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    Baby Name Generator微电影广告营销案例




    案例简介:Humanaut创建了 “Killer Baby Namer”,这是一个新的基于视频的液体死亡山水营销活动,肯定会成为2020年秋季最大的病毒。该作品于9月3日星期四在线首次亮相。 准父母可以求助于互联网,仔细阅读大量网站,帮助他们为孩子选择完美的名字,为什么不呢?研究表明,一个人的名字有能力影响他们生活的方方面面,从关系到事业成功。因此,在视频中,Liquid Death是一个水品牌,其差异化点是重金属美学和 “谋杀你的口渴” 的标语,决定参与其中,并在幽默的90秒位置中使婴儿名字成为其创意的核心,该位置与KillerBabyNamer.com微型网站相关联。 Humanaut的联合创始人兼首席创意总监大卫 · 利特尔约翰 (David Littlejohn) 说: “我们认为,如果顾客开始给他们的婴儿命名史诗般的金属名字会很有趣。”“因此,我们设计了一个互动网站,提出了一份完整的批准液体死亡婴儿名字列表,并建立了名字生成器。” 现场从一个新妈妈在田园环境中与新生儿建立联系的片段开始,然后过渡到以前的婴儿即将成年并面临重要的现实情况的场景,例如工作面试。配乐是平静的音乐,伴随着叙述者的低沉咆哮。 他继续解释父母如何简单地访问Killerbabynamer.com并在几个字段中输入文本,以赋予婴儿一个绰号,这肯定会为荣耀铺平道路。在卷轴上,以中世纪字体提供的样本名称包括kilery Killface,MurderBones医生,破坏者Zorglom和Hellface Meathammer。 “你知道雇主可以把他们的偏见附加在简历上吗?” 当一位高管查看候选人的简历时,叙述者告诉我们。“因此,当Krogwrath McKillington Clark申请一份工作时,你就知道婴儿会直接登顶。” 随着设想到更多的场景,该广告向观众介绍了几个可爱的小天使,这些小天使穿着戏剧性的黑脸涂料,使他们看起来像是某些音乐表演的迷你成员,这些音乐表演介于KISS和最新的瑞典黑色死亡金属乐队之间。但是,还有更多: 如果父母以液体死亡认可的名字命名婴儿,并向公司提交合法的出生证明作为证明,他们将在婴儿18岁生日之前获得液体死亡供应。 为了做出嘲讽的努力,Humanaut从苏打水和快餐公司那里获得了战略线索,这些公司使用巧妙的策略来吸引年轻且易受影响的孩子。Liquid Death的创始人迈克 · 塞萨里奥 (Mike Cessario) 解释说,“我们不是针对5至12岁的孩子,而是想在他们还在子宫里的时候开始灌输液体死亡。”“我们的消费者认知分析团队发现,一个出生时带有可笑重金属名字的孩子成为可笑重金属水的消费者的可能性要高出五倍。” Cessario继续说,与一家 “像我们一样讨厌营销” 的代理商合作真是太好了。他们得到了我们想要做的,而不是我们想要做的。“


    案例简介:Humanaut has created “Killer Baby Namer,” a new video-based marketing campaign for Liquid Death Mountain Water that is sure to become the biggest viral hit of fall 2020. The work debuted online Thursday, September 3. Expectant parents can turn to the Internet to peruse plenty of sites that help choose the perfect name for their child, and why shouldn’t they? Studies show that a person’s name has the power to influence every aspect of their life from relationships to career success. So, in the video, Liquid Death, a water brand whose differentiation point is a Heavy Metal aesthetic and tagline of “Murder Your Thirst,” decided to get in on the action and make baby names central to its creative in the humorous 90-second spot, which is linked to a KillerBabyNamer.com microsite. “We thought it’d be funny if customers started naming their babies epic metal names,” said David Littlejohn, co-founder and Chief Creative Director at Humanaut. “So we designed an interactive website, came up with a complete list of approved Liquid Death baby names and built the name generator.” The spot begins with a clip of a new mother bonding with her newborn in a pastoral setting and then transitions into scenes of former babies approaching adulthood and facing important real-life situations, such as job interviews. The soundtrack is calming music accompanied by the low growl of a narrator. He goes on to explain how parents can simply go to Killerbabynamer.com and enter text into a few fields to bestow their baby with a moniker that’s sure to pave a path to glory. On a scroll, sample names delivered in a medieval-looking typeface include Killery Killface, Doctor MurderBones, Zorglom the Destroyer and Hellface Meathammer. “Did you know employers can attach their biases to names on resumes?” the narrator informs us as an executive looks over a candidate’s CV. “So when Krogwrath McKillington Clark applies for a job you know that baby’s going straight to the top.” As more scenarios are envisioned, the ad introduces viewers to several adorable cherubs sporting dramatic black face paint that makes them appear to be mini members of some musical act that falls somewhere between KISS and the latest Swedish Black Death Metal group on the scare spectrum. But wait, there’s more: If parents name their baby after a Liquid Death-approved name and submit a legitimate birth certificate to the company as proof, they will receive a supply of Liquid Death until that baby’s 18th birthday. To create the tongue-in-cheek effort, Humanaut took strategic cues from soda and fast food companies that use clever tactics to attract kids when they’re young and impressionable. But rather than targeting those age five to 12, “we wanted to start indoctrinating kids into Liquid Death while they are still in the womb,” explained Liquid Death’s Founder Mike Cessario. “Our consumer cognitive analytics team found that a child born with a ridiculous heavy metal name is five times more likely to become a consumer of ridiculous heavy metal water.” Cessario went on to say that it’s great to work with an agency that “loathes marketing as much as we do. They get what we’re trying to do—and not do.”

    Baby Name Generator

    案例简介:Humanaut创建了 “Killer Baby Namer”,这是一个新的基于视频的液体死亡山水营销活动,肯定会成为2020年秋季最大的病毒。该作品于9月3日星期四在线首次亮相。 准父母可以求助于互联网,仔细阅读大量网站,帮助他们为孩子选择完美的名字,为什么不呢?研究表明,一个人的名字有能力影响他们生活的方方面面,从关系到事业成功。因此,在视频中,Liquid Death是一个水品牌,其差异化点是重金属美学和 “谋杀你的口渴” 的标语,决定参与其中,并在幽默的90秒位置中使婴儿名字成为其创意的核心,该位置与KillerBabyNamer.com微型网站相关联。 Humanaut的联合创始人兼首席创意总监大卫 · 利特尔约翰 (David Littlejohn) 说: “我们认为,如果顾客开始给他们的婴儿命名史诗般的金属名字会很有趣。”“因此,我们设计了一个互动网站,提出了一份完整的批准液体死亡婴儿名字列表,并建立了名字生成器。” 现场从一个新妈妈在田园环境中与新生儿建立联系的片段开始,然后过渡到以前的婴儿即将成年并面临重要的现实情况的场景,例如工作面试。配乐是平静的音乐,伴随着叙述者的低沉咆哮。 他继续解释父母如何简单地访问Killerbabynamer.com并在几个字段中输入文本,以赋予婴儿一个绰号,这肯定会为荣耀铺平道路。在卷轴上,以中世纪字体提供的样本名称包括kilery Killface,MurderBones医生,破坏者Zorglom和Hellface Meathammer。 “你知道雇主可以把他们的偏见附加在简历上吗?” 当一位高管查看候选人的简历时,叙述者告诉我们。“因此,当Krogwrath McKillington Clark申请一份工作时,你就知道婴儿会直接登顶。” 随着设想到更多的场景,该广告向观众介绍了几个可爱的小天使,这些小天使穿着戏剧性的黑脸涂料,使他们看起来像是某些音乐表演的迷你成员,这些音乐表演介于KISS和最新的瑞典黑色死亡金属乐队之间。但是,还有更多: 如果父母以液体死亡认可的名字命名婴儿,并向公司提交合法的出生证明作为证明,他们将在婴儿18岁生日之前获得液体死亡供应。 为了做出嘲讽的努力,Humanaut从苏打水和快餐公司那里获得了战略线索,这些公司使用巧妙的策略来吸引年轻且易受影响的孩子。Liquid Death的创始人迈克 · 塞萨里奥 (Mike Cessario) 解释说,“我们不是针对5至12岁的孩子,而是想在他们还在子宫里的时候开始灌输液体死亡。”“我们的消费者认知分析团队发现,一个出生时带有可笑重金属名字的孩子成为可笑重金属水的消费者的可能性要高出五倍。” Cessario继续说,与一家 “像我们一样讨厌营销” 的代理商合作真是太好了。他们得到了我们想要做的,而不是我们想要做的。“

    Baby Name Generator

    案例简介:Humanaut has created “Killer Baby Namer,” a new video-based marketing campaign for Liquid Death Mountain Water that is sure to become the biggest viral hit of fall 2020. The work debuted online Thursday, September 3. Expectant parents can turn to the Internet to peruse plenty of sites that help choose the perfect name for their child, and why shouldn’t they? Studies show that a person’s name has the power to influence every aspect of their life from relationships to career success. So, in the video, Liquid Death, a water brand whose differentiation point is a Heavy Metal aesthetic and tagline of “Murder Your Thirst,” decided to get in on the action and make baby names central to its creative in the humorous 90-second spot, which is linked to a KillerBabyNamer.com microsite. “We thought it’d be funny if customers started naming their babies epic metal names,” said David Littlejohn, co-founder and Chief Creative Director at Humanaut. “So we designed an interactive website, came up with a complete list of approved Liquid Death baby names and built the name generator.” The spot begins with a clip of a new mother bonding with her newborn in a pastoral setting and then transitions into scenes of former babies approaching adulthood and facing important real-life situations, such as job interviews. The soundtrack is calming music accompanied by the low growl of a narrator. He goes on to explain how parents can simply go to Killerbabynamer.com and enter text into a few fields to bestow their baby with a moniker that’s sure to pave a path to glory. On a scroll, sample names delivered in a medieval-looking typeface include Killery Killface, Doctor MurderBones, Zorglom the Destroyer and Hellface Meathammer. “Did you know employers can attach their biases to names on resumes?” the narrator informs us as an executive looks over a candidate’s CV. “So when Krogwrath McKillington Clark applies for a job you know that baby’s going straight to the top.” As more scenarios are envisioned, the ad introduces viewers to several adorable cherubs sporting dramatic black face paint that makes them appear to be mini members of some musical act that falls somewhere between KISS and the latest Swedish Black Death Metal group on the scare spectrum. But wait, there’s more: If parents name their baby after a Liquid Death-approved name and submit a legitimate birth certificate to the company as proof, they will receive a supply of Liquid Death until that baby’s 18th birthday. To create the tongue-in-cheek effort, Humanaut took strategic cues from soda and fast food companies that use clever tactics to attract kids when they’re young and impressionable. But rather than targeting those age five to 12, “we wanted to start indoctrinating kids into Liquid Death while they are still in the womb,” explained Liquid Death’s Founder Mike Cessario. “Our consumer cognitive analytics team found that a child born with a ridiculous heavy metal name is five times more likely to become a consumer of ridiculous heavy metal water.” Cessario went on to say that it’s great to work with an agency that “loathes marketing as much as we do. They get what we’re trying to do—and not do.”



    Baby Name Generator










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