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    案例简介:简要说明: 从项目一开始,我们就决定创作一部长电影,作为在线短片。也可以很容易地切割成 20 对 10 秒的电视。我们希望这对夫妇像长版本一样作为独立的故事来工作。这是相当雄心勃勃的,但我们决定观众会欣赏更深层次的内容,这也将使我们能够把我们的作品更多地视为一件艺术品。我们的主要目标是为电视和网络上的观众创造美丽和不同的东西。 描述客户的简报: 第四频道 (电视 Nelonen) -- 与芬兰第二大商业网络第四频道 (电视 Nelonen) 完全不同希望我们为他们的观众创造一些完全不同的东西 -- 正如他们的口号所暗示的那样。尼洛宁要求我们在程序和商业中断之间的 5 秒空间内创建 20 对 (5 秒内,5 秒外) 的中断保险杠。他们的目标人口群体是城市、年轻人和年轻人。我们的休息保险杠在整个 11月的每一个商业休息中展示。客户也欢迎在线使用的其他材料。 描述你是如何到达最终设计的: 商业广告和电视节目有时会非常繁忙,所以我们决定在颜色上非常容易,结果几乎是黑白的。短的风格是流畅的,虽然看起来是随机的,但却流进了一个有凝聚力的整体。也许以不同的顺序观察它们更像是从另一个角度看同一个旅程。声音世界也非常重要,即使闭着眼睛看短裤,空间中的运动也会被感知。声音重叠,褪色,来来去去。我们希望观众体验一次城市抽象的旅程。 表明市场的结果有多成功: 这真的没有衡量标准。Break bumpers 的想法是加强第四频道 (Nelonen) 的品牌,并给观众一些思考的东西。观众的反馈非常好,保险杠被认为很漂亮。观众的评论证实了我们和简报的目标: 为观众创造美丽和不同的东西。在线长版本 (完全可嵌入) 受到了很多关注,并在博客、视频服务等中广泛传播.即使在 11月播出后,视频和网站仍然保持每天的流量,没有任何进一步的推广。


    案例简介:Brief Explanation: From the very beginning of the project we decided to create a long piece that would work as a shortfilm online. Something that could also be easily cut into 20 ten seconds pairs for TV. We wanted the pairs to work as individual stories in & out as well as the long version. This was quite ambitious, but we decided that the viewers would appreciate deeper content and it would also enable us to treat our piece more as an art piece. Our main objective was to create something beautiful and different for the viewers on TV and online. Describe the brief from the client: Channel 4 (TV Nelonen) - Something totally different As the second biggest commercial network in Finland, Channel 4 (TV Nelonen) wanted us to create something totally different - as their slogan suggests - for their viewers. Nelonen asked us to create 20 pairs (5 seconds in, 5 seconds out) of break bumpers to the 5 seconds space between a program and a commercial break. Their target demographic groups were urban, young people and young adults. Our break bumpers were shown for the whole of November in every commercial break. Additional material for online use was also welcomed by the client. Description of how you arrived at the final design: Commercial breaks and TV programming can be quite hectic sometimes, so we decided to go very easy on colour and our result is almost black and white. The style of the short(s) is fluid and, though seemingly random, streams into a cohesive whole. Perhaps watching them in different order would be more like seeing the same journey from another point of view. The sound world is also very important, movement in space is sensed even if watching the shorts with eyes closed. Sounds overlap, fade, come and go. We wanted the viewers to experience a journey in Urban Abstract. Indication of how successful the outcome was in the market: There is really no measure for this. The idea of the break bumpers is to strengthen the Channel 4 (Nelonen) brand and give viewers something to think about. Viewer feedback was excellent and the bumpers were considered beautiful. Viewer comments confirmed what we and the brief aimed for: to create something beautiful and different for the viewers. Online the long version (which was made fully embeddable) received a lot of attention and was widely spread in blogs, video services etc... Even after being aired in November the video and website are still receiving consistent daily traffic without any further promotion.

    Urban Abstract

    案例简介:简要说明: 从项目一开始,我们就决定创作一部长电影,作为在线短片。也可以很容易地切割成 20 对 10 秒的电视。我们希望这对夫妇像长版本一样作为独立的故事来工作。这是相当雄心勃勃的,但我们决定观众会欣赏更深层次的内容,这也将使我们能够把我们的作品更多地视为一件艺术品。我们的主要目标是为电视和网络上的观众创造美丽和不同的东西。 描述客户的简报: 第四频道 (电视 Nelonen) -- 与芬兰第二大商业网络第四频道 (电视 Nelonen) 完全不同希望我们为他们的观众创造一些完全不同的东西 -- 正如他们的口号所暗示的那样。尼洛宁要求我们在程序和商业中断之间的 5 秒空间内创建 20 对 (5 秒内,5 秒外) 的中断保险杠。他们的目标人口群体是城市、年轻人和年轻人。我们的休息保险杠在整个 11月的每一个商业休息中展示。客户也欢迎在线使用的其他材料。 描述你是如何到达最终设计的: 商业广告和电视节目有时会非常繁忙,所以我们决定在颜色上非常容易,结果几乎是黑白的。短的风格是流畅的,虽然看起来是随机的,但却流进了一个有凝聚力的整体。也许以不同的顺序观察它们更像是从另一个角度看同一个旅程。声音世界也非常重要,即使闭着眼睛看短裤,空间中的运动也会被感知。声音重叠,褪色,来来去去。我们希望观众体验一次城市抽象的旅程。 表明市场的结果有多成功: 这真的没有衡量标准。Break bumpers 的想法是加强第四频道 (Nelonen) 的品牌,并给观众一些思考的东西。观众的反馈非常好,保险杠被认为很漂亮。观众的评论证实了我们和简报的目标: 为观众创造美丽和不同的东西。在线长版本 (完全可嵌入) 受到了很多关注,并在博客、视频服务等中广泛传播.即使在 11月播出后,视频和网站仍然保持每天的流量,没有任何进一步的推广。

    Urban Abstract

    案例简介:Brief Explanation: From the very beginning of the project we decided to create a long piece that would work as a shortfilm online. Something that could also be easily cut into 20 ten seconds pairs for TV. We wanted the pairs to work as individual stories in & out as well as the long version. This was quite ambitious, but we decided that the viewers would appreciate deeper content and it would also enable us to treat our piece more as an art piece. Our main objective was to create something beautiful and different for the viewers on TV and online. Describe the brief from the client: Channel 4 (TV Nelonen) - Something totally different As the second biggest commercial network in Finland, Channel 4 (TV Nelonen) wanted us to create something totally different - as their slogan suggests - for their viewers. Nelonen asked us to create 20 pairs (5 seconds in, 5 seconds out) of break bumpers to the 5 seconds space between a program and a commercial break. Their target demographic groups were urban, young people and young adults. Our break bumpers were shown for the whole of November in every commercial break. Additional material for online use was also welcomed by the client. Description of how you arrived at the final design: Commercial breaks and TV programming can be quite hectic sometimes, so we decided to go very easy on colour and our result is almost black and white. The style of the short(s) is fluid and, though seemingly random, streams into a cohesive whole. Perhaps watching them in different order would be more like seeing the same journey from another point of view. The sound world is also very important, movement in space is sensed even if watching the shorts with eyes closed. Sounds overlap, fade, come and go. We wanted the viewers to experience a journey in Urban Abstract. Indication of how successful the outcome was in the market: There is really no measure for this. The idea of the break bumpers is to strengthen the Channel 4 (Nelonen) brand and give viewers something to think about. Viewer feedback was excellent and the bumpers were considered beautiful. Viewer comments confirmed what we and the brief aimed for: to create something beautiful and different for the viewers. Online the long version (which was made fully embeddable) received a lot of attention and was widely spread in blogs, video services etc... Even after being aired in November the video and website are still receiving consistent daily traffic without any further promotion.



    Urban Abstract










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