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    Model Environment短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:北极光和模型环境为节水提供了一切 纽约,纽约,2012年5月18日: 纽约/洛杉矶的后期制作精品北极光编辑布兰登 · 贝克、精彩先生、纽约作曲家/调色师克里斯 · 亨格伊夫德和艺术家公司的 prodco, bicoastal 为模型环境提供了一个揭示、环保的 1:11 PSA,“卡拉 · 休斯顿节水”,一个时装模特组织,让人们意识到环境和社会问题。在线 PSA 的特点是穿着暴露的模特卡拉 · 休斯顿在她的几个克隆人完成日常家务时向他们分发节水提示。PSA 是一系列在线公益广告的一部分,包括 “卫生纸上的 Helene Traasavik” 和 “清洁产品上的 Nina Smidt”。" 贝克在 Avid 中创建了休斯顿的 alter egos 的最初的绿屏复合材料,Hengeveld 参加了最后的传球,以便通过镜头聚焦和最终合成达到更高的授权能力。这四个截然不同的角色提供了一个独特的挑战,要求贝克匹配眼线,以创造四个克隆实际上是现场演员相互作用的错觉。贝克指出,“当我最初看董事会时,很明显,这是该系列中最具质感的地方。除了视觉效果的挑战,贝克还采用创造性的编辑策略来隐藏裸体模特的某些身体部位,以保持 PSA 的挑衅性,但适当的。亨格伊夫德补充道,“我们的目标是消除训练和未训练眼睛的绿色屏幕的任何证据。这很有挑战性,因为位置非常有限,需要在离屏幕很近的地方拍摄校长; 最好把他们放在远处。但是导演杰弗里 · 卡洛夫和布兰登做了出色的拦截和切割工作,所以仔细合成克隆人感觉是真实的。“亨特维尔德还使用了光泽进行颜色校正。亨格伊夫德继续说道,“Lustre 非常适合隔离颜色,并强调导演的不同布鲁斯。它也很容易拨回其他色调,以获得所需的外观。" “卡拉 · 休斯顿节约用水” 在休斯顿的淋浴中打开,当她刮腿毛时,水从淋浴喷头从排水管里倾泻而下。在专注于剃须的同时,一个有生态意识的休斯顿克隆人似乎突然关掉了水,要求 “当它升温时,收集它。在厨房里,另一个休斯顿的克隆人让水槽里的水流淌,而她却漫不经心地擦盘子。两个侯斯特很快来到她身边,关掉水,打她一屁股,因为她太粗心了。在甲板上,最后一个克隆人正在给玫瑰灌木丛浇水,把多余的软管水洒到到处,直到另外三个出来递给她一桶淋浴水。我们在甲板上的四个外壳上得出结论,批准另外两个克隆人妇女在下面用雨水洗澡,然后是一系列的 supers,“淋浴五分钟, “洗碗时装满水槽” 和 “种植水智慧花园”。 ”模型环境标志关闭 PSA。 关于北极光 北极光是一家蓬勃发展的双海岸 (纽约/洛杉矶) 后期制作精品店,以电影制作人和视觉艺术家为特色,热爱讲故事。 从 Promax 和艾美奖获奖的电视品牌到商业广告、电影和互联网内容,北极光自 1995年以来一直是原创创意的目的地。 该公司屡获殊荣的人才不断创造新的方式来解释所有现代交付平台的镜头。他们将想法塑造成品牌专注内容的无与伦比的能力是由一个鼓励尝试新事物和冒险的创造性环境所滋养的。 北极光公司与姊妹公司 Wonderful 先生合作设计,SuperExploder 用于作曲和音频帖子,Bodega 用于创意任务和制作。合作,他们是一个强大的一站式资源,根据每个客户和电影制作人的需求定制他们的产品。 关于奇妙先生 精彩先生是一个创意制作工作室,专门从事电视、电影、互动和环境媒体的概念驱动运动设计、品牌和效果。该工作室成立于 2005年,其简单原则是一切都可以通过良好的设计来增强。我们的背景多种多样,我们的客户也是如此。我们是插画师、动画师、作家、音乐家、画家、雕塑家、木雕师、摄影师和导演。我们喜欢创作过程。我们讨厌样板。我们期待着和你一起做一些美好的事情。


    案例简介:NORTHERN LIGHTS AND MODEL ENVIRONMENT BARE ALL FOR WATER CONSERVATION New York, NY, May 18, 2012: New York/Los Angeles-based post production boutique Northern Lights editor Brandon Beck, Mr. Wonderful, NY compositor/colorist Chris Hengeveld and prodco The Artists Company, Bicoastal deliver a revealing, eco-conscious 1:11 PSA, “Carla Houston on Water Conservation” for Model Environment, an organization of fashion models bringing awareness to environmental and social issues. The online PSA features scantily-clad model Carla Houston doling out water conservation tips to several of her clones as they go about their daily household tasks. The PSA is part of a series of online PSAs featuring green models including “Helene Traasavik on Toilet Paper” and “Nina Smidt on Cleaning Products.” Beck created the initial green screen composites of Houston’s alter egos in Avid with Hengeveld taking on the final passes in order to achieve a higher level of believability through lens focusing and final compositing. The four contrasting roles provided a unique challenge, requiring Beck to match eye lines to create the illusion that the four clones were actually live actors interacting with each other. Notes Beck, “When I initially took a look at the boards, it was obvious that this was going to the most textured spot of the series.” In addition to the visual effects challenges, Beck also employed creative editing to strategically conceal certain body parts of the nude model to keep the PSA provocative, yet appropriate. Adds Hengeveld, “The goal was to eliminate any evidence of green screen to the trained and untrained eye. This was challenging as the location was quite confined, requiring the principals to be filmed close to the screen; it’s always preferable to place them at a distance. But the director Jeffrey Karoff and Brandon did an excellent job blocking and cutting, so with careful compositing the clones feel real.” Hengeveld also used Lustre for color correction. Continues Hengeveld, “Lustre was great for isolating colors and accentuating different blues per the director. It also easily dialed back other hues for the desired look.” “Carla Houston on Water Conservation” opens on Houston in the shower, the water wastefully pouring from the showerhead down the drain as she shaves her legs. While concentrating intently on shaving, an eco-conscious Houston clone appears to turn off the water abruptly and demand, “And while it’s heating up, collect it.” In the kitchen, another Houston clone lets the sink water run while she mindlessly soaps dishes. The two Houstons quickly come to her side, shut off the water and spank her for being so careless. Out on the deck, the last clone is watering rose bushes, spilling excess amounts of hose water everywhere until the other three come out to hand her a bucket of shower water to use instead. We conclude on the four Houstons on the deck approving of two other clone women bathing down below with rainwater followed by a series of supers, “Take five minute showers,” “Fill a sink when washing dishes” and “Plant water wise gardens.” The Model Environment logo closes out the PSA. About Northern Lights Northern Lights is a thriving bi-coastal (NY/LA) post production boutique featuring filmmakers and visual artists with a passion for telling stories. From Promax and Emmy-winning TV branding to commercials, film and Internet content, Northern Lights has been a destination for original ideas since 1995. The company’s award-winning talent is continually creating new ways to interpret footage for all modern delivery platforms. Their unmatched ability to shape ideas into focused content for brands is fed by a creative environment that fosters trying new things and taking risks. Northern Lights teams up with sister companies Mr. Wonderful for design, SuperExploder for composing and audio post, and Bodega for creative assignments and production. Working together, they’re a powerful one-stop resource that tailors their offerings to each individual client and filmmaker’s needs. About Mr. Wonderful Mr. Wonderful is a creative-production studio specializing in concept-driven motion design, branding and effects for television, film, interactive and environmental media. The studio was founded in 2005 on the simple principle that everything can be enhanced with good design. Our backgrounds are diverse, as are our clients. We are illustrators, animators, writers, musicians, painters, sculptors, wood carvers, photographers and directors. We love the creative process. We hate boilerplate. And we look forward to making something wonderful with you.

    Model Environment

    案例简介:北极光和模型环境为节水提供了一切 纽约,纽约,2012年5月18日: 纽约/洛杉矶的后期制作精品北极光编辑布兰登 · 贝克、精彩先生、纽约作曲家/调色师克里斯 · 亨格伊夫德和艺术家公司的 prodco, bicoastal 为模型环境提供了一个揭示、环保的 1:11 PSA,“卡拉 · 休斯顿节水”,一个时装模特组织,让人们意识到环境和社会问题。在线 PSA 的特点是穿着暴露的模特卡拉 · 休斯顿在她的几个克隆人完成日常家务时向他们分发节水提示。PSA 是一系列在线公益广告的一部分,包括 “卫生纸上的 Helene Traasavik” 和 “清洁产品上的 Nina Smidt”。" 贝克在 Avid 中创建了休斯顿的 alter egos 的最初的绿屏复合材料,Hengeveld 参加了最后的传球,以便通过镜头聚焦和最终合成达到更高的授权能力。这四个截然不同的角色提供了一个独特的挑战,要求贝克匹配眼线,以创造四个克隆实际上是现场演员相互作用的错觉。贝克指出,“当我最初看董事会时,很明显,这是该系列中最具质感的地方。除了视觉效果的挑战,贝克还采用创造性的编辑策略来隐藏裸体模特的某些身体部位,以保持 PSA 的挑衅性,但适当的。亨格伊夫德补充道,“我们的目标是消除训练和未训练眼睛的绿色屏幕的任何证据。这很有挑战性,因为位置非常有限,需要在离屏幕很近的地方拍摄校长; 最好把他们放在远处。但是导演杰弗里 · 卡洛夫和布兰登做了出色的拦截和切割工作,所以仔细合成克隆人感觉是真实的。“亨特维尔德还使用了光泽进行颜色校正。亨格伊夫德继续说道,“Lustre 非常适合隔离颜色,并强调导演的不同布鲁斯。它也很容易拨回其他色调,以获得所需的外观。" “卡拉 · 休斯顿节约用水” 在休斯顿的淋浴中打开,当她刮腿毛时,水从淋浴喷头从排水管里倾泻而下。在专注于剃须的同时,一个有生态意识的休斯顿克隆人似乎突然关掉了水,要求 “当它升温时,收集它。在厨房里,另一个休斯顿的克隆人让水槽里的水流淌,而她却漫不经心地擦盘子。两个侯斯特很快来到她身边,关掉水,打她一屁股,因为她太粗心了。在甲板上,最后一个克隆人正在给玫瑰灌木丛浇水,把多余的软管水洒到到处,直到另外三个出来递给她一桶淋浴水。我们在甲板上的四个外壳上得出结论,批准另外两个克隆人妇女在下面用雨水洗澡,然后是一系列的 supers,“淋浴五分钟, “洗碗时装满水槽” 和 “种植水智慧花园”。 ”模型环境标志关闭 PSA。 关于北极光 北极光是一家蓬勃发展的双海岸 (纽约/洛杉矶) 后期制作精品店,以电影制作人和视觉艺术家为特色,热爱讲故事。 从 Promax 和艾美奖获奖的电视品牌到商业广告、电影和互联网内容,北极光自 1995年以来一直是原创创意的目的地。 该公司屡获殊荣的人才不断创造新的方式来解释所有现代交付平台的镜头。他们将想法塑造成品牌专注内容的无与伦比的能力是由一个鼓励尝试新事物和冒险的创造性环境所滋养的。 北极光公司与姊妹公司 Wonderful 先生合作设计,SuperExploder 用于作曲和音频帖子,Bodega 用于创意任务和制作。合作,他们是一个强大的一站式资源,根据每个客户和电影制作人的需求定制他们的产品。 关于奇妙先生 精彩先生是一个创意制作工作室,专门从事电视、电影、互动和环境媒体的概念驱动运动设计、品牌和效果。该工作室成立于 2005年,其简单原则是一切都可以通过良好的设计来增强。我们的背景多种多样,我们的客户也是如此。我们是插画师、动画师、作家、音乐家、画家、雕塑家、木雕师、摄影师和导演。我们喜欢创作过程。我们讨厌样板。我们期待着和你一起做一些美好的事情。

    Model Environment

    案例简介:NORTHERN LIGHTS AND MODEL ENVIRONMENT BARE ALL FOR WATER CONSERVATION New York, NY, May 18, 2012: New York/Los Angeles-based post production boutique Northern Lights editor Brandon Beck, Mr. Wonderful, NY compositor/colorist Chris Hengeveld and prodco The Artists Company, Bicoastal deliver a revealing, eco-conscious 1:11 PSA, “Carla Houston on Water Conservation” for Model Environment, an organization of fashion models bringing awareness to environmental and social issues. The online PSA features scantily-clad model Carla Houston doling out water conservation tips to several of her clones as they go about their daily household tasks. The PSA is part of a series of online PSAs featuring green models including “Helene Traasavik on Toilet Paper” and “Nina Smidt on Cleaning Products.” Beck created the initial green screen composites of Houston’s alter egos in Avid with Hengeveld taking on the final passes in order to achieve a higher level of believability through lens focusing and final compositing. The four contrasting roles provided a unique challenge, requiring Beck to match eye lines to create the illusion that the four clones were actually live actors interacting with each other. Notes Beck, “When I initially took a look at the boards, it was obvious that this was going to the most textured spot of the series.” In addition to the visual effects challenges, Beck also employed creative editing to strategically conceal certain body parts of the nude model to keep the PSA provocative, yet appropriate. Adds Hengeveld, “The goal was to eliminate any evidence of green screen to the trained and untrained eye. This was challenging as the location was quite confined, requiring the principals to be filmed close to the screen; it’s always preferable to place them at a distance. But the director Jeffrey Karoff and Brandon did an excellent job blocking and cutting, so with careful compositing the clones feel real.” Hengeveld also used Lustre for color correction. Continues Hengeveld, “Lustre was great for isolating colors and accentuating different blues per the director. It also easily dialed back other hues for the desired look.” “Carla Houston on Water Conservation” opens on Houston in the shower, the water wastefully pouring from the showerhead down the drain as she shaves her legs. While concentrating intently on shaving, an eco-conscious Houston clone appears to turn off the water abruptly and demand, “And while it’s heating up, collect it.” In the kitchen, another Houston clone lets the sink water run while she mindlessly soaps dishes. The two Houstons quickly come to her side, shut off the water and spank her for being so careless. Out on the deck, the last clone is watering rose bushes, spilling excess amounts of hose water everywhere until the other three come out to hand her a bucket of shower water to use instead. We conclude on the four Houstons on the deck approving of two other clone women bathing down below with rainwater followed by a series of supers, “Take five minute showers,” “Fill a sink when washing dishes” and “Plant water wise gardens.” The Model Environment logo closes out the PSA. About Northern Lights Northern Lights is a thriving bi-coastal (NY/LA) post production boutique featuring filmmakers and visual artists with a passion for telling stories. From Promax and Emmy-winning TV branding to commercials, film and Internet content, Northern Lights has been a destination for original ideas since 1995. The company’s award-winning talent is continually creating new ways to interpret footage for all modern delivery platforms. Their unmatched ability to shape ideas into focused content for brands is fed by a creative environment that fosters trying new things and taking risks. Northern Lights teams up with sister companies Mr. Wonderful for design, SuperExploder for composing and audio post, and Bodega for creative assignments and production. Working together, they’re a powerful one-stop resource that tailors their offerings to each individual client and filmmaker’s needs. About Mr. Wonderful Mr. Wonderful is a creative-production studio specializing in concept-driven motion design, branding and effects for television, film, interactive and environmental media. The studio was founded in 2005 on the simple principle that everything can be enhanced with good design. Our backgrounds are diverse, as are our clients. We are illustrators, animators, writers, musicians, painters, sculptors, wood carvers, photographers and directors. We love the creative process. We hate boilerplate. And we look forward to making something wonderful with you.



    Model Environment










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