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    案例简介:概要 情况: 足球频道 BEIN SPORTS 已经与 YouTube 达成协议,在这个视频平台上直播冠军联赛。简介: 让 BEIN SPORTS 用户通过 YouTube 频道了解在智能手机上观看冠军联赛的可能性。目标: 建立客户的忠诚度,改善渠道形象,推广产品使用。 相关性 该活动侧重于发送给 BEIN SPORTS 客户的 4 个要素或直接营销交付,目的是加强该渠道的形象, 建立成员之间的忠诚度,促进产品的使用。创建的交付和产品的使用之间的关联是直接的。我利用支持继续看足球。 活动描述 我们正在研究一个非常强大的洞察力; 在西班牙,一个典型的工作日越来越晚。父母要到下午8点才回家,然后他们必须在冠军联赛开始的同时和孩子一起玩。他们应该怎么做?观看比赛还是和他们的孩子一起玩?这种传递同时解决了他们的两个问题。我们创造了一系列的帽子,这些帽子是专门设计用来容纳客户的智能手机,在上面展示冠军联赛的比赛。他们只需要登录 YouTube,享受足球比赛,同时享受和孩子一起玩。 结果 这场运动设法使该品牌的形象提高了 26%。获得了 8200 名会员。我们的客户都没有在竞选期间关闭这项服务。我们网站的网络流量增加了 126%。应答率为 50%。行为改变: 品牌形象现代化,同时很快赢得了人们的心。在一个讲西班牙语的国家,英语品牌迅速实现了自己的定位。 执行 体育期刊上的实施横幅、 YouTube 上的 prerolls 和频道上的 spot 被用来宣传推广。时间表: 1 个月。1/09/2015 • 位置: 马卡的电视节目、横幅等 • 规模: 西班牙 战略 数据收集: 制作了 1000 个单元。人们可以通过 BEIN SPORTS 网上的一场比赛来接触他们。目标受众: 25 岁至 45 岁的父亲方法: 我们以原创的方式更接近目标,赋予数字内容的体验价值。通过这种交付,我们表明我们非常了解客户的需求。•行动呼吁: 该运动利用传统媒体将客户重定向到网络,并以这种方式参加 1000 顶帽子中的一顶的竞赛。


    案例简介:Synopsis Situation: the football channel BEIN SPORTS had made a deal with YouTube to broadcast the Champions League live inside this video platform.Brief: enable BEIN SPORTS subscribers to learn about the possibility of watching the Champions League on their Smartphone, through a YouTube channel.Objectives: to build up loyalty in our clients, to improve the image of the channel and promote the use of the product. Relevancy The campaign was focused on 4 elements or direct marketing deliveries that were sent to the clients of BEIN SPORTS with the objective of reinforcing the image of the channel, building up the loyalty among the members and promoting the use of the product. The association between the delivery created and the use of the product is direct. I take advantage of the support to continue watching football. Campaign Description We are working on a very powerful insight; here in Spain a typical working day is ending later and later. Parents do not get home until 8 p.m. They then have to play with their children at the same time as the Champions League is being played. What should they do? Watch the match or play with their children?This delivery solves their two problems simultaneously. We created a collection of hats especially designed to hold our clients’ Smartphones projecting the Champions League match on it. They just had to enter YouTube with their login and enjoy the football match and at the same time, enjoy playing with their children. Outcome The campaign managed to reach the increase of the image of the brand by 26%. 8200 memberships were achieved. None of our clients to shut down the service during the month of the campaign. Web traffic in our site increased by 126%.The response rate was of 50%.• Change in behaviour: the image of the brand was modernized and at the same time, won the hearts of people rather quickly. In a Spanish speaking country, the English brand rapidly achieved to position itself very quickly. Execution • Implementation Banners in Sport journals, prerolls in YouTube and spots were used on the channel to make the promotion known.• Timeline: 1 month. 1/09/2015• Placement: TV SPOTS, banners in MARCA.COM, etc• Scale: Spain Strategy • Data gathering :1000 units were made. One had access to them through a contest on the web of BEIN SPORTS.Target audience: fathers between 25 and 45 years old • Approach: We got closer to the target in an original way, giving value to the experience of digital contents. With this delivery, we showed with this delivery that we know the needs of our clients well. • Call to action: The campaign used traditional media to redirect clients to the web and in this way to enter in the contest for one of the 1000 hats.


    案例简介:概要 情况: 足球频道 BEIN SPORTS 已经与 YouTube 达成协议,在这个视频平台上直播冠军联赛。简介: 让 BEIN SPORTS 用户通过 YouTube 频道了解在智能手机上观看冠军联赛的可能性。目标: 建立客户的忠诚度,改善渠道形象,推广产品使用。 相关性 该活动侧重于发送给 BEIN SPORTS 客户的 4 个要素或直接营销交付,目的是加强该渠道的形象, 建立成员之间的忠诚度,促进产品的使用。创建的交付和产品的使用之间的关联是直接的。我利用支持继续看足球。 活动描述 我们正在研究一个非常强大的洞察力; 在西班牙,一个典型的工作日越来越晚。父母要到下午8点才回家,然后他们必须在冠军联赛开始的同时和孩子一起玩。他们应该怎么做?观看比赛还是和他们的孩子一起玩?这种传递同时解决了他们的两个问题。我们创造了一系列的帽子,这些帽子是专门设计用来容纳客户的智能手机,在上面展示冠军联赛的比赛。他们只需要登录 YouTube,享受足球比赛,同时享受和孩子一起玩。 结果 这场运动设法使该品牌的形象提高了 26%。获得了 8200 名会员。我们的客户都没有在竞选期间关闭这项服务。我们网站的网络流量增加了 126%。应答率为 50%。行为改变: 品牌形象现代化,同时很快赢得了人们的心。在一个讲西班牙语的国家,英语品牌迅速实现了自己的定位。 执行 体育期刊上的实施横幅、 YouTube 上的 prerolls 和频道上的 spot 被用来宣传推广。时间表: 1 个月。1/09/2015 • 位置: 马卡的电视节目、横幅等 • 规模: 西班牙 战略 数据收集: 制作了 1000 个单元。人们可以通过 BEIN SPORTS 网上的一场比赛来接触他们。目标受众: 25 岁至 45 岁的父亲方法: 我们以原创的方式更接近目标,赋予数字内容的体验价值。通过这种交付,我们表明我们非常了解客户的需求。•行动呼吁: 该运动利用传统媒体将客户重定向到网络,并以这种方式参加 1000 顶帽子中的一顶的竞赛。


    案例简介:Synopsis Situation: the football channel BEIN SPORTS had made a deal with YouTube to broadcast the Champions League live inside this video platform.Brief: enable BEIN SPORTS subscribers to learn about the possibility of watching the Champions League on their Smartphone, through a YouTube channel.Objectives: to build up loyalty in our clients, to improve the image of the channel and promote the use of the product. Relevancy The campaign was focused on 4 elements or direct marketing deliveries that were sent to the clients of BEIN SPORTS with the objective of reinforcing the image of the channel, building up the loyalty among the members and promoting the use of the product. The association between the delivery created and the use of the product is direct. I take advantage of the support to continue watching football. Campaign Description We are working on a very powerful insight; here in Spain a typical working day is ending later and later. Parents do not get home until 8 p.m. They then have to play with their children at the same time as the Champions League is being played. What should they do? Watch the match or play with their children?This delivery solves their two problems simultaneously. We created a collection of hats especially designed to hold our clients’ Smartphones projecting the Champions League match on it. They just had to enter YouTube with their login and enjoy the football match and at the same time, enjoy playing with their children. Outcome The campaign managed to reach the increase of the image of the brand by 26%. 8200 memberships were achieved. None of our clients to shut down the service during the month of the campaign. Web traffic in our site increased by 126%.The response rate was of 50%.• Change in behaviour: the image of the brand was modernized and at the same time, won the hearts of people rather quickly. In a Spanish speaking country, the English brand rapidly achieved to position itself very quickly. Execution • Implementation Banners in Sport journals, prerolls in YouTube and spots were used on the channel to make the promotion known.• Timeline: 1 month. 1/09/2015• Placement: TV SPOTS, banners in MARCA.COM, etc• Scale: Spain Strategy • Data gathering :1000 units were made. One had access to them through a contest on the web of BEIN SPORTS.Target audience: fathers between 25 and 45 years old • Approach: We got closer to the target in an original way, giving value to the experience of digital contents. With this delivery, we showed with this delivery that we know the needs of our clients well. • Call to action: The campaign used traditional media to redirect clients to the web and in this way to enter in the contest for one of the 1000 hats.













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