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    The San Miguel Rich List短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:相关性 面对不断下降的啤酒种类和充斥的市场,圣米格尔需要与年轻的饮酒者重新联系。这些观众的动机是看到更多,做更多,少喝。“体验” 是他们新的身份象征,体验贯穿品牌的 DNA。我们相信财富来自经验。因此,我们接受了《星期日泰晤士报》的富豪榜,并与《卫报》一起创建了一个新的富豪榜,庆祝那些经验丰富和冒险的人。电视、印刷、数字、体验和社交使我们能够接触到 14m 千禧一代,并销售 9600 万多品脱啤酒! 战略 圣米格尔认为,你所看到的和你必须讲述的故事比金钱或物质财富更有价值。我们需要将我们的经验主张带入现实世界,推动我们决定喝圣米格尔酒。我们将庆祝体现文化财富概念的独特个人。他们的故事会给我们一个理由,让我们与有着同样信仰的高级观众接触。与探索频道和卫报的整合媒体合作帮助讲述了他们的故事,并得到了创新内容系列和沉浸式活动的支持。 discovery 的 “让你的世界变得更大” 的品牌定位非常适合为我们的故事增添内容,为我们带来了数百名入围 20 人的丰富生活的个人。《卫报》被选中是为了给我们的活动增加声望和有新闻价值的社论,也是我们寻求观众的经验中最受欢迎的印刷品牌 (i184)。 活动描述 我们的策略是由两个见解决定的: 消费者: 1/3 的 25-35 岁的英国人声称很少喝酒。很容易假设人们喝酒少是因为他们出去的少,但实际上他们出去的多。这一代人拒绝了他们前任的过度,更喜欢沉浸在经历中。他们的动机是看到和做更多,drinking 少喝酒。我们的研究表明,78% 的人更喜欢把钱花在体验上,而不是物质商品。“体验” 是我们观众新的身份象征。品牌: 啤酒始于 1890年一群西班牙探险家发现菲律宾并在那里定居。两代人后,他们的孩子回到西班牙,在那里他们建造了圣米格尔啤酒厂。体验和冒险贯穿了品牌的 DNA,为一个伟大的故事提供了基石,这有助于我们与观众重新联系起来。 结果 将电视、印刷、数字、体验和社交相结合,使我们能够在英国接触到 1400 万千禧一代。我们的预算同比持平,但通过从传统的广播转向令人难忘的合作方式,我们实现了创纪录的销售额。? 提示意识: 其直接竞争对手佩罗尼上涨 6%。? millward Brown 跟踪:50% 同意圣米格尔不同于其他品牌 (vs 36% 类别规范),我们的 4% 目标增加了 46%。?销量增长了 10.5%,整体净销售额增长了 10.4%,打破了我们的 6.5% 目标 -- 圣米格尔首次进入英国十大啤酒。但是这场运动不仅仅是卖了一品脱 -- 尽管我们帮助卖了 750 杯!圣米格尔如此致力于新的富豪榜,以至于我们已经在全球寻找下一代有故事分享的探险家。 执行 《星期日泰晤士报》富豪榜: 最古老的报纸之一,公布了世界上最富有的人的名单。它代表了旧世界的思维。所以我们与《卫报》一起创建了我们自己的补充,圣米格尔富豪榜。以其另类立场而闻名,这是一个非常现代的、破坏性的声明。本着品牌的精神,我们周游世界,寻找独特的故事来讲述。哈士奇大师对马语者都出现在新的富豪榜上: 它代表了勇敢追求未知的男人和女人。我们为期 6 个月的合作关系通过 90 个编辑点和网站上的一个中心,将故事与 Discovery 自己的内容无缝集成。与《卫报》一起,我们在 DPS 广告中进行了采访和鼓舞人心的摄影。萨默塞特之家的一次活动让客人有机会通过虚拟现实、 3D 投影和现场研讨会的结合体验我们富豪榜成员的不同世界。 概要 圣米格尔是一个西班牙啤酒品牌,1890年在菲律宾发现了它的家,从那以后一直在探索世界。英国的啤酒种类正在下降 -- 2015年的销量下降了 30亿升,英国消费者现在有超过 11,000 瓶啤酒可供选择。圣米格尔可能代表 “西班牙和阳光”,但当面对一组感觉更真实的竞争对手时,这已经不够了。我们需要让圣米格尔成为经验的代名词,与被高级啤酒吸引的年轻饮酒者重新联系。我们的任务是达到圣米格尔不同于其他品牌的 10% 以上的类别标准,并额外销售 7000万品脱啤酒。


    案例简介:Relevancy Facing a declining lager category and a flooded market, San Miguel needed to reconnect with young drinkers.This audience is motivated by seeing and doing more while drinking less. ‘Experience’ is the new status symbol for them.Experience runs through the DNA of the brand. We believe wealth comes from experience.So we took the Sunday Times Rich List, and turned it on its head by creating a New Rich List with the Guardian, celebrating people rich in experiences and adventure.TV, print, digital, experiential and social enabled us to reach14m millennials and sell 96m more pints of beer! Strategy San Miguel believes that the things you’ve seen and the stories you have to tell are more valuable than money or material possessions. We needed to bring our experience proposition into the real world, driving the decision to drink San Miguel.We would celebrate unique individuals who embody the concept of cultural wealth. Their stories would give us a reason to engage with a premium audience who shared the same belief. An integrated media partnership with The Discovery Channel and Guardian helped tell their stories, backed by an innovative content series and an immersive event.Discovery’s brand positioning of “Make your world bigger” was the perfect fit to add substance to our story, bringing us hundreds of life-rich individuals that were shortlisted to 20. Selected to add stature and newsworthy editorial to our campaign, The Guardian is also the most read print brand by our Experience Seeking audience (i184). CampaignDescription Our strategy was determined by two insights:?Consumer: 1/3 of 25-35-year-olds in the UK claim to drink alcohol rarely. It's easy to assume that people are drinking less because they are going out less but they actually go out more. This new generation has rejected the excess of their predecessors, preferring to immerse themselves in experiences. They’re motivated by seeing and doing more, whilst drinking less. Our research showed 78% prefer to spend money on experiences over material goods. ‘Experience’ is the new status symbol for our audience.?Brand: The beer began when a group of Spanish explorers discovered the Philippines and set up home there in 1890. After two generations, their children returned to Spain where they built the San Miguel brewery. Experience and adventure run through the DNA of the brand, providing the bedrock for a great story that could help reconnect us with our audience. Outcome Combining TV, print, digital, experiential and social enabled us to reach 14m millennials in the UK.Our budget was flat year-on-year, but by moving from traditional broadcast to a memorable partnership approach, we delivered record-breaking sales.?Prompted awareness: up 6% on Peroni, its direct competitor.?Millward Brown tracking: 50% agreed San Miguel is different from other brands (vs 36% category norm) a 4% increase on our 46% target. ?Volume sales grew by 10.5%, overall net sales increased by 10.4%, smashing our 6.5% target - San Miguel moved into the top 10 biggest beers in the UK for the first time. But this campaign was about more than just pints sold – even though we helped sell 750m of them! San Miguel is so committed to the New Rich list that we’re already scouring the globe for the next generation of explorers with stories to share. Execution The Sunday Times Rich List: one of the oldest newspapers publishing a list of the world’s richest people. It represents old-world thinking.So we created our own supplement, The San Miguel Rich List, with the Guardian. Known for its alternative stance, this made for a very modern, disruptive, statement. In the spirit of the brand, we travelled the world to find unique stories to tell. Husky Masters to horse whisperers all featured on the New Rich List: it represented men and women who have bravely pursued the unknown. Our 6-month partnership integrated stories seamlessly with Discovery’s own content, through 90” editorial spots and a hub on their website. With the Guardian we ran interviews and inspiring photography in DPS advertorials.An event at Somerset House gave guests the chance to experience the different worlds of our rich list members through a combination of VR, 3D projections and live workshops. Synopsis San Miguel is a Spanish beer brand that found it’s home in the Philippines in 1890 and has been exploring the world ever since.The UK lager category is in decline - sales dropped by 3 billion litres in 2015 and the UK consumer now has over 11,000 beers to choose from. San Miguel may stand for ‘Spain and Sunshine’ but that would no longer be enough when faced with a competitive set that felt more authentic. We needed to make San Miguel synonymous with experience to reconnect with young drinkers who’d been enticed away by premium beers. Our task was to achieve 10% above category norms that San Miguel feels different from other brands, as well as sell an extra 70 million pints of beer.

    The San Miguel Rich List

    案例简介:相关性 面对不断下降的啤酒种类和充斥的市场,圣米格尔需要与年轻的饮酒者重新联系。这些观众的动机是看到更多,做更多,少喝。“体验” 是他们新的身份象征,体验贯穿品牌的 DNA。我们相信财富来自经验。因此,我们接受了《星期日泰晤士报》的富豪榜,并与《卫报》一起创建了一个新的富豪榜,庆祝那些经验丰富和冒险的人。电视、印刷、数字、体验和社交使我们能够接触到 14m 千禧一代,并销售 9600 万多品脱啤酒! 战略 圣米格尔认为,你所看到的和你必须讲述的故事比金钱或物质财富更有价值。我们需要将我们的经验主张带入现实世界,推动我们决定喝圣米格尔酒。我们将庆祝体现文化财富概念的独特个人。他们的故事会给我们一个理由,让我们与有着同样信仰的高级观众接触。与探索频道和卫报的整合媒体合作帮助讲述了他们的故事,并得到了创新内容系列和沉浸式活动的支持。 discovery 的 “让你的世界变得更大” 的品牌定位非常适合为我们的故事增添内容,为我们带来了数百名入围 20 人的丰富生活的个人。《卫报》被选中是为了给我们的活动增加声望和有新闻价值的社论,也是我们寻求观众的经验中最受欢迎的印刷品牌 (i184)。 活动描述 我们的策略是由两个见解决定的: 消费者: 1/3 的 25-35 岁的英国人声称很少喝酒。很容易假设人们喝酒少是因为他们出去的少,但实际上他们出去的多。这一代人拒绝了他们前任的过度,更喜欢沉浸在经历中。他们的动机是看到和做更多,drinking 少喝酒。我们的研究表明,78% 的人更喜欢把钱花在体验上,而不是物质商品。“体验” 是我们观众新的身份象征。品牌: 啤酒始于 1890年一群西班牙探险家发现菲律宾并在那里定居。两代人后,他们的孩子回到西班牙,在那里他们建造了圣米格尔啤酒厂。体验和冒险贯穿了品牌的 DNA,为一个伟大的故事提供了基石,这有助于我们与观众重新联系起来。 结果 将电视、印刷、数字、体验和社交相结合,使我们能够在英国接触到 1400 万千禧一代。我们的预算同比持平,但通过从传统的广播转向令人难忘的合作方式,我们实现了创纪录的销售额。? 提示意识: 其直接竞争对手佩罗尼上涨 6%。? millward Brown 跟踪:50% 同意圣米格尔不同于其他品牌 (vs 36% 类别规范),我们的 4% 目标增加了 46%。?销量增长了 10.5%,整体净销售额增长了 10.4%,打破了我们的 6.5% 目标 -- 圣米格尔首次进入英国十大啤酒。但是这场运动不仅仅是卖了一品脱 -- 尽管我们帮助卖了 750 杯!圣米格尔如此致力于新的富豪榜,以至于我们已经在全球寻找下一代有故事分享的探险家。 执行 《星期日泰晤士报》富豪榜: 最古老的报纸之一,公布了世界上最富有的人的名单。它代表了旧世界的思维。所以我们与《卫报》一起创建了我们自己的补充,圣米格尔富豪榜。以其另类立场而闻名,这是一个非常现代的、破坏性的声明。本着品牌的精神,我们周游世界,寻找独特的故事来讲述。哈士奇大师对马语者都出现在新的富豪榜上: 它代表了勇敢追求未知的男人和女人。我们为期 6 个月的合作关系通过 90 个编辑点和网站上的一个中心,将故事与 Discovery 自己的内容无缝集成。与《卫报》一起,我们在 DPS 广告中进行了采访和鼓舞人心的摄影。萨默塞特之家的一次活动让客人有机会通过虚拟现实、 3D 投影和现场研讨会的结合体验我们富豪榜成员的不同世界。 概要 圣米格尔是一个西班牙啤酒品牌,1890年在菲律宾发现了它的家,从那以后一直在探索世界。英国的啤酒种类正在下降 -- 2015年的销量下降了 30亿升,英国消费者现在有超过 11,000 瓶啤酒可供选择。圣米格尔可能代表 “西班牙和阳光”,但当面对一组感觉更真实的竞争对手时,这已经不够了。我们需要让圣米格尔成为经验的代名词,与被高级啤酒吸引的年轻饮酒者重新联系。我们的任务是达到圣米格尔不同于其他品牌的 10% 以上的类别标准,并额外销售 7000万品脱啤酒。

    The San Miguel Rich List

    案例简介:Relevancy Facing a declining lager category and a flooded market, San Miguel needed to reconnect with young drinkers.This audience is motivated by seeing and doing more while drinking less. ‘Experience’ is the new status symbol for them.Experience runs through the DNA of the brand. We believe wealth comes from experience.So we took the Sunday Times Rich List, and turned it on its head by creating a New Rich List with the Guardian, celebrating people rich in experiences and adventure.TV, print, digital, experiential and social enabled us to reach14m millennials and sell 96m more pints of beer! Strategy San Miguel believes that the things you’ve seen and the stories you have to tell are more valuable than money or material possessions. We needed to bring our experience proposition into the real world, driving the decision to drink San Miguel.We would celebrate unique individuals who embody the concept of cultural wealth. Their stories would give us a reason to engage with a premium audience who shared the same belief. An integrated media partnership with The Discovery Channel and Guardian helped tell their stories, backed by an innovative content series and an immersive event.Discovery’s brand positioning of “Make your world bigger” was the perfect fit to add substance to our story, bringing us hundreds of life-rich individuals that were shortlisted to 20. Selected to add stature and newsworthy editorial to our campaign, The Guardian is also the most read print brand by our Experience Seeking audience (i184). CampaignDescription Our strategy was determined by two insights:?Consumer: 1/3 of 25-35-year-olds in the UK claim to drink alcohol rarely. It's easy to assume that people are drinking less because they are going out less but they actually go out more. This new generation has rejected the excess of their predecessors, preferring to immerse themselves in experiences. They’re motivated by seeing and doing more, whilst drinking less. Our research showed 78% prefer to spend money on experiences over material goods. ‘Experience’ is the new status symbol for our audience.?Brand: The beer began when a group of Spanish explorers discovered the Philippines and set up home there in 1890. After two generations, their children returned to Spain where they built the San Miguel brewery. Experience and adventure run through the DNA of the brand, providing the bedrock for a great story that could help reconnect us with our audience. Outcome Combining TV, print, digital, experiential and social enabled us to reach 14m millennials in the UK.Our budget was flat year-on-year, but by moving from traditional broadcast to a memorable partnership approach, we delivered record-breaking sales.?Prompted awareness: up 6% on Peroni, its direct competitor.?Millward Brown tracking: 50% agreed San Miguel is different from other brands (vs 36% category norm) a 4% increase on our 46% target. ?Volume sales grew by 10.5%, overall net sales increased by 10.4%, smashing our 6.5% target - San Miguel moved into the top 10 biggest beers in the UK for the first time. But this campaign was about more than just pints sold – even though we helped sell 750m of them! San Miguel is so committed to the New Rich list that we’re already scouring the globe for the next generation of explorers with stories to share. Execution The Sunday Times Rich List: one of the oldest newspapers publishing a list of the world’s richest people. It represents old-world thinking.So we created our own supplement, The San Miguel Rich List, with the Guardian. Known for its alternative stance, this made for a very modern, disruptive, statement. In the spirit of the brand, we travelled the world to find unique stories to tell. Husky Masters to horse whisperers all featured on the New Rich List: it represented men and women who have bravely pursued the unknown. Our 6-month partnership integrated stories seamlessly with Discovery’s own content, through 90” editorial spots and a hub on their website. With the Guardian we ran interviews and inspiring photography in DPS advertorials.An event at Somerset House gave guests the chance to experience the different worlds of our rich list members through a combination of VR, 3D projections and live workshops. Synopsis San Miguel is a Spanish beer brand that found it’s home in the Philippines in 1890 and has been exploring the world ever since.The UK lager category is in decline - sales dropped by 3 billion litres in 2015 and the UK consumer now has over 11,000 beers to choose from. San Miguel may stand for ‘Spain and Sunshine’ but that would no longer be enough when faced with a competitive set that felt more authentic. We needed to make San Miguel synonymous with experience to reconnect with young drinkers who’d been enticed away by premium beers. Our task was to achieve 10% above category norms that San Miguel feels different from other brands, as well as sell an extra 70 million pints of beer.



    The San Miguel Rich List






    广告公司: OMD (英国 伦敦) 制作公司: Pablo Films




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