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    案例简介:见解、战略和想法: 59% 的英国人经常谈论天气。考虑到一年中平均 154 天下雨,这些对话往往是负面的。然而,步行者喜欢下雨的时候,因为这对他们的英国土豆作物来说很棒。我们的使命; 以有趣的方式突出步行者土豆的来源,以推动销售。所以,“下雨时赢得 10 英镑” 诞生了。我们与气象局合作,使用谷歌地图技术在 Walkers.co.UK 上复制他们对英国降雨量的 “网格分析”。促销机制很简单; 买一袋薯片,然后去你的包装代码允许你预测在英国哪里会下雨的网站。气象局每天核实正确的预测,获胜者从步行者那里收到 10 英镑的支票。 创意执行: 一个专注的数字战略让我们出现在与天气密切相关的网站上。这使我们能够在人们最有可能准确预测哪里会下雨的时候与他们交流。所有这一切都是在电视重磅爆发和 MSN 视频主页接管后开始的。我们谈判了一项在赞助气象局降雨雷达之前从未见过的协议,对 Weather.co.uk 进行了租赁,并在 MSN 和雅虎天气频道使用了有针对性的安置来提高覆盖面。为了进一步提高我们的相关性,我们使用 HTML 技术用气象局的实时天气信息动态更新我们的横幅,并在 Facebook 上复制我们预期高降雨量的位置。最后,每月进行超过 5m 次与天气相关的在线搜索,因此我们确保根据天气条件投标,将对预测的兴趣转化为预测。 结果和有效性: 做出了令人震惊的 827,751 个预测,英国有 129,346 个获胜者,并获得了 1.28 亿英镑的奖励。该活动提供了 454,920 次注册,比之前非常成功的步行者促销活动增加了 50%。数字广告吸引了 Walkers.co.uk 300,574 的点击量,占预测总数的 ¼,并转换了 63,000 次注册。然而,正是我们的目标天气定位超过了计划中的所有内容,以非常低的点击成本提供了最多的预测,尽管最重要的是步行者的核心价值销售额同比增长 1.5%, 这对于一个 500 英镑的品牌来说并不微不足道。


    案例简介:Insights, Strategy and the Idea: 59% of British people regularly discuss the weather. Given it rains on average 154 days of the year, these conversations tend to be negative. Walkers however love it when it rains because it’s great for their UK potato crop. Our mission; highlight the provenance of Walkers potatoes in a fun way to drive sales. So, ‘Win a tenner when it rains’ was born. We partnered with the Met Office and used Google map technology to replicate their ‘grid analysis’ of UK rainfall on Walkers.co.uk. The promotion mechanic was simple; buy a bag of crisps and head to the website where your pack code allowed you to predict where in the UK you thought it would rain. The Met Office verified correct predictions daily, with winners receiving a £10 cheque from Walkers. Creative Execution: A focussed digital strategy gave us a presence on sites closely associated with the weather. This enabled us to communicate with people when they were most likely to be able to accurately predict where it would rain. All this was kicked off with a heavy weight burst of TV and an MSN video home-page takeover. We negotiated a never been seen before sponsorship of the Met Office’s rainfall radar, took up a tenancy on Weather.co.uk and used targeted placements across MSN and Yahoo weather channels to boost reach. To further increase our relevance we used HTML technology to dynamically update our banners with live weather feeds from the Met Office and on Facebook we targeted copy to locations where we expected high rainfall. Finally over 5m weather related online searches are made per month so we made sure we bid on weather terms to convert interest in the forecast into predictions. Results and Effectiveness: A staggering 827,751 predictions were made, with 129,346 winners UK wide and £1.28m rewarded. The campaign delivered 454,920 registrations which was up 50% on previous, highly successful, Walkers promotions. Digital advertising drove 300,574 clicks to Walkers.co.uk, accounted for a ¼ of total predictions made and converted 63,000 registrations. It was however our targeted weather placements that outperformed everything on the plan, delivering the most predictions at a very low cost per click Although most importantly Walkers Core value sales were up 1.5% year on year, which for a £500m brand is not insignificant.

    Rainy Days

    案例简介:见解、战略和想法: 59% 的英国人经常谈论天气。考虑到一年中平均 154 天下雨,这些对话往往是负面的。然而,步行者喜欢下雨的时候,因为这对他们的英国土豆作物来说很棒。我们的使命; 以有趣的方式突出步行者土豆的来源,以推动销售。所以,“下雨时赢得 10 英镑” 诞生了。我们与气象局合作,使用谷歌地图技术在 Walkers.co.UK 上复制他们对英国降雨量的 “网格分析”。促销机制很简单; 买一袋薯片,然后去你的包装代码允许你预测在英国哪里会下雨的网站。气象局每天核实正确的预测,获胜者从步行者那里收到 10 英镑的支票。 创意执行: 一个专注的数字战略让我们出现在与天气密切相关的网站上。这使我们能够在人们最有可能准确预测哪里会下雨的时候与他们交流。所有这一切都是在电视重磅爆发和 MSN 视频主页接管后开始的。我们谈判了一项在赞助气象局降雨雷达之前从未见过的协议,对 Weather.co.uk 进行了租赁,并在 MSN 和雅虎天气频道使用了有针对性的安置来提高覆盖面。为了进一步提高我们的相关性,我们使用 HTML 技术用气象局的实时天气信息动态更新我们的横幅,并在 Facebook 上复制我们预期高降雨量的位置。最后,每月进行超过 5m 次与天气相关的在线搜索,因此我们确保根据天气条件投标,将对预测的兴趣转化为预测。 结果和有效性: 做出了令人震惊的 827,751 个预测,英国有 129,346 个获胜者,并获得了 1.28 亿英镑的奖励。该活动提供了 454,920 次注册,比之前非常成功的步行者促销活动增加了 50%。数字广告吸引了 Walkers.co.uk 300,574 的点击量,占预测总数的 ¼,并转换了 63,000 次注册。然而,正是我们的目标天气定位超过了计划中的所有内容,以非常低的点击成本提供了最多的预测,尽管最重要的是步行者的核心价值销售额同比增长 1.5%, 这对于一个 500 英镑的品牌来说并不微不足道。

    Rainy Days

    案例简介:Insights, Strategy and the Idea: 59% of British people regularly discuss the weather. Given it rains on average 154 days of the year, these conversations tend to be negative. Walkers however love it when it rains because it’s great for their UK potato crop. Our mission; highlight the provenance of Walkers potatoes in a fun way to drive sales. So, ‘Win a tenner when it rains’ was born. We partnered with the Met Office and used Google map technology to replicate their ‘grid analysis’ of UK rainfall on Walkers.co.uk. The promotion mechanic was simple; buy a bag of crisps and head to the website where your pack code allowed you to predict where in the UK you thought it would rain. The Met Office verified correct predictions daily, with winners receiving a £10 cheque from Walkers. Creative Execution: A focussed digital strategy gave us a presence on sites closely associated with the weather. This enabled us to communicate with people when they were most likely to be able to accurately predict where it would rain. All this was kicked off with a heavy weight burst of TV and an MSN video home-page takeover. We negotiated a never been seen before sponsorship of the Met Office’s rainfall radar, took up a tenancy on Weather.co.uk and used targeted placements across MSN and Yahoo weather channels to boost reach. To further increase our relevance we used HTML technology to dynamically update our banners with live weather feeds from the Met Office and on Facebook we targeted copy to locations where we expected high rainfall. Finally over 5m weather related online searches are made per month so we made sure we bid on weather terms to convert interest in the forecast into predictions. Results and Effectiveness: A staggering 827,751 predictions were made, with 129,346 winners UK wide and £1.28m rewarded. The campaign delivered 454,920 registrations which was up 50% on previous, highly successful, Walkers promotions. Digital advertising drove 300,574 clicks to Walkers.co.uk, accounted for a ¼ of total predictions made and converted 63,000 registrations. It was however our targeted weather placements that outperformed everything on the plan, delivering the most predictions at a very low cost per click Although most importantly Walkers Core value sales were up 1.5% year on year, which for a £500m brand is not insignificant.



    Rainy Days






    广告公司: OMD (英国 伦敦)




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