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    Save the trees 2短视频广告营销案例



    拯救树木 2

    案例简介:描述/概要 这项运动是格雷 · 布加勒斯特为一个名为媒体监测机构的非政府组织发起的,该组织在过去 7 年里一直在积极为环境事业而战。这次的主题是罗马尼亚大规模砍伐森林的影响。 上下文 这场运动的目的是提请公众注意过去 10 年来罗马尼亚各地发生的滥用森林砍伐的存在和影响。 长期目标是教育年轻一代尊重自然资源,并影响公共当局利用执法惩罚滥用森林和消除例外情况。 短期目标是将这个问题纳入公共和私人、个人议程,让人们意识到这个问题,并对它施加社会压力。 最重要的是,我们的客户正在寻找志愿者参加大型种植活动。 哲学/解决方案 就像大多数关于环境问题的呼吁一样,这一次也不会被公众注意到,因为公众认为他们的议程上还有其他重大问题。这就是为什么我们选择以不同的方式交流,从想法到接下来的每一次执行。 基于 “森林意味着生命” 的洞察力,我们将竞选理念塑造成 “杀死一棵树,杀死一个人”。" 复印/抄本 Save 拯救树木!bu是为布加勒斯特的 media 媒体监测机构发起的运动。过去 7 年来,该非政府组织一直积极捍卫环境事业,例如罗马尼亚大规模砍伐森林的影响。 这项运动的目的是提请公众注意过去 10 年来罗马尼亚发生的滥用森林砍伐的存在和影响。 从长远来看,这些目标是双重的。首先,教育年轻一代尊重自然资源,其次,影响公共当局对虐待案件实施更严厉的罚款。 基于对森林意味着生命 insight 洞察力,该机构将竞选理念转化为 kills 杀死一棵树,杀死一个人。 最初使用传统的交流方式,结合教育材料,然后运动走上罗马尼亚各个城市的街道,进行大规模的户外展览,同时在哀悼乐队中悬挂城市内的树木, 作为他们在山里屠杀的兄弟的悲伤象征。 这个想法得到了那些停下来向意见领袖、记者、社会人士甚至大城市市长提供帮助的人的注意,每个人都注意到悲伤的树丛,开始谈论这个问题。更好的是,他们开始采取行动! 这场运动继续进行,在报纸的讣告专栏中放置了树木悼词,人道主义援助请求对被砍伐的树木进行了绝望的审判,在电视新闻节目中战略性地放置了哀悼板, 就像那些宣布公众未来死亡的人一样。这场运动继续在书店张贴海报,并以志愿者的植树活动结束。

    拯救树木 2

    案例简介:Description / Synopsis This campaign was developed by Grey Bucharest for an NGO called The Media Monitoring Agency, that was actively fighting for environmental causes for the past 7 years. The theme this time was the effect of massive deforestation in Romania. Context The aim of this campaign was to draw public attention to the existence and, above all, the effects of abusive deforestation happening for the past 10 years throughout Romania. The long-term objectives where - and still are - educating the younger generation in respecting the natural resources and influencing the public authorities towards using law enforcement in punishing the abusive deforestation and eliminating the exceptions. The short-term objective was bringing the problem on both public and private, individual agendas, making people realize the issue and put social pressure against it. On top, our client was looking for people to volunteer to take part in a big planting event. Philosophy/Solution Like most appeals on environmental issues, this one too would have passed unnoticed by a public that feels other major problems pressing their agenda. That is why we chose to communicate it differently, from the very idea to every following execution. Building on the insight " forest means life", we shaped the campaign idea into "He who kills a tree, kills a person." Copy/Transcript ‘Save the Trees!’ is a campaign which was developed for the ‘Media Monitoring Agency in Bucharest. This NGO has been actively defending environmental causes for the past 7 years, such as the effect of massive deforestation in Romania. The aim of this campaign was to draw public attention to the existence and effects of abusive deforestation taking place in Romania for the past 10 years. On a long-term basis, the objectives were two-fold. Firstly, educating the younger generation to respect natural resources and secondly, to influence public authorities to enforce tougher fines for abuse cases. Building on the insight “a forest means life”, the agency shaped the campaign idea into “he who kills a tree, kills a person.” Conventional communication was used at first, combined with educational materials, and then the campaign took to the streets of various Romanian cities for a massive outdoor exhibition – draping inner-city trees in mourning bands, as a symbol of grief for their brothers slaughtered in the mountains. The idea got noticed from people who stopped and offered help to opinion leaders, journalists, civial society figures and even the mayors of large cities, everyone noticed the grieving tress and started talking about the problem. Even better, they started taking action! The campaign continued with the placing of tree eulogies in obituary columns of newspapers, with humanitarian aid requests for “desperate cases” of felled trees, and mourning boards were placed strategically during TV news shows, like the ones announcing the death of a public future. The campaign continued with posters in bookstores, and ended with a tree planting event by volunteers.

    Save the trees 2

    案例简介:描述/概要 这项运动是格雷 · 布加勒斯特为一个名为媒体监测机构的非政府组织发起的,该组织在过去 7 年里一直在积极为环境事业而战。这次的主题是罗马尼亚大规模砍伐森林的影响。 上下文 这场运动的目的是提请公众注意过去 10 年来罗马尼亚各地发生的滥用森林砍伐的存在和影响。 长期目标是教育年轻一代尊重自然资源,并影响公共当局利用执法惩罚滥用森林和消除例外情况。 短期目标是将这个问题纳入公共和私人、个人议程,让人们意识到这个问题,并对它施加社会压力。 最重要的是,我们的客户正在寻找志愿者参加大型种植活动。 哲学/解决方案 就像大多数关于环境问题的呼吁一样,这一次也不会被公众注意到,因为公众认为他们的议程上还有其他重大问题。这就是为什么我们选择以不同的方式交流,从想法到接下来的每一次执行。 基于 “森林意味着生命” 的洞察力,我们将竞选理念塑造成 “杀死一棵树,杀死一个人”。" 复印/抄本 Save 拯救树木!bu是为布加勒斯特的 media 媒体监测机构发起的运动。过去 7 年来,该非政府组织一直积极捍卫环境事业,例如罗马尼亚大规模砍伐森林的影响。 这项运动的目的是提请公众注意过去 10 年来罗马尼亚发生的滥用森林砍伐的存在和影响。 从长远来看,这些目标是双重的。首先,教育年轻一代尊重自然资源,其次,影响公共当局对虐待案件实施更严厉的罚款。 基于对森林意味着生命 insight 洞察力,该机构将竞选理念转化为 kills 杀死一棵树,杀死一个人。 最初使用传统的交流方式,结合教育材料,然后运动走上罗马尼亚各个城市的街道,进行大规模的户外展览,同时在哀悼乐队中悬挂城市内的树木, 作为他们在山里屠杀的兄弟的悲伤象征。 这个想法得到了那些停下来向意见领袖、记者、社会人士甚至大城市市长提供帮助的人的注意,每个人都注意到悲伤的树丛,开始谈论这个问题。更好的是,他们开始采取行动! 这场运动继续进行,在报纸的讣告专栏中放置了树木悼词,人道主义援助请求对被砍伐的树木进行了绝望的审判,在电视新闻节目中战略性地放置了哀悼板, 就像那些宣布公众未来死亡的人一样。这场运动继续在书店张贴海报,并以志愿者的植树活动结束。

    Save the trees 2

    案例简介:Description / Synopsis This campaign was developed by Grey Bucharest for an NGO called The Media Monitoring Agency, that was actively fighting for environmental causes for the past 7 years. The theme this time was the effect of massive deforestation in Romania. Context The aim of this campaign was to draw public attention to the existence and, above all, the effects of abusive deforestation happening for the past 10 years throughout Romania. The long-term objectives where - and still are - educating the younger generation in respecting the natural resources and influencing the public authorities towards using law enforcement in punishing the abusive deforestation and eliminating the exceptions. The short-term objective was bringing the problem on both public and private, individual agendas, making people realize the issue and put social pressure against it. On top, our client was looking for people to volunteer to take part in a big planting event. Philosophy/Solution Like most appeals on environmental issues, this one too would have passed unnoticed by a public that feels other major problems pressing their agenda. That is why we chose to communicate it differently, from the very idea to every following execution. Building on the insight " forest means life", we shaped the campaign idea into "He who kills a tree, kills a person." Copy/Transcript ‘Save the Trees!’ is a campaign which was developed for the ‘Media Monitoring Agency in Bucharest. This NGO has been actively defending environmental causes for the past 7 years, such as the effect of massive deforestation in Romania. The aim of this campaign was to draw public attention to the existence and effects of abusive deforestation taking place in Romania for the past 10 years. On a long-term basis, the objectives were two-fold. Firstly, educating the younger generation to respect natural resources and secondly, to influence public authorities to enforce tougher fines for abuse cases. Building on the insight “a forest means life”, the agency shaped the campaign idea into “he who kills a tree, kills a person.” Conventional communication was used at first, combined with educational materials, and then the campaign took to the streets of various Romanian cities for a massive outdoor exhibition – draping inner-city trees in mourning bands, as a symbol of grief for their brothers slaughtered in the mountains. The idea got noticed from people who stopped and offered help to opinion leaders, journalists, civial society figures and even the mayors of large cities, everyone noticed the grieving tress and started talking about the problem. Even better, they started taking action! The campaign continued with the placing of tree eulogies in obituary columns of newspapers, with humanitarian aid requests for “desperate cases” of felled trees, and mourning boards were placed strategically during TV news shows, like the ones announcing the death of a public future. The campaign continued with posters in bookstores, and ended with a tree planting event by volunteers.

    拯救树木 2


    Save the trees 2








    He who kills a tree, kills a person.



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