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    The Tear-off-posters For



    “我的奋斗 -- 反对种族主义” 的催人泪下的海报

    案例简介:活动描述 我们反对在德国重新出版希特勒的《我的奋斗》,并出版了一本思想开放的书: 《我的奋斗 -- 反对种族主义》!我们的 counterbook 以与原著相同的标题和布局,展示了 11 名 ¬人和他们勇敢地反对种族主义的斗争。感人的故事讲述了像莫切 · 达根这样的人在集中营中幸存下来,伊梅拉 · 门萨-施拉姆姆奶奶移除了纳粹涂鸦,或者 MTV 主持人瓦纳 · 利马尔作为难民儿童不得不面对仇恨。在德国每个书店和亚马逊的 11,000 本书中,我们正在反击。利用围绕 “我的奋斗” 的混乱,把它变成关于德国当前形势的讨论。明确表示,今天越来越多的人不得不再次与种族主义作斗争。有了我们的催泪海报,我们想唤醒那些反对种族主义的熟睡妓女: 撕掉 “我的奋斗” 海报,他们将会得到我们的 “我的奋斗 -- 反对种族主义” 书的奖励。 结果 90% 的海报被拆除,50% 被交换成 “我的奋斗 -- 反对种族主义”。在一个走向右翼民粹主义的欧洲,我们愉快地触动了时间的神经。Counterbook 成为整个社会的相关话题。像德国头号深夜健谈者这样的德国名人推动了这个项目。“我与种族主义的斗争” 变成了 “我们与 rascim 的斗争”。一个月后,这本书及其活动取得了巨大成功: -亚马逊上的 top15 畅销书-11,000 本书的第一版几乎卖完了-书店里有很多人参加的讲座-一个巨大的社交热点和媒体共鸣-从流行报纸的头版故事到周四晚上的电视谈话节目导致了 53 个 mio 联系人和 2.2 个 mio 欧元的总媒体同等价值 -- 我们在社交媒体上降低了希特勒的 “我的奋斗” 情绪比 12 个百分点网络-这意味着: 人们被动员起来反对Nazimanifesto 概要 希特勒的《我的奋斗》,纳粹宣传书, 在 70 年版权到期后,它可以再次在德国出版 -- 在一个与新的仇恨传教士和日益增加的右翼极端主义作斗争的国家引发了激烈的辩论。我们需要一个强有力的立场来反对它 -- 为日益增长的种族主义创造意识,唤醒沉默的、瘫痪的大众。我们的客户 “Gesicht Zeigen!一个鼓励人们反对德国种族主义的协会,一个没有多少钱的非营利组织,想要反击。 战略 这本书和竞选应该 1。从纳粹中恢复 “我的奋斗” 这两个词的概念 2.为公关和社交媒体谈论德国社会的现状创造了一个壮观的触发器 3.醒来, 激励和鼓励德国沉默的大多数人在日常生活中站起来反对日益增加的右翼极端主义。 执行 我们通过一场激活海报运动来宣传 counterbook,通过展示希特勒的 “我的奋斗” 来挑衅。本能地唤醒我们所有人熟睡的杀手: 通过撕掉希特勒的海报,我们的书皮海报出现了一个勇敢的杀手反对种族主义 -- 取了标题, 类型和布局作为原始。这张被撕掉的海报作为凭证,在附近的参与书店里,用一本免费的书 “我的奋斗 -- 反对种族主义” 奖励每个人。 相关性 如今,德国正面临越来越多的种族主义,并与暴力民粹主义作斗争,这是日常生活的一部分。自纳粹政府以来,右翼政党第一次获得了太多的选票。问题是: 大多数德国人仍然处于被动和瘫痪状态。这项挑衅性的工作唤醒/激活了我们所有人的睡眠者。并奖励那些对反对种族主义的书有反应的人。

    “我的奋斗 -- 反对种族主义” 的催人泪下的海报

    案例简介:Campaign Description We stand against the re-publication of Hitler’s "Mein Kampf" in Germany with an open-minded book: "Mein Kampf – against racism"! Taking the same title and layout as the original, our counterbook features 11 ¬people and their courageous struggle against racism. Touching stories of people like Mosche Dagan who survived a concentration camp, the granny Irmela Mensah-Schramm who removes Nazi graffiti or MTV host Wana Limar who had to face hate as a refugee child. In 11,000 books available in every bookstore in Germany and via Amazon we are fighting back. Using the tumult around “Mein Kampf” and turn it into a discussion about the current situation in Germany. Making clear that today more and more people had to struggle against racism again.With our tear-off-posters we wanted to wake up sleeping strugglers against racism: tearing off “Mein Kampf” poster, they will be rewarded with our “Mein Kampf – against racism” book. Outcome 90% of the posters were torn down, 50% exchanged into “Mein Kampf – against racism”. We pleasently hit the nerve of time in a Europe moving towards right-wing populism. The counterbook became the relevant topic across society. German celebrities like Germany’s No.1 late-night talker pushed the project. "My Struggle – against racism" became "Our Struggle – against rascim".After one month, the book with its campaign is a huge success:- top15 bestseller on Amazon - the first edition of 11,000 books is nearly sold out- well attended lectures in bookstores - a huge social buzz and a media resonance – from frontpage stories in popular newspapers to Thursday night tv-talkshows – led to 53 mio contacts and a gross media-equivalency value of 2.2 mio Euro- we reduced the sentiment ratio of Hitler’s "Mein Kampf" by 12 points in social web – that means: people were mobilised to comment against the Nazimanifesto Synopsis Hitler’s “Mein Kampf“ (My Struggle), the Nazi propaganda book, can be published once again in Germany after its 70-year copyright expired – unleashing a fierce debate in a country struggling against new hate preachers and increasing right-wing extremism. A strong stand against it was needed – creating awareness for the growing racism and waking up the silent, paralyzed mass of people.Our client “Gesicht Zeigen! An association encouraging people to stand against racism in Germany“, a non-profit organization with little money, wanted to fight back. Strategy The book and the campaign should1. reclaim the conception of the two words “Mein Kampf” from the Nazis2. create a spectacular trigger for PR and Social media to talk about the current situation of the society in Germany3. wake up, inspire and encourage the silent majority in Germany to stand up against increasing right-wing extremism in daily life. Execution We promoted the counterbook with an activating poster campaign, provocative by showing Hitler’s “Mein Kampf“. And instinctively waking up the sleeping struggler in all of us: by ripping off the Hitler poster, our bookcover poster appeared with one courageous struggler against racism – taking the title, type and layout as the original. The torn-down poster worked as a voucher, rewarding everyone with a free book "Mein Kampf – against racism" in participating bookstores nearby. Relevancy These days, Germany is facing growing racism and struggles with violent populism being part of everyday life. For the first time since the Nazi government, right-wing parties get too many votes. The problem: the majority of Germans remains passive and paralysed. This provocative work wakes up/activates the sleeping struggler in all of us. And rewards those who react with a voucher for a book against racism.

    The Tear-off-posters For "mein Kampf - Against Racism"

    案例简介:活动描述 我们反对在德国重新出版希特勒的《我的奋斗》,并出版了一本思想开放的书: 《我的奋斗 -- 反对种族主义》!我们的 counterbook 以与原著相同的标题和布局,展示了 11 名 ¬人和他们勇敢地反对种族主义的斗争。感人的故事讲述了像莫切 · 达根这样的人在集中营中幸存下来,伊梅拉 · 门萨-施拉姆姆奶奶移除了纳粹涂鸦,或者 MTV 主持人瓦纳 · 利马尔作为难民儿童不得不面对仇恨。在德国每个书店和亚马逊的 11,000 本书中,我们正在反击。利用围绕 “我的奋斗” 的混乱,把它变成关于德国当前形势的讨论。明确表示,今天越来越多的人不得不再次与种族主义作斗争。有了我们的催泪海报,我们想唤醒那些反对种族主义的熟睡妓女: 撕掉 “我的奋斗” 海报,他们将会得到我们的 “我的奋斗 -- 反对种族主义” 书的奖励。 结果 90% 的海报被拆除,50% 被交换成 “我的奋斗 -- 反对种族主义”。在一个走向右翼民粹主义的欧洲,我们愉快地触动了时间的神经。Counterbook 成为整个社会的相关话题。像德国头号深夜健谈者这样的德国名人推动了这个项目。“我与种族主义的斗争” 变成了 “我们与 rascim 的斗争”。一个月后,这本书及其活动取得了巨大成功: -亚马逊上的 top15 畅销书-11,000 本书的第一版几乎卖完了-书店里有很多人参加的讲座-一个巨大的社交热点和媒体共鸣-从流行报纸的头版故事到周四晚上的电视谈话节目导致了 53 个 mio 联系人和 2.2 个 mio 欧元的总媒体同等价值 -- 我们在社交媒体上降低了希特勒的 “我的奋斗” 情绪比 12 个百分点网络-这意味着: 人们被动员起来反对Nazimanifesto 概要 希特勒的《我的奋斗》,纳粹宣传书, 在 70 年版权到期后,它可以再次在德国出版 -- 在一个与新的仇恨传教士和日益增加的右翼极端主义作斗争的国家引发了激烈的辩论。我们需要一个强有力的立场来反对它 -- 为日益增长的种族主义创造意识,唤醒沉默的、瘫痪的大众。我们的客户 “Gesicht Zeigen!一个鼓励人们反对德国种族主义的协会,一个没有多少钱的非营利组织,想要反击。 战略 这本书和竞选应该 1。从纳粹中恢复 “我的奋斗” 这两个词的概念 2.为公关和社交媒体谈论德国社会的现状创造了一个壮观的触发器 3.醒来, 激励和鼓励德国沉默的大多数人在日常生活中站起来反对日益增加的右翼极端主义。 执行 我们通过一场激活海报运动来宣传 counterbook,通过展示希特勒的 “我的奋斗” 来挑衅。本能地唤醒我们所有人熟睡的杀手: 通过撕掉希特勒的海报,我们的书皮海报出现了一个勇敢的杀手反对种族主义 -- 取了标题, 类型和布局作为原始。这张被撕掉的海报作为凭证,在附近的参与书店里,用一本免费的书 “我的奋斗 -- 反对种族主义” 奖励每个人。 相关性 如今,德国正面临越来越多的种族主义,并与暴力民粹主义作斗争,这是日常生活的一部分。自纳粹政府以来,右翼政党第一次获得了太多的选票。问题是: 大多数德国人仍然处于被动和瘫痪状态。这项挑衅性的工作唤醒/激活了我们所有人的睡眠者。并奖励那些对反对种族主义的书有反应的人。

    The Tear-off-posters For "mein Kampf - Against Racism"

    案例简介:Campaign Description We stand against the re-publication of Hitler’s "Mein Kampf" in Germany with an open-minded book: "Mein Kampf – against racism"! Taking the same title and layout as the original, our counterbook features 11 ¬people and their courageous struggle against racism. Touching stories of people like Mosche Dagan who survived a concentration camp, the granny Irmela Mensah-Schramm who removes Nazi graffiti or MTV host Wana Limar who had to face hate as a refugee child. In 11,000 books available in every bookstore in Germany and via Amazon we are fighting back. Using the tumult around “Mein Kampf” and turn it into a discussion about the current situation in Germany. Making clear that today more and more people had to struggle against racism again.With our tear-off-posters we wanted to wake up sleeping strugglers against racism: tearing off “Mein Kampf” poster, they will be rewarded with our “Mein Kampf – against racism” book. Outcome 90% of the posters were torn down, 50% exchanged into “Mein Kampf – against racism”. We pleasently hit the nerve of time in a Europe moving towards right-wing populism. The counterbook became the relevant topic across society. German celebrities like Germany’s No.1 late-night talker pushed the project. "My Struggle – against racism" became "Our Struggle – against rascim".After one month, the book with its campaign is a huge success:- top15 bestseller on Amazon - the first edition of 11,000 books is nearly sold out- well attended lectures in bookstores - a huge social buzz and a media resonance – from frontpage stories in popular newspapers to Thursday night tv-talkshows – led to 53 mio contacts and a gross media-equivalency value of 2.2 mio Euro- we reduced the sentiment ratio of Hitler’s "Mein Kampf" by 12 points in social web – that means: people were mobilised to comment against the Nazimanifesto Synopsis Hitler’s “Mein Kampf“ (My Struggle), the Nazi propaganda book, can be published once again in Germany after its 70-year copyright expired – unleashing a fierce debate in a country struggling against new hate preachers and increasing right-wing extremism. A strong stand against it was needed – creating awareness for the growing racism and waking up the silent, paralyzed mass of people.Our client “Gesicht Zeigen! An association encouraging people to stand against racism in Germany“, a non-profit organization with little money, wanted to fight back. Strategy The book and the campaign should1. reclaim the conception of the two words “Mein Kampf” from the Nazis2. create a spectacular trigger for PR and Social media to talk about the current situation of the society in Germany3. wake up, inspire and encourage the silent majority in Germany to stand up against increasing right-wing extremism in daily life. Execution We promoted the counterbook with an activating poster campaign, provocative by showing Hitler’s “Mein Kampf“. And instinctively waking up the sleeping struggler in all of us: by ripping off the Hitler poster, our bookcover poster appeared with one courageous struggler against racism – taking the title, type and layout as the original. The torn-down poster worked as a voucher, rewarding everyone with a free book "Mein Kampf – against racism" in participating bookstores nearby. Relevancy These days, Germany is facing growing racism and struggles with violent populism being part of everyday life. For the first time since the Nazi government, right-wing parties get too many votes. The problem: the majority of Germans remains passive and paralysed. This provocative work wakes up/activates the sleeping struggler in all of us. And rewards those who react with a voucher for a book against racism.

    “我的奋斗 -- 反对种族主义” 的催人泪下的海报


    The Tear-off-posters For "mein Kampf - Against Racism"










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