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    Speak to go短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:执行 为了创造说话,我们混合了街景 API 、语音识别和本地移动功能,如麦克风和陀螺仪。语音驱动的用户体验与虚拟现实相结合,允许自然和看似神奇的互动。作为 WebVR 实验平台的一部分,我们推出了 Speak to Go。这有助于将体验引入创意开发者社区。展示什么是可能的,并激励他们使用网络虚拟现实。用户体验很简单: 转到 g。 chrome 手机上的 co/speaktogo (使用最新的安卓手机。) 将你的手机插入谷歌纸板或谷歌白日梦,戴上它,按下你的浏览器按钮,简单地说你想去哪里。你会立即被传送到那里。网络语音 API 识别你所说的话,谷歌地图 API 显示位置的虚拟现实全景。它适用于街景覆盖的任何地址、城市、地标或国家。可能性几乎是无穷无尽的。可以通过选择地面上的箭头来探索每个位置。如果你不确定下一步去哪里,你也可以说 “我感到幸运”,并发现专门策划的地点。它在移动虚拟现实上体验更好,但也可以在 360 模式和桌面上工作。要创造它,我们汇集了网络虚拟现实、谷歌地图 API 、网络语音 API 、谷歌纸板 (或谷歌白日梦),它最初是在 WebVR hackathon 上制作的原型 -- 原型让内部利益相关者感到高兴,一个 3 人的团队在一个多月的时间里改进了它我们制作了一个简单的演示电影,展示了一个父亲和他的儿子一起使用这个应用程序,这部电影推动了体验,并在 Chrome YouTube 上托管频道。 活动描述 Speak to Go 是一个网络虚拟现实实验,它允许任何有手机和移动虚拟现实查看器的人只需说出他们想去的地方就能被传送到世界上的任何地方。 webVR 是一种在网络上体验虚拟现实的新方式。没有应用程序,没有下载。你只需点击一个链接。当这项技术被添加到 Chrome 中时,我们想展示网络技术和本地移动功能的结合如何创造独特的虚拟现实体验。


    案例简介:Execution To create Speak to Go we mixed the Street View API, voice recognition and native mobile features like the microphone and the gyroscope.The Voice driven user experience combined with VR allows a natural and seemingly magical interaction.We launched Speak to Go as part of the WebVR Experiments platform. This helped to introduce the experience to the creative developer community. To show what’s possible and inspire them to use WebVR. The user experience is simple : Go to g.co/speaktogo on chrome for mobile (Using a recent and up to date Android phone.)Insert your phone in a Google Cardboard or Google Daydream, put it on, press your viewer’s button and simply say where you want to go. You will instantly be teleported there.Web Speech API recognizes what you say, and the Google Maps API displays a VR Panorama of the location. It works for any address, city, landmark or country covered by Street View. The possibilities are almost endless.It’s possible to explore each location by selecting the arrows on the ground.If you’re not sure where to go next, you can also say "I’m feeling lucky" and discover specially curated locations.It’s better experienced on mobile VR but also works in 360 mode and on desktop.To create it, we brought together WebVR, Google Maps API, Web Speech API, Google Cardboard (or Google Daydream), and mobile features like the microphone and the gyroscope.It was first prototyped during a WebVR hackathon - The prototype delighted internal stakeholders and a 3 people team improved it over a month to make it ready for a public launch.We created a simple demo movie showing a dad using the app with his son, the movie drives to the experience and is hosted on the Chrome YouTube Channel. CampaignDescription Speak to Go is a WebVR experiment that allows anyone with a phone and a mobile VR Viewer to be teleported to any location in the world simply by saying where they want to go.WebVR is a new way to experience VR on the web. No apps, no downloads. You just tap a link. When the technology was added to Chrome, we wanted to demonstrate how combining web technologies and native mobile features can create unique VR experiences.

    Speak to go

    案例简介:执行 为了创造说话,我们混合了街景 API 、语音识别和本地移动功能,如麦克风和陀螺仪。语音驱动的用户体验与虚拟现实相结合,允许自然和看似神奇的互动。作为 WebVR 实验平台的一部分,我们推出了 Speak to Go。这有助于将体验引入创意开发者社区。展示什么是可能的,并激励他们使用网络虚拟现实。用户体验很简单: 转到 g。 chrome 手机上的 co/speaktogo (使用最新的安卓手机。) 将你的手机插入谷歌纸板或谷歌白日梦,戴上它,按下你的浏览器按钮,简单地说你想去哪里。你会立即被传送到那里。网络语音 API 识别你所说的话,谷歌地图 API 显示位置的虚拟现实全景。它适用于街景覆盖的任何地址、城市、地标或国家。可能性几乎是无穷无尽的。可以通过选择地面上的箭头来探索每个位置。如果你不确定下一步去哪里,你也可以说 “我感到幸运”,并发现专门策划的地点。它在移动虚拟现实上体验更好,但也可以在 360 模式和桌面上工作。要创造它,我们汇集了网络虚拟现实、谷歌地图 API 、网络语音 API 、谷歌纸板 (或谷歌白日梦),它最初是在 WebVR hackathon 上制作的原型 -- 原型让内部利益相关者感到高兴,一个 3 人的团队在一个多月的时间里改进了它我们制作了一个简单的演示电影,展示了一个父亲和他的儿子一起使用这个应用程序,这部电影推动了体验,并在 Chrome YouTube 上托管频道。 活动描述 Speak to Go 是一个网络虚拟现实实验,它允许任何有手机和移动虚拟现实查看器的人只需说出他们想去的地方就能被传送到世界上的任何地方。 webVR 是一种在网络上体验虚拟现实的新方式。没有应用程序,没有下载。你只需点击一个链接。当这项技术被添加到 Chrome 中时,我们想展示网络技术和本地移动功能的结合如何创造独特的虚拟现实体验。

    Speak to go

    案例简介:Execution To create Speak to Go we mixed the Street View API, voice recognition and native mobile features like the microphone and the gyroscope.The Voice driven user experience combined with VR allows a natural and seemingly magical interaction.We launched Speak to Go as part of the WebVR Experiments platform. This helped to introduce the experience to the creative developer community. To show what’s possible and inspire them to use WebVR. The user experience is simple : Go to g.co/speaktogo on chrome for mobile (Using a recent and up to date Android phone.)Insert your phone in a Google Cardboard or Google Daydream, put it on, press your viewer’s button and simply say where you want to go. You will instantly be teleported there.Web Speech API recognizes what you say, and the Google Maps API displays a VR Panorama of the location. It works for any address, city, landmark or country covered by Street View. The possibilities are almost endless.It’s possible to explore each location by selecting the arrows on the ground.If you’re not sure where to go next, you can also say "I’m feeling lucky" and discover specially curated locations.It’s better experienced on mobile VR but also works in 360 mode and on desktop.To create it, we brought together WebVR, Google Maps API, Web Speech API, Google Cardboard (or Google Daydream), and mobile features like the microphone and the gyroscope.It was first prototyped during a WebVR hackathon - The prototype delighted internal stakeholders and a 3 people team improved it over a month to make it ready for a public launch.We created a simple demo movie showing a dad using the app with his son, the movie drives to the experience and is hosted on the Chrome YouTube Channel. CampaignDescription Speak to Go is a WebVR experiment that allows anyone with a phone and a mobile VR Viewer to be teleported to any location in the world simply by saying where they want to go.WebVR is a new way to experience VR on the web. No apps, no downloads. You just tap a link. When the technology was added to Chrome, we wanted to demonstrate how combining web technologies and native mobile features can create unique VR experiences.



    Speak to go










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