000万社交媒体印象。 拥有440万追随者的地区影响者主动传播了这一消息。 艺术差距现在是一个运动,计划在主要市场举办展览,展示不完整的画作,其百分比与每个国家的薪酬差距相关: 韩国34.6%; 印度29%; 巴基斯坦48.4%; 肯尼亚65%,印度尼西亚40.6%。

    The Art Gap Exhibition

    案例简介:Background SCB is ‘Here For Good’. A brand’s promise to improve communities. And they walk the talk: In 2017, they instituted the Fair Pay Charter, pledging to pay men and women equally. They support the UN Women Empowerment Principles. In 2019, they were recognized on the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index for the fourth year. Currently, 46% of their global personnel are women, including 13 CEOs. Locally, SCB UAE has 4 women in senior management, including their first Emirati CEO. Beyond supporting female empowerment initiatives across the bank, they wanted to raise awareness for gender pay equality. One alarming fact surfaced: A study led by the University of Oxford - Saïd Business School emerged, highlighting that works by women artists sell for 47.6% less than those by men. The press reported it. Then the world moved on. SCB felt that this was not good enough. Something needed to be done. Action, not words. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) The Art Gap Exhibition. If women are going to be paid 47.6% less, they will paint 47.6% less. SCB brought together a collective of 19 Emirati and expat women artists from 11 nationalities to add their voices to the global gender parity conversation. They showcased their best art pieces, but this time, incomplete. They painted 47.6% less of their canvas, matching the exact percentage of their pay gap. The blank space on the canvas highlighted what the world would miss if it didn’t treat women and men equally. The sum of 19 incomplete paintings created a powerful visual statement that showed, in the most universal way, the gender pay inequality in the art world. The Art Gap Exhibition was an action taken by bold women, creatively leveraging scientific research to bring about change. Describe the PR strategy (30% of vote) There were more than 175K mentions of the hashtag #PayGap on twitter alone in the past three years. Many global centres of knowledge acknowledge the disparity of gender pay in the world across different industries. Google #fempowerment and enjoy a myriad of CSR initiatives and communication campaigns around gender pay equality. All smartly crafted and wittingly copywritten. Talk has resulted in more talk. But attitudes need to change. We chose to do this through awareness. Our audience wasn’t limited by borders. Our target was a mindset. While everyone talks, the best way to stand out is visually. Who better than artists to bring this disparity to life? Trusting ‘seeing is believing’, the strategy boiled down to making people see, literally, the art pay gap and the injustice it perpetuates. Describe the PR execution (20% of vote) World Art Dubai is the Middle East’s largest affordable art fair (3-6 April 2019), with 18,000 visitors at the very popular Dubai World Trade Centre. The choice to make The Art Gap Exhibition part of a bigger one was strategic - to drive footfall, reach the art industry at its core and let the media spread our message. One woman inspires another. That’s why we chose the artist Batool Jafri, winner of Emirates Woman of the Year 2018 in the ‘Art & Culture’ category, as the curator for Art Gap. To address a global issue, we gathered a diverse team of 19 artists, Emiratis and expats from 11 different nationalities. Each did her own interpretation of the 47.6% gap, highlighting the disparity through powerfully incomplete paintings. Prices averaged 600-1400USD to keep the art within reach. Artists kept all proceeds as this was a non-profit initiative, but not a charity. List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: +10,000 visitors attended, including dignitaries like Director-General of the Dubai Department of Information, Deputy CEO of the Securities & Commodities Authority, senior representatives from UN Women, the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office and UK Trade Commission. +7,500 pledges for equal pay during the event. 20,000USD for the 19 artworks, although sales wasn’t an objective. USD 1.4million in earned media, including BBC Arabic, Thomson Reuters, VICE Arabia, Design TAXI, Toronto Sun Times, Thrive Global, Branding News, Zee TV, Al Hurra TV, China Arab TV, Gulf News, and other regional & international media. +20million social media impressions. Regional influencers, with more than 4.4million followers, spread the word – on their own initiative. Art Gap is now a movement, with exhibitions planned in key markets, showing incomplete paintings with a percentage relevant to each country’s pay gap: South Korea 34.6%; India 29%; Pakistan 48.4%; Kenya 65%, Indonesia 40.6%.



    The Art Gap Exhibition










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