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    The Room海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish 女: 嘿,你在听我说话吗?男: 别敢那样和我说话。我能听到你,我能听到你。如果你只说有意义的话。女人: 降低你的声音,否则你会叫醒他。女人: 你那样做会吓到我。男人: 你还在继续打几巴掌。男人: 你真的想让我对你粗暴,嗯?你这么做的时候我想杀了你。女人: 每次我需要东西的时候,我都要乞求你。男人 (喊): 是我的钱,我挣的钱。女人: 但是我们有三个人!你为什么这么做?男人 (大喊): DON'T 回答!WOMAN: 我没有回答。SFX: 拍打和殴打 SFX: 女人哭女人 (哭): 哦!别管我!你伤害了我…… 再次 SFX: 女人哭泣 SFX: 关门 实施 我们使用音频将宜家商店空间变成媒体空间。音频让我们让顾客过上感人的体验,就像他们是家庭暴力受害者的邻居一样。多亏了声音,他们可以更好地想象这种情况的残酷和戏剧性,如果他们可以观看的话。 EntrySummary 在意大利,每 3 名妇女中有 1 人经历过家庭暴力 (6.788.000 名妇女)。由于强烈的亲密心态背景,意大利有一种强烈的正派感和一种奇怪的羞耻感: “家里发生的事情必须留在家里” 是普遍的观点。这就是为什么 93% 的家庭暴力案件没有被报道,33.9% 遭受伴侣暴力的人不与任何人交谈。 简要解释 我们用墙关闭了宜家的一个房间,并在里面放置了一个特殊的放大器,它传播了西班牙电信公司唐娜提供的真实家庭暴力故事的声音。“房间” 是一种店内环境媒体,让宜家顾客停止他们的店内旅程,过着感人的生活,就像他们是家庭暴力受害者的邻居一样。墙上的一条信息说: “暴力比你想象的更接近,有时你和它之间只有一堵墙。"。《行动呼吁》邀请客户支持和发现 Telefono Donna。


    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish WOMAN: Hey, are you listening to me? MAN: Don’t dare talk to me like that. I can hear you, I can hear you. If you only said things that make sense. WOMAN: Lower your voice or you’ll wake him. WOMAN: You scare me when you do that. MAN: You’re still going on about a couple of slaps. MAN: You really want me to get rough with, hmmm? I want to kill you when you do that. WOMAN: I have to beg you every time I need something. MAN(shouting): It’s MY money, the money that I earn. WOMAN: But there are three of us! Why are you doing so? MAN (shouting): AND DON’T ANSWER BACK! WOMAN: I wasn’t answering back. SFX: Slaps and beatings SFX: Woman crying WOMAN (crying): Ow! Leave me alone! You hurt me… Again SFX: Woman crying SFX: Door closure Implementation We used audio to turn the IKEA stores spaces into media spaces. Audio allows us to make customers live a touching experience, like they were neighbor of a domestic violence victim. Thanks to the sound they could imagine the cruelty and the drama of the situation better than if they could have watched it. EntrySummary In Italy 1 in 3 women has experienced domestic violence (6.788.000 women). Due to a strong close mentality background, Italy has an intense sense of decency and a strange idea of shame: "what happens at home must remain at home" is the common opinion. That's why 93% of cases of domestic violence are not reported and 33.9% of those who suffer violence from the partner do not talk to anyone. BriefExplanation We closed one of the IKEA's rooms with a wall and we placed inside it a special amplifier that spread the sound of real domestic violence stories provided by Telefono Donna. "The Room" was an in-store ambient media that gets IKEA customers to stop their in-store journey and live a touching experience, like they were neighbor of a domestic violence victim. A message on the wall said: "Violence is closer than you think, sometimes there's just a wall between you and it.". A call to action invited customers to support and discover Telefono Donna.

    The Room

    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish 女: 嘿,你在听我说话吗?男: 别敢那样和我说话。我能听到你,我能听到你。如果你只说有意义的话。女人: 降低你的声音,否则你会叫醒他。女人: 你那样做会吓到我。男人: 你还在继续打几巴掌。男人: 你真的想让我对你粗暴,嗯?你这么做的时候我想杀了你。女人: 每次我需要东西的时候,我都要乞求你。男人 (喊): 是我的钱,我挣的钱。女人: 但是我们有三个人!你为什么这么做?男人 (大喊): DON'T 回答!WOMAN: 我没有回答。SFX: 拍打和殴打 SFX: 女人哭女人 (哭): 哦!别管我!你伤害了我…… 再次 SFX: 女人哭泣 SFX: 关门 实施 我们使用音频将宜家商店空间变成媒体空间。音频让我们让顾客过上感人的体验,就像他们是家庭暴力受害者的邻居一样。多亏了声音,他们可以更好地想象这种情况的残酷和戏剧性,如果他们可以观看的话。 EntrySummary 在意大利,每 3 名妇女中有 1 人经历过家庭暴力 (6.788.000 名妇女)。由于强烈的亲密心态背景,意大利有一种强烈的正派感和一种奇怪的羞耻感: “家里发生的事情必须留在家里” 是普遍的观点。这就是为什么 93% 的家庭暴力案件没有被报道,33.9% 遭受伴侣暴力的人不与任何人交谈。 简要解释 我们用墙关闭了宜家的一个房间,并在里面放置了一个特殊的放大器,它传播了西班牙电信公司唐娜提供的真实家庭暴力故事的声音。“房间” 是一种店内环境媒体,让宜家顾客停止他们的店内旅程,过着感人的生活,就像他们是家庭暴力受害者的邻居一样。墙上的一条信息说: “暴力比你想象的更接近,有时你和它之间只有一堵墙。"。《行动呼吁》邀请客户支持和发现 Telefono Donna。

    The Room

    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish WOMAN: Hey, are you listening to me? MAN: Don’t dare talk to me like that. I can hear you, I can hear you. If you only said things that make sense. WOMAN: Lower your voice or you’ll wake him. WOMAN: You scare me when you do that. MAN: You’re still going on about a couple of slaps. MAN: You really want me to get rough with, hmmm? I want to kill you when you do that. WOMAN: I have to beg you every time I need something. MAN(shouting): It’s MY money, the money that I earn. WOMAN: But there are three of us! Why are you doing so? MAN (shouting): AND DON’T ANSWER BACK! WOMAN: I wasn’t answering back. SFX: Slaps and beatings SFX: Woman crying WOMAN (crying): Ow! Leave me alone! You hurt me… Again SFX: Woman crying SFX: Door closure Implementation We used audio to turn the IKEA stores spaces into media spaces. Audio allows us to make customers live a touching experience, like they were neighbor of a domestic violence victim. Thanks to the sound they could imagine the cruelty and the drama of the situation better than if they could have watched it. EntrySummary In Italy 1 in 3 women has experienced domestic violence (6.788.000 women). Due to a strong close mentality background, Italy has an intense sense of decency and a strange idea of shame: "what happens at home must remain at home" is the common opinion. That's why 93% of cases of domestic violence are not reported and 33.9% of those who suffer violence from the partner do not talk to anyone. BriefExplanation We closed one of the IKEA's rooms with a wall and we placed inside it a special amplifier that spread the sound of real domestic violence stories provided by Telefono Donna. "The Room" was an in-store ambient media that gets IKEA customers to stop their in-store journey and live a touching experience, like they were neighbor of a domestic violence victim. A message on the wall said: "Violence is closer than you think, sometimes there's just a wall between you and it.". A call to action invited customers to support and discover Telefono Donna.



    The Room






    广告公司: 恒美 (意大利 米兰) 制作公司: Karen Film




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