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    Always Ahead Of The Times - Going West微电影广告营销案例



    总是走在时代的前面 -- 向西走

    案例简介:工作僵硬的导演马特 · 皮特洛夫回到了企业租车的时代 巴尔的摩-(2019 年 10 月 16 日)-无论是Conestoga旅行车的租赁替代品,马力更大的马,还是回答历史第一个电话的友好声音,在新的 “永远领先于时代” 运动中,企业总是存在的。由Working Stiff的Matt Pittroff执导,由St.制作。路易斯的代理机构《大树》由炮弹代理公司提供创意服务,这些景点通过玩时空连续体,将企业的服务精神注入过去已知的情况,厚颜无耻地审视历史。 仅限于在洛杉矶的Big Sky Ranch进行为期一天的拍摄,制作适合多个时期的OLV以及额外的社交内容应该被证明是对团队的后勤挑战。“通过重新创造这些历史事件,我希望我们有机会停下来,哪怕是几个小时。任何能帮助我们度过一天的事情,”工作僵硬的执行制片人史蒂夫 · 布莱尔开玩笑说。团队没有撕裂现实的结构,而是找到了实用、高效的解决方案。“我们的Insta故事应该是 '自拍',” 皮特洛夫指出。“当你可以简单地接受它的时候,为什么要把这个过程复杂化?” 当主要单元正在准备下一组时,皮特洛夫会留下来拍摄他手机上的数字点。 虽然他们无法停止时间,但大树之间的共享历史,工作僵硬和炮弹证明是必不可少的。“我们的长期关系使我们能够在创造性和后勤上进行合作,” 皮特洛夫阐述道。“通过清晰简洁地规划愿景,我们建立了一定程度的相互信任,让我能够 '做我的事' 并高效地行动。” “马特 · 皮特洛夫是我的导演,” 大树执行制片人拉里 · 伊斯雷尔宣称。“我们已经一起工作多年了。和往常一样,这部作品进展顺利,没有双关语。" 2019 对导演马特 · 皮特洛夫来说是非常富有成效的一年。除了发行他的短片《社会调解》,皮特洛夫还执导了《圆桌披萨》、《光谱》、《 1-800 联系人》和《考克斯商业》等电影。他由位于纽约、洛杉矶和旧金山的内容创作工作室BODEGA代表。

    总是走在时代的前面 -- 向西走

    案例简介:Working Stiff Director Matt Pittroff Goes Back In Time With Enterprise Rent-A-Car Baltimore – (October 16, 2019) -- Whether it’s a rental replacement for a Conestoga wagon, a horse with more horsepower, or a friendly voice to answer history’s first phone call, Enterprise is always there in the new “Always Ahead Of The Times” campaign. Directed by Working Stiff’s Matt Pittroff and produced by St. Louis-based agency The Big Tree with creative services by the Cannonball Agency, the spots take a cheeky look at history by playing with the space-time continuum and infusing Enterprise’s ethos of service into known situations from the past. Limited to a one-day shoot at Big Sky Ranch in Los Angeles, producing multiple period-appropriate OLV’s as well as additional social content should have proven a logistical challenge for the team. “By re-creating these historical events, I hoped we had a chance of stopping time, if even for a few hours. Anything to help us make our day,” jokes Working Stiff Executive Producer Steve Blair. Instead of tearing the fabric of reality, the team found practical, efficient solutions. “Our Insta stories were supposed to be ‘selfies,’” notes Pittroff. “Why complicate the process when you can simply embrace it?” As the main unit was preparing the next set, Pittroff would stay behind to shoot the digital spots on his phone. And while they couldn’t stop time, the shared history between The Big Tree, Working Stiff and Cannonball proved essential. “Our long-standing relationship allows us to collaborate both creatively and logistically,” elaborates Pittroff. “By clearly and concisely laying out the vision, we’ve built a level of mutual trust that allows me to ‘do my thing’ and move efficiently.” “Matt Pittroff is my go-to director,” declares The Big Tree Executive Producer Larry Israel. “We’ve been working together for years. As always, this production went off without a hitch, no pun intended.” 2019 has been a very productive year for Director Matt Pittroff. In addition to releasing his short film "Social Mediation," Pittroff has directed spots for Round Table Pizza, Spectrum, 1-800 Contacts and Cox Business to name a few. He is represented by BODEGA, a content creation studio based in New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.

    Always Ahead Of The Times - Going West

    案例简介:工作僵硬的导演马特 · 皮特洛夫回到了企业租车的时代 巴尔的摩-(2019 年 10 月 16 日)-无论是Conestoga旅行车的租赁替代品,马力更大的马,还是回答历史第一个电话的友好声音,在新的 “永远领先于时代” 运动中,企业总是存在的。由Working Stiff的Matt Pittroff执导,由St.制作。路易斯的代理机构《大树》由炮弹代理公司提供创意服务,这些景点通过玩时空连续体,将企业的服务精神注入过去已知的情况,厚颜无耻地审视历史。 仅限于在洛杉矶的Big Sky Ranch进行为期一天的拍摄,制作适合多个时期的OLV以及额外的社交内容应该被证明是对团队的后勤挑战。“通过重新创造这些历史事件,我希望我们有机会停下来,哪怕是几个小时。任何能帮助我们度过一天的事情,”工作僵硬的执行制片人史蒂夫 · 布莱尔开玩笑说。团队没有撕裂现实的结构,而是找到了实用、高效的解决方案。“我们的Insta故事应该是 '自拍',” 皮特洛夫指出。“当你可以简单地接受它的时候,为什么要把这个过程复杂化?” 当主要单元正在准备下一组时,皮特洛夫会留下来拍摄他手机上的数字点。 虽然他们无法停止时间,但大树之间的共享历史,工作僵硬和炮弹证明是必不可少的。“我们的长期关系使我们能够在创造性和后勤上进行合作,” 皮特洛夫阐述道。“通过清晰简洁地规划愿景,我们建立了一定程度的相互信任,让我能够 '做我的事' 并高效地行动。” “马特 · 皮特洛夫是我的导演,” 大树执行制片人拉里 · 伊斯雷尔宣称。“我们已经一起工作多年了。和往常一样,这部作品进展顺利,没有双关语。" 2019 对导演马特 · 皮特洛夫来说是非常富有成效的一年。除了发行他的短片《社会调解》,皮特洛夫还执导了《圆桌披萨》、《光谱》、《 1-800 联系人》和《考克斯商业》等电影。他由位于纽约、洛杉矶和旧金山的内容创作工作室BODEGA代表。

    Always Ahead Of The Times - Going West

    案例简介:Working Stiff Director Matt Pittroff Goes Back In Time With Enterprise Rent-A-Car Baltimore – (October 16, 2019) -- Whether it’s a rental replacement for a Conestoga wagon, a horse with more horsepower, or a friendly voice to answer history’s first phone call, Enterprise is always there in the new “Always Ahead Of The Times” campaign. Directed by Working Stiff’s Matt Pittroff and produced by St. Louis-based agency The Big Tree with creative services by the Cannonball Agency, the spots take a cheeky look at history by playing with the space-time continuum and infusing Enterprise’s ethos of service into known situations from the past. Limited to a one-day shoot at Big Sky Ranch in Los Angeles, producing multiple period-appropriate OLV’s as well as additional social content should have proven a logistical challenge for the team. “By re-creating these historical events, I hoped we had a chance of stopping time, if even for a few hours. Anything to help us make our day,” jokes Working Stiff Executive Producer Steve Blair. Instead of tearing the fabric of reality, the team found practical, efficient solutions. “Our Insta stories were supposed to be ‘selfies,’” notes Pittroff. “Why complicate the process when you can simply embrace it?” As the main unit was preparing the next set, Pittroff would stay behind to shoot the digital spots on his phone. And while they couldn’t stop time, the shared history between The Big Tree, Working Stiff and Cannonball proved essential. “Our long-standing relationship allows us to collaborate both creatively and logistically,” elaborates Pittroff. “By clearly and concisely laying out the vision, we’ve built a level of mutual trust that allows me to ‘do my thing’ and move efficiently.” “Matt Pittroff is my go-to director,” declares The Big Tree Executive Producer Larry Israel. “We’ve been working together for years. As always, this production went off without a hitch, no pun intended.” 2019 has been a very productive year for Director Matt Pittroff. In addition to releasing his short film "Social Mediation," Pittroff has directed spots for Round Table Pizza, Spectrum, 1-800 Contacts and Cox Business to name a few. He is represented by BODEGA, a content creation studio based in New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.

    总是走在时代的前面 -- 向西走


    Always Ahead Of The Times - Going West






    广告公司: The Big Tree 制作公司: Working Stiff , Inc.




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